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Amazed by it all

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:56 pm
by George
I am a new poster. I have been reading this site for a few years and never gave cause to post. Now I am.

I watch the council meetings fairly often. I have never seen any of these gentlemen at the meetings. Especially Mr. Maguire. I think the council needs some adjustment but that will come with the vacating of Anderson. (who will be greatly missed)

With the exception of Callison the other two have spewed, sounded off, accused and complained about the most insignificant of items. West doesn't agree with Maguire politics. Maguire runs for Mayor citing his and West's politics are the same. Then they complain about each other.

West claims to be his own person, a representative not a politician but he decides to campaign with another. Economics aside if you don't have the money to campaign then you don't have the money to serve. I remember my brother working about 20 or so hours when he served on council. How can these men afford the time and money for that?

Signs, trash, complaining neighbors, weeds, what to paint or what not to paint none of these are a real issue. These are issues that every city faces. It is obvious that none of you attend the meetings or you would know the real issues. The issues that concern me and my neighbors.

These are our homes that you all are playing with. We are not self proclaimed rich people like Mr. Maguire, we are on fixed incomes. Your lack of experience is apparent. Life experience has nothing to do with government experience and believing it does is laughable. What kind of life experience could you possibly have that would out weigh real experience? Please let us all know.

Experienced people are running and that is good enough for me except I get to choose who I want as Mayor. Mr. Maguire you have a nice commercial but again why are you running? I don't think this city is for sale.

AC94503 is right this is a good place to start to see who is on top of the facts and issues and who is clouding the water. So far I can't see the bottom let's hope that changes.

If you want to criticize me go ahead. It just proves the point.

For the Candidates

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 5:17 am
by MPope
This is really more an observation that may (or may not) be helpful for the candidates.

The other day I got a call from a resident who had some questions about planning applications. This resident lives in the La Vigne development.

After talking through her questions we got in to a general discussion of city government, growth, relationship with the county, upcoming elections, etc.

This resident-who moved in in 2003- seemed like she took a lot of effort to learn about her community and was involved in organizing with her neighbors in the relatively new La Vigne community. Notwithstanding, she was very surprised when I told her that a $183 M school bond measure for an Am Can High School (among other things) was going to be on the November ballot. She seemed appreciative and was going to learn more about it.

This individual was, in many ways I think, fairly representative of a lot of American Canyon's newer residents: here less than five years, two-income home with young children, commuting everyday into San Francisco- up early, home late, with a fairly hefty property tax payment. Even with the best of intentions- these are residents and voters who probably have a hard time getting as engaged in the community as we would all like to see.

I know several candidates were out canvassing all over Am Can in the last few elections, and I have seen many really increase outreach here on the 'east side' of HWY29. I would definitely encourage those running to do so again and spend some time talking- and perhaps even educating- residents about the challenges the city faces. I believe many would appreciate it (and its a good way to get your name out.)

Another helpful suggestion might be to grab a stack of voter registration forms and permanent absentee-ballot applications from the Registrar of voters. With a lot of these folks being new to town, they may not have yet re-registered to vote in American Canyon. Aditionally, absentee ballots can make voting easier for commuters who are often have to be up and on the road early and get home late.

Some of the issues that I have heard my neighbors voice concerns about are: crime and vandalism (including some lights being shot out and speeding along Via Bellagio); proper drainage and flooding; landscaping and aesthetics; of course traffic (American Canyon road heading west towards HWY 29 is a parking lot in the morning); disquieting notices in the mail about water quality; property values and over-building.

There is no part of town that is more important than any other and these are issues that are voiced by all American Canyon residents. Potential leaders in American Canyon have an interesting demographic to address: about half the city being long-term, often multi-generational residents and the other half being here less than five years. They all become part of the community and part of your 'constituent voice'.

Anyhow, I offer the above observations as just that for all the candidates. It takes a great commitment to your community to throw yourselves out there to run and expose yourselves to the 'slings and arrows' of public scrutiny. Best of luck to all.


Good luck on the campaign

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 7:56 am
by James Walker
Ed and Don I would like to wish both of you as well as the rest of the candidates good luck. See you on the campaign trail!

Great feedback

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 8:40 am
by amcannative
I appreciate the feedback and comments about issues. Having walked over 1500 homes personnally in the June race and helpers hit another 1800, I received quite a bit of feedback. Mr. Pope is right on target- I received 176 e-mails from residents via my web site during my last campaign- ALL of them were from the East side of the Highway. I received 35 $99 donations, many were from the east side of the highway. Of my 50 yard signs, 18 were in the housing areas on the east side of the highway- I share these things, because of all the support and input that I got the biggest feedback was we don't have time to sit and talk, we will call you when we are ready! They did. Many people as I was walking didn't have time to talk, but they had time to sit at night and e-mail me issues. In comparison, the West side of the Highway was more open to talking, I would find people sitting in the front yard and garages all with different issues. Garbage, noise, speeding, traffic, gun control, abortion, litter from garbage trucks, cable TV. Do not discount any issues presented on this page-

Lastly the cost of an election is steep. The concept that we should be able to pay for this ourselves is not realistic. One of my biggest supporters is Micky Mickolojick- the Grand Father of American Canyon. He donated to my campign and pointed out that monetary endorsements are very important to guage where your supporters are. Not everyone can donate money, so by holding meet and greets or allowing a sign for the candidate you support they all are very important. Come to our kick off party on Sept16 and get to know us before you write us off.

Ed West

George, our new found friend

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:18 pm
by Paul Maguire
" I am a new poster and have been reading this site for years"
Ya Right! And the first thing you post is an attack on Mr West and I.

Give me a break!


I would suggest you are NOT a new user at all.

As for your criticism:

A. Mr West and I do agree on several of the issues in this town. We disagree on others.

The point of my answer to 94503 was directed at his concerns, and it was not to say that his concerns are the only matters relevant to American Canyon, or even major issues in American Canyon. But, His concern is the the result of the LACK of direction this council has provided this city, and some of the reckless actions they have participated in.

Like Mr West, I too walked this city, and heard time and time again about the unresponsiveness of this city in June, and heard the concerns of citizens, comments like " its been going on for years". " they dont care", "what are they doing" and so on.

B. Obviously you can watch city council meetings at home, or you can attend. You have no idea what you are talking about with regard to my understanding of what is going on at City Council meetings, nor my attendance or lack thereof, nor my understanding of what is going on.

