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Napa Register Says NO on MEASURE I

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:20 am
by Rich Jager
Todays Register editorial recomends voting NO on MEASURE I and for good reasons. Please give it a read. Cindy Coffee had a very good point at the last Council meeting, sugesting they hear the other side of the argument before endorsing Measure I.Because of the "mom & apple pie" nature of the subject matter few are willing to say vote no publicly but it is very telling to note who has refused to endorse Measure I. They include Napa Chamber of Commerce, Napa City Council, The Napa Valley Vintners, The Napa Valley Wine Growers refuses to even discuss this Measure and Labor, Police and Fire are not endorsing this. I know of several people, including one County Official, who are listed as endorseing this measure who have changed their position after hearing more information. American Canyon will get more money much faster directly from the Board of Supervisors than they will get from the UP Valley interests who would control Measure I money if this bad and decptive measure were to pass. This is a Special Interest ballot measure for the benefit of the Land Trust and the Bay Area Sierra Clubs. Please Vote NO On MEASURE I