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Just The Truth as it Happened

Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 10:58 pm
by Guest
Remember American Canyon the things you are hearing from a few people and the local Chamber of Commerce are not true. I have been a resident for over 62 years. My family has lived here for 5 generations.

We initially did not support incorporation but we incorporated. Joan Bennett was elected to council. During her term she never gained public support and wasn’t a good councilmember.

Her idea for development was having all of the businesses on Highway 29 painted burgundy and gray. She was also part of the first council that created the general plan, which allowed for all of the current out of control growth that she is claiming is occurring by the past couple of councils.

Her term was ineffective, catatonic and unproductive. We fought hard to clean the slate except for Ben Anderson, who we are still proud to have on our council.

Additionally, Joan is campaigning under the auspice that if elected she will bring back the former city manager. Some things are better left alone.

As for Ed West I do not support any type of law enforcement individual on the city council because they are too rigid, judgmental and opinionated. I don’t think it is a good mix.

Lori has been a good councilmember and a good friend and we are going to be real sorry she is gone. Some of you who have lived here for a long time remember how she had helped you and defended you. Turning our backs on her is unacceptable and shows lack of character. She has always been straight forward whether you liked it or not. Why should the comments and quotes in an article be any different? We trusted her then and I trust her now.

This election isn’t any different than any other. People need to know that all is not the rosy pictures that they paint. All candidates have issues; the question is which ones are important and which ones are not.

Lastly, we don’t need an elected Mayor. We need 5 strong team players to represent our city. I am confident that the chosen one by council will be excellent. If not we can demand a replacement without financial repercussions to the city.

Paulette Freskan-Griffin

Oh Yes This is the truth.... ah ha

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 7:07 pm
by MeadowsGuy
Paulette has things backwards as usual.

The First Council and General Plan spoke to vision and hope. The GP uses terms like "village" and "community" in all manners of development efforts. Open space was NEVER to be "separated" from any development. The word was to go slow and start small.

After Paulette and her minions backed Colcleaser on the Redevelopment Wars, they started to undo much of this and THIS is what led to the uncontrolled growth. Primarily to protect the assets of his nursery and the long feud with Mid City over water allocations... Mid City has a well, his didn't.

I was here too... now going on 20 years and am not a "newbie".

Paulette and Lori were "great" friends during my time and the last post only serves to show all the new people in town that you should elect new people to council because the old one are still (like Paulette) fighting the old incorporation battles with each other and people who they "used to call" friends and are now bitter enemies.

I say stand up to them and say ENOUGH.

This is neither appropriate or helpful in today's reality of tightened funding, State raids on our tax dollars (like measure H) and the shrinking of vision in terms of growth. The fact that so many homes are being built in American Canyon is due to the Planning Commission and the Council being unable to use the word "NO".

My proof, look who was in the front of the room supporting Wal Mart.

I'm voting for McGuire.

Comparing Notes

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 8:32 pm
by Guest
Hey Meadows Guy ---whatever differences we may have had we both voted for the same guy this time. I am a Paul Maguire backer too. Maybe he is the great uniter of old and new I would like to think so.

But hey I haven't been a city basher for some time and I am not now. Just a stroll down memory lane.


Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:07 am
by mattbb61
As for Ed West I do not support any type of law enforcement individual on the city council because they are too rigid, judgmental and opinionated. I don’t think it is a good mix.
Your blanket statement of this fine individual and anyone else in his honorable, chosen profession was a real low blow.

I hold the members of law enforcement in high regard. These people help keep we law abiding citizens safe from the dregs and scourges of our own society and yes, our own community.

I trust you may remember these posts the next time you pick up your phone to call law enforcement to YOUR aid.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 11:49 pm
by Guest
My uncle was a Napa county sheriff till the day he died. He was gentle man. I still think anyone in law inforcement is too judgementel, rigid, and opinionated.
And I don't remember ever having to call the law for anything out here. It's always been a safe community. We all have reasons for our opinions.


Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 5:17 pm
by MeadowsGuy
Hey Paulette,

For whatever reason, the Colcleaser/Luporini era you helped elect has placed American Canyon in a VERY PRECARIOUS situation...

CALTRANS is ready to put 6 lanes down the center of town.
Water availability is in question.
Traffic congestion is the worst it has ever been.
Revenue from Green Island is covering less and less of the budget.
and... I know CALTRANS will condemn much of 29 if they get their way...

I'm glad we agree on McGuire but I didn't start this.... but I will do whatever I can to help us solve it!!

But I can only help if the Council Members all sailling the same direction. The General Plan is what guides them and much of it needs reworking after the neglect and incompetence of the last 12 years.

Let is also be known that Joan was responsible for the removal of Ron Kiedrowski... one of the best CMs I've known. She she has a history of firing City Managers.