C As for your comment about " this city is not for sale", I disagree.

The council has been selling this city "out" for years, giving developers a free ride, while the rest of us who live here are stuck in traffic, have unfinished roads for years, potholes, parks approved the city has no money to finish, waiver of fees in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, paying for items we should not be, building poor quality public utilities, and other "sell outs'.

Meanwhile, the council runs around on city dollars going to out of state events at a costs of thousands of dollars , while our city has major issues with losing key employees, either by firing, forced resignation, or poor treatment!

The city has done Little to Nothing about the drainage problems at the baseball fields, although this council has been hearing about it for years. No, they rather travel with the money, instead of spending it here.
This shows a real compassion for the children in this community, now doesnt it.

Yes, this city is for sale alright by this council, who have bent over backwards to ensure that the fees are kept way way below surrounding areas for developers, and subsequently, our residents suffer.

Your right, our homes are at stake, as is the quality of life, as this council fails to realize, when they spend 3 meetings talking about a political sign ordinance, promoted to inhibit competition from other candidates.

This council fires the city manager with no plan. This council hires a city planner, and terminates him a year later. This council has lost key long term employees, as the result of thier " government experience".

This is the "experience" this city has had to deal with! And we are done!

This city is looking for a "new experience" , and as Mayor of American Canyon, I intend to provide it. Having spoken to most of the other candidates, I am sure they will as well.

Response to George.

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 6:25 pm
by ac94503

I'm glad you agree with me that this site is a useful tool for citizens to talk directly to the candidates. I have not made up my mind who I will vote for in any position because I haven't heard from everyone that is running.

But, I would like to respond to your criticism of Mr. Maguire and the "rich like you" comment.

I live on an income of $45,000 a yr. I have been a single parent for over 14 yrs. I raised 2 children and one graduated from a Univerisity of California last year.

My point, I have never witnessed, on this site, Mr. Maguire brag about his income or successes. In fact, I would say you probably have him confused with VicRiv. Mr. Rivera loves to boast...I have witnessed it watching a parks and community meeting about a year ago while a discussion was taking place about the cost of a path for $15,000. City Staff stated they didn't have the money...Mr. Rivera said he would pay for it... The committee members should have accepted his offer.

His most recent post about how he gave up $75,000 to take another job so he could serve as a Committee member was personally offensive to me.
Or is it just jealousy?

Any of us that have lived here over the past 15 yrs. had the opportunity to purchase homes in Napa Meadows, Victoria Faire, Ocean View etc. at very reasonable prices. If we didn't take that opportunity...who's fault is that?

There is a great divide between incomes in this community but should it really be an issue in this election. I don't think so. If someone has been successful as a businessman, isn't that because they may be a little more knowledgeable than some of us? I would rather have someone with experience of knowing the cost of projects than just a rubber stampers who we have had in the past.

Anyway George, I do appreciate that instead of a reader of this site you have decided to post and question the candidates on their qualifications for office.

P.S. James, you are just too cute for words. Your parents deserve alot of credit for raising such a gentleman as yourself.

For AC94503

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:06 pm
by VicRiv
You started this thread to discuss issues and yet you couldn't resist the opportunity for the personal jab.

probably have him confused with VicRiv. Mr. Rivera loves to boast
I did't REALIZE I was running for office. And I realize theres a very thin line between confidence and cockiness- I refuse to apologize to ANYONE for my successes I busted my butt to earn. America is the land of opportunity and if one doesn't realize how to achieve success- I am sorry for you.

His most recent post about how he gave up $75,000 to take another job so he could serve as a Committee member was personally offensive to me.
Or is it just jealousy?
Obviously jealousy.I grew up in the ghettos of SoCal and absolutelyNOTHING was handed to me. I've worked since I was 14. I've worked hard, Saved, invested and taken advantage of other opportunities-and have been blessed. And to the benefit of American Canyon and its local youth groups, I am fortunate to be able to put my $ where my mouth is. You continue to place your foot in yours.

I guess there is some truth to the saying "real people discuss real issues. Small thinking people talk about people"..

If you ever want to meet and discuss what ills you-I would be more than happy to chat with you. 647-1792 daytime or via email

Vic Riv

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:26 pm
by ac94503
Now Victor, you haven't exactly been a boyscout on this forum...have you?

You are right though in your observation that this thread was to be about speaking to the I do apologize for getting off that subject...

Duties of the Mayor

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:32 am
by ac94503
At one of the last council meetings a representative from Impact 94503 presented the council with suggestions to help them decide what the role of the newly elected Mayor would be. Shouldn't this been done prior to the citizen's voting that they have a voice in the selection of the Mayor? I didn't vote to change the duties of that position and didn't realize any current duties or authority of the Mayor were going to change. Is this a case of putting the cart before the horse?

Are we Fools?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:25 am
by George
As the election season befalls us I can't help but wonder who these candidates are? They are asking us to support them or rather vote for them to be entrusted with the "keys" to the city.

Yet I am concerned that they don't think we the voters are worthy. Worthy of what you may ask. Worthy to receive our support due to an indifference to the election.

Having lived in a large city prior to moving to American Canyon and assisting with multiple elections (you even ran for commissions) the excitement for voters was who could be the most creative with signage. With competition so stiff having the most creative sign often determined winners.

Why? It's simply a matter of determination. In other words ordering a sign that is templated and dropping your name in doesn't show voters respect. It shows them lack of confidence, lack of funding or lack of internal support. It also shows lack of respect for the public you are serving that if you cant take the time to come up with something creative and different how will you be as a leader? Are you an everyday Joe or somebody dynamic with creative thought? Show us the signs and let us judge!

Two good examples were from the 2004 election. Joan Bennett's with the words spelled out and Cindy Coffey's with the coffee cup. Both women took the time to "sell" us and show we were worth the time to provide adequate signage.

In a study conducted with political races over a 5 year period, original creative signage has proven to be the best way to go 5 to 1. This shows the public that the candidate took the time to create a sign "for them." Not something off of the assembly line where a name is plopped in and dropped shipped in 10 days.

There are 10 candidates running for positions in this city I hope that we are awarded with some interesting signage that will make us smile on our long drives while we are stuck in traffic unlike the boring signs of June that were plastered all over without thought or purpose.


Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 7:34 pm
by ac94503
I think the sign issue is like beating a dead horse but your observation of boring signs is interesting. No sign will make me vote for a specific candidate but it may entertain me if I saw one that was humorous...Plus, I think that cost effectiveness plays a hugh roll in the sign issue.

Never the less, on my way home from Napa today I detoured and took Theresa off of Hwy 29. I noticed that a sign that seemed to cause some controversy in past posts was missing. Mr. Maguire, was it illegally placed?
The impression it leaves is that it was.

What is the sign policy in town? I remember I suggested on this forum:
"Remove them, destroy them and end of story" Keep it simple!

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:52 pm
by Betty
I like how "City Council" was painted over to say "Mayor" on some person's sign... Sort of makes you wonder how many more times will that sign be used...

Maybe velcro "Mayor, Council, Dog Cather, Pool Sweep" signs would be the way to go on the future election signs - just to keep all the options open.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:34 pm
by Paul Maguire
Plus, I think that cost effectiveness plays a hugh roll in the sign issue.
Obviously a smart voter......

The signs cost thousands of dollars to buy. Buying new signs would cost thousands of dollars again. However, changing the signs was cost effective, and leaves money to spend in the campaign in getting the out the issues and the vote.

On another note, interesting how all these new users come up during election time.

Thank You

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:26 am
by amcannative
So many people turned out last night for Don and I's kick off party that we ran out of chairs and food. For that I appologize. I appreciated the none believers that showed up. I had some very productive discussions that actually helped me udnerstand a mis-speak that I made last week. Thank you

To all of you that donated financially, thank you very much. This was the single biggest fund raiser that I have held and the idea that so many LOCAL endorsers were willing to contribute financially was fantastic. Thank you- it costs money to run for office and your support is appreciated :)

I hope some of you that disagree with me were there.

As a candidate I also get to vote for two council persons, the other that I will be voting for will be Don Callison-

Thank you

Ed West

Just A Suggestion???

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 3:30 pm
by ac94503
Mr. West,

It sounds like your evening and Mr. Callison's was a success. I'm sorry I missed it due to a conflicting engagement. Congratulations to both of you for coming up with a unique idea.

I have a suggestion...Why don't all the candidates hold a pot luck or bbq on an evening before we lose the light? People love free events and like to eat! My suggestion is in the near future why not invite everyone that is running for any office or asking for passage of any of the issues to attend one big event. This way each candidate can speak to the public in an informal way.

I realize this suggestion would take some work.

Is anyone running willing to put together a town social, political event?

I only have one concern...Let the voting public know about this event utilizing all of the avenues available to us regardless of what publication it is printed in so we are informed when, where, why and who!

Maybe "Voter Registration" could draw those residents that have not re-registered since their relocation to Am Can.

Just a suggestion.

After Thought

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 4:34 pm
by ac94503
Who will be the bigger man or woman that will put aside the ridiculous cliques and rumors and bring this community together like it should be.

That candidate will get my vote!

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 7:09 pm
by Paul Maguire
Well, your point is important to progress, and I have said as much here on this forum, that this city has to get its energy focused on our common goals, and put aside our differences, There are plenty of needed actions we can work on that we all agree are the best for our city, while we work out those things we disagree with one another on.

As an elected Mayor, I just dont see that happening with the Coffey Camp nor the Garcia Camp so easily. Both camps vememently have a strong disregard for the other, I would even go so far as to say they really just cant stand each other in some cases. That will be a barrier to progress no matter who prevails, as mending that feud will not be quick nor done without much work. And certainly some of them probably cant stand me either. But the personalities are irrelevant to the greater problem.

In my view, senior to who is elected Mayor, is getting the city on the right track in several areas where it has gone astray. My intention would be to "reach across the aisle" so to speak, and work together to find common ground of agreement and mutual benefit to all.

Great idea

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:02 pm
by amcannative
AC94503 that is a great idea. Don and I have been tryng to plan a candidates forum based on the historical old "soap box". In other words get up, speak and then get spoken to, by the audience or by the other candidiates etc. Polite, respectful, but inter-active. Also any questions asked will come from the person asking them, no annonimity. The pot luck BBQ is a great idea to go with that. All the candidiates would be welcome and invited.

I appreciate your idea and will speak to Don about it, if he doesn't weigh in before that.

Ed West

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:47 am
by smrtamcan
I have a question, why is it that There hasn't been a Napa solano Post lately? What is Paul Maguires position on the paper, how as an investor of many properties, some commercial acreage, is there not a conflict with developers and why or who allowed signs at the RICK HESS project last election-that just pointed out that there may be an intended conflict.
I think most candidates would be afraid of an open questioning platform but as the public, we would welcome it.
I would applaud the community interest West, Callison, Garcia, Shaver and others show but i am not sure about Coffey-although she has in the past, Mr maguire attempted to donate a great deal of money to a community project only to lower it to a drasticly lower amount according to public comments made at meetings, also he talks of doing things behind the scenes(secretive-back door type? or can you elaborate) i am concerned that you may think you are buying an election as before but you misjudge that this community is not smarter than that.
We want to see what you have to say to the issues when they happen, like at the meetings, not arm chair politics, part of the solution or part of the problem, Mr Maguire talks about what others have decided to do but does nothing as a public and if in fact you have ideas than why wait for an election, get up and be proactive with a valid voice at the meetings.
That goes for all of the candidates. Your public awaits your opinions and is listening to the meetings more now.
What have you all done for us lately-good question for forum,huh?

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:52 am
by Paul Maguire
Regarding the Napa Solano Post: I am no longer involved, I have no position at the paper, except to occasionally write articles.

With regard to your claim that "as an investor in many properties, some commercial acreage, is there not a conflict of interest with developers"

There is no conflict. All properties I own in American Canyon are listed on my disclosure statements. I own NO commercial acreage in AC.

No one is buying anything I have never thought that, nor ever stated that. The notion that anyone can buy a vote is disingenius. All candidates in this election are spending hard earned money to get their positions and their name out there.

Unfortunately, they are inhibited by this sign ordinance that is likely unconstitutional and probably illegal based on the law.

With regard to my donation to the 4th of July Committe, correct, I reduced the amount significantly once I found out more information regarding the event.

Rest assured the public will get plenty of opinions and information from all the candidates.

