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Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:32 pm
by VicRiv
RRRay-I don't recall anyone tackling any of the attendees forcing them to sign up for the paper. I don't recall anyone being asked to fill out subscriptions or anything other than the 3x5 question cards.

The forum was one of the few being offered to the citizens to listen to the candidates views. It became very apparent some candidates prepare better than others (and that some are NOT qualified to hold the position they were running for). MY opinion.

Maybe you and some others can put together a forum and do it the "right way"??? I don't recall any other paper hosting a similiar event. Unfortuntely, this means making the best of a given opportunity.

As for broadcasting on the public channel there are few cameramen and limited times for broadcasting. Aside from the fact that many of the new homes have Satellites and don't subscribe to cable. Providing the residents of American Canyon a viable means of communication, has been a constant challenge. Not an excuse-just an explanatiion.

I ran into the editor at a function and mentioned the forum "the round robin" for asking questions was boring and didn't allow any follow up questions. I would also like the candidates to ask each other questions.

Can the format be improved? Yes. That was my intent in adding that to this forum.. Feel free to contact him at 287-4432 or via email at with your thoughts.

Forums are good

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 10:35 pm
by BlueJay
I got a lot out of attending the forum before the last election. I agree the format may have room for improvement, but it was a great education for me. I walked out of there KNOWING who I would vote for (and who I would never vote in) because I heard the candidates' answers first-hand, and observed how well- or ill-prepared each one was.

My suggestion would be to promote such forums more widely so that they may be attended by more voters/residents. And, if the session(s) could be taped and/or televised, that would make it accessible to those who cannot attend in person. These things really are invaluable and everyone should have access.

Please do forum(s) again, making transcripts or video available, either online or otherwise, for all voters to see for themselves!

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:42 am
by smrtamcan
It's all quiet, we cana get back to questions..
Question for Mr. West, Mr. Callison, Mr. Russel, Mr. Garcia,Mr. Taylor, Mr. Shaver, Mrs. Coffey and Mr. Miller(if they are on here)
Where do you see the Oat Hill Plan(That's the area North of Eucalyptus and west of Theresa) as far as build out time and what would you like to see there for the community?
Where do you see our City Offices at the New Town Center(time wise, when it will be completely built) and do you see us taking a temporary space for council chambers.
How do you feel about the fact that the General Plan has yet to be started and appears not to be a priority?
What is the latest information about the High School, is it already planned out and where is a drawing if it is?
How do you all feel about suing our town?(careful it's a critical question as you have read).
To Mrs. Coffey, what was the perceeved conflict of interest at tuesdays council meeting, the forum i was in brought this to light, and noted it was not mentioned and the fact that you did not dissmiss yourself on the next vote was not a good thing infact not sure why you just didn't get up and leave instead of "perceeved conflict" for the second time. Can you explain here or can you explain it to the public, as we watched from the audience at the last meeting, you could explain this evening at council comments.
Really appreciate your answer so that this can go away.
Mrs. Coffey, the cleanliness of Montevino-what's your take on it?
How do all the candidates feel about the Parks and trail conditions around town?

Good questions

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:18 am
by amcannative
Where do you see the Oat Hill Plan(That's the area North of Eucalyptus and west of Theresa) as far as build out time and what would you like to see there for the community? I have studied the airports report on Oat Hill and have spoken too many about it. Oat Hill will have it’s day. Not immediately though. Zone “D” is the only big issue with regards to the Airport Study. That area needs to be mitigated. I would like to see the River and Eucalyptus area used as a community recreation area. I believe the zoning is currently recreational commercial and would have good potential for that use. Oat Hill has to come in order. First we have to get Nap Junction up and functioning and the Town Center is right behind that. We should also be updating the General plan to help guide the Oat Hill usage. The General plan called for a big box in the Napa Junction project area, so it served it’s purpose.

Where do you see our City Offices at the New Town Center(time wise, when it will be completely built) and do you see us taking a temporary space for council chambers. As I said Town Center is right on the heels of the Napa Junction Project. I do hope we take creatively temporary space for the council chambers, meetings etc. Creative means working with developers and locals to figure out a logical and efficient use of resources for this. That central location for Chambers is important to our ability to access the public and the public to access us. Office hours, phone contacts etc are
Vital to public access. We are no longer a city of 600 homes and 3000 people. We have grown in 6 years by 2200 roof tops. Growth makes accessibility harder.

How do you feel about the fact that the General Plan has yet to be started and appears not to be a priority? The General Plan is a priority. We need it to help guide us towards our future. Along with that we need to define our URL and potential population. I see us as no more than 20,000 people.

What is the latest information about the High School, is it already planned out and where is a drawing if it is? You can see the drawings at any measure “G” event. The location is over in the Vintage Ranch area. I spoke to John Glaser last night about measure “G”. The School District has it’s hands full with the large and very diverse population to sell the bond issue to. I come from an era that has had very strained relations between American Canyon the County in general. I was impressed with the interest in changing that history. One of the reasons for becoming a City was the idea that we wanted to control our destiny. Measure “G” is the single most important proposition since our incorporation. We HAVE to support and drive the Measure and we have to support the School District in doing so. We should not sit back and expect the School District, to do it on their own. We must get involved and support it, especially with our friends and families in Napa. We all benefit by this.

How do you all feel about suing our town?(careful it's a critical question as you have read). Being careful to not start another fire storm, I do not believe ANYONE should sue their neighbors and friends in the community, unless it is an extremely important issue and the COST (not just financial, but you have emotional costs) are very high. I believe this is exactly where people need to look at the overall impact of their actions and then, you work within the system and decisions made. It is important to remember especially with the Wal-Mart issue, they had their day in court they did not like it, so they chose to put the community at a greater risk, than the project would ever create, all to serve self interests.

How do all the candidates feel about the Parks and trail conditions around town? I support development of open space and parks. I will be attending the Measure “I” event Saturday to learn more. I do not know if I support it completely yet or not, but I will be there to learn more. Having grown up here when there were NO parks, nothing but fields, I look at the parks and see a fantastic job, well done.

Thanks for the opportunity, but remember the bigger question here is, what do you and others think about these, if you elect me I will be a representative, my opinions will carry some weight, but like we saw Tuesday night, public opinion is what it is all about.

Ed West

good questions

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 11:46 am
by mookienunu
FANTASTIC! All excellent comments.

Answers to Questions

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 2:48 pm
by Don Callison

First of all thank you for your thoughtful questions. It is important for all of the candidates to know what is important to you, and what we think are some solutions.

Q1)Where do you see the Oat Hill Plan(That's the area North of Eucalyptus and west of Theresa) as far as build out time and what would you like to see there for the community?

A2) I have many questions about the Oat Hill Plan. It started about two years ago or so when there were a series of public workshops to discuss the formulation of a specific Plan for that area. The plans have evolved since those meetings and continue to do so today. My opinion is that yes, someday Oat Hill will develop. However, I think we need to carefully and independently study the proposed uses, especially the Eucalyptus Grove. Ed is right that it is currently zoned commmercial recreation. I would like to see what potential, if any, it has in that designation. I would hate to build apartments or condos, or whatever and forever lose the opportunity of a recreational use so close to the river. I also have concerns regarding the earthquake fault that goes through that area. How much density to we want so close to a potential slip zone. These are things that need to be studied. I agree with Ed, that we should get Napa Junction on-line, get the Town Center underway, and then consider Oat Hill. We are also in a slower real estate market, so we need to be careful of how much more inventory we add. A surplus could affect the existing home values in our city.

Q2) Where do you see our City Offices at the New Town Center(time wise, when it will be completely built) and do you see us taking a temporary space for council chambers.

A2) I serve on the sub-committee that is working with the developer of Town Center. That project is moving along nicely, and should be the jewel of the community when completed. It is estimated that if all proceeds according to plan, then ground breaking could occur in about two years. This will be a beautiful mixed use project incorporating some of the existing ruins into and event center, wine tasting facility and possibly a wedding facility. You will also have a mix of commercial and residential units where the residential is on top of the commercial. Imporantly there will be area designated for city offices including new chambers for council, and one stop ability for those needind to deal with the city. In the meantime, I believe a temporary solution is needed because our current facilities are inadequate. Cooperation with developers such as Rick Hess, and perhaps a little forward thinking could provide a suitable temporary solution for council chambers.

Q3) How do you feel about the fact that the General Plan has yet to be started and appears not to be a priority?

A3) As a Planning Commissioner this is frustrating because this is the most important document that we rely on in our decisions. I believe this should have a very high priority and will define our city for years to come. The sub-committee to work on the General Plan update was selected over 1 year ago, and they are yet to have their first meeting. This is unacceptable. I understand that our Planning Director is vacant right now, but there are a number of qualified consultants that specialize in this area, and don't need a director to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind that this will be an 18 - 24 month process, so evey day that goes by is lost opportunity.

