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Our Mayor...

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:17 pm
by Guest
I was just wondering, if the Mayor sold her home and moved away, then came back. Where is she living? I heard she is pulling a trailor from place to place, but NO actual address.
Doesn't our Mayor need to be an actual resident of American Canyon? When (if) WalMart shows up here in our little City, and then she leaves town, what do suppose her little "payoff check" will buy her? Certainly not integrity, honesty or a quality of life she should be proud of.
Again, just wondering...

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 10:15 pm
by napaseller
just a thought, and it's the time of night when i get sour but if she's in a "trailer" maybe she's parked at the walmart in vallejo.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:55 am
by Guest
Napaseller, YOU ROCK! Love that response!


Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:07 am
by pumkin
Maybe before you slander the mayor you should look real hard at Cindy Coffey and where she lives. Does she own her home? Are all her checks good? What happen to her business to the vallejo plaza, oops is this what she was sued over?

Lori... Oophs, you mean Cindy

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 9:07 am
by Guest
You should make sure you know your facts about Cindy. Since you opened the door and not that it is any of any of our business. Tell me how did you come across this information or is it maybe someone gave you information from a document see had to file to do business in our city. Lets pond this a monment anyone know anyone who has city connections that could easily leak it to her groupies????
You should be counting your days because enough is coming and you people are going to be seeing suits, of all kinds.

If your throwing any law suits on the table in regards to Cindy you better have been sitting in a court room when it was or should be heard. Or wise ... Why don't you check on Our Famous Leaders record. You want to sling mud. Lets see how many last names has she had.? How many foster children, How many are still living? How many men have left her with nothing but law suits did she ever take care of them or even show up in court for them. Some of us have been around far longer then others.
Not that I have anything against Lori. But you people just don't quit. So becareful what you throw it just might come back at you alittle faster then it left. Lori has had her time she looks tired and burnt out. It's time to step down I was hoping for a graceful change over but you had to keep this up. Lori stands a shot on Nov. 2 just like the other 9 do.
I don't see how you can say Cindy does not know the issues or anything close too it. Her ideas are ideas but they are at least different then any I ever heard of. I think she is the shot in the arm this city needs to bring us back on track. But if you would like to go tit for tat on Lori and Cindy. Lets go.
I would perfer to use my engery in a more useful way. But I'm ready if your pushing....