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The Gutter Paper

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:56 am
by Paul Maguire
Well I see the Gutter Paper took some shots at a few of us this issue.

All the more reason to stay out of the gutter, and not pick up the Echo, which is usually where it found.

Gutter paper, full of gutter writing.

Poor Paul

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:42 pm
by VicRiv
The Echo reported that you sued the City over your election signs. How is that a shot? You DID sue and they reported it.

The last issue (we saw) of the Post was all for you..that was ok for your "random" endorsements. Can you say "self-serving" (then) editor-in-chief.

Your attitude here, attacking a volunteer paper simply reporting information show that you are neither mature enough or thick-skinned enough to represent American Canyon in any official capacity. Grow Up.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:14 am
by Paul Maguire
You know I did not write that article nor even have an opportunity to see if before the paper, as it was a last minute submission. Talk to the Publisher.

But now what about all these lies your campaign and candidate and his cohorts spread around town. Such a double standard.

The echo COPIED the Eagles article. They did not write anything new. Unlike every other paper in town, they did nothing to inquire about it or seek any comment.

What they did write is fabricated bull-logne.

They also blasted Cecil Shaver, who is one of their volunteers. Some loyalty there, hey. They claimed Don Callison has more experience that Cecil Shaver? I dont think so.

Like I said, you find it in the gutter, you should leave it in the gutter- of course, by your gutter mouth here online, it must be your favorite paper.

One thing is for sure- if elected Mayor I will do all I can to prevent those with a poor attitude and who regularly disrespect others (as you have demonstrated time and time again online here,) do not serve in any official capacity with the city at all.

Garcia got you on the Parks Commission and your gutter mouth is a reflection on his campaign, in which you work, and the type of people that support him.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:20 am
by smrtamcan
There it is, give enough rope and you'll hang yourself! Your want is power and that's all this is about! YOU WILL MAKE SURE what? How can you alone make sure anything happens. The echo is delivered to driveways maybe your goes in the gutter when perhaps you don't pick it up for days or weeks surprised you have one at all.
I think you will be self-surving by your comments made, perhaps traffic interfears with the casino(doesn't matter that you sold it or not, what's in it for you) Maybe you should take a better look at what's going on in town, maybe your buddies in developement agree with you, the truth is we have a drive thru starbucks that gives back to the community and highers our youth, as well as jamba juice, If you live here you already know that. Why waste our time to have a fit that Leon & Cindy could've ran against each other as would make sence, you are not close to being what this town needs, you feed on chaos ,not truth, not respect, no we need to interview people who know you, have had interactions with you, the fact that you really don't care about what you're saying will come out.


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:03 am
by VicRiv
Mr. Maguire,
If you had done some thinking and research before typing-you would have undoubtedly found that the ONE article was written by the same person. Scott happens to write for both papers. So it wasn't "copied" as you indicate.

Your claim about not contacting anyone before they wrote the article-contact Scott if you have a problem with it. Remember the POST did many "interviews" without contacting the "interviewee". THAT is INCREDIBLE reporting. uhhh NOT.

In re: my position on the Parks and Community Commission.Let me explain the process, since you apparently do not know the process (due to the FACT you are NOT involved in ANY city or Civic Organizations).
1) the position was mentioned to me by three of the (then) current council after Ms. Coffey was removed from her position.
2) THE ENTIRE COUNCIL interviewed ALL candidates and selected Simon Wargo and Victor Rivera to serve.
3) THE ENTIRE COUNCIL voted- so your conspiracy theory is flawed.