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Chamber considers revoking Measure I endorsement

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:18 pm
by Rich Jager
Last Friday, The Chamber of Commerce began circulating e-mails to discuss revoking the Chambers endorsement of Measure I.The Chambers position was taken witout hearing any opposing viewpoints. Now that the opposition is being heard, many members are reconsidering their positions. The Napa Chamber heard both sides of this issue and refused to endorse this measure.

Its about time they starting doing research and listening

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 10:13 pm
by Paul Maguire
Why they are at it, they should revoke their endorsement of West, Callison and Garcia, being as they didn't interview any candidates.

This new idea of finding out about people and measures before endorsing them is progress.

Good job on the Chambers part for starting to look, listen, ask, and otherwise research before coming out for or against any issue or candidate!

Perhaps in doing so they will realize that at least two of these candidates are what got us into this mess we are in that they claim they can now fix- not.

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 8:36 am
by smrtamcan
Mr. Maguire, who lives on the return street addresson your fliers
It is now public knowledge, so who is at 5500 Eucalyptus #214, AmCan?