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The Chamber and thier endorsements

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 3:56 am
by Paul Maguire
Just for the record, the Chamber of Commerce did not interview me for the June election prior to their "endorsement" of Joan Bennett,
nor for the November election prior to their endorsement of Leon Garcia.
Other candidates advised that they too were not spoken with prior to the June election.

It is unfortunate, that this Chamber has no interest in the candidates, nor the time to at least discuss the issues with them.

The Chamber should not endorse any candidate without taking an opportunity to talk to all of the candidates.

It is a very poor business practice, and is as well, a poor representation of the members, and reflects poorly on the leadership and Board of the Chamber.

Paul Maguire
Candidate for Mayor

Conflict of Interest Questions?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:22 pm
by ac94503
Mr. Maguire... ever since you pulled your membership with the Chamber over the lack of a 4th of July budget article are you really surprised that they didn't interview you? In regard to that donation let me say I thought you should have given "nothing" based on Cory's quote in the Napa Register. You were very generous to give $500.00.

Did I hear correctly that the new President of the Chamber is Leon Garcia? Isn't this going to cause some conflicts of interest when it comes to voting as a Council member in the future if Mr. Garcia is elected Mayor?

Also, in regard to your you think any of the current or future candidates will be able to participate in any discussion regarding your suit since they have all been involved in utilizing signs in hopes of being elected to a seat on the Council? Won't that be a conflict of interest?

I would like to see all of the elected council members not be so closely
related to organizations that will bring forward issues in the future. That way the discussions by council are not just left up to a few instead of the
entire council.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:33 am
by Paul Maguire
Yes, I am surprised and disappointed that Chamber did not interview me, nor my opponent Coffey, nor most of the council candidates in this past June election.

Again, it is unprofessional, and reflects poorly on the Chamber.

It is similar to a no bid contract in construction for public works.

Your other matter is a legal one.

With regard to the sign ordinance, just read the complaint. The facts are clearly against this council, and these three candidates who passed an ordinance in an election.for which they are running. Its an outrage.

Had No Idea!

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:24 pm
by James Walker
I am personally not trying to fuel the fire here, but last election I wasnt interviewed, as well as this election. I dont know if they intended to interview all of the candidaites but I wasnt contacted at all.

Chamber Endorsement

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:41 pm
by Don Callison
Just to clarify one thing. Leon Garcia is a member of the Chamber of Commerce as an individual, as anyone can be. He does not hold a seat on the Board of Directors or an officer position. Dale Osmond is the CEO, and Larry Kudnra is the Chairman of the Board.

As for the endorsement. While I have been endorsed by the Chamber, I would have preferred that they had interviewed candidates before making their endorsement. However, there are a lot of endorsements being circulated during this election of which I was not contacted in any manner. Is this fair? Probably not, but for instance even though I was interviewed by the Trade Council, it was my impression that they had made up their mind already. So in that regard it was a waste of time for both of us.

So ideally, it would be better for an entity to have an open mind and interview each candidate before making a decision. However, what we have seen is that either, an entity endorses without talking with all as the Chamber has, or an entity endorses based on who they want regardless of the interview as the Trade Council has. And in the end I think endorsements are good to have, but the bottom line is getting the endorsement of the voter, and that is something that all candidates are working hard at getting.

Don Callison


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:24 pm
by James Walker
I agree with you on that one! I believe that it is professional that they at least try to interview all of the cadidates. I knew that the trades council already had their mind made up right away. I knew right away who they were going to endorse, but it was at least the respect that they reached out to the candidates are attempted to do so.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:51 am
by Paul Maguire
I dont know what other endorsements your talking about, or other endorsements without interviewing.

The Chamber is suppose to be representing businesses in American Canyon. They take money from businesses here to do that.

The council, as I recall, forwarded money to the Chamber to put together a phone book for the city.

They are an administrative body within the city.


How do that when you don't even interview the candidates to find out their positions on business and commerce and industry in your city?

Thats bad enough, but the endorsement of any without talking to all is just plain fraud.


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:29 am
by Don Callison

I am referring to all of the Union Endorsements that are showing up on printed material in parts of the city. I know specifically that I was not interviewed by the Letter Carriers Union NLCC, but in fact they have shown up on endorsements on printed material for American Canyon Candidates. This is only one of many union endorsements that are appearing.

