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Joan Bennett's Loss

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:47 am
by VicRiv
Joan Bennett's Husband passed away on Thursday after a lengthy time of illness.

Joan has displayed an inner strength that I have admired and continued to do the volunteer and civic work, without missing a beat.

Prayers to Joan in her time of loss.

Ceremony this Thursday at 11:00am at AC Baptist Church.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 1:03 pm
by Mel
My family's deepest condolences go out to Joan. This must be a terrible time for her. Our thoughts are with you joan.

Joan Bennett

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 7:54 pm
by ac94503
I happen to catch the Council comments tonight and I think Joan Bennett epitomizes the meaning of "strength". With so many loses in her life and her ability to continue to contribute to this community is certainly commendable. Thank you, Joan!

CIty Council Meeting tonight

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 9:58 pm
by VicRiv
I agree with the last poster, Joan has done a great job.


What the heck wtih PAULETTE 'calling" into one of her minions to express her opinions of the discussed items?

Shame on Maryanne Young for letting yourself be a "Sheep" to the voice of someone with a sense of self-imprtance they had to call in their opinion of the debate.

ALL the council members were doing a good job of contributing to the dialogue. This is new terriory for the city and the council

It must be so easy to sit at home on your fat butt eating bon bons and criticize the process.. get real. IF the topic or your opinions are so important..get off the sofa and say them in person..

Way out of line and over the line

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 12:09 am
by Paul Maguire
It must be so easy to sit at home on your fat butt eating bon bons and criticize the process.. get real. IF the topic or your opinions are so important..get off the sofa and say them in person..

You dont really thinks this, do you Victor...

This is rather derogatory and disrespectful thing to say. Perhaps she wasnt feeling well, perhaps she couldn't leave home and was taking care of someone, perhaps she didnt have her car, perhaps she had company, perhaps she has a medical condition she doesnt want publicly known, or perhaps she was taking prescribed medications that prohibited driving, your really dont know, so perhaps it is uncalled for to pass this judgement on her so quickly and to criticize her as you have.

Calling someone fat, or saying they are home eating "bon bons", is completely disrespectful. Calling their friends "minons" is as well, disrespectful. So is the "sheep" comment.

The fact is that Paulette contributed, as she always does, in the way she was able too.

You Mr Riveria, are being completely disrespectful to her and her friend.

You owe her, and her friend who showed up, an apology for such despicable comments.

Perhaps when you cool off from this tirade you will realize how inappropriate your comments are towards these women, and show some class by apologizing.

But let me say this, you are not the only one who has lost his cool, it happens, it has happened to me, and I apologized, as I am suggesting you do here.

Politics can raise hairs on the back of all of our necks. Tempers can flare.

But come on, this IS over the line, dont you think? Maybe just a little bit?

And on another note
My condolences to Joan for her loss and admiration for carrying on in the face of challenging times.

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 9:19 am
by Guest
That was terrible VicRiv. I said in some of my last postings that people get ripped apart on this forum, but you have said in your past post that you don't name call. .. Well, I would be extremely ticked off you said that about me and I would also expect an apology. How do you think that woman is going to feel once she reads this? That was tacky and WAY out of line.
BTW, WHAT ON EARTH does that have to do with this thread?