I am glad you support your candidates West, Callison, Shaver, and Garcia. Surely they appreciate your support in this election, because as you point out, it is important to be involved.

But lets not lock the door to involvement for new people, or make involvement contingent upon prior actions, as this just limits the input and energy that can be put into working on issues around the city. Rather, lets keep the door open for all who are interested in serving the city, either through committee, volunteerism, or political office.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:17 pm
by Guest
I was under the impression that the "sign rule" was 1 candidate per property. Why does Leon have 2 signs per property? Is he an exception to the rule? Or did I miss something when I refused to listen to any more sign bull at the meetings?lol

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:23 pm
by Guest
"American Canyon High School is vital to our future and if the City is not pro-active in hiring a professional firm and promoting this bond issue up in Napa on our own, we have fallen backwards. We can not count on the School District to protect our interests. We became a city to control our destiny and remove the control from the County. Now we have placed the most important issue to face us since incorporation in the hands of the School District. We also need a plan "B".

Ed West"

So really, how would having our own school district be a bad thing? I am interested in what you have to say about this. Mr Garcia, Mr. Callison, Mr. Shaver - I am interested in your opinions as well.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 4:59 pm
by smrtamcan
Mr. Maguire, since you are a writer with the post perhaps you can tell me where it is, i haven't seen it.
2nd I was looking for your community involvement, or council audience, or what experience you have in politics, perhaps you could expand on that for all of us as the other 2 are experienced in politics(good,bad or indifferent-it helps). Don't feel picked on it's just you are not as well known or heard of.
3rd would you consider joining the local organizations as a community gatherer?
4th would you help get code enforcement to enforce what is already on the books? How do you feel about our code enforcement in this city?
Recent dealing with issues at planning & council have brought the code enforcement back in the light,(cars on grass, etc..)
5th you didn't mention the connection with Mr. Hess, it is just odd that again you are there, does he share your vision or have you been friends for decades( however i missed the one on the canyon corners}.
Can't really quiz on the issues at present because you won't have a vote yet, though it's true you can advise the others if they can see it your way.
I have questions for the other candidates as well, i would like to start with you, i hope that's ok with you, anyhow if you could address each one that would be great.
Look forward to your reply posting.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 8:13 pm
by Paul Maguire
1. I am not a career politician. But what is politics? Politics is about working together to come to an agreement, a meeting of the minds, of negotiating between at times differing views to reach a concensus that everyone can live with. In this case, it is about being an executive who makes decisions and provides direction. I have been doing that for almost 20 years; Directing staff, hiring and firing , providing goals and getting them done, working through problems , answering to others who needs I am serving, and otherwise finding solutions that are implemented and completed. Have I had failures, absolutely. But on the vast majority, my track record has been one of successful actions and results.
I have no doubt that I can work with the council to get things done, move projects along and otherwise bring some stability to city staff.

2. Local community organizations do great services for the city, and those who serve on them should be commended for their time and efforts. As Mayor, it is my view that a large amount of time will be necessary to handle the work of that position to serve the community. I am not a socialite, but rather, a doer. Parties are fun, but the fact is that they are often unproductive. Traveling within or out of state is fun, but it is costly on the tax payers dime, and the city cannot afford it. There is plenty to do here in American Canyon. My intention then is to do that work of Mayor, and work with local organizations as needed to get that work done.

3. Well first and foremost, city staff needs to be consistant on what work can be done with and without permits, and what is and what is not permitted work. There has been at times confusion in that area that has been experienced first hand.

I think code enforcement has taking a new direction, has more staff now, and is working to bring a new standard to the city that some residents may have challenges adjusting too.

The challenge as I see it is that some residentail areas have a nieghborhood standard that is different than others. Some have CCR's, others do not. Some have been here 30 years and changes have been accepted and others have just moved in.

There are challenges for sure.

Mr Hess and I only know each other through the city and at one time looked at renting space from him which did not occur. We have no business together at all. We share a common interest in seeing the city work and do well.

I for one think that Mr Hess has done great things for American Canyon with Canyon Plaza and now Canyon Corners. He is a principal stake holder in the Oat Hill Development Project, and has committed millions of dollars to bringing much needed business to AC.

We have a ways to go here in American Canyon, and I think it is important that we have a council that has business experience, real life experience, and that can correct the mistakes of the past and move the city forward. They need to be able to make sound decisions, stop the procrastination on the tough topics, and not pass self serving ordinances.

Recent decisions on affordable housing have been put off, and some decisions of late will be shown to be self serving and bad public policy.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 9:20 pm
by smrtamcan
Mr. Maguire, Thank you for your comments, however the only question you didn't answer is where the Post is , thought you would know because you write on occassion so you were the best to ask.
Thank you again for your responce, might or might not be what i want but the candidate forums may come up with more questions i can listen to, i have yet to make a decission.

Posted: Mon Sep 18, 2006 10:39 pm
by Guest
Why do you think Mr Maguire has any idea where the Post is? He has already told you that he only writes occasional articles. He's not involved any more. Why is that a big deal to you? I have heard that Cindy is revamping the paper and it's taking a little longer than she anticipated and she is training new interns in her office. That's the info I recieved a week or so ago.

Suing the Citizens you want to elect you.

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:52 am
by 49erf8fuls
Mayoral candidate sues AmCan over sign law
By KERANA TODOROV, Register Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 1:12 AM PDT
A mayoral candidate in American Canyon is suing the city, saying its law on political signs violates his free speech rights.

Paul Maguire, one of three candidates for mayor, filed the claim in federal court in San Francisco.

The American Canyon City Council this summer amended rules on posting political signs. Under the rules, political signs can only be posted within 90 days of an election and cannot be placed in the public right of way.

Maguire, a retired chiropractor and real estate owner who is running for the third time for office in American Canyon, said the rules are too strict. His attorney, Arlo Smith, said Monday similar rules have been invalidated in state and federal courts.

American Canyon City Attorney Bill Ross said Monday he didn't think the law has infringed on Maguire's rights.

"I don't see where this ordinance has been applied to him," Ross said.

Of the suit, Ross said "I think there are issues and I'll leave it at that."

Ross said one political sign in American Canyon -- he didn't know whose -- was removed recently because it was in the public right of way.

