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When will the pain stop?

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 12:14 am
by guest
When will the pain stop and we can have some new faces on city council? I can't believe my family and I bought here and to think we thought Sacramento was bad.

After watching the council on camera last night it was clear to me and I am sure clear to many other people that these folks are home but the light's out.

Cecil tries, but is always given the "look" by the Mayor and hangs his head low when he speaks. Cecil and Ben usually are the ones that give me hope. Comments are short and to the point. Leon is the noncomment guy. Don is so full of hatred for American Canyon that it oozes from him and as for the Mayor well let's just say we have all wised up.

I remember her telling us of all the wonderful things happening in American Canyon when we were thinking about buying here while dining at Lena's. We thought wow what a Mayor and how nice. The picture she painted of the Napa Junction Project is nothing like what it is going to be. As for the schools, well they are hurting for money. We thought this was a good district but my son has been asked to sell items to make money for the school.

My home has problems, the foundation is cracking and we have black mold. I can't seem to get the grass to take in a specific area and when it rains the ground takes a long time to dry out.

My family and I were elated when we found American Canyon online. We thought it was perfect because of the schools, the small town feel and the convenience to the mountains, city, and the valley.

Little did I know that I haven't escaped the traffic and it is getting worse. My children always seem to get sick from school, We haven't been to any activities other than swimming lessons for the kids. There is nothing for a new family to do here so we leave.

Now because of the decision of 5 people that I personally would have never voted for. My home value will go down, the traffic will get worse, crime will rise, and the drug dealers will have a new place to hang in the local park at the Napa Junction project.

Oh and just for the record Mr. Colcleasor when that attorney was talking and referred to the area as the town center, according the slick piece of propaganda the city mailed you referenced it as the town center too. Perhaps that was intentional to attempt to fool the masses.

Colcleasor needs to leave.....and fast. You are not welcome here see how you like it. You sold us out so you could make a fast buck. Everybody knows you knew about Wal-Mart before the 18th that is why you sold out!!
You knew you couldn't compete with Wal-Mart's garden center. But it's ok for Mid City right?

Who are we going to vote for to make this city run right? Somebody tell me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dont bote

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:28 am
by pumkin
you don't know what you are talking about you should go back where you came from you would be happier you dont sound happy here we only want happy people in our community. If you really want to vote vote for the mayor and anyone you want but do not vote for Cindy Coffey she is trouble and then you will see the town go to hell.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:36 am
by Guest
Pumpkin why so Anti- Cindy because she has stirred up the hornets nest. What the Good ole boy mentality is about to get the boot in AMCAM. I want to thank her for enlightening me. In our numorous conversations Cindy has never once said anything that hadn't been said about the Mayor in the Times Herald or the Register.

Matter-of-fact Cindy has the same montra if you want to know whats going on investigate it yourself. Review the newspapers, planning and city council minutes and tapes.

The best thing you can Pumpkin is to educate yourself on the facts and if your of voting age make the right decisions on Nov. 2nd. Honesty and Integrity mean something. Let me leave you with something to get you started.

1. Cindy owned a shabby chic store in Vallejo in 2003. I was theew on the day that a group of women came in and stole her purse. I didn't meet Cindy, but I did meet her husband who told me this was the third theft within 10 days. And they would be relocated to AmCan I never made it into the AmCan store.
2. Cindy owns both a business and a home in AmCan.
3. The Chamber of Commerce is run by Vallejo residents and businesses so why do I care what they think what is the best for our city?
4. Everything I know about Lori Maples Luporini is from her own mouth in the newspapers, minutes and tapes. She sure does like to talk.
5. At several city council meetings I have seen the Mayor act like a child interrupting me, giving dirty looks. Look at the tapes.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:46 pm
by NapaDude
My home value will go down, the traffic will get worse, crime will rise, and the drug dealers will have a new place to hang in the local park at the Napa Junction project.
I really don't see what you are basing this statement on, unless you are projecting your own fears. If you make such allegations, shouldn't you support it with facts?

