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Last Night's Council Meeting and Comments

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:41 am
by VicRiv
I apologize for posting my comments under Joan's Loss..You are correct it has nothing to do with the thread.

As for Paul's suggestion to apologize. I'll make you a deal..When you apologize to Cori and Fran for calling her a F'n B---- (outside the City Council Chambers a few months ago) I may apologize for my comments. Until then-I don't think you are in any position to comment about the way I treat women.

And Paul, I have 5 sisters and I DO know how to treat WOMEN.

Handle it

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:34 pm
by Paul Maguire
Mr Riveria

Here again, you continue, to make claims before you know all the facts. Your presumption is inaccurate, your claims inaccurate. Whatever I said to whomever I said it, was not on a public forum, and any apologies made were not either. So I suggest you ask before making these presumptions.

Did I not admit losing my temper, did I not admit having to apologize for it at a later date? Re read my post. My comments were all in private. No one expects calmness all the time, or people to not get upset.

However, your comments were on a public forum, and you represent the city on the Parks and Rec Committee, an appointed position. Please act accordingly when writing on a public forum.

Again, your comments were distasteful, reactionary, and regretful. For you to defend them or claim that someone else has to do something first in order for you to act is just irresponsible.

Please reconsider your indefensable position.

Vic Riv

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:50 pm
by ac94503
Your spelling was atrocious, your comments were offensive, your character is questionable ... Will the real "VicRiv" please stand up???
Not very nice but I have always read your posts as "look at me and everything I do for this community".

Negative Free Zone????????????????

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:13 pm
by mindingcitybiz
Victor Riveria's Comments: QUESTION OF THE NIGHT>>

What the heck wtih PAULETTE 'calling" into one of her minions to express her opinions of the discussed items?

Shame on Maryanne Young for letting yourself be a "Sheep" to the voice of someone with a sense of self-imprtance they had to call in their opinion of the debate.

ALL the council members were doing a good job of contributing to the dialogue. This is new terriory for the city and the council

It must be so easy to sit at home on your fat butt eating bon bons and criticize the process.. get real. IF the topic or your opinions are so important..get off the sofa and say them in person.. End of Victoria Riveria's Comment

You know Victor you must be a Democrap! Because your always talking out of both sides of your mouth. One minute your professing how holyier than thou you are and the next your spewing trash talk!

I don't recall your trashing Curry or Bennett for showing up in Pajamas to city council meetings. Nor have I read any threads about what a shamble the accounting for American Canyon is in because you don't want to go against Joseph. Hmmm! I don't recall you hissing when Garcia has rolled over and taken just about anything Napa is willing to give without negotiating for more. What about Cori B. and her in ability to pull anything off... That is why she was removed from AM CAN Middle School. And let's not forget the contstant eye rolling from Lemos any time somebody gets up speak at the podium.

ADMIT IT VICTOR, IF PEOPLE AREN'T IN YOUR CLICK, YOU TRASH THEM! Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black I say..............


Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 9:18 am
by merryjester
Hey, I'm all for jumping on VicRiv... But MCB, wtf? You bash someone for trashing folks who aren't in your clique RIGHT AFTER saying "you must be a Democrat because you talk out of both sides of your mouth"??? If the Fox News-watching radical right wing isn't a clique, I just don't know what is.

You sure you're not a Democrat yourself? Because you're managing the whole talk-out-of-both-sides trick quite nicely.

Sorry, I realize this is all off-topic, but it frickin' burns me when folks throw junk like that into debates.

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:38 pm
by Guest
Obviously you have me confused with someone who cares about your opinion.

But it's very unjust to attack MaryAne Young for doing me a favor after all the time and effort she puts in for the youth of the city.

Re: Huh?

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:20 pm
by mindingcitybiz
merryjester wrote:Hey, I'm all for jumping on VicRiv... But MCB, wtf? You bash someone for trashing folks who aren't in your clique RIGHT AFTER saying "you must be a Democrat because you talk out of both sides of your mouth"??? If the Fox News-watching radical right wing isn't a clique, I just don't know what is.