Maguire's campaign manager, Paul Lee, said Monday one of Maguire's signs was removed, but he wasn't sure where the sign had been posted.

The other two candidates running for mayor, Leon Garcia and Cindy Coffey, are both on the city council that passed the sign ordinance.

Coffey said she hadn't seen the suit.

"That's his personal choice," said Coffey, who does not have a problem with the language of the city's political sign ordinance. The amendment, she said, "made the political sign ordinance more comprehensive."

Garcia said he had not seen the suit.

What the ????

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 8:56 am
by VicRiv
I guess this entire election is about the signs, after all.

Many poster on this forum were asking for candidates to articulate their vision and provide viable solutions to the city's problems.

I know for a fact, that all candidates are given instructions to follow regarding sign placement and guidelines on financial reporting. Each candidate, by signing their candidate papers, acknowledges they understand and agree they and their campaigns will follow the guidelines.

Scratching my head raw on this one. What am I missing????????????????? Does this candidate feel picked on or simply confirming he:
a) can't read English
b) can't follow instructions
c) will sue to get his way

just asking... Thoughts anyone?

being silly now: "As Mayor, I will SUE THE CITY" if I don't get my way.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 12:03 pm
by mookienunu
GREAT!!! Another lawsuit! There should be a mandatory mental evauluation for people who want to represent the city. We have had this problem already, and 1 already slipped between the cracks, lets not have another!

Tactics not working

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:36 pm
by Guest
The obvious tactics of some posters simply isn't working and here is why.

The Wal-Mart Lawsuit was brought about by a concerned group of citizens who had over 2 or 3 thousand signatures behind them to do so. They felt the city was dishonest in passing the project and apparently the lower courts felt that way too. They also had a problem with the dishonest economic reports and traffic study attached to it. It's all in the court documents. This was the will of the majority of the people and they spoke loud and clear during the 2004 election whether you heard them or not.

The best candidate emerged and has proved to be an asset to the community beyond anybody's expectations according to several "pro-Wal-Marters" in the city. The issue is currently before the State courts and they will decide if there needs to be an adjustment to the ruling. NOT YOU AND CERTAINLY NOT ME. This lawsuit cost the city nothing as it was paid for by Wal-Mart Corporation. Just like any lawsuit on any project approved by the city is paid for by the developing agency it's the law.

Now let's talk about community involvement. Shaver belongs to the Lions and is with the Echo. West got involved when his son passed (which is fine) but he wasn't on the horizon prior. Callison is in Kiwanis and Chamber and Little League (last time I checked). Garcia is in Chamber and Kiwanis and Phil-Am Club because his wife is (from my understanding of things). Coffee was involved with the Soroptimist, Lions, and Art Foundation (my wife missed the craft show last year) and maybe Garcia is in that too I thought I read it on a newsletter or something. Coffey stated that she donates several thousand dollars of free advertising to organizations, gives kids intern opportunities from New Tech and local colleges. She obviously cares about the city because she brings ALL OF THE CITIZENS CONCERNS TO THE COUNCIL AND ASKS FOR THEM TO BE RESOLVED. This is what I want my councilmember to do.

Mr. West called this "whining" and I call it customer service.

As for Lawsuits it is public record: a Mrs. Shipman slipped and fell on some moss in the street and sued the city. This moss has been on that street for years but she still cost the city thousands of dollars in legal fees. I heard it was because the city manager from back then refused to help her or pay for her doctors. Regardless she sued and won. Should we throw her out of the city?

How about the man with the hedges that the city destroyed? He cost the city thousands and thousands of dollars in court fees and settlement money should we run him out of town?

City's get sued by employees, residents, developers, businesses, and many others every day just like owning a business you would too. It's common place. But the difference is with WM it was a large group of residents who backed it.

Mr. Maguire has a right to sue if he feels he is unjusted in some way. Let's admit it. We all watch the meetings that sign crap dragged on far too long because of Bennett, Shaver and Garcia. In fact I believe VicRiv went down there and started his "buttgate" over Paulette Griffin over them taking too long to decide the most simplist of issues. LOL Anderson and Coffee were not participating I remember why don't you?

I am sure if Mr. Maguire found an attorney to file this that he believes there is some merit. I can't believe that an attorney would waste his time if there wasn't some sort of case law presenting itself. That is just common sense. Even Mr. Maguire shouldn't believe that filing a lawsuit for attention will not win him this election.

As for the Post, it was stated that the new interns are revamping the paper as part of their training. That was discussed a while back. Maybe we should have a rule that you can't post unless you read a good 20 to 30 days worth of postings so it doesn't seem like a merry-go-round with the same junk coming round and round. Just a thought.

As for VicRiv you forever keep me entertained how do you manage to hold down your job and post her so much? An accomplished multi-tasker you must be! LOL Keep it up but keep it clean. :lol:

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:32 pm
by mookienunu
People have a way of blowing things out of proportion. The city had no wrongdoings, that was proven. Just as it was said that Ms. Coffey was elected with an overwhelming majority of the votes. 200 and some odd votes certainly is not "overwhelming". And anyone can be a volunteer to their community, be it cleaning it up, assisting the elderly,etc. As long as you are doing it for the right reasons and not for "image" purposes. Let's keep it real!

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:16 pm
by Betty
If you are referring to me as a new user, maybe you should check my joining date... I've been here for over a year... Remember these words once said by a much smarter person than I...

"Better to be silent and be thought a fool,
than open your mouth and remove all doubt."

Reading Chamber Newsletter

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:15 pm
by George
I sometimes read publications online and the Chamber newsletter happens to be one of them when I think about it. I want to first extend my condolences to the members of this organization. You either must be oblivious or indifferent to your organization.

In most cities even small ones, chambers conduct a vote among members to see who is desired for the chamber to endorse. Sometimes it may not be who the board wants as with some area cities but still they do recognizing the value of an organizational endorsement rather a small group of individuals with special interests who care little to nothing about real businesses in American Canyon. I encounter small businesses and large ones who drop out after 1 to 3 years for the same reason, "what do they do for me?"

That is why when I saw the Chamber Boards latest endorsements I had the best laugh of all. Let's examine the facts. No candidates were called in for an interview, this was status quo as in past elections. No survey was conducted among members. Status quo again.

