This forum is dedicated to our local Police Department to let the community know about recent laws, as well as to discuss problems and concerns with the citizens. Please note: This is a public forum, do not post any personal information or discuss non-public criminal issues. Please email or call the officers directly if you need assistance with a crime. Abusing this forum can be a serious matter and we will not hesitate to provide information using our logs about who you are.
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I dunno if its a good idea to ask this, but I hear rumors that stop signs, those that are on private property such as Safeway, arent regulated stop signs. Like, you can go through them and an officer cannot give you a ticket. The same thing goes for Handicapped parking in private shopping centers. Could you guys share some light on this rumor? Can I just go through the stop signs at Safeway???
I just gotta ask, obviously I'm not going to be a moron and drive through a stop sign, but I am just curious to know whether its true or not! Maybe this will be the beginning of the ticket rumors topic or something...
I have the same question - my issue is the stop sign leading from the Donaldson Way parking lot to the outer lot. NOBODY stops at this sign and it is dangerous for the kids. I teach my kids to always look at the eyes of the driver. If he doesn't look at you then he can't see you.
Anyway. I have heard form an officer that he didn't believe it was a "real " stop sign. Could you please address this?
Thanks, I love that this is a part of this site. This is great for the community!
The Safeway complex is private property. State law allows law enforcement to enforce certain laws on private property, which includes the handicapped violations. The City Of American Canyon has passed a municipal code that allows law enforcement to enforce the vehicle code while on private property. This is if the property owners want the enforcement and they post signs advising the public of the intended enforcement.
The Safeway complex is properly posted. Most of the trailer parks, Canyon Creek, and new construction sites are posted.
So if you see a stop sign and don’t stop you might be subject to a citation.