Q4) What is the latest information about the High School, is it already planned out and where is a drawing if it is?

A4) There are renderings available of the proposed High School. As Ed said, any Measure G meeting will have them. Victor Rivera is also on top of this and has a lot of information about the design. The High School will be at the northeast corner of Flosden/Newell and American Canyon Road. You can get more information at Keep in mind that this is a Pro G site. I for one am supporting Measure G. However, we cannot rest on this measure alone and should be already working on a contingency plan in case it fails. American Canyon deserves a High School and we should all fight to make it happen.

Q5) How do you all feel about suing our town?(careful it's a critical question as you have read)

A5) People have rights under our constitution and I respect those rights. I gave 4 years of my life to the US Navy to protect those rights. However, I think whenever a lawyer gets involved, everyone loses something. No offense if you are a lawyer. Mr. Maguire feels as though is Freedom of Speech rights have been violated. I don't agree, and I don't agree with suing the city to prove it. However, it is his right to have his day in court, and I am not the one who decides that. Regardless of financial cost, there is a cost to everyone. This includes Mr. Maguire's suit and the Wal Mart suit. Even if neither case costs us the tax payers any hard dollars, it does come with an opportunity cost. What else could our City Attorney be working on if he didn't have to defend Mr. Maguire's suit. What else could staff be working on if they didn't have to provide reports or testimony in the Wal Mart suit. All I am saying is there are more than just dollar costs involved with these actions, and they shoud be considered in the total cost.

Q6) How do all the candidates feel about the Parks and trail conditions around town?

A6) I would like to see more connectivity to parks and trails throughout the city. I am a avid mountain bike rider. When I lived in Marin 11 years ago, I spent a lot of time riding in the Mt. Tam watershed. I think we need to have a comprehensive parks and trails plan. The plan should consider the needs of bike riders, equestrian users, walkers, pet owners, and anyone else who has an interest. I believe the Parks and Community Services Commission works hard on that. This would also be a component of the General Plan update.

Thank you for taking the time to submit these questions. Feel free to contact me at if I have overlooked anything.


Don Callison

RE: Solutions

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 3:55 pm
by Don Callison

Thank you for taking the time to post these questions.

Q1) Traffic-how do we fix the highway corridor to accomodate traffic?

A1) The dynamic of traffic in American Canyon is that most of it is not from our city. So I see one of the fixes is to work on local access for us the locals. The extension of Newell Drive with carefully planned traffic calming measures, the extension of Wetlands Edge going north, using the same trafffic calming features that currently exist. Making sure our law enforcement is patrolling and discouraging through traffic from using neighborhood bypasses. And finally, ensuring the existance of proper egress and ingress lanes along our corridor to keep traffic flowing smother.

Q2) Infrastructure-what do you see as "needs fixing" and your solution?

A2) Probably most important and is being addressed currently is water. #1 we need to make sure we have adequete resources for drought conditions. # 2 We need to make sure our delivery system is efficient and not leaking, and # 3 We need to make sure our water is safe and pure.

Next, we need to make sure our surface streets our properly maintained and surfaced on routing basis. It is less expensive to do maintenance surfacing, then to have to tear a road up and re-do it.

We need to focus on our park infrastructure to make sure they are meeting the needs of the citizens, that they are safe, and that their maintienance is reasonable. I would utilize the Parks and Rec Commission such as yourself to help identify and plan the park infrastructure.

Storm Sewer. We need to take a proactive approach to ensure our neighborhoods are safe from flooding. Events like this last New Years are rare, but they do occur and we need to be ready for them. Again, stringent maintenance on our storm drains, our creeks and streams, and neighborhood gutter is key to the success of handling flood conditions.

Q3) Community Involvement- Describe how your participation in community events has benefitted the city.

A3) I have been involved with the Kiwanis since about 2001. Through this organization we have raised nearly $80,000 dollars over the last four years though crab feeds and garage sales. I am proud to say that 100% of that money is invested back into our community serving youth and seniors. Progams such as Scouts, 4H, Boys and Girls Club, Meals on Wheels, Little League, Pop Warner, Donaldson Way Elementary, Napa Junction Elementary, and Canyon Oaks Elementary have been recipients of our donations. I have coached Little League and been a member of the Napa Junction PTA. As a member of the Planning Commission for the last eight years, I have been involved in city politics helping shape the city we live in. My community service has benefited the city as much as it has benfitted me. It has given me the opportuntity to ge to know some great people, know what is important to them, know where we are doing a good job, and know where we need improvement. I am a a richer man from my involvement with this city.

Q4) Population Growth- Your vision of AmCan's growth

A4) When I first moved here the city was expected to grow to maybe 12,000. We have long ago exceeded that number. I think it is important to update our General Plan, establish our URL so that we define the true boundaries of this city. Personally I would like us to get no larger than 20,000. A diligent General Plan and URL will determine how big a city we become.

Thank you for your questions. I look forward to the candidate forums, the upcoming Meet and Greets, and hopefully meeting some more great people on the campaign trail.


Don Callison

Overlooked Issues

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 4:50 pm
by Guest






Spin Town A/C

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:01 pm
by Guest
There are more issues facing the city than the same "coined catch phrases" that the dynamic duo no scratch that trio are continually spinning about. Gentleman aside from pandering for votes during the last council meeting on behalf of your obvious supporter the developer in question what else do you have?

Mr. West you cannot be challenged on your voting since you are not in office, but Mr. Callison I challenge you on two issues. First, you are a planning commissioner and as such you had your say on the project. I personally felt it was very unacceptable to be "tap dancing" on what I perceive as your patron to rally the council for a specific project. That isn't what you are appointed to do.

The planning commission has approved many duds of late. The Gaia Hotel, Palbys, yes Wal-Mart....ugh (Vallejo's proposed is a much better and certainly more up to date look), poor parking in Canyon Plaza (you almost get hit every time you drive something bigger than a Yaris), the "no-parking zones, and the list goes on and on. It seems for a commission with "experience" the projects become worse.

Yes we need shopping, but not right now. Not until everything else gets finished. Yes the general plan needs updating, but lets face it, in 12 years there have been so many overlays and zone changes it will be like monopoly. I haven't seen one single council meeting in 10 years that wasn't talking about or voting on a zone change.

As for the town center, that place is plagued with underground tunnels. My friend’s grandfather worked there and there are caverns everywhere. The place is most likely contaminated and a design nightmare with that lake where as I understand it the locals went fishing. That project by it's own admission is a full 7 to 10 years away as I remember it from a council meeting a bit back. I don't think I am wrong.

The Oat Hill has to go. All of the fancy footwork that West and you are doing is a great disservice to us who would like development behind us to improve our home values or give us a better view than firewood stacking and a quarry. Heck I'd move if I could get more money this joint.

Mr. West you live in a dream world. Recreation is great but there has to be somebody to pay for it. Will you? There are many people, including some of my friends that are quite honestly tired of the tax increases. What do they get for the money?

I don't know where you and Mr. Callison live but somebody's got to pay the tab. I am on a fixed income and it isn't going to be me. Period.

Issues, Issues, Issues give us some real ones and come up with real solutions and quit beating a dead horse. That goes for all candidates. If you don't know what is really affecting this city then learn it. I am tired of candidates telling me what my issues are and how they will fix them. Always the same issues each time. Tell me something new and tell me how you will personally fix it. Then you will earn my vote.


Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:46 pm
by amcannative
What is wrong with a ticket? I have to vote for two council members and a Mayor also. I would be the fool to not support the candidiate that I intend to vote for? The candidiates that I see as being the best to be in office with. Doesn't mean we are joined at the hip.

By the way you don't think that Cecil has a favorite or Cindy has some favorites? It is no secret that Kim Gilson is running at Cindy's behest! Is that a TICKET? I am sure Cecil will vote for a council person and a Mayor, is that a ticket?

Why is a ticket a bad word. You call it foolish, I call it necessary.

Pretty easy to complain and not even identify yourself

Ed West

Answers to Questions

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 9:04 pm
by MPope

I don't know anything about a ticket, but I would like to offer- for what its worth- a personal observation and request that the citizens of American Canyon strongly consider Don Callison for City Council.

Since I was appointed to the Planning Commission about a year-and-a-half ago, Don has been a helpful mentor and friend and has helped get me oriented and up to speed on the many roles and responsibilities of the commission.

Don and I have served together on the Town Center sub committee and its been my experience that he frequently asks the important questions and comes through with solution-oriented perspectives that help keep this most valued project on track.

