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Confused by Tuesday's Council Meeting

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:09 am
by Guest
Ok I pride myself on watching the council meetings and for the most part getting the details. But last night I am confused and maybe somebody can explain it to me.

How can Super Wal-Mart contribute 1 million dollars a year to the tax base? That means the store would have to do approximately 100 million dollars a year in sales. The busiest store in America only does 2 million a month or 24 million a year according to the stock report. Also food sales are non-taxable.

That means if they were as busy as the busiest store in America it would really be closer to 250k. So if you take out the increase in officers and the other costs associated with the store like the road is for them and whatever else the city is paying for, maybe Mr. Callison can help us with that information how long will it be before the city sees any money from this store?

Also they were discussing a fee break for business on Hwy 29 of 50%. Why would the city do this? We are small and now that Wal-Mart seems to be on it's way I thought all the other businesses would follow that is what I remember from different meetings as being promoted. Any comments?

Also how can a carwash, beauty salon, or office building help our tax revenue and why should they get a 50% discount? I also want to know why raise fees when you can eliminate the discount and get the same result? It really doesn't make sense.

What is up with the housing issue? We rezoned property and we are drastically inceasing the affordable housing fees for builders. I think builders will leave and not build. Why do we need more affordable housing? I know of several local people who could not meet the requirements for any of the affordable housing across 29. Then who is it for? I heard there are many new people coming and taking it from all over the Bay Area, I thought it was for our residents in Napa County.

I can see how Ms. Coffey gets upset with the council. I remember the discussion many meetings ago on all of these issues, I remember her position and the others wanted what was presented last night despite her pleadings to keep "American Canyon affordable" to do business in. So after all of the time is wasted and did we spend money on these things to get done they decided to do what was originally proposed like it was something new.

Something has got to change with this council. I see time being wasted on things because people are making gut decisions and not reading the material. Last night was so obvious to me and others. I can see Ms. Coffey's frustration with the evening and sympathize with her in these situations. Mr. Garcia was also a bit frustrated for a bit but failed to take a position and instead voted to delay the process until after the election. I think the council needs to make the hard decisions until the day they are replaced or sworn in otherwise it looks like they are avoiding their political responsibliities in favor of votes.

So can anybody enlighten me on any of the above? Thanks :idea:

Procrastination is not a sign of a successful leader!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 3:31 am
by Paul Maguire
A comment on your concerns and statement posted here:
Something has got to change with this council. I see time being wasted on things because people are making gut decisions and not reading the material. Last night was so obvious to me and others. I can see Ms. Coffey's frustration with the evening and sympathize with her in these situations. Mr. Garcia was also a bit frustrated for a bit but failed to take a position and instead voted to delay the process until after the election. I think the council needs to make the hard decisions until the day they are replaced or sworn in otherwise it looks like they are avoiding their political responsibliities in favor of votes.

This poster supports exactly why we need changes on this council this election cycle. Garcias unwillingness to take a position is a chronic problem and seen time and time again. Here he was doing it again this week. Procrastination is not a leadership skill.

The new Mayor needs to be able to make the hard choices.

It has been said, successful people make decisions quickly, and change them slowly, where unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and change them quickly. Once informed of the information and it is considered, a decision is needed for progress to be made.

Paul Maguire will do that, not postpone decisions until after an election, or just as bad, sit at the council table un informed on the issues.

This election for Mayor is about getting a leader on the council to get these problems that have plagued this city solved, not give lip service.

As Mayor of American Canyon, real solutions will be put into action. I will ensure we actually have staff and department heads working for the city, and we wont be plagued with vacancies in our city, temporary department heads, or outside consultants to run the city. I would not fire the city manager with no plan of action, or hire and fire a major department head, or point the blame at the city manager when he is asking for direction from the city council and does not get it.

Rio Rancho Rey brings up valid points, and demonstrates questionable decisions that were made as recently as this week. More importantly,Rio Rancho Rey notes procrastination and indecision, with no resulting action on an important issue.

Voters need to take note.

Paul Maguire

Just gonna post it here.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:59 am
by Mel
I may as well post what I would like to say on this thread...

I am voting for Mayor based on what the candidate has done for me. I contacted the City and City Council back in February, regarding an incident (of which you all may be aware) involving Argonaut. My car is the one that was totaled when I ran over a utility cover in the construction zone. It ripped my whole undercarriage apart. Only one council member did anything at all to help me. Cindy has gone out of her way to make sure that the City is behind me, the resident, to attempt to make Argonaut pay for it's mistake. I am getting closer to having this problem resolved and Cindy is the one who won't give up. She is doing everything she can to make sure I don't have to take Argonaut to court. None of the other members even blinked at me when I brought this problem to them.
Cindy is also my friend. She makes it a point to know what is going on in our City, our schools, our sports and our lives. With a small city like American Canyon, that's exactly what we need. A Mayor who cares about the residents and knows that when something is wrong- to take care of it.
Thank you

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:58 am
by Mel
Let me retract the first statement about why I am voting this way, it didn't come out as I had intended. That is NOT the ONLY reason I am voting this way. ;)

Information regarding tax revenue for Napa Junction

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:05 am
by Don Callison

My apologies for my late reply. I was out of town last week.

I will attempt to clarify some of the confusion over the projected tax revenue for the Napa Junction Project as I understand it.

As you know there are three phases to Napa Junction. Phase I being mixed use residential, commercial, and a possible hotel. Phase II being the Wal Mart piece, and Phase III just approved to be more retail pads.

The breakdown on the tax revenue consists of sales tax, property tax, and TOT (Transient Occupancy Tax) from the hotel. All of this is projections and based on approved use. However, say the hotel does not come into existance, then obviously things change.

Phase 1 is projected to have about $540,000 annually in sales tax, propery tax and TOT tax. Phase II will have about $790,000 in sales and property tax, and Phase III will have about 425,000 in sales and property tax. So the estimated total for the entire project is about $1.75 million per year going to the city coffers. Now it does not all go to the bottom line because we will need to add some extra services, but in the long run the city will have more $'s to operate with to provide needed services to the citizens.

The developer will also contribute a significant amount, I think close to $3 million in traffic impact fees that the city is supposed to use for road improvements and safety.

In addition, I believe the county will receive personal property tax from the various businesses which is based on equipment and inventory.

As for when the city will start to realize this income will depend on when things open and get going. The city should receive revenue on a quarterly basis from my understanding.

I hope I have helped, but please let me know if there is anything else and I will try and get you an answer.

Thank you for your question and your time.

Don Callison


Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:40 am
by Guest
Mr. Callison thank you for your reply and I hope you enjoyed your trip. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my question. But it is still partially unanswered.

Mr. Butler did claim that Wal-Mart and Wal-Mart alone would contribute 1 million dollars in sales tax which was a huge concern of mine that he would exaggerate that amount.

In addition to which when I agreed to support Wal-Mart because I was told Lowe's was coming into Napa Junction 3. That is why I supported Wal-Mart. I like it better than Home Depot. Now I am told that Lowe's was never contacted. My wife and I feel deceived.

Where is the hotel? There was suppose to be a hotel and now we heard there will be a gas station. Don't get me wrong I like the buildings, but does this man ever do what he says he is going to do? Where are the restrooms in the park? My wife and I took a walk realizing there wasn't any public restrooms this isn't good for a man on water pills. You men knw what that is like. It makes it hard to defend him in this town when he doesn't. I am feeling bamboozled.

Another thing my daughter came home from the open house and told me that Cori Badertscher the real estate woman was telling people that the city council pulled a fast one by rezoning their properties with that housing zone. She is causing trouble and is intentionally trying to confuse people. Heck I am old and I get it. You got some property and you are zoned to build a store now you get another zone too. Now you can build a store or an apartment building. Also they all would be affordable as the city attorney stated that apartments typically are and that they would have to pay or build 10% of them to be low income. Same rules as now just giving people choices. Even my feeble mind gets it.