Best of all let's look at the boardmembers:
Larry - Former city manager's best friend
Dan - Nice guy just wants to go with the flow
John- Won't rock the boat.
Denise- Well I know several who moved their bank accounts due to gossip

Then the Vice Chairs-
Denise again- go figure
Dan- too bad good for Vallejo's Chamber
Buz butler for economic development- wow Mr. Walmart where are the businesses that he has brought in that didn't lease from him?
Gene - No thanks
Don Callison- can somebody say conflict of interest?
Evelynn - Not that firendly but attends it all
Bernice - heart is in right place but easily fooled
Caroline - didn't she move to Napa
Mark Joseph - new category for unhappy former city manager
Dale Osmond - the overpaid host of this fiasco

Sorry guys I call it likes I sees it.

And now for the endorsements>>>>>>>>

Leon Garcia-
Go figure except he has been around for 4 years not 2. I know his record is forgetable.

Don Callison-
Nice Guy - but hey let me nominate myself.....LOL

Ed West-
No experience, no business experience, but he finished second in the lowest turnout about hedging your bets.

I have been quiet for far too long. It is time for an overhaul on this Chamber and get more local members and actually do something for them then take their money and endorse irresponsibly.

Think about it how good can this outfit actually be if it doesn't interview all candidates? It is a clear indication of how they conduct business. As for the small who will react and not think about what is advance I will say anything you say doesn't change the truth.

Suing the City...

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:22 pm
by ac94503
Mr. Maguire,

I was very disappointed to read the articles in the papers this morning regarding your lawsuit. I have read all of your posts on this forum since you first started sharing your vision for American Canyon. I even voted for you in the last election. This suit seems to go against the image you have tried to portray over the last several years.

Even if you are only suing for $ .10 to prove your point, (which I have no knowledge of what value you think this is worth) how much do you think it is going to cost me and the other taxpayers for city staff time, city council time and Mr. Ross's time?

Oh yeah, I am very disappointed!

Suing your own City?

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 6:25 pm
by amcannative
The political sign ordinance is more about integrity and character than signs. Not one of you that wants to minimize the issue has addressed the idea that it shows no character or integrity to ignore a law because you disagree with it. Would you raise your kids that way? Would you tell them that if you disagree, you ignore the law and do it anyways? Public land belongs to you and I. What arrogance and disrespect is shown to us by candidates that insist on placing their signs on our parks or easments or open spaces, assumng that their use of that property is more righteous than the rest of the public. We empower elected officials to develop regulations that govern the use of our parks and open spaces. If you do not agree with an ordinacne you SUE! Wow, while you have the right to sue over anything is that in our best interest?

I would never say he has does not have the right to sue, but I will say it is wrong to sue your own city. The union driven and funded anti-Walmart crowd was wrong for suing themselves and their neigbors- you see you are suing me and my neighbors when you sue the city. The anti-Walmart suit HAS cost American Canyon a huge amount of money, that could have been used else where. You are worng when you imply that Walmart is paying the cost. That is not true. But, pretend for a minute it is- The lost tax revenue alone is a cost. Cindy is advocating in her recent letter to her supporters that Walmart will sit vacant for 12-24 months, that is a heck of think for a sitting City Council person that wants to be Mayor to be advocating! I would expect her to be looking for an alternative to that. Have you heard the term, RIGHT for all the WRONG reasons? To wish that a building would sit vacant for 12-24 months is wishing decay and default on their city!

A person that cares about their city would have quit after the first legal challenge and realized that while they may win, it will hurt the city more to have a vacant building, therfore the cost of the suit is to high. To sue over a sign ordinance that says you have to have permission to place a sign and that respects public property, is rediculous and arrogant.

Paul reconsider the cost to the community versus you maybe being right, I don't believe you are!

Ed West

George the wanderer

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:00 pm
by amcannative
Your statements are wrong about me. I have many years of management experinece, and I understand the operations of Government. I have not been silent for years. I believe in performing and moving on. My first involvment was in 1992 when I was very attive and took on ATT and many AC residents received rebates for the 911 phone tax that we were paying to VALLEJO all because we had no ZIP code. And while Lori and many others worked very hard to get the ZIP code, I was active in letter writing and I visited both Post Masters to try and gain their support. Then the water rate contraversy. American Canyon has a unit of water that is is 750 gallons. Most other agencies use a unit of water that is 1100 gallons, we were paying more for a unit than most other communities.

Besides Little League and other projetcs, I also became involved in Junior Achievment, a program that teaches kids in Junior High or now called Middle School, how buisness works, how to run a houshold, develop budgets, create resumes, get jobs, the stock martket, how insurance works. All areas I have expierience in. My degree is in Criminal Justice and Business Administration. Then Walmart started. Agree or disagree, I was very active in supporting free enterprise and the city's administrative process for whom ever decided to take the leap and invest in American Canyon and I am glad it was Walmart. My experinece in retail management (not with Walmart) tells me that Walmart is no more or less of a Good Guy than any other retailers, including UNION retailers. I do not want all business owners on my council, nor retired people, nor independantly wealthy people or people that have no visible source of support or income. I want a balance!

I believe in performing and moving on. I did it because I believe in it not for attention. One of the biggest challenges for me has been adjusting to the SOCIAL aspects of the whole inter-workings of Government. I attend, speak, take action and move on. I am not use to the social aspect of the whole process. I have a hard time remembering names and I don't like being a pest. I want people that will do what is best for American Canyon and have a vision. Here is mine:

My Vision

• I see a city of no more than 20,000
• American Canyon High School graduates it’s first class
• We have a Town Center for “one stop” city services
• The ability to shop here keeping our tax dollars at home
• Our visiting families can stay locally
• We can eat locally
American Canyon becomes a destination, not a pass through
• Protection of our home values- controlled growth
• Veterans deserve recognition- Veterans Park will open
• Integrity- doing what is right when no one is looking
• Protect and utilize our natural resources- kids fishing and families pic-niking along the Napa River
• American Canyon becomes a source of support and a recipient of resources, when inter-acting with the entire Napa Valley.
• American Canyon earns and maintains it’s reputation as the “Gateway to the Napa Valley”.

Thanks Ed West

What about upholding the Constitution?????

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:48 am
by Paul Maguire
Ed West writes:
The political sign ordinance is more about integrity and character than signs. Not one of you that wants to minimize the issue has addressed the idea that it shows no character or integrity to ignore a law because you disagree with it.
I sure Rosa Parks would agree with you. Perhaps she should have just sat in the back of the bus that day.