More importantly, I have found that at times Don and I can agree to disagree on certain issues with mutual respect and consideration. This I consider one of the rarest skills still present anywhere in American governance- be it our local planning commission or the halls of Congress.

Don Callison is bright, rational, fair and a fundamentally honest guy. From his service in the Navy, to his many years on the planning commission to his manning the grill at innumerable Kiwanis events, Don has demonstrated time and again a sense of community spirit that is rare and should be celebrated.

I've never known Don to take part in any of the name calling, mud-slinging, petty invictives or outright character assassination that seem, unfortunately, to have worked their way into Am Can politics. A vote for Don Callison, in my opinion, is a vote for bringing the community together- for fairness and respect and for the belief that American Canyon deserves thoughtfulness, an even keel, wisdom and experience on our council.

I plan on casting my vote for my friend Don this November, I hope you'll join me.


Matt Pope

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 10:20 pm
by Issa
I just wanted to say thanks to everybody who is using the forums. It has been fun reading everybody's postings and not having to hit the delete button. I feel these forums have finally matured to the point where I dont have to remind anybody to behave. For the most part the citizens have taken control and it has become shaped by each individual who visits. It has been my ultimate goal and I am happy to see it taking place. The average joe citzen, council members, future residents; we're all AmCan'eers and we're all letting our voices be heard. So give yourselves a big pat on the back! Thanks guys!

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:41 am
by Councilmember Coffey
I always have to go through that "forgot your password" phase to post on here since I don't use it that much. So now that the process is over here are some replies to some of the postings.

Mr. Rio-
I spoke with Mr. Callison and he told me he left the room when the board elected to endorse him. As you know with most organizations there are a handful that do everything and the Chamber is no exception just look at the activities and mixers. This is how it is with most organizations.

The political sign ordinance is about creating a one stop comprehensive policy. It apparently got derailed but was pulled back on track. The new ordinance gives far more flexibility than the old one. More days to post prior to an election, clearer definition on easements and postings, where you can and can't post with respect to public safety. If the timing or language was a problem for Mr. Maguire than that is his choice as I stated before.

Mr. West I look forward to our lunch together with great anticipation. I think that we should meet before we criticize one another’s policies and practices.

During the election in 2004 I am unsure of how many votes I received. John Tutuer hasn't returned my call yet and I was unable to locate it on the internet but it was considerably more than 200.

I agree that people have a way of "blowing" issues way out of proportion. When I read what people consider to be regarded as issues here, that is one thing I do agree with Mr. Rio on is that the candidates really need to do their homework. American Canyon is unique and the same old cookie cutter issues that people are discussing are not unusual to any community, but commonplace. Instead I would like to see discussion as well as reliable intelligent solutions to actual issues.

Mr. Maguire was a guest editor while I took an assignment out of town. However the paper has 3 new interns and two returning interns and they are completely revamping the newspaper it gives them projects for their portfolios and helps them with college and better job opportunities.

As for contributing to the community: I am a problem solving personality. I participate in clubs, donate advertising for events (only publication in town that does that) and discount new businesses in the city with advertising to help them get started. When asked and if I have enough time I am always willing to donate a gift basket for any raffle relating to events in American Canyon or other jurisdictions as needed.

Now for the questions:

Oat Hill will definitely be built out before the town center. It's flat and has water and sewer. I see part of the grove remaining north of Clark Ranch. I see the 27-acre Plaza sports park. I see a new 15,000 square foot recreation center complete with a minimum of 5 offices for soft services for our community such as outreach programs and senior referral services. It can also be a joint use facility for the new school next door (elementary). I see jogging trails, horse trails, and a bike trail around the perimeter and vista viewing spaces on the hill. There will be a ratio of about 28 % of preserved natural open space without fences or approximately 100 acres.

I see the Clark Ranch developed as a state of the art stable center with caretaker’s quarters and dual riding rings. I see the 4 -H with a farm area and a pumpkin patch sale for the holidays. I see a portable classroom and a large covered picnic area for schools, scouts and whoever needs to use the facility. It could definitely be self-supporting and the demand is there for the stables. This has been my vision since 2001. I have already spoken to Green Island Vineyards last year to sponsor the American Canyon High School Viticulture program and they agreed with enthusiasm.

I would like to see river access and the trail connected, but my fear is that with so many agencies involved in the process that it may be delayed longer than desired. I would like to see the Green Island Road area annexed by the salt ponds and a ramp and park area would be easier to install and certainly quicker. My Vision.

I don't feel the city council chambers belong in the Town Center. It would be an exaction from the developers of an already over burdened project that could possibly eliminate a library or some other public amenity that would benefit the community as a whole. The council chambers are considered to be a utility building and therefore they should be attractive but also provide space for council offices, as well as chambers with a crying room so parents with small children can attend. Having all of the city offices under one roof centrally located is good for customer service. I would like to see building alternatives to join 300 Crawford with a 2-story structure on the dirt next door since we own the land.

While the undertaking of the General Plan is important I feel that it is something that people just don't understand what it is and throw it around because it's the "thing" to do. A General Plan is nothing more than a footprint of what you would like the city to be like. But as another poster referenced there have been so many changes that is the main reason it needs to be updated, the post it notes are over-layed too much. Also the committee that was appointed will have meetings with the public before any work will be done.

People don't realize that the city is not exactly the easiest to hire for. There have been 3 or 4 planning directors, 3 or 4 public works directors, a couple of parks directors (or one not sure) and I think 6 or 7 city managers. While our reputation is not as bad as Vallejo's it is difficult to find employees prior to a major election of 3 seats. Just one of those issues that doesn't get discussed.

People want to see the town built out at 20k, 20k will not support the retail that is currently being planned for 29. In fact 35k will be a more realistic number by 2020. Bottom line is when the homes that were approved by the prior council were allowed to build 2500 to 4000K sq. feet multiple families moved in and started the trickle down effect. In other words it threw off the school plans, water usage, population counts, and service needs. It also affects police, fire, and local city employees. During those years and I prefer to refer to them as "BC" or "Before Cindy", nobody paid attention to who was moving in to these homes. Parking is an issue, overcrowded streets and a city that was rapidly becoming rich with diversity. The city was ill prepared. Now they are putting the breaks on trying to regroup by raising fees and talking moritorium. But is that the answer? No managing the growth is the answer. Something this city is fighting not to do, but soon it will have to learn.

The Town Center is much farther away at 7 to 10 years. The poster was right as it is plagued with honeycomb caverns, and several unique environmental issues. Additionally the developer is facing new challenges with the project that are unique every day. Remember only the ruins are in the city and not the horseshoe around it or the 70 acres. This needs to go before LAFCO and be given permission from the county to annex. That process can take a good 6 to 12 months as well. Plus as a member of the steering committee they want to remove quite a bit of the charming buildings and I am not sure if that will be widely received by the public that cherishes the site. It is something that will require further public discussion.

As a member of the High School design team, most of the design is completed as the district fronted the money to secure the architectural firm to get a jump on the building of the school. If the bond passes the goal of opening is Fall of 2010 per John Glaser.

I feel that if you believe an action was committed not in the best interest of the community then you have the opportunity to make it right or challenge that decision. As it was stated in a previous post do you think it was worth 70K or so for a group of hedges? Or 70K or so for somebody who fell on water that has been in the same place for over 10 years? Or how about the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent to defend the Mobile Home RSO for the 3000 Broadway Mobile home park to prevent the owners from taking advantage of the elderly residents? People have views on all of these and that is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to see how many times the city is involved in litigation go down and look it up, it is all a matter of public record. Are some of them frivolous? Perhaps, but if they are important to that person and they have an attorney then it is their choice to take action as they see fit.

As with the Wal-Mart and I am not discussing it anymore after this post because it is in the courts hands. There were well over 2700 people signed up on a petition. I think they have a right for answers. This election is not about the Wal-Mart, but if they do lose the decision and have to perform the EIR the court could order them to be closed for it, which could take 12 to 24 months, or it would most likely allow them to be open while the study is conducted. The good news is that the 21 million dollars that the city incurred as a result of the Wal-Mart and Cal-Trans settlement Wal-Mart would most likely have to pay more than what they did. It's all about fairness. I don't care if it opens I just don't want to pay for what is needed for them to do business here nor do I want the taxpayers too.

Now there is a new Supercenter being built on the White Slough in Vallejo. How much do you think the tax revenue will be cut from that? It is only about a mile or so away. Think about it that is all I ask and learn from it.
Your right it is a critical question as this town was taken for a ride and hopefully we can set it right.

