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"Semper Fi"

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 9:44 pm
by ac94503
I think AmCan could use a "City" pet...Anyone for trying to save "Semper Fi"? By the way, Megan West what a wonderful contribution to AC.


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:09 am
by Mel
I had company last night but was able to turn the mtg on periodically. What did Megan West do? I heard everyone say how wonderful it was... Also heard her Dad call someone brainless, I think they were talking about the signs.... AGAIN!

Answering Question 1

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:42 pm
by VicRiv
Two lambs raise big dough for charity at record-breaking Napa livestock auction
By KERANA TODOROV, Register Staff Writer
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:18 AM PDT

More than 450 animals changed hands before standing room only crowds at the Livestock Arena at the Napa Town & Country Fair during a record-breaking weekend, and two animals brought very special prices for very special reasons.

On Saturday, 9-year-old Lexy Maple, from the Las Amigas 4-H Club, sold her lamb Browny for a record $52,000. The money benefits cancer victim Jim Wilson, proprietor of Wilson's Feed and Supply in Napa and a longtime supporter of the 4-H and Future Farmers of America programs.

The 115-pound lamb sold to a group of 13 people who gave it as a pet to a local family, said Kathy Gerlach, a past member of the Junior Livestock Advisory Committee, the group that sponsored Browny.

Wilson, 62, has been fighting skin cancer for more than a year. He first started ranching at 15, according to friends and family, and the 1963 Napa High School graduate has contributed to local agricultural education programs for decades.

Lambs line up for judging at the Napa Town & Country Fair. Saturday’s auction raised a record of nearly $1 million, with funds going for college scholarships and other programs of 4-H and Future Farmers of America. Lianne Milton/Register

He could not attend the event, as he has in years past, but his family members were there.

"He's so touched, he's absolutely speechless," his wife, Bobby, said Monday.

Bobby Wilson said she will always remember the love and care she felt at the auction. "That truly was the greatest gift."

Gerlach said Browny will become a family pet in Napa.

Separately, a lamb sold by 15-year-old Megan West of American Canyon brought a startling $150 a pound -- a total of more than $22,000 for a woolly beast named Semper Fi.

"I was amazed," said the teen, a junior at Vintage High School, this year. "I'm shocked."

West's sale raised money for the Lance Corporal Phillip G. West Memorial Fund. Named after her late brother, Phillip, a 19-year-old U.S. Marine who was killed in Iraq in 2004, the fund raises money for the aquatics program in American Canyon.

The auction of animals -- mostly lambs, pigs, goats, steer -- brought in a record $928,000 this year, according to Napa Valley Expo CEO Joe Anderson. The most successful previous auction was two years ago, when local businesses, longtime ranchers, and friends and family members of participating youngsters raised $754,000, he said.

'One of the best'

Rick Thein of American Canyon, the father of two teens who also sold lambs at the fair from the Browns Valley 4-H, has attended the auction since 1998.

"It was probably one of the best auctions I've seen since I've been coming here," said Thein, who was there with his wife, Lissette, a Browns Valley 4-H leader, adding there probably was not one dry eye in the audience when Megan West sold her lamb in honor of her brother.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:45 pm
by Mel
Well, that IS impressive. Good for her! :)

Question 2-Signs (again)

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:47 pm
by VicRiv
Mr. West was commenting about the legal placing of signs around town. Each candidate gets the rules-which they agree to follow.Some candidates decide to follow the rules..some don't. Regardless whether the candidate actually places them..they are ultimately responsible for the (overzealous) actions of their campaign workers.

For the special election this past June-they were placed on City property, in the landscaping, and on private property without permission-but it's just an example of 'following the rules'...for some that wasn't important.

don't beat me up ..I'm just the messenger..

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 5:57 pm
by Mel
Ah, still the signs... Boy, wouldn't it be nice to actually talk about real issues at the City Council Meeting, instead of spending SO MUCH unbelievable time on the SIGNS!!!!!!!! This makes 3 council meetings in a row about the signs.
Although I do have to add something! Surprised? I noted a few "kids" as I was putting my child to bed during the last election take 2 signs off my property and that of my accross the street neighbor. So it is plausable that what Cindy was talking about ( I think what she was talking about, remember, I had company), could happen, the malicious behaviors. I hope I worded that right. It was a late night and a long day - - ;)

Oversimplification Again....

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:50 pm
by VicRiv
Once again, you've taken the ignorant, oversimplified approach to an issue..