Time we make a new start with some fresh ideas ....

Paulette... thanks for the effort but I would have had Palby's set up as a landmark... HW29 is less for its absence. An office building is an insult to a road we are trying to improve.

Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 11:03 pm
by Guest
I'm never going to agree with you on Colecleaser, Lupporini, they did much good for this city. A lot of this was set into motion before they were ever elected.
As for Palby's, we haven't owned it in quite some time, don't tell us about it (we didn't want to be on the HWY with six lanes).

Yor are right Ron was one of the best, another reason not to elect Bennett.

Missing Facts

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:53 am
by VicRiv
CM Ron K was released from his contract from the city because of "clinton syndrome". If the city had retained him there would have been sexual harassment litigation.

An Unfortunate Legacy

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:04 pm
by Yardley
We have been here long enough to see & experience all the many changes that have taken place since the mid 1990's.

It was and is bad enough to have to deal with the fallout of what Napa County did and what they placed or allowed in the Am Can area. What is truly disheartening, however, is the legacy of past City Council decisions and the influence of Colcleaser, Shaver, and the old RAA group who opposed any and all aspects of redevelopment.

It is why we are now stuck with WalMart and why some of the areas along Hwy 29 (especially the areas just north of where WalMart is being built) still look like shanty towns or something you would see in the poorest areas of Appalachia.

Have positive changes taken place? Absolutely! None of these positive changes would have happened had we not incorporated. It still amazes me that there were residents who opposed incorporation.

I was not sorry to see Palby's close. It was past its' prime. Unfortunately, the "market place" as it now exists in American Canyon probably could not successfully support a large, more upscale eating/entertainment type venue.

As I understand it, there were also several restrictions or limitations in terms of how the Palby's property could be remodeled, used etc. Although Palby's new use will not directly benefit residents, at least it will not adversely impact Am Can or be an eyesore.

Let us hope for the best as we move forward with new city council members and anyother changes that are in our future.

What Really Happened!

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:54 am
by Guest
VicRiv you are way off base here is what really happened.

C.M. RK was set up!! The female who would have filed the sexual harassments charges had been sleeping with another married council member who still lives in our town.

She wanted a raise and the title of "assistant city manager" and RK refused. After hearing the refusal she made the allegations of sexual harrassment.

She also became pregant by the next "married" C.M. RF. When he was fired and left town he left a wife and new baby behind-- This same female caused much trouble in Napa government who gave her a glowing recommendation for us to take her. BIG MISTAKE! Just another "jab" by the county.

Joan Bennett backed her with her false allegations and wasn't sharp enough to see what was going on. That was irresponsible and unacceptable. Joan is not capable or saavy enough for council.

Wrong Syndrome

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:58 am
by Guest
It would appear that the city was a victim of the Monica Syndrome. A female predator attempting to move up the ladder with sex. The only difference is there was no spot on the dress only a bump under it.

Response to Paulette's Post.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 7:29 pm
by ac94503
Apparently, I've been looking in all the wrong places for love! I had no idea I should have dropped into the city offices...

She Got It Right

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 9:11 pm
by MeadowsGuy
I usually don't agree with Paulette but that is as accurate a recount of that episode as we will get. Thanks Paulette. When we needed Joan, she wasn't there.

On McGuire... blaming the first CC on the RUL is inappropriate. He wasn't there when it was set and you do not waltz up to LAFCO and set it. It is a NEGOTIATION that requires findings and facts.

Fact, the City as it was in 1992 did not show sufficient revenue to warrant an RUL going up to Soscol ridge... (where I thought it should be as set by the original SPANISH LAND GRANT). Do some homework Paul.

The best we could do was to indicate that we had a "sphere of influence" beyond the current boundary that one day COULD be annexed if shown AmCan can support the infrastructure.

Even now, we do not show that we are generating enough revenue to extend it when we can't even get developers to pony up impact fees that would have helped with infrastructure.

A terrible situation... that I hope new Coucilmembers will fix or at least learn how to remedy after they get some experience under their belt.


Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:56 pm
by Guest
I still give kudos to Maguire for discussing real issues. He may have been a bit off base but at least he recognizes this issue is the topic of choice for the county. They seem to discuss it a lot at the meetings. Bottom line the city needs more land as soon as possible to land bank for future opportunities. Waiting will result in loss potential revenue as the county continues to build south taking all of the fees and taxes and leaving AmCan to maintain the roads (thanks to Measure H), provide water, sewer and fireservice and for what? Not to mention house all of the workers.

The city better get going and get that land. Maguire is a proven asset to accomplish that goal.

I simply can't support a county employee to negotiate against their boss. Or somebody out of the loop for many years who believes they are "owed" the position.

Wake up American Canyon and get out and vote. Don't raise taxes due to county mismanagement of funds.