reply to napadude

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:08 pm
by guest
napadude- great name. Yes I can support all of the above.
1. decrease in home value. If Wal-Mart closes, so will Food 4 Less and Safeway. Additionally all of the small businesses located in both centers will also close, except for Starbucks because it is Starbucks.
People driving up 29 will be greeted with blight, blight does not encourage people to buy homes or be on a waiting list to do so.
When people stop buying new homes or homes sit on the market your property begins to devalue. It's the old supply and demand thing. Where Wal-Mart is concerned it has been statistically documented that the average is 20%. However I feel it will be much greater for us since we are in an overinflated housing market.
2. Traffic will get worse- yes again according to the recent studies released a Supercenter generates 4 to 6 times more daily trips than a standard grocery center or a smaller retailer. Not to mention all of those traveling employees working split shifts and part-time. Besides this is going to be a regional store which means additional traffic on 29, A/C road, and hwy 12.
3. Crime in American Canyon will rise. Currently the Vallejo store generates 35 to 40 calls per month and those are the ones that are documented. Actually crime will rise as it will move into our community and become our responsibility. You can request the police report from Vallejo.
4. There is a problem with drug dealers hanging out in parks. Not only is the 24 hour draw good for business, but the fact that the Park is secluded from the main road and blocked. It is a public park that is flanked by low income housing and a hotel. Again look at statistics of high density housing and how the local parks are used. It is a recipe for disaster that the taxpayers will have to pay for.

You too can find all of these statistics on the internet. There are so many informative studies and documentation available that I am surprised more people aren't aware of the problems associated with a supercenter. But I appreciate the interest, I just like to be informed. Oh and pardon my rantings but I am a bit fed up.
Thanks for reading.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:32 am
by NapaDude
Thanks for providing that.

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:26 am
by Guest
"3. Crime in American Canyon will rise. Currently the Vallejo store generates 35 to 40 calls per month and those are the ones that are documented. Actually crime will rise as it will move into our community and become our responsibility. You can request the police report from Vallejo.
4. There is a problem with drug dealers hanging out in parks. Not only is the 24 hour draw good for business, but the fact that the Park is secluded from the main road and blocked. It is a public park that is flanked by low income housing and a hotel. Again look at statistics of high density housing and how the local parks are used. It is a recipe for disaster that the taxpayers will have to pay for."

In regard to Vallejo's crime rate... you can try to compare them to American Canyon but the real fact is this... Napa Courts are not like Solano Courts ! ! ! A shoplifter here will get punished unlike in Solano. ACPD will make an arrest, unlike Vallejo PD which issues citations for shoplifting. When the shoplifters realize they will be charged with Burglary instead of petty theft, they will stop coming to American Canyon. Crooks know where their crimes will be punished and where they will get a slap onthe wrist....

As for the park, well as with any park, AC Muni code states all city parks are closed from Dusk until Dawn... Once they are contacted, searched and arrested for the dopw on them, they will move on too.... Just remember that when you hear about how the police are harrassing the citizens by searching them and arresting them when the crook was "just minding their own business"... Remember the articles in the Napa Sentinal.... Sheriff's deputies running a muck, searching everyone they came across... Well the fact is the ones they came across were drug users and sellers, known by the Deputies as such ! The Sentinal forgot to mention this, and whewre did all those articles go,,,, just dropped after one of the Sentinal's editors major campainge contributors case was finished in court..... Guilty by the way........... Anyway, I just want to say support your local police, help them, if you see something you dont think is right, then it probably isn't - call them, they cant be everywhere, but we citizens are everywhere ! If we want our town to be one we are proud of, then we need to get involved and help the police keep the riff-raff out..... OK I'm stepping off my soap box now, someone else want to step up???


Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:08 am
by Bubbles
Apparently some of the losers for city council just can't let it go. Morris Curry has lost his mind. He came in forth, not even close. He should lay low and hope that someday people forget what a screwball he is and then he can run for dog catcher or some other office where he can't do much damage with his insane ideas. What a buffoon. :roll: