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Skate Park problems

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 10:41 am
by concerned
I am interested in hearing about any problems people are having regarding the Skate Park here in Am Cyn,,,,, I have seen some things there that are really disheartening, so I want to see if this is a regular thing or just a one time thing?

Skate Park

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:11 am
by Guest
Usually the people at the skate park obey the rules: no bicycles, helmets and pads are required, and respect the other users. If the police notice a violation, they take action, from verbal warnings, written citations or up to closing the park for the day. If you notice violation, feel free to call your local police department to report the violations. The only way to ensure that the skate park stays safe, clean and open, is to have the people using the park to be safe and respectful of the rules and rights of the other users. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 6:15 pm
by Guest
Unfortunately, if you are talkign about the complete disregard and lack of respect by the people using the skate park then it is a pretty regular thing. There are signs posted stating what the rules are. The kids don't like the rules so they tear the signs down. This in turn requires the city to replace the signs. The kids take the chance to ride in the park wihtout following the rules and they get citations or warnings. No matter what they complain to no end about being picked on and how it is unfair.

It is a park built by the city. They are very simple rules that are in place for safety and liability reasons. It is not that big of a deal to wear pads and helmets and no bikes. Although it is apparent that certain groups feel they can do what they want when they want. I have seen the police out there enforcing the rules. Funny thing is as soon as the kids see the police they all take off running. If you are gonna test the waters and be big enough to break the rules.... stick around and face the consequences.