As for the perceived conflict of the Napa Junction Phase 3. The problem for me was the traffic relief cited were two streets that will never be built, acknowledging that the proposed SWM would present no additional traffic issues and claiming that Highway 29 would be a 6-lane road. The kicker was the report cited that if the developer/business does not contribute enough fees and other contributions then the taxpayers would pay the difference. (I wish people could read this online). In addition I felt another traffic engineer should have been used and it was my understanding that one would be last year when the consultant was hired.

I thought the project had merit, was attractive for a strip mall due to the curves and landscaping. I felt that by not considering the outcome of the SWM and the traffic issues was an irresponsible action. However if I voted against the project it would be perceived as my lack of support due to WM and if I voted for it I would be guilty of the very claim I believed when I was running for office. So after careful consideration and discussion with the city attorney who advised me it was my decision entirely I opted to get the comments on the record and abstain from the vote so the decision of the majority of the council could not be jeopardized and overturned. Especially if there is a challenge filed. By abstaining I in essence protected the city and developer

I did this on both portions of this issue. As for voting on paying for the traffic light that was an additional 700K over budget that the city wasn't expecting to pay, this was common sense as the city was under contract to do this so obviously I would support a contract for payment signed by the city.

Finally and then I must go to bed, as it is 4:00 a.m. The cleanliness of Montevino. I have for months complained about the entrances often times referring to them looking like old shabby subdivisions where people don't care. I wish the council that was "BC" had had the experience to have a homeowners association mandatory. A small fee would ensure that entrances remained pristine, trees would be fertilized and other small grassy areas would be landscaped if nothing more than a clump of low water using trees. It is a struggle but one I have to share with other communities that I champion such as the Rio Del Mar Sign, the Entrada area and La Vigne. We live in expensive homes including Rio Del Mar and we expect that our entrances at least show pride. It is also proven that if the city keeps up the entrances it encourages homeowners to maintain their property.

Ok one more question- The parks need work, Veterans needs to get the show on the road. I would like to just fence off the wetlands area and get the rest of it opened in the meantime. These residents have waited long enough and a good portion of the community is already turned over into second or some third time homeowners. Kimberly needs help with drainage and revamping. There needs to be a permanent snack shack, nice restrooms and more off street parking. Those fields are a mess. As the city's representative I was able to secure 1.2 million dollars from the school district to renovate the fields in conjunction with building an old fashioned 2 story school house just to the West of the fields. A great idea as parents loved it. But we met up with a bit of opposition on council. But I am still advocating the process.

The parks definitely need assistance. I read in our recent report that the Electrician Union by the airport may be donating a scoreboard to the Com 1 baseball park that would be greatly appreciated. I would like to see a bike lane to get folks around for recreation. I have already touched on river access. When the dump gases settle I would love a 9 hole municipal golf course with a driving range. Remember as an advocate of unique recreational amenities we keep our bedroom commuters in town on weekends, cutting back on traffic and increasing in town sales at stores and restaurants. It is all a chain reaction.

I don't have time to be on here as much as the others. But I will visit when I do. If you have direct questions you can call me at 647-7678 message phone or email me at I solve problems and no problem is too small. If you have a problem and I can't solve it I will refer it to somebody who will.

Thanks for all of your questions / Remember to GET OUT TO VOTE.


RE: Spin Town A/C

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:16 pm
by Don Callison

Not only am I a Planning Commissioner, but I am also a private citizen, and as such, I have as much right as you or anyone else to speak my opinion. My opinion as stated was that the Union Pacific piece did not warrant consideration because they have failed many times over the years to participate in any planning process, so for them to come before first the Planning Commission, and then the City Council to speak about pipe dream plans they have for their piece was not relevent to the project before the City Council. You may not agree with me, and I respect your opinion as such.

I disagree with your perception that recent projects are duds. The Gaia Hotel has the potential to be one of only a handful nationwide to receive "Green" certification. Palby's, Wal Mart, and Canyon Plaza, Canyon Corners, or any other project you want to throw out there, met the requirements of the General Plan and Zoning. The Planning Commission has very little discretion when we review projects. Our guiding documents are the Genral Plan, Zoning, any Specific Plans or Development Agreements that are in place, or any other legal negotiated document. If the project fits the parameters of the afformentioned documents, then we approve. If you don't like what you are seeing then I suggest you get involved with the General Plan update and let your voice be heard there.

As I have mentioned, I am a member of the Town Center Sub Committee. Our discussions over the last 2 years have had a target ground breaking of 2008. Not 7- 10 years away. I have walked the property several times. I have talked to the developer about various challenges with the property. As for the "honeycomb of caverns", I think that is an exaggeration. There are a couple of areas where they used narrow track railroad, much like mines have for mine cars. But the developer does not seem concerened with this.

As for Oat Hill. I did not say that it shouldn't be developed. I stated that there is much to be studied and discovered before we know exactly what will fit best in that area.

I live in American Canyon at 138 Elke Drive. My backyard looks out over Oat Hill and the Eucalyptus Grove. I don't want to pay any more taxes than you do. However, I have a 6th grader and a 2nd grader and it is unaccpetable and intolerable to me to have them spend and hour each way on a bus, and to spend $850,000 per year to have them ride that bus to a high school that is not in my city.

RRRey, I appreciate that we don't agree on most things. However, I don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I have shown you nothing but respect on this site. I demand the same from you.


Don Callison

Reality Check

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:29 pm
by VicRiv
Some citizens continue to live in the past. Wake up its 2006!

American Canyon and the rest of the world is changing. Selfish citizens concerned only with " I, ME, MY attitude and NIMBY" attitude continue to provide no solutions. Yet complain about everything in town.

The Giai Hotel a dud? it hasn't even opened. It is the first Green hotel on the entire west coast. It'll provide resturants, first class hotel facilities and spa services for the people who come to Napa Valley with $$ to spend.

Palby Junction-hasn't even opened yet. It's providing office space for local businesses at a reasonable price and the opportunity for a small deli/cafe for an enterprising business.

Canyon Plaza- a dud? Very few unused space. The design is designed for slow, cautious driving. What are you driving? a Bus? I use the bank, library, haricut, spa bellisima, Sandwich place and have held several events at TR2.

Shopping facilities provide amenities for the local citizens. For the first time in the city's history-the Holiday season will enable locals to spend and keep their $$ in town. Not to mention all the job opportunities for seniors and youth. My son works for Ultimate Fitness-My family joined and we use the facilities.

Bottom Line:
Attitude is the only thing that needs changing for some citizens.

American Canyon is slowly realizing it's retail and business potential, keeping in mind, it's still an unproven market- and yet all the efforts and forward progress still it's not good enough for some people.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:23 pm
by smrtamcan
good luck with the attitudes, just check out the election site, i had had it myself with my opinion towards "he who will remain nameless, cause it gives me a headache". We need a good attitude for moving our city forward, not backwards and in a slower residential pace, i think we'd all agree. Good job you guys, responding to all the questions asked!
You are applauded!!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:49 pm
by amcannative
Rio Rancho- I don't what else to say to you. You live your life thinking the sky is falling I live it thinking it is a bright sunny day.

I am quoting you here

"Issues, Issues, Issues give us some real ones and come up with real solutions and quit beating a dead horse. That goes for all candidates. If you don't know what is really affecting this city then learn it. I am tired of candidates telling me what my issues are and how they will fix them. Always the same issues each time. Tell me something new and tell me how you will personally fix it. Then you will earn my vote"

First you ask that WE the candidates give you real issues. That is rediculous. It is not my job as a candidate to go around saying "isn't this terrible" or "doesn't this suck". It is my job to listen to what the issues are and then work with YOU to fix YOUR issues. If elected I do not owe you or any citizen a "cure" to anything. I owe you a representative that will listen to your concerns and your suggestions for fixes and then will go out and try and make those happen.

Then in the same breath you say "I am tired of candidates telling me what my issues are"- which is it, are we not telling you what the issues are or are we telling you what the issues are?

If you aren't able to describe your issues to me and talk about them, then how serious are they? They are your issues affecting you, not me! I want to help fix them, but if you expect me to tell you what the issues are you are making a mistake.

I don't know what supporter you are talking about? I am a supporter of the efforts and contributions of Buzz Butler and Lake Street Development.

Wait a minute, remember the 1st amendment- Maybe Don should sue now since you are denying him his 1st amendment rights, that is what your candidiate Maguire is doing? Do not make me pull the history showing your support of Maguire.

Not only are you calling people that invested in American Canyon duds, it is consistent with your history- The Recognition Ball was a dud, the 4th of July was a dud, the forums were duds, the $22K generated by my daughters sheep was a dud, eveything is a dud to you. So what

If we need shopping after everything gets finished, what is everything? The General plan CALLS for a big box. How do you finance the road improvments and infra-structure, until the shopping and hotels are going? Why are zone chnages bad? That is the process working.