Lucky for you Mr West, that some of us have enough character and integrity to challenge what we believe is wrong and in violation of the Constitution, however unpopular, so you can continue to have the right to complain about it.

Rosa Parks???????????????

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:55 am
by amcannative
Paul, now you are equating yourself to Rosa Parks? Check your history. Rosa did not file a suit, she defied the law and was booked and convicted. The action was taken in her name. You are putting yourself pretty high up by comparing yourelf to Rosa Parks.

That is my property that you are abusing. Mine and very other citizens, you still have not addressed the integrity issue, you have mis-represented history.

Suing is not the answer to everything in life, unless you have $38 million in assets and access to attorneys galore.

You have set several firsts though- The first candidiate to spend a small fortune (for us normal people) and buy TV advertisments for a position within the city of American Canyon and the first candidiate that wants to be elected to office, loves the city, wants to serve us but is also suing us! Wow

I am going to call on the City to start a a process- sharing the cost of each Law Suit brought against us. We need to understand that when you and others sue American Canyon, you are suing us. Law Suits are a necessary part of our lives. Frivolous Law Suits should be exposed for what they are.

Sorry Paul- I just don't agree with you on this. I think you have elevated your foot and shot a hole in it!

Ed west

RE: Chamber of Commerce Endorsement

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:34 am
by Don Callison

I am a member of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. When the action was taken to endorse candidates, I had recused myself from that portion of the meeting, and in fact was not in the room when the vote was taken. So as for me nominating myself, you are grossly mistaken. If members of the Chamber of Commerce don't like how things are run, then they have methods to make change. Are you a member?

It is easy to post to this site and hide behind a single name. Ed West, Paul Maguire, Cindy Coffey, Victor Rivera and others put their full name out here. There is no dought who the poster is when using your full name. I would suggest that doing so gives the poster more credibility. Just my opinion.

Goerge, You also seem to have some strong opinions about how things should run in this city. I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you personally and discuss your ideas in more detail. You may email personally at


Don Callison

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:56 am
by smrtamcan
1. I was looking to find out when they felt the post would come out, revamping is fine perhaps the funds aren't there, whatever, i just asked when it wass projected, i'm sure Mr. Maguire would want to put an ad, oh well thought you were updated in the group of the post, sorry to bother.

2. After hearing of the law suit, now you have my attention. Should I place signs where yours are out of free speech"What a Jerk" or " You don't need those pesty permits in this town" "Make your own policies in the name of free speech" or "buy American Canyon votes cheap"? No, No and NO! It is morally wrong first, 2nd against policies in this town. Now that you have a lawsuit against our city, Maybe like other lawsuits, you can no longer talk to anyone in our city due to legallity issues(wow imagine that, you are now against the City of American Canyon and their residents).
Time to stop this before you drag us through the mud, think of us all, not just yourself!

Why in the world would a business man, good investments at a young age, want to take over our town by any means imaginable, including a law suit on the basis of "Freedom of speech" of course that he should be the "Next MAYOR", cost for this lawsuit will be paid by the city he intends to run,or maybe he is just bored, of course he has not taken the oath to defend us against foriegn and DOMESTIC threts! What in the world would posses you to do this, maybe a little closer look will define how you got where you are, your seminars state that you settled in an accident of some kind, now you will have a law suit, Are you paying for ads to be Mayor or are you sueing so that we will pay for your campaign, Mr. Maguire-Our faith in Bill Ross will over shadow and perhaps there will be legalities to countersue like how additional signs are placed with metal rods and hammers into the cities right aways. How can you defend policies you yourself can not obey, perhaps like miracle on 34th street-the public should be paraded in to tell the judge of all the signs past and present that were incorrectly placed. Don't worry I'm sure that other politicians have had the same problems at one time or the other making decissions like , "Who was Jennifer Flowers" "McGreevygate" and more, lets face it they were only thinking of themselves as well not thinking of those they affected.

What are you doing[b] to [/b]our town? What are you doing [b]in[/b] our town?
You could Go invest in another small town as you tell your other Doctors you get over 6,000.00 from and while you are at it don't you need a license in the state of California for collecting a fee in real estate, we'll have to check that out. Yep i have been inquiring all over about a lot of stuff about all of the candidates, My next question is how in the world can you support our policies? I know longer think so...
I thought you were to be a fresh prospective, yet you may prove to be the new definition of a new breed of politician this city can not have.

That leaves Cindy & Leon to campaign for Mayor, keeping up with the policies we have set, Good Job.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:21 am
by Paul Maguire

Its unfortunate that you of all people would take such a position. Here you are sworn to uphold the Constitution, and you spit on it.

Public property is for all the public to use, and it has traditionally been used in the public interest, like elections.

You support apparently the restriction of free speech. You complain about my signs specifically, and claim that I have no integrity or character. You apparently do not support our system of checks and balances, and the judiciaries ability to sort it out. NO, you should be in charge, right?

Yet, both you and your running mate Garcia are violating the sign policy right now. But, in your quest to discredit me, you talk about TV ads, make wild accusations about how I have all this money, and complain about someone challenging the unethical status quo for which you defend and violate at the same time!

You openly make false accusations, like that I dont live here, and when challenged, cannot defend it. Because it is a totally false accusation.

It is your own integrity that you should look at it and your own unwillingness and lack of character.

I certainly was not comparing myself to Rosa Parks, rather making a rather strong counterpoint to your blindness and failure to see that you have missed the greater good here, the more important point.

I hear rumors in town of your misconduct as a jail guard in the treatment of those in your custody, not pleasant stuff frankly, but I dont promote these rumors, nor go into the details.

Will you remove your signs that are in violation of the ordinance? Will you admit that you made up this concept that I dont live here? Do you have enough character to do that Ed? WEll?

Mr. M.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:46 am
by mookienunu
This is just plain crazy. Mr. West is not the one having a "tantrum" and filing a lawsuit. Talk about questioning someones character. It has been entertaining to watch the whole turn of events of "personalities" and how they play out. This whole I like you this year I am your friend, then next year I don't like you and have not nice things to say about you, it's like watching grade school children. And we know who does this!! the city is growing up, too bad some people can't.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 11:48 am
by Paul Maguire

Lets clarify, I dont get one dime from this lawsuit if we prevail.