1) the candidates are informed of the issues a) they choose to follow or b) say "screw' the rules and do what they want

2) candidates are informed in advance of time parameters for financial reporting and the LEGAL groundrules for reporting

SO..they decide whether to follow the rules or Not. That in itself, is a test of their character and the type person they are.. and what their attitude is towards simple campaign parameters, which they, by their signature, agree to follow.

That is, in my opinion, an ISSUE and a demostration of how they perform when "they are not being watched". IF the rules are TOO COMPLICATED..then don't run.

What part of this do YOU and YOUR candidate's campaign Don't You Get!! Character is an Issue. Following Rules is an ISSUE. It's NOT about the's once again, MUCH MORE and everything else, BUT the signs...

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:57 pm
by Mel
I just deleted everything I was goign to say to you Victor, because you just are not worth it. Piece of work you are.
I think you need another drink - lighten up - it's Friday. But Thanks for calling me ignorant... It makes my weekend! *******

once again...

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:10 pm
by VicRiv
what I said was:
once again, you've taken the ignorant, oversimplified approach to an issue..

and being this is Friday and payday will enjoy a $150 bottle of imported French and hope that YOU read what I write and not what you THINK I said.

and I hope, you too have a nice weekend!

Hey Victor are you dense or what?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:13 pm
by mindingcitybiz
The question is why has the city council spent 3 meetings discussing political signs. It is an utter ridicules waste of time you know this just as well as I. You know your supposed to be a reporter, pay attention to the question. You just get on something no matter what the question is you make it into something it is not.

Mel you will have to forgive Victor, he must be under a lot of stress with his new job. I hope your not putting your wife and kids through this obnoxious behavior Victor.


Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:14 pm
by mindingcitybiz
This thread was about what a great job Megan West did with her lambs. So here is a big congratulations to you. Keep up all your hard efforts. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:37 pm
by 49erf8fuls
Megan you did a GREAT job at the Fair. Congrats to you.

Sorry but I agree with Victor. People on here need to actually read what is written instead skimming over the post and reading into them.,
If the canadates cant follow the rules while they are running for election, how do we know they will follow them if they are elected. It is an example of their character. We already have a person running for Mayor who my live in this city or may not, who knows he always skirts around the issue, and at all of the forums last time you couldnt just openly ask a follow up question to any of the canadates any of their answers.

for Minding City Biz

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:33 pm
by VicRiv
The question is why has the city council spent 3 meetings discussing political signs. Why, because people don't follow rules

You know your supposed to be a reporter, pay attention to the question[/iOnce again, I am NOT a reporter. I write a column-which is simply my opionion-nothing more

Mel you will have to forgive Victor, he must be under a lot of stress with his new job. I hope your not putting your wife and kids through this obnoxious behavior Victor.

follow up..

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 8:37 pm
by VicRiv
]Mel you will have to forgive Victor, he must be under a lot of stress with his new job. I hope your not putting your wife and kids through this obnoxious behavior Victor.[/i]

Keep my wife and family out of ANY comments you have. I can intelligently debate any issues you may have with ME..and besides--I said I was entertainine offers and still have the same job as before.. As for obnoxius..some posters hers apparently live in a fantasy world and make up things as they go included.

Now back to my Friday night/payday splurge and my French wine..and by the way.. The fact is MEL changed the topic NOT ME.. Is english your primary language?? (yes I practice sarcasm)...

See Victor just what I have been saying.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:42 am
by mindingcitybiz
Let's face it Victor, you love to sling mud. You just hate being called on.

Story About Megan West and "Semper Fi"

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:08 am
by MPope
Wow, what a great story: seems like we can all take great comfort and pride in Megan West and her prize lamb "Semper Fi".

It gives me a lot of hope to know we have young people out there still so knowleable about our country's, and our community's rural roots- and who are so humble and respectful in victory. Seems like a real contrast to much of the world we live in today where alot of people are running around accomplishing very little but promoting themselves ad nasueum (Paris Hilton comes to mind). Someone like Megan does this incredible thing in raising a prize animal, makes a ton of money for the community, and just says that "she's shocked and amazed" by it!

I think that's what America- and, at our best, American Canyon- can and should be all about.

And of course the namesake of the lamb... in honor of her brother- a hero from our town. Amazing.

Thank You Megan, for giving us all another reason to be proud and to come together.

Great Job Megan!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:01 am
by 1momfor2
Megan, what a great job you did and for such a great cause.
Many will reap the benefits of your kindness. A rare quality in our youth today.
You are an amazing teenager.

Thank you for being part of our community. :D

anything other then discussion of lambs

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:04 am
by 1momfor2
Ok, if anyone has anything other then kind words about the great job Megan did then take it to another area. We are suppose to be the adults here.

Let's remember that.