I and many in American Canyon citizens, accoridng to the polls feel that Town Center is a priority-

I AM a local and there is a pond, called Miller's Pond. It will be a resource. I spoke at my campaign kick off, which you were invited to, but did not introduce yourself- I spoke about resources. God gave us certain resources and we will be challenged to mange them and develop them.

I and most others will pay for recreation. What taxe increases are you referring to? I am not clear on that

Measure "G" is a must- and if you are asking what will you get for that? A top quality education source for the youth of American Canyon. Recreation resources galore, an economic boom by keeping American Canyon families at home and not commuting to Napa for every social and school event that occures.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 3:33 pm
by Guest
I have been reading the forums for more than a few months now and with this sign issue that everyone is speaking about... If it is about integrity and following the rules then why does Leon Garcia seem to be the worst offender of multiple signs in single yards. I was under the impression that the ordinance called for one sign per candidate per property. Today, I was scouting for garage sales and I got distracted and started drving around to count offenders. The ONLY one was Mr Garcia. And in the 10 minutes I was driving around I found more than 7 homes with 2 to 3 Garcia signs. VicRiv, you seem the one who knows it about this issue and you do too Mr West. Please shine some light on this.

Let's stop tiptoeing around here...

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:07 pm
by ac94503
This site is a very valuable asset to the community if it is used correctly.
We all know that there are 2 cliques in the Canyon that really don't like each other and apparently will post anything negative in order to keep control. Maybe we should start a 3rd clique of residents that listen to both sides and come up with a mesh of the 2?

Mr. Maguire, I think you are correct in your post that the 2 existing cliques can't stand each other. This is definitely displayed in posts that are childish on this site.

Mrs. Coffee, I really admire your strength in refraining from posting anything negative on this site but post your reasons for voting the way you do at council meetings...I do believe you need to talk to your supporters to control themselves when defending your position on line because I see that you certainly can take the heat and handle the criticism and in several circumstances, definitely without their help

Mr. Callison, I am really impressed with your knowledge of the issues that face Am Can. You will get my vote. Conflict of interest? Please... Endorsement by Matt Pope...I think if he were running for office probably you would have to worry.

Mr. West, I think you are a very good man. I have had a flag mounted in front of my home in honor of Philip, (my personal hero) since I first heard of your family's loss. I think for you to want to take on a council position and move on is so healthy. People who have not experienced a loss as you have will never know the heartbreak that engulfs your life. I admire your strength. I will read more of your posts and decide whether you will have my support. I would like you to know, I really do appreciate that you have tried to change this website into a positive venue. Also, anyone that would minimize Megan's contribution to AC in memory of her brother is not worth a response. You have every right to be extremely proud of your children and I commend you for that.

As for the other candidates...haven't heard from you...Get on line...I think this is the way of the future to get the word out to your public regardless that there are so few registered users (compared to the voting public) as Vic Riv said it is 2006!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:05 pm
by Issa
Note: I have merged all the Election related topics into this one big post. It was getting a little crazy with all the little postings everywhere, they are all related so they should all be together. Please keep all election related topics in this post. Thank you.

Sign Municipal Code

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 1:06 pm
by VicRiv
The Municipal code regarding signs can be found at:

The council agreed no signs on public right of ways.
No regulation on the # of signs, but total can't exceed 64 sq ft (the equivalent of two 4X8).
No lights or neons.

The violators signs will be removed by city staff when they are reported to be in violation (as was the one candidate suing, who's sign was in a public right of way).

Hope this helps and 'nuff with the signs-lets concentrate on issues and solutions and ideas.

What is your issue?

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:05 pm
by ac94503
I am not sure how we can discuss the major issues such as :a high school, Oat Hill or a Town Center when everyone agrees.

So, I will mention again one issue that has bothered me for years.

Garbage and the unkept Rancho and Mc Knight area.

Mr. West, you posted that you may have a solution for this problem. I would love to hear it.

Mr. Callison, you said you would check into what other cities did to help residents with financing through the City to help them clean up the area.

I however have heard a different take. Please tell me this is not true.

Property taxes that are under Prop 13, (as we all know) is considerably lower than a new home buyer will be paying. So the best way to keep this income that will eventually depleat once we are built out would be to get the homes in the older neighborhoods to resell at a higher rate.

I guess my question is why hasn't the City helped clean up the older area ? Does it have anything to do with future tax revenues if we sell?

Cleaning up

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:14 pm
by amcannative
The Director of any Jail is authorized to utilize sentenced people as workers for use by government agencies as well as non-profit agencies for local work projects. BEFORE YOU REACT TO THE IDEA OF USING SENTENCED PEOPLE - these people have committed low security type crimes, mostly drunk drivers. You will already see them being utilized by Cal-Trans on Highway 29 at times picking up trash. None are inmates actually incarcerated in the jail. These are people that are told to report on a Saturday and Sunday (or their days off) and they are required to perform menial labor jobs like picking up trash, painting over grafiti, lots of differnet uses. It allows people to pay their debt to society and still maintain their jobs and support their families. I stress these people have committed very low risk type crimes.

Ed West

Cleaning up

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 7:53 am
by ac94503
Mr. West,

I agree with you and have made the same suggestion on this website some time ago. However, the response was (can't remember who posted it) that the City Worker's Union would not allow these individuals to work in AC. I feel that if AC residents need to put in so many commumity service hours due to let's say a drunk driving charge they should serve in
OUR community. I understand they need to be supervised but it surprised me to hear the Union mentioned and not sure if that is accurate.

Union issues

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:55 am
by amcannative
The union is not an issue. American Canyon used to participate in the program. I run this program and know that the School District uses them on weekends no children involved, Cal Trans uses them, CDF will be using them for brush removal, City of Napa used to use them. These are all PUBLIC EMPLOYEE union outfits. Usually the issue becomes that the entities have to committ to the program. It can not be a hit and miss issue where one weekend we use them, then another we don't. Occasional participation drop out will be OK, but too much and then you have to many participants and not enough entities. Who ever said the union interfered is mistaken. They may or may not have objected, but state law 4024.2p.c. clearly states that the Diretcor of the Jail or Sheriff may have this program. Naturally there is an agreement between the entities. Worker Comp has been an issue in the past also, but that has been resolved.

4024.2. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, the board of supervisors
of any county may authorize the sheriff or other official in charge
of county correctional facilities to offer a voluntary program under
which any person committed to the facility may participate in a work
release program pursuant to criteria described in subdivision (b), in
which one day of participation will be in lieu of one day of
(b) The criteria for a work release program are the following:
(1) The work release program shall consist of any of the
(A) Manual labor to improve or maintain levees or public
facilities, including, but not limited to, streets, parks, and
(B) Manual labor in support of nonprofit organizations, as
approved by the sheriff or other official in charge of the
correctional facilities. As a condition of assigning participants of
a work release program to perform manual labor in support of
nonprofit organizations pursuant to this section, the board of
supervisors shall obtain workers' compensation insurance which shall
be adequate to cover work-related injuries incurred by those
participants, in accordance with Section 3363.5 of the Labor Code.
(C) Performance of graffiti cleanup for local governmental
entities, including participation in a graffiti abatement program as
defined in subdivision (f) of Section 594, as approved by the sheriff
or other official in charge of the correctional facilities.
(D) Performance of weed and rubbish abatement on public and
private property pursuant to Chapter 13 (commencing with Section
39501) of Division 3 of Title 4 of the Government Code, or Part 5
(commencing with Section 14875) or Part 6 (commencing with Section
14930) of Division 12 of the Health and Safety Code, as approved by
the sheriff or other official in charge of the correctional
(E) Performance of house repairs or yard services for senior
citizens and the performance of repairs to senior centers through
contact with local senior service organizations, as approved by the
sheriff or other official in charge of the correctional facilities.
Where a work release participant has been assigned to this task, the
sheriff or other official shall agree upon in advance with the senior
service organization about the type of services to be rendered by
the participant and the extent of contact permitted between the
recipients of these services and the participant.
(F) Any person who is not able to perform manual labor as
specified in this paragraph because of a medical condition, physical
disability, or age, may participate in a work release program
involving any other type of public sector work that is designated and
approved by the sheriff or other official in charge of county
correctional facilities.

(3) The work release program shall be under the direction of a
responsible person appointed by the sheriff or other official in

I have worked with several public agencies with this program and have never encountered an issue with the unions. These persons are performing non-skilled very basic services. I have never seen a union issue, but if there was a meet and confer could probably work out the issue.