You sure you're not a Democrat yourself? Because you're managing the whole talk-out-of-both-sides trick quite nicely.

Sorry, I realize this is all off-topic, but it frickin' burns me when folks throw junk like that into debates.
Sorry to disappoint you merryjester, but I am neither a left or right, democrap or republican't. I don't watch Fox News or CNN either. I find the best forms of news come from the internet and the small print inside the newspapers. The net news is easier to separate fact from fiction or spin. Victor's rhetoric makes me ill. And who is MCB????? I didn't mention an MCB.

Thank God for TIVO

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:16 am
by Guest
All I can say is "Thank God for TIVO." I had no idea what all the hoopla was about. VicRiv is certainly entitled to his own opinion although he has repeatedly bashed me for expressing my own on this very forum.

I don't like the "insults" but after watching the latest council meeting it apparently didn't stop here.

Arguing with the council that is trying to give you what you need. One councilmember (Coffey) who actually spoke to a committee member bringing what you needed forward turned into a self proclaiming speech about people lacking the "passion" needed to serve the city.

People serve in whatever capacity they can. That is why it is called volunteerism. What you can give and when you can give it. I acknowledge that you have passion for the tasks you are assigned on your committee, but would you have so much enthusiasm if you were given assignments that didn't match your interests? I wonder.

As for your comments about absenteeism on commissions. I for one was a regular at Lena's and as an avid watcher of all meetings asked the former Mayor why there was so many "missing in action" committee members. You are always to quick to think everything is about you or out to get you. Clearly not the case.

As he stated Ben was the motivator for seven members on the commission. It was also brought up, and correct me if I am wrong that you thought a commissioner could telecommute. That way nobody could miss a meeting. I believe the council agreed if the equipment was available. I also thought the council considered it for themselves, although no firm record was established for that.

Which leads me to my next comment, if you think it is ok for a fellow commissioner to telecommute then why can't a voting resident phone in her comments or concerns? Isn't it the same? At least on the Victor "passion for the city" scale? Think about it.

Lastly, anybody who knew Lori can agree that she never kept secrets. With that said it was common knowledge that you were in fact placed on the commission as a political favor in exchange for Lori to get her barmaid friend, Shelly the roomrenter on the Planning Commission. Remember she needed her on for that whole APEX mess with that plant by Lena's to shut them down. People have such short memories. Maybe you weren't aware of the deal but your former candidate was. The whole group at Lena's knew too.


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:33 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I alway's believe the truth will come out sooner or later. I remember some of this information. Didn't know about lori and vic though. Geez! And he was so mean to her in January & Febuary 06 nothing like getting stabbed in the back by a friend...............Way to go Vic


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:08 am
by VicRiv
You have absolutely no idea what criteria I use when choosing friends.

In January, I stated Lena's was a place I frequented to show my support to an AmCan business owner. It was a place to meet other citizens.

I pointed out in detail when I spoke at the city council meeting in January, how I (and many others) felt betrayed when we found out Vice-Mayor did not live in town. 'nuff said it's done, she resigned.

I wish Lori, Larry and their family well in Davis. And when I saw them at Lorraine's Memorial..they seemed to be doing fine

Patronize Business Owner

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:27 am
by mindingcitybiz
So basically what your saying is you used Lori to get your position on parks & rec and to help position Leon Garcia onto City Council.

Like I said the truth always comes out.

Last comment about this dead horse

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:46 am
by VicRiv


adj : totally uninformed about what is going on; not having even a clue from which to infer what is occurring


Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 7:42 pm
by ac94503
I am sure that many organizations will miss your participation and enthusiasm. You have been like an "AC Cheerleader" for many local groups.

Maybe, one word of advice... being a little humble never hurts!

You apparently have been very fortunate in your life. And you have earned opportunities others will never be offered.

A little more low key may be more endearing in the eye of the public.

The best of luck on accomplishing your future plan.