Mr. Callison maybe you should talk to her and help her get it. When people are spreading untruths in the community it creates frustration. SHE REALLY NEEDS ENLIGHTENED. I trust you will address this since it is in your best interest as well as the planning commission passed this too right? I don't want to see your candidacy go down the tubes because this woman doesn't get it.

RE: Bamboozled

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 2:02 pm
by Don Callison
Mr. RioRanchoRey,

I did have a good trip. Thank you.

Over the last few years I have taken the time to get to know Mr. Butler and asked him many questions about his project and what it will mean to American Canyon. While I know Buzz has been mis-quoted on occassion, I don't recall a time where he stated that Wal-Mart alone would generate $1 million in tax revenue alone. Buzz typically speaks about the overall project of which Wal Mart is a component of Phase II. However, I am not here to defend Buzz, but just try and answer the questions that I can. In my opinion, Buzz is an honorable person, and has made a significant investment into the success of American Canyon. On the other side, the success of American Canyon will profit Buzz's company. I would also say that Mike Anderson of Aegis is also a honorable person and is working hard toward developing a first class Town Center for American Canyon.

The Hotel is proposed for Phase I, and if my recollection is correct it should be sited next to the Adobe Lumber property. However, Hotels are very much market driven in order to obtain financing, so I don't expect to see anything until later down the road after we see what the demand is for the Gaia Hotel and the Fairfield Inn. It is my understanding that the Fairfield Inn is doing quite well with about 80% or better occupancy.

As for Lowe's, I recall several years ago that the City was courting Lowe's. However Lowe's strategy is that they want to be as close to Home Depot as possible. Same parking lot if possible. American Canyon did not meet their market objectives. However, with Home Depot moving into the present site of the Vallejo Wal-Mart in the future, Lowe's may again be an option. Don't quote me because I am not aware of anything active trying to get Lowe's, but the circumstances would be more favorable. I also recall an article in the Napa Solano Post stating that Lowe's was hiring for the American Canyon store. I am not sure how that transpired or what happened.

I have heard that a gas station is proposed for Phase II of Napa Junction. There are two pads near the highway that are currently undeveloped. That is something that I believe would have to come through the Planning Commission for design review at the minimum, but I suspect it may be more involved. As of this date, I have not seen any plans for a gas station.

Again, thank you for your questions, and please let me know if there is anything that I have overlooked. I would also like to extend and invitation to my campaign kick off party on Saturday at the Fairfield Inn from 6:30- 8:30. It will be catered so if nothing else there will be free food. I am co-hosting with Ed West. If you stop by please introduce yourself. It would be my pleasure to meet you personally.


Don Callison

RE: Bamboozled Cont.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:23 pm
by Don Callison
I am sorry, I overlooked your zoning question. The zoning in my opinion was nothing more than and excercise in bereaucratic futility. Zoning was not actually changed on any of the parcels, just the units per acre. Under the old zoning the zoning allowed a minimum of 16 untis per acre and a maximum of 20 units per acre. Under the current action we removed the minimum so that it is now 20 units per acre max and min. With other parcels we looked at an overlay, where it is currently zoned industrial, the overlay showed residential. All of this was to satisfy our share of the housing agreement which helps us with grants and funding for affordable housing. The bottom line is that even though we demonstrated that housing can be built on a particular parcel, it does not mean that the housing will ever be be built. Thus my reference to bereaucratic futility.

Thanks again

Don Callison

Restroom Question - A reply

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:55 am
by VicRiv
When the plans for Main Street Park came before our commission, especially with the ampitheatre, picnic area..I brought up the fact that there should be a restroom if the intent was to have people utilize the amenities and stay for a while. Most businesses will not allow you to use their restroom facilities unless you are a customer.

The commission and council had concerns about possible graffitti, expense and maintenance of a restroom. As you all know- there is also, unfortunately a safety issue with predators, etc.

One of the council members picked up the ball and the result was a $250,000 restroom. A little bit on the extravagant side-so they voted to have none. With public response and action, as is always your prerogative-you can bring the issue up with the council.