I thank you for the exchange, this is just one idea. I would also see an opportunity here to use youth, but the funding source would need to be worked out.

Ed West

CJP Workers

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:07 pm
by ac94503
Mr. West,

Thank you for your post. You mention that you are in charge of this program. Have you contacted any of the Council Members or City Dept heads regarding this idea? I would be curious to know whether they were open to this arrangement. It sounds like something that could have been implemented already and I'm not sure why it hasn't.

Inmate help

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:05 pm
by amcannative
Amcan has partcipated in the past, I was working with Bob Schwerin to get it re-kndled until he retired. There were some issues with Workers Comp, and then when he retired it fell to the way side. I think one thing that drives these types of programs is the desire and support of the community to make it a priorities with your elected officials and thus then the Dept heads

Ed West

Deteriorating Appearance

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:39 pm
by AmCan Newbie
I cannot believe how awful some neighborhoods, homes in ALL areas, and sections of hwy 29 look! :shock: In the time we have been here it has never been this bad. It is truly getting worse.

It is very embarassing when people visit & communicates such a negative message to people. Beyond adversely affecting property values, this sort of appearance also implies that seedy and/or illegal activity is tolerated or even happening in the area. There also is a domino effect in terms of residents (so inclined) feeling comfortable not maintaing their properties and/or violating the very minimal codes we have "on the books".

We recently had family/friends remark on how well-designed and appealing the newer retail/business centers are but then express surprise that not only are there so many eyesores, junker cars, litter etc., but that this is tolerated or even apparently acceptable in the community.

What are some of the ideas or suggestions any of the candidates have for addressing this particular problem?

I believe the issue of mandatory garbage pick-up was discussed in another thread or posting. This item was brought before the City Council several years ago when Chris Gustin was Public Works Director and (by majority vote) was voted down.

Around this same period of time, the City Council also declined to restrict RV parking on the streets to 24hrs., so we now have many people using public streets to store their various RV's, trailers, and even Big Mac type commercial trucks.

To add insult to injury, in this last year, the City Council voted to do away with anonymous reporting of code violations. But, the code enforcement officer cannot independently pursue violations. Do you all think all of this might have something to do with all the blight we are experiencing?


See what happens during the next 6 to 12 months.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 2:04 am
by Councilmember Coffey
AmCan Newbie:

I would happen to agree with you. Part of the problem is when the prior councils approved the home developments they insisted on adequate CC &R’s that would maintain the dignity of the subdivisions but failed to install a mechanism of enforcement. While all homebuyers receive and sign an acknowledgement for the CC & R’s it is essentially an honor system to maintain them. Which doesn’t work.

However if you choose to sue a fellow homeowner for not following the CC & R’s then you will most likely win and recover court costs but most people don’t since it is such an inconvenience.

The value of landscape versus concrete is varied by house to house. While some homeowners opt to park in concreted backyards others spend thousands to cobblestone driveways. The city has no power to enforce the homeowner’s CC & R’s unless there is a similar code within the city. You can then make the complaint.

The anonymous program does not give out the name of the caller as people think it does. Instead the identity is only for the code enforcement officer to track chronic calling and time wasting for “Hatfield and McCoy” situations. At no time is your name forwarded to the person of which you are making a claim.

As for the worst offenders, we all know there are some really big ones. Currently the process allows for notices and time frames to comply. The process is timely. If the individual fails to comply then further action is taken accordingly. Perhaps with the fire department, landlord, or health department and finally as a last resort court. The process takes a while. When used properly it is effective but when it isn’t you have a situation like Mr. Feiner and his hedges.

If you remember according to the last presentation the code enforcement was going to be enforced in quadrants with code officers working a specific area and looking for violations. We need more staff to accomplish this. The code enforcement officer doesn’t need a complaint to act and will respond accordingly to situations that need attention. The quadrant proposal was extremely effective and if we can secure the staff even for a short period just to get the city up to par we can then maintain it in a reasonable and respect your neighbor kind of way that would improve everybody’s quality of life.

What you have to ask yourself is what causes some of these homes to get into this state. In many cases the people are elderly or disabled and unable to get assistance to discard many of the broken vehicles or debris around their homes. I have been working on an all trash day with the city to occur twice a year. Where you can toss anything to the curb and the city will even take it with exception of
ex-spouses. LOL

This program would be most efficient if we could match volunteers and churches to offer assistance to those who need it. In most cases that’s all it takes is assistance and opportunity.

A bit back Mr. Maguire suggested offering paint to folks to paint their homes. That is a great idea. In fact we could offer recycled paint from the recycle center and form youth volunteer groups to assist those who need help with painting their homes or doing some yard clean up work. Some high schools require community assistance hours why not exchange those for work that can be done with home improvements.

I am sure the list would be very long if we created a program offering assistance. Sometimes I have found they just need a pickup truck to get rid of a few things to enhance the front yard. The city needs to be more aggressive about hauling off old junked cars. In some cases the homeowners would get a rebate for those.

As for litter around the city, the city does its best to keep up. Litter on Highway 29 is Cal-Trans responsibility and the city has been aggressive with a letter of an intended lawsuit against Cal-Trans if they didn’t get that grass cut and litter cleaned up. It was done within 2 weeks. It is a shame that you have to resort to that kind of action to get something done right but sometimes you do. We will be sending another letter again and hopefully they will simply respond and do the right thing.

The city does restrict RV parking and does give tickets for boats, RV’s and other violations this is usually done by a police technician. Unfortunately the technicians work daytime hours. If you see a trailer or boat violation simply call it in and they will mark it. This is done anonymously with a quick phone call, especially if the apparatus is blocking the stop sign or crosswalk area.

I have used offender programs in the past and did find them to be quite useful. I prefer to use them as a crime deterrent for local offenders as it builds character and community respect. Usually it is more cost effective to have a kid show up a couple of Saturdays to pick up trash or weed then to have the parents pay thousands of dollars to courts and attorneys for probation. Sometimes they will get juvenile hall too. Offender Programs are a better way. There just needs to be great coordination between the program manager and the city staff member who needs to have an adequate work schedule to use up the time and be organized otherwise it fizzles out.

I don’t think there are as many “offenders” with the disheveled yards as one might assume as they just seem to be strategically placed next to homes for sale or on well traveled routes.

I support cleaning up the city but I also want to be sure to protect homeowner’s rights to property and privacy. Given time and attention I believe both can be achieved to improve the community as a whole. \:D/

Reply to Cindy

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:31 pm
by ac94503

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to the issues I feel are important. I however, don't think I should have to wait for the next 6 to 12 months to see results that I feel could be accomplished on a much more timely schedule. I guess I would say I am tired of waiting...

This City needs to realize that the garbage that is collecting in the fields eventually costs the City more money to send out the staff to clear the sewer run off grates on many roads in AC. I would like to see action on what causes problems before the flooding begins. Yes, the City finally got it to clear the causeways that have created problems in the past.
However, I am also unwilling to continue to look at the plastic bags, the slurpie cups, and other misc. garbage items thrown in every empty lot in the Rancho area. Before we get into "Crisis" mode, someone needs to get some common sense and realize what is costing this City money. Head off the problem before it creates a bigger and more costly problem.

Your ideas are good ones but lets speed it up and start taking action NOW before another rainy season hits us.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 5:20 pm
by smrtamcan
Dear Cindy, you know you keep bringing up the past aren't you, more than everyone afraid of the past? 10year anniversary, parks commission, hear say about spending accountability in personal and city? Solutions are needed, you can't go backwards, we all want to move forward. You can't fault the past when you now need to show what you'll do for our future. They say in business-never talk bad about your previous boss because they will assume you will also talk bad of them, the same is for bad talk about your competitors they assume you have something to hide and you are trying to take the heat off yourself. lets talk forward thinking because we can all talk-we need actions. Thanks

My Opinion

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:43 am
by VicRiv
American Canyon Citizens Against Delusional Leadership