The only interview that I participated in was the Trade Council Union of which the trade unions were present, ie. Electricians, Carpenters, etc. The Firefigthers Union was also present.

Call it fraud if you would like, but the fact is the Chamber of Commerce is not the only guilty party of endorsing without interview.

And for the record, I believed the Chamber should have interviewed all of the candidates before making their decision. It is something that I will bring up at the next Board meeting to see if we can set a policy going forward. I welcome your input on this.


Don Callison

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:49 pm
by Paul Maguire

The Chambers failure to interview candidates is bad enough. The fact they would endorse them without disclosing that fact, is fraud.

The assumption and perception is the Chamber did due diligence, interview candidates, and came to the conclusion they did.

This is just one more blatent example of the dishonesty that goes on in American Canyon. It is pathetic.

As for others outside of AC that do have members here, they do what they do. But we are talking about the American Canyon Chamber here.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:46 pm
by Don Callison

I understand and appreciate your concern regarding the actions of the Chamber of Commerce. As a Board member, I will address this at our next meeting and work on some policy moving forward. I know this doesn't help for this election.

I appreciate your input. If you would like to speak to me about this in more detail, please feel free to call me.



Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 9:55 pm
by amcannative
I do not believe that the chamber had any obligation to interview anyone.

The word fraud is used too liberally here. Fraud is stating that something was done, but was actually not done. Like the article where Paul's treasurer last year "Burr", who also wrote for the Napa Solano Post that Paul was the Editor of, wrote a mean and hateful article attacking all the candidates except Paul. "Burr" stated that the quotes that he wrote were taken "from randomly " selected individuals. Those individuals were not selected at random and in fact Lori Luporini told me she never stated what "Burr" wrote. I believe Lori. I also accepted Paul's apology for the article.

Organizations have every right to endorse anyone they want through any process they want. Example- the Register invited Me, Joan, JT and Paul to their interviews. Paul you failed to appear, because the Eagle had already endorsed me- via the forums and what they heard there. The Eagle and the Register are two different bodies and in fact Mike did not sit in on the Register interviews. The register has the right to determine who were the most viable candidates and then evaluate them. The fact that they viewed some candidates as not viable is on them. If they missed the mark and one of the non-viable candidates won, they lose their reputation. If they get close (like 2nd place) they did a good job.

The Fire Union and the City Employee Union did not interview me the last time I ran. I sent them letters asking for an interview and did not get one. Did any of you complaining about not being interviewed do anything pro-active to get an interview? The unions dismissed me when I told them I was a Republican.

It shows more character and integrity to be up front and evaluate us on our stands and our positions and public performances than to interview us knowing that we have already behaved or demonstrated that we are not their person. Observing us versus interviewing everyone with a prejudice towards one (JT) is disingenuous. JT is connected with the SEIU main in Sac and they have influenced the locals-

JT Miller had Mike Thompson listed, Pat Wiggins, Barbara Boxer, all listed on his endorsements, for a local non-partisan race?

I have been auditioning for the Chamber endorsement since March of 2006 when we had our first forum. Don has been auditioning since his first race. Paul you have been auditioning since your first races, James Walker you have also. In my opinion that was the most efficient and thorough interview possible. Anyone can wow them in the interview- to wow them consistently, speaking in public and at events and at neighborhood parties is a true WOW. Chamber members are everywhere; you can't fake it- they see who you really are. The Chamber made an informed decision via on the job observations. I was very frustrated when the Fire and City associations ignored me, because I had written them letters requesting the opportunity to speak to them. Did any of you take a pro-active approach and ask the Chamber for an interview?

I do not believe the Chamber or any other organization has an obligation to interview any candidates. I do believe that they should not waste their time or mine interviewing candidates that they have no intention of endorsing and do not see as viable candidates.

Sunday will be the last Jazz in the Park event. Don and I have put our money up to sponsor it. Besides liking the event and wanting to see more, we also have bought some audition time. Time to be evaluated by many organizations and hopefully we will win another endorsement. Every community block party or other event that we appear at is an audition. We are always on display. I was meeting with someone yesterday and was told that I was more open minded than they thought I would be. That was a successful audition!

Sorry folks I do not agree that anything was done wrong.

Ed West

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:43 am
by Paul Maguire
West, your in bed with all these people, thats why they are supporting you.

Its clear what you are all up too.

Defend it all you want, its a fraud.