By the way, Across the street from the park is Straw Hat Pizza,which should offer a restroom. Starbucks has one they let the public use. This helped sway the NO vote when it came before council.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:06 am
by smrtamcan
First of all do you think people should be babysitting other people and taking what you say as truth? Rather than shouldn't other people use their intellegence to ask more questions about the subject. Apparently you as the recipient of information have not verified its acuracy and went on here say what you have not heard yourself. This town is full of misquoted rumors. Have you ever been misquoted? Does the game of telephone-3rd party information hold validity for you or can you in fact get your information from direct contact, i suggest the later.
The wal-mart issue only arises to fulfill an election need, it has been overused in the past and is trying very hard to resurface. This is not good for this town to be split again.
Lets get back to what is good for this town. A high School, and actually do something about it. The fact that there are executive apartments that allow a resort style living and a Main street park that offers new venues to this town, that we have a new fitness center, that the town was just getting back on its feet again and then no we can't just let it be, we use 3rd party information as valid.
Need direct contact!

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 9:09 am
by smrtamcan
the last responce was towards Rio Rancho Rays coment.

Smart Reply? Not

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:59 am
by Guest

It is you who is attempting to suppress the people of this community. I do shop at Wal-Mart every Thursday when I take my wife. Do I want it in my town? Not expecially. If you took the time to pay attention maybe you would know that the final decision has not been given on the subject with the courts. Yes the courts where the decision lies.

This is not meant to drag up something for an election as you feel it is. This is an issue that many, many people in this city are concerned with and have not put it on the back burner. Just because the media has failed to keep the public informed (that comes as no surprise) doesn't mean the public doesn't stay in the loop.

I watched the council meeting and Mr. Butler did say the city would receive 1 million dollars a year in sales tax revenue from Wal-Mart. I would not say that was 3rd party telephone gossip but in fact straight from the horses mouth. So I took the time to do a little research on the statement. Not just spew the "untruths" as you claim. If Mr. Butler was wrong then fine, but as the representing developer who brought this store into our city he should be a little more careful if these were not actual facts. Especially since people like me watch and want to believe that what we see and hear is pretty darn close to the truth.

In my opinion the Wal-Mart issue isn't over until the court rules it's over. Not because you say it is. As for this election any issue that is important to any constituent is important, whether it is the Wal-Mart, playing fields, fences, trees, roads, traffic, school uniforms, high schools, or whatever because we are the ones voting. I am sure all of the candidates know this and realize that that although they have their agendas it most likely doesn't match the people they are meeting.

We do have a lot of wonderful things coming into the city. As for the executive apartments they are nice but they will sit. I don't see the masses rushing to rent they are simply too high. It would be better if they were sold as townhomes or condos. But then that is my opinion.

This forum is for discussion and sometimes people go off the deep end with their opinions. Just like your comments are your opinion. :?


Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:01 pm
by Guest
The previous post was meant for smrtamcan. VicRiv and Callison thank you for answering questions that is what makes this a great forum.

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:58 pm
by smrtamcan
Rio Rancho rey,
You are right the Walmart is in the courts and you are right that they will decide, i , like others hate that the dialogue dosen't help any of us and that yes if they alone were credited for the tax dollars coming, truly none of us can clearly state indifference but the truth will come through upon actuality, walmart is not being sold to us any longer it is just the fact that we will have a bigger tax base with all of the new retailers-they are included. Yes you are right opinions are important, and if you can't air them at the meetings than this is your option, yes i see that. However, i am stating that if you don't here it for yourself and validate it with a meeting with the person or phone conversation,then it is rumors, for instance, should we exagerate by not validating what we here by 3rd parties, sure some may think it's fun, others may think it's appauling, some will take a stand for what they believe, even if it effects their livelyhood and others won't, yep this is life, but it would do us all better to verify if possible the remarks of others. That is what will keep this city moving forward and all of us coming together, it will also make this media a better place to voice our concerns or ask questions knowing that we may be afforded correct answers. Keep on , i find your posts interesting.
Thank you for your time, I hope you get this the way i intended it.