Along with each election cycle there are two givens 1) some candidates come out of the woodwork to gain election time exposure and 2) the facts on issues are stretched and bent to accommodate candidate agenda.
I challenge each citizen in American Canyon to not be taken in by the fast talking campaign promises, slick advertising or the televised candidate commercials, yes folks TV commercials. This election cycle even includes a lawsuit about campaign signs. Lucky, aren’t we?
American Canyon has also become inundated with special interest union money from Vallejo. Union money has become American (Canyon) as apple pie-and we all know there are strings attached and debts to be repaid. Who are the candidates we can thank for that?
Endorsements are appearing on campaign literature picking their favorite candidates. How many of these resonate with you and represent your interests? Shouldn’t endorsements be from your city’s business leaders? Shouldn’t endorsements be from local volunteers who make a difference in YOUR town?
There are many styles of leadership. The trait I want in my leader is action, not words. I want them involved in my community making a difference. I want to be able to trust them in their decision making process-based on facts, not emotion. Understanding issues and the ramifications of their decision and how it affects each resident of American Canyon is crucial.
Honesty and trust are two traits I value the most in life. In my profession, reputation is more important than the product and company I represent. Each competitor has slick marketing materials and unique features and functionality. The adage “sounds too good to be true” usually is reality discovered, after the fact. Scratch the surface and ask questions-remove the veneer and you will begin to discover the truth.
Small business owners have invested in American Canyon and have had an opportunity to socialize with candidates. They have a vested interest in American Canyon government. Who do they trust to share their vision and protect their investment?
When I take all these factors into consideration, the decision is easy. November will be a historical vote, which we will select a Mayor for the first time.
I am voting for the ONE candidate who isn’t suing the town I both live in and love. In November I am voting for Leon Garcia for Mayor. Leon is an honest, decent man. I know what I get with Leon. I also want a cohesive team for him to lead. I am also voting for Don Callison and Ed West for city council.
I believe the three of them together represent the best solution with current council members Joan Bennett and Cindy Coffey to represent American Canyon. A well-balanced council representing a majority of American Canyon’s population. New and old, young and old, business owners and parents; combined their differences and backgrounds offer the best for American Canyon, now and in the future.


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:01 pm
by mookienunu
Great picks!!! But there are individuals who do not want to see these people on the team, because there is concern that these people if elected will watch every move of others on the team. If you have nothing to hide or worry about this should not be a factor.

Actual Clarification

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:45 am
by Mel
I haven't posted in a while as I have other more important things going on in my families, life.
I need to clear something up right now.


Although she started the group Am Can United for Responsible Growth, she is clearly was not the only member. She resigned from the group prior to taking the oath of office unlike other city elected and appointees who continue to belong to other controversial organizations in American Canyon. Clearly it has been your intention to mislead the viewing public of this forum with misinformation regarding your favorite candidates.
I am here to remind you that nearly 1500 people agreed with Cindy Coffey's philosophy on the future growth of this city and it is different than what your "team" have in mind.
You're right, this will be a historical election thanks to your candidate who pushed to have this prematurely on the ballot for his own election before the position role was identified, or agreed upon, or giving the public alternatives to an elected Mayor. Your candidate obviously never had the confidence of his council members to become Mayor of this city. So, the question you should be asking yourself is, why not?


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:37 am
by VicRiv
I am not certain which "team" you are referencing. The only teams I back are the SF 49ers and the LA Dodgers. I am ONE person with ONE opinion, albeit, a strong one.

Coffey repeatedly took credit as heading the group who is suing the City. So don't play semantics. And stay away from those potholes, like the rest of us do.


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:03 pm
by mookienunu
Who is to say that she is still not involved with the group? She had her name as a contact person on the web site Reclaim for any anti-walmart questions or issues. Once this information came out, she had her name removed from the website and now amcanunited as the contact source.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:10 pm
by Mel
What are you talking about when you say pothole? My car was wrecked when Argonaut neglected to keep our streets safe during their construction. I did not hit a pothole. It was a utility cover that was misplaced by Argonaut. I'll say it again, Cindy was the ONLY one who thought that was a problem. I sent an email to ALL council members and Cindy was the only one who took action. I just got a call from Argonaut who apologized profusely for this situation that in their words, "should never have happened".

Re: huh

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:16 pm
by mindingcitybiz
Who is to say that she is still not involved with the group? She had her name as a contact person on the web site Reclaim for any anti-walmart questions or issues. Once this information came out, she had her name removed from the website and now amcanunited as the contact source.
Cindy Coffey was not aware of this organization. The call it the world wide web. Anybody can put any information they desire about you. It is only when people are trying to dig up dirt on you find out.


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:35 am
by mookienunu
Yes, you keep telling yourself that. She truly would not do anything like that.. oh no!!! I only speak from a past experience of accaintances who have been taken by her!!! Why don't you ask her about the people who were down and out whom she hired to remodel her shop that she was going to open in the Vallejo Plaza, the work they did and the money that she DID NOT PAY!! NEVER PAID!! These people were trying to make honest money for themselves, and all they got was screwed.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:44 am
by Frankie G
Mookienunu, You have no idea what you are talking about. Get your facts straight before you go nuts on your keyboard.

Re: Huh

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 9:49 am
by mindingcitybiz
Yes, you keep telling yourself that. She truly would not do anything like that.. oh no!!! I only speak from a past experience of accaintances who have been taken by her!!! Why don't you ask her about the people who were down and out whom she hired to remodel her shop that she was going to open in the Vallejo Plaza, the work they did and the money that she DID NOT PAY!! NEVER PAID!! These people were trying to make honest money for themselves, and all they got was screwed.
Hey Kathleen! Still board with your life in Kansas? Maybe if you didn't screw so many of people over here, you wouldn't have to go around blaming other people for your miserable life.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:48 am
by mookienunu
Kathleens life in Kansas is just fine, thank you for inquiring. Too bad others in AC is not as well.

In Kansas

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:54 am
by VicRiv
Don't blame anyone for seeing that the emperor has no clothes..(No VERY bad visual)..let's just say another member of :

American Canyon Citizens Against Delusional Leadership


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:06 am
by mookienunu

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:33 pm
by smrtamcan
collectively with other topics please note...
Platforms are just an idea of what can happen, that they will do all that is necessary to try and make it happen, yet you as council have TO MAKE IT TO THE MEETINGS>HIGH SCHOOL, Devlopement on the Town Center>YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT TO THE MEETINGS, Oat Hill>YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT TO THE MEETINGS and frankly the tract record for Coffey is the worst to date.
Things don't just happen with out participation.
The Planning convention in San Antonio with one council member and the then Planning Director, Cindy made it but has yet to explain what she had to go for and actually came away with. I don't see a problem going to see her family while she was there but what did we get out of it?
Last night i heard that she is now the 4th of July Chair, didn't she chair the 10th anniversary? Are we all going to have to pay for the damage that may occur for the 4th or has she learned her lesson to be more causious when it comes to the money? Will she get the $5000.00 originally promissed by Paul Maguire publicly, will she bring the $10,000 promised to her last year(or did she send them then to donate). How did she become chair, i know the last chair stated that she was unable to do it this year, no other takers? Isn't Cindy on the Council, over the parks commission, over the 4th, she has opportunities to be involved, wasn't she the one who layed out how much time it takes to be a council member and now-oh that was wrong(someone else must have wrote that article). Well, still she has done more than Mr. Maguire so she's ahead.
And in regards to the statement about being on the lawsuit org named as residents...bla,bla,bla that was infact Cindys Orginazation and by the way Paul Maguire said he wrote letters for her paper(brings in money for her) and as noticed at last nights meeting she did not recuse herself from the closed door session meeting that made me think, glad it was asked-never would have thought about it but heard about the agenda, doesn't matter how she voted, WHAT DO YOU CALL THAT? CAN YOU TELL THE ELECTION IS GETTING CLOSER?Or is it just an awakening of the future?
What does our future look like?
Under (in alphabetical order)
Cindy - My friends called me and they're upset we should fix it.
I want that, but i can't make it to the meetings but if it turns out good i want credit, and if it's bad i won't be the one to blame.
Leon - My feeling is....3minutes go by....4minutes go by..but very caring and has genuine concerns about the whole city that he has been in for quite awhile. He has the same concerns most do. We will have long meetings
Paul - Put signs on your roof of how you feel, nope not my fault it was everyone else I WASN"T THERE. I know all about the city, i can't make it to the meetings because i was driving my millionaire car to get to my millionare plane to do my millionaire business-but i'll stop all that to be on council-But only as Mayor-for 330.00 a month- i can do what i want here under freedom of speech, freedom of expression, yada dahdah dah and all of you who i don't like will not sit on commissions.