This is not some rag newspaper in town, we are talking about the Chamber of Commerce that takes money from businesses.

I stand by my remarks.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:53 am
by smrtamcan
No Mr. Maguire, we are now aware what you are up to.
If you don't get what you want you have to sue for it to make it right for you and you only at least walmart lawsuit was more than 1 person. Interviews are crap because most of these groups do have their mind made up bacause of past performance or special interest(union).
They send a union guy who has supported the same candidates in the past and there you be they decided, but they'll put everyone through the motions, we'd sure like to know which fireman it was and does he live here? Same old stuff probably not or he'll vote different on the ballot.
You talk about the echo as a gutter paper, you are doing what you said "causing your chaos" well good but you'll have to defend yourself against people you underestimated as intelligent, they're not from your seminar, they don't care how you can buy this city, they care about how they will get to work, how they will feed their family, how they will pay their bills and they want politicians and community supporters with experience not an investment counselor who is into himself. You are not around this town to really see what's going on, you don't show up to their community events, you had an interest in the local casino that's not considered an event, you are all talk and no actions and very combattative, not what we want or deserve in a Mayor.
I have asked Cindy to speak of the future and actions speak louder than words. How many meetings will you make or miss, how important is this city to all of the Mayor candidates, who has proven time & time again that the community is important? That volunteers count-Always at the awards Ceremony, always with the clubs at their meetings and not just talk but walks the walk and seems to care that the people of american canyon eat(by helping at the food bank)that they get to work (by sitting on the committees to deal with that and most important showing up)then as far as paying the mortgage, commercial base to provide jobs is desperately more important than building one more house in town, he appears to be trying to raise tax revenues with commercial like the new town center coming and the improvements at hwy 29 he supports, not supporting addictions like gambling.
Your rumors have caused chaos, you are not a leader, a leader follows rules not takes them and makes them to conform to their whim and throw a temper tantrum that we will all pay for, pay for in that you will cost us in employee time to fight your battle that you were not singled out for, everyone must comply, if others don't follow the guidelines then complain, armchair politics is crap.ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.
Rumors, rumors and more rumors, i have heard so many they make our eyes spin. All 3 Candidates are blasted by rumors and if needed we will need to take them to task to weed out what the truth is, are you up for it? Or are you, all candidates, making them up Perhaps a Q&A from public would be great regarding rumors and offerance of facts would be great but then that's not politics now is it.
Bottom line believe you again are waisting your money on this and any campaign in this city. Talk to Lori about how to prove residency due to the fact you are never at any event, recent public meetings, clubs just to begin with and yes that is important!! Harold got elected because he showed up everywhere, he let us know he ment that he would back us, it helps. It's heating up because the election is close by and can't wait to see what you pull out of your sleeve.
You know the object of all of this was to split the votes and take a chance that you and cindy could try and make it so Leon would be out, the fact that you validate the fact that he is a great thret shows that he may be the right one. You do not have my vote and it is between Cindy & Leon.
The way it should have been from the start and will be in the end.


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:53 am
by Don Callison

I thought we could communicate here like professional responsible business people. We have in the past and for that I respected you.

But now you have crossed the line with your comments and innuendos.

The Chamber does not need to defend itself. It chose to endorse the candidates that it felt were in the best interest of the Business Community. Those who would strive for Economic Development of the whole community, not just to line the pockets of a few. Ed stated it correctly that the interviews have occured over time by reviewing contributions to the community, who you align yourself with, how you participate in the community. A single interview doesn't demonstrate squat. So you may be bitter that you didn't get your fifteen minutes of one on one, but you have had at least two years to demonstrate your contribution to the city. Where have you been?

I happen to be one of the candidates that they endorsed. My record in the city is one that has always worked toward the betterment of the community. I want good quality business in town. I work closely with the large stakeholders like Rick Hess, Buzz Butler, and Mike Anderson. I refer potential businesses to Rick Hess, Buzz Butler, and hopefully soon, Mike Anderson. I am proud of my community, and I am excited about the commerce that is growing with the city. Ed is right there with me talking about the opportunities that exist and will exist in the future. He has met with the stakeholders to better understand their needs and frustrations, he has met with city officials to understand what our strengths and weaknesses are. He does the work to understand what we need to do to keep things moving in a positive direction.