THis is not a suit for civil damages. THe lawsuit is costing me money.

If your concerned about the cost to the city, then talk to your council members that in view of the case law and the courts, most likely passed an invalid ordinance, that violates the Constitution, and current case law.

Are we to live by a different standard?

We have candidates and their friends in this campaign and in past campaigns making allegations that are both unsubstantiated and completely intended to discredit other candidates.

Where is the due process? Do we just go by everyones opinion?

Sorry you dont like the decision. Not all decisions are popular with everyone. I think it is the right thing to do. The public and city will be better off passing ordinances that are lawful and in line with the state and federal law.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:04 pm
by mookienunu
once again back to "personalities". It is almost like watching council member Coffey from the beginning. No one really knew who she was until she became recognized for her stance against WalMart and then the lawsuit. It's kinda scary!

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:39 pm
by smrtamcan
Well, woosh that makes me feel better that we will pay for your heroics to fight for your freedom of speech. For someone who felt the sign issue was not important you seem to have taken it to a new level.
Freedom of speech - why don't you stand on the corner and speak your piece, that's not on the policies, or better yet why don't you have a community forum and debate all these issues SO a lot more people will come out now to thank you for another law suit.
I can't understand how you can live with yourself, knowing the good people of American Canyon do not want to pay anymore for politicians who sue for the interest of us. NO MORE do we want to pay, we have enough debt and if you had paid attention, oh yeah you know that we have big income coming and already you are trying to spend it on our behalf(More like yours).
Three strikes, American Canyon is not in your best interest, you are out the voters are catching up, this is unexplicable behavior, you must have a copy of the sign policies and you don't want to adapt like all of the others are, no you have to cause what you call CHAOS, where is the calm you said you'd bring with changes, instead you hide behind freedom of speech, when all it is is your way of working in your own self interest.
Isn't Freedom of speech grand.
Now that you are not even elected you are costing us money and yes freedom of speech is important but not to this extent that you should be able to do whatever you want and if you can't you'll have a temper tantrum and make us all pay for it. Not a good campaign. Then you attack Ed West, Leon Garcia, Cindy Coffey, hey there are more people to go after not just them, there are other candidates running. Oh hek, go after the employees too there are many more of them, Start with the planning dept. they're lots of fun and then work your way around.CHAOS YOU SAID WAS GOOD FOR THIS TOWN, REMEMBER.
I remmember one of your other temper tantrums right here on this forum that you even left it because people upset you.
We can't all make you happy but we all expect you to play by our cities rules, i think everyone wants some change, i think everyone wants the politicians to play well together, and so far you are not. You make all the other candidates look like Angels, what has happened is you are suing us, all of us, The Coffey Campers, The Garcia Campers, The entire city, do you realize what you are doing and that the city did not do this to just you but that you are taking it personally, how can you sit on our council and uphold a policy that gets the votes of 4 to 1(you being the 1) you can't AND IT SHOWS.
You know i had questions for each of the candidates and your law suit has taken up way too much of my time and effort and since now you will probably not get elected, because you are now exposing yourself, i can move on to ask the others the questions i have soon.

SOLUTIONS, Solutions, Solutions

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:01 pm
by VicRiv
I'm starting a new thread here for the candidates who want to share their solutions to the city's problems.

Traffic-how do we fix the highway corridor to accomodate traffic?

Infrastructure-what do you see as "needs fixing" and your solution?

Community Involvement- Describe how your participation in community events has benefitted the city.

Population Growth- Your vision of AmCan's growth

I understand the American Canyon Eagle will be hosting two forums. 1) for Mayoral Candidates and 2) Council candidates. I believe it's planned for the third week of October. Any thoughts on the forum format?

My suggestion is an open microphone to ask any candidate any question and allow follow ups. Thoughts???

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:11 pm
by mookienunu
That sounds like a perfect idea. But then you run into the problem if an "inappropriate" question is asked, then what, another lawsuit? It is a wonderful idea though.


Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:23 pm
by amcannative

I invite you or anyone who has evidence of wrong doing or malfeasance at the jail to report it to the DA or the Grand Jury etc. They review us annually per State Law. Be very careful implying that I have personally abused anyone. I have worked in or around Law Enforcement for over 25 years. testified hundreds of times and conducted many hundreds of investigations. I have never been involved in any situations of inappropriate conduct, excessive force, abuse of authority or any other accusation. I have an absolutely spotless and defensible record. Your vague attempts at implying that you have evidence of abuse are lies.

Ed West

Illegal Signs

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:31 pm
by amcannative

Also you stated that I have an illegal sign? Let me go down my signs

Private property- no one has been given a sign unless they asked for it and took it.

Pacific Auto Salvage- permission was obtained

Larry's Custome Truck Toppers- permission obtained

Mr. Obee's property where yours is illegally placed on Cal-Trans fence you have no permit from Cal-Trans- I have permission for Mr. Obee

Boys and Girls Club- I have permission, but ran out of signs

Mickolojiks property- The Grand Father of American Canyon is a huge supporter and encouraged me to place my signs there.

The entrance to Napa Junction project- The fence is not City property yet. I will be moving it before the City accepts the fence, at that point the fence would be inappropriate.

Other than those locations friends and residents have placed signs on their fences and in their yards

Tell me where I am wrong?


Forums are a fraud

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:49 pm
by Guest
I was at the forum in June sponsored by the "Eagle" newspaper. This is what I discovered. None of the responses were adequately reported. The questions were biased and rehearsed by obvious favorites.

True reactions, incorrect answers and rudeness were not conveyed correctly portraying a lopsided view of candidates who attended. This was nothing more than a dog and pony show to promote the newspaper with no benefit to the public who were unable to attend.

I later found out that the candidates were "lured" to attending with the promise of broadcasting but were offered some lame excuse as to why it didn't occur.

If I were the candidates I would only attend forums sponsored by independent third partys who do not have a "vested" interested in selling subscriptions. I would only appear at those forums that would be taped and aired for all residents to view fairly.

Good Luck Candidates and don't waste your time with non-taped interviews or forums it is a complete waste of time and allows you to be completely misconstrued. Including Mr. West and Mr. Maguire. I would think both of you would definitely want your opinions to be heard openly to the greater population instead of this website with it's less than 100 participants.