Now remmember no matter how they take credit for anything, it takes the majority of the council to make it happen so credit is worthless other to say it was supported.
Recent Endorsements....Should be local, recently there was a try at making unions put their endorsements out to their members to vote but it didn't happen so you get 1 or 2 people for unions who for the most part don't live here and make the deciding vote(too bad for american canyon, more believable if they lived here)
JUST TO MAKE YOU THINK, NOT TO MAKE A DECISSION FOR YOU, But really people, pot holes take time and money and the entire state has the same needs, take a look on the priority list and you may get a better idea of the state of the City(It's not a bad place to live, is it, and we are all still here, we have the same problems as other cities and because of the slowness of replacement of employees is hurting us-we have a great community of people)Yep, Cindy Leon and Paul we pray you have good intentions just possibly misdirected. Good luck, y'all, we will see at the Mayoral candidate forum put on by the eagle, hopefully televised this time, depends on where it's held, i didn't get to see it last time-had to buy the paper. I'm sure you will all clear your schedules for it. Anybody know the date it will be this year?
We only have a choice of 3 for Mayor, between 2 would have been easier and 4 would've given more validation, 2 year term, right? Sooooo2 years is what we have, shoot recall takes time-what a thought.
Good luck canyonites, life will go on and so will the city, The fact that the city seems to be on hold waiting for Novembers election is crazier than everything else when you think about it, certify ethics now and then do it for the new ones when they get in, should they be ethically certified Now or is ethics out the window? Hmmmmmmmmm, another thought for all, did the planning do their ethics? what about Parks? what about open space? Anybody get certified? ETHICS-not cooking skills or basket weaving, ETHICS.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 3:10 pm
by Mel
Well, I believe that Cindy would make a great Mayor. She has a lot of heart and wants to take care of the residents. We can say what we want about all the candidates, but we will vote how we will vote. I also think she was a great choice for the 4th of July Chair- you were there- you know there were only 2 other women who were up for the task. Her enthusiasm has me excited to be involved. Cindy has some really great ideas, some may not materialize, and you will, I am sure cut her down for that as you were cut down. Some, may be fabulous! I have spoken to 4 different organizations who were not approached in the last few years and loved the idea of having a booth and a float in the parade. New blood is not a bad thing. With your help, and the help of the new people who want to get involved, I think it's gonna be great. This event isn't for just one person or one "group", it is a celebration for all of American Canyon! No, I didn't have a great time last year. I did however, see some people who I haven't seen since moving out of my old neighborhood and that was great. We are hoping that the local bands and musicians will participate in '07. Some are still upset from a few years ago. Lots of ideas are coming forth, most of which I hope work out.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:07 am
by smrtamcan
I'm updated by a lot of people not just those from the 4th of july if that's what you mean. I get a lot of info from those who know Cindy, Paul, Leon, Cori, Bill, Don, Ed, ...the list goes on. The fact that Cindy has a good heart goes without saying. I believe this town needs true honest reliable attention. That saying everything else applies, not just to the 4th of July stuff but the town in general. I represent the vision for our future. The fact that abandoned buildings are far worst than anything, delapadated areas of town, a process which is broken and needs to be fixed, the fact that listening to meetings on tv makes everyone appear to have a lisp needs to be corrected. The City needs good government and the ability to use their position to the way it was designed, but is that politians..They all suffer sometimes of doing what's in their interest and we need to find who is in the majority interest.
The fact that all can find out at candidate forums is a good thing.
As far as taking heat for the 4th of July on anybody is the way it happened when this site began and elections were run. If i understand the Parade is run by Rodderick and the Fireworks are run by Randy and the middle is what the committee helps with. So what's up with the middle stuff? Realise you can not respond to the Ethics question, that would be the politicians but their response would be interesting in how they feel about the waiting for new people.
Great hopes for the 4th of July. Cindy acknowledged Cori would help if needed.
Glad to see that there are more people going to work together, if in fact the amount of people Cindy said were there actually help.

Have You Read This?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:15 pm
by ac94503
I don't know it sounds familiar to me!

Hold on to high standards

Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:12 AM PDT

In the heat of competition opponents sometimes say and do regrettable things.

Along with the basics of the game, little league baseball players and youth league soccer players are taught that fair play and mutual respect are the cornerstones of the game. Yet, even professionals are subject to lapses of judgment, as demonstrated by a recent event in the National Football League. Such lapses from professionals are particularly regrettable, especially from professionals in business and government. In a game the consequences of such behavior are usually minimal, or at least limited to a couple of players. The integrity of the game remains. In politics however, trash talking taints the whole process and the community involved.

Poll after poll shows that voters say they prefer a reasonable discussion of the issues during an election rather than mudslinging, name-calling and vitriol. Yet even in a relatively small city like American Canyon, finger-pointing and blame go on during elections.

Witness the recent endorsement from the city’s Chamber of Commerce. While praising its selections the chamber felt compelled to blame ex-Mayor/Vice-Mayor/Councilwoman Lori Luporini and current Mayor Cecil Shaver for “antics” that have brought “ridicule” to the city.

We believe those kinds of recriminations do nothing to bring the “dignity and gravitas” to city offices that the Chamber says it wants. This election is not about Luporini or Shaver or their past behavior. Luporini is long gone. Whatever her accomplishments or missteps, they are irrelevant to this election. Rehashing them would do nothing to address the serious issues now facing the city. Accusing her of irresponsibility is simply a waste of time and energy and steers debate into an ugly, unproductive channel.

Shaver is a candidate but is stepping down as mayor and running for a rergular city council seat. Criticism (or praise) should be directed toward his voting record and actions on behalf of the city and should be specific and professional.

American Canyon has grown too big to tolerate small mindedness in its government or business community. There is too much at stake in this election to make it about grudges or personalities. Let’s hold our standards to the highest levels of professionalism.

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Or Did You Miss This?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:18 pm
by ac94503
AmCan Chamber should be ashamed and embarrassed

By Paulette Freskan-Griffin
Tuesday, October 10, 2006 8:12 AM PDT

As signs start to pop up on our landscape to announce candidates and measures, I have noticed that there seems to be a “group” appearing: I’ll call them the “Three Amigos.” This is a very scary scenario. The American Canyon Chamber of Commerce, in its infinite wisdom, spelled it out in a recent press release: Two, possibly 3 candidates are running as a “team”, while a fourth awaits their election to council. Has anyone ever heard of the Brown Act? Their friendship and camaraderie is great, but not on my council.

I want different ideas from each council member. I want council members who discuss, disagree and agree with each other until they arrive at the best decision and outcome for this city and its residents. I don’t want a council with all the same ideas on what’s to come. We had that in the beginning. I don’t want a “team” that will discuss issues and talk to each other out of closed sessions and public meetings to decide this city’s fate. I don’t want another council who will decide we have to live with what they decide they want.

If what you see is what you get, let’s be afraid of this team, let us beware these “Three Amigos.” The Chamber supports them. Well it’s about time this do-nothing chamber supported something other than its social get together. The Chamber also decided to attack former Mayor/Vice Mayor and Councilmember Lori Luporini. Why? Isn’t that what is called “whipping a dead-horse?” Are they afraid because so many people know the truth: that certain interests started a chain of events to remove her from our council? Why?

The chamber then goes on to attack Cecil Shaver our present mayor. Cecil has been a constant supporter of property rights for homeowners. He would like to slow down this run-away race to build a house or something on every square inch of land in the city to a walk. While others feel open space is a tree and grass in the median of a street. Is that why they attack him? They attack Cindy Coffey. Yes, it’s a fact she opposed Wal-Mart. Why? Because she doesn’t believe it is paying its fair share to be in our city. The city gets to figure out where to get $19 million-plus to fix the highway so people can get to Wal-Mart. Ask what Wal-Mart paid. I supported Wal-Mart, not only because I shop there but because Buzz Butler needed it to get his Napa Junction Project off the ground. Once again Wal-Mart is in the courts. It’s a dead issue. Whatever will be will be.

The Chamber then attacked Paul Maguire. Let me say I am pro-signage for business directions, but the highway right now is an unsightly joke. Just look at the corner of Napa Junction Road. Talk about overkill. Why do we need these huge signs every few yards apart on our highway?

The Chamber has every right to endorse anyone or anything they wish. This was not endorsement. These were the personal choices of who someone wants on this council. How many of these Chamber members are there? How many live here in American Canyon?

Many residents are outraged at the mudslinging tactics used by the Chamber, especially at the attacks aimed at Cindy Coffey and Cecil Shaver, two councilmembers who residents feel are doing a great job, councilmembers residents trust in.

This Chamber in American Canyon should be ashamed it allowed its name to be on the “immediate releases” that were recently published. They should be embarrassed. These releases were unprofessional and not what should be expected from professional businessmen and women.

A new Low for one Candidate

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:34 pm
by VicRiv
Paul Maguire has a new recording going out indicating that the "three amigos'" want to get into office so they can get Mark Joseph back into office.

Mr. Joseph has no intention or interest in the position. How do I know?? I picked up the phone and asked him. He's doing well with his consulting gig.

It's apparent when you are desperate-you resort to lies and deception. Keep it up Paul, just one more reason how you demonstrate you are not qualified for Mayor or City Council.

Sad, Sad, Sad..