"It's clear what you are all up to..." Well if you think what we are up to is working hard to build a strong economic base, to create a destination city instead of a pass-thru, a place that our citizens can be proud of, a place where our citizens can shop in their own town, a place where we have tax revenue that sustains our infrastructure and the the needs of the city. If that is what we are up to...then guilty as charged!!!

Stand with your remarks Paul. It may get lonely out there.

I'm looking for individual candidates not a team

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:17 am
by Guest
You "we's" need to understand that you can't be "we's" on my council. Have you read the brown act? I hope you don't break your arms patting yourselves on the back for all of the community service that you say you do.

Helping people from the goodness of your heart is true charity. Is the community service talked about here to build points I don't understand your mindset. You guys are sure turning into what people call "politicians."

Also just curious how is "we" going to be if only one is elected?

Brown Act

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:21 pm
by VicRiv
Brown Act doesn't apply. Ed West isn't on any City Commission, Group or Council at this time.

Ad far as "WE" is concerned-Paulette you seemed to have no problem when the two females on the council were joined at the hip.

We? Who?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:36 pm
by amcannative

I pasted Don's letter into Word. Then hit Control "F" and search for the word "we". He uses we in the context of responding to Paul's context of the fact that Paul is referring US, and he uses "we" as a reference to what the city wants?

I am very proud to be voting for Don Callison for City Council. As you can read in my post i did not agree with everything he said, but I did not worry that he would mis-represent the truth or attack me for not agreeing with him. He is a professional and only interested in the City's best interest. I hope I am sitting on the council with him.

Check your inference that "we" is a problem in Don's letter?

As I meet more and more people and audition more, people are learning that I am open minded, reasonable, I listen well, I have no agendas and I want what is best for the City. These are common qualities of people that work in Law Enforcement

Ed West

Colcleaser's Guys

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 8:50 pm
by MeadowsGuy

It looks like they've been violating the Brown Act since they took over after the Redevelopment Wars.

It is an obvious ploy.... use up all available land AND THEN update the General Plan..

that is... when there's nothing left to update.

Seems the Update should be the FIRST order of business.... not the last.

But the PC has been messing things up starting with Walmart. Anyone see the rollover SUV Tuesday night tying up traffic on 29? Welcome to the future of AmCan... congestion, accidents and a divided AmCan.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:32 am
by Paul Maguire
LEt me tell you what I am up too- setting things right.

Three candidates all running for office changing a sign ordinance in teh middle of an election for which all three are running? What, are you kidding me- no, only in American Canyon, a lawless community apparently, that decides, hey, the US Constitution doesnt apply to us:
Hey, we have been doing whatever we want: hey , if Maguire or any other candidate doesnt like it, tough.

Meanwhile, your buddy West calls me online unethical, no character, writes the papers - Your other buddy Joan Bennett - says in the papers "all I have is big signs' and other such slams.

The city SUED Cecil Shaver and Don Colcleaser- I guess that was ok, right? But when someone sues the city for the illegal activity, well, thats not ok, your hurting the city, whine away;

The city is hurting the residents by trying to limit campaigning of candidates; the city is hurting the residents by once again, of which you were a part of, claiming a negative declaration for Napa jXn 3- more traffic, more of the same, ; and the city is hurting the residents when they mismanage funds, put low income housing on along 29 where it doesnt belong....and so on.

You can have it both ways. You cant say its ok for the city to sue but not ok for them to get sued when their wrong. If your going to hold office, let me give you a civics lesson- there are 3 branches of government, not 2, and the third is to ensure the first two are keeped in balance and check.

Your time is up. The residents of this city are fed up with the lack of leadership, the failings of this city council, and the apparent "entitlement" you and your buddys feel to run things the way you think it should be- which has resulted in many of the disasters we have today.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 2:06 pm
by Betty
Paul, arent you the one who has an election sign that's not even in the city. It's all the way out by I-80 on American Canyon Road on the State's and/ or Solano County's easement. Oh well another county you can file civil suit on when Cal-Trans pulls it up.....


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 9:09 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I have been spoken to several businesses who are members of the chamber. They never received any ballot nor was their a meeting held to determine a majority vote for whom they want for city council or mayor. They are not happy with the Chambers decision to support Leon Garcia. They are tired of the Chamber revolving all business meetings around Buzz Butler. Many will be dropping out next year from the Chamber because of their poor decisions and lack of support for their business in the community.