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upcoming election

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:28 am
by VicRiv
I agree the city needs to have all its residents represented in the upcoming election.

We should all hope that the city's business is #1 priority not personal agendas. That has been the reason we are at this juncture.

Personally I want ISSUES discussed: traffic, infrastructure, water issues, low income housing, growing drug problem and arrests in town, the increasing number of sex offenders. I want Solutions, solutions, solutions.

I am surprised at the people who got up at the meeting unaware of the available council seat and how it cam to be open. It has been in 3 different (local) papers for the last month and half. Thoughts?


Times Herald on Candidates

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 9:57 am
by ac94503
I had my morning laugh when I read a quote in the Times Herald this morning from Pastor Curry when asked if he would run for office in June.
Quote: "The way to get elected is to create some kind of controversy and that way you get notoriety. I refuse to do that." LOL!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:33 pm
by Mel
This was MY morning laugh - Also a comment from Curry...

"I just hope the community doesn't make it a popularity contest and they actually look into the character and integrity of people,"

The character and integrity of people... hmmmmm - funny, coming from him.

BTW, I do not believe he would fare better than the last election. This has given the community time and opportunity to see what his character and integrity is really like.


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 12:04 am
by ac94503
Has anyone else decided to file for the current "City Council Seat" that is available in the June election? According to the Vallejo Times Herald only one gentleman, from the mobile home parks, has applied. Any updates?

I am filing for the June Election

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:57 pm
by amcannative
My name is Ed West and I am filing for the June Election. I liked Victor’s post. I am also concerned at the level of special interest or “cliques” that are out there. I also feel that there seems to be a disconnect between the council and city staff. City staff and hired experts need to be used as tools to help the City Council make decisions. No member or candidate knows everything. There also has to be a level of decorum and professionalism. Decisions should not be based on emotions, but rather good solid facts and input from staff, hired experts and the citizens we represent. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning more about me. Ed West

American Canyon Election June 7th and Related Topics

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:34 am
by Mel
Does anyone know off hand the full list of Candidates? I'd call the City, but it's 6:30am !

Five file for vacated seat as deadline approaches

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 9:19 am
by juliob
according to the vallejo times

AMERICAN CANYON - The field of candidates competing for Lori Luporini's recently vacated City Council seat was empty just two days ago, but it is growing dramatically as Friday's filing deadline approaches.

Five candidates - Joan Bennett, J.T. Miller, Bill Russell, James Walker and Ed West - have officially filed to compete in the June 6 primary for the remainder of Luporini's term, City Clerk Kay Woodson said Wednesday.

Bennett, one of the council's original members when American Canyon incorporated in 1992, lost her bid in 2004 to return to the council by only 66 votes.

In fact, many felt she should have been appointed to fill Luporini's seat when the vice mayor resigned less than halfway through her term in February.

Instead, the council chose the June 6 ballot to settle the question.

"Since I was so close in the last election, it just makes sense that I carry on with the effort," Bennett said Wednesday.

The 67-year-old former administrator for the California Conservation Corps said she has never stopped caring about the community and, now that she is retired, has more time to donate.

"I am a person who is very committed to my community and I have demonstrated that in many ways over several years, so I'm not stopping," Bennett said.

Bill Russell, 62, another candidate from the 2004 campaign, said he's trying again to offer representation to those needing affordable housing and live in mobile home parks.

"My reason for running for City Council is to represent people in the community I feel might be being left out of the political process," Russell said.

A mobile home park resident himself, Russell owns a business that installs and repairs dental equipment.

Russell said he anticipates a better showing on June 6, because time and court decisions have proven him right on legal issues dealing with mobile home parks.

In addition, Russell said he has grown and can offer a better balance between

competing interests in the community.

"I think a City Council person has a responsibility to do a lot of research before they either approve or disapprove, not just simply be a rubber stamp," he said.

James Walker, 18, is a political newcomer who hopes to bring a fresh perspective to the council.

"I am running for City Council to represent the under-represented younger generation," Walker said. "I'm trying to make the City Council more diverse and accessible to the people."

The Napa Valley College student, who is considering a major in political science, said he also wants to encourage more young people to vote.

Although Ed West is also a newcomer to the political scene, the 45-year-old corporal with the Napa County Department of Corrections, has lived in American Canyon his entire life.

"Actually, I bought my house from my parents," he laughed.

West is the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Phillip West, who was killed in Iraq just over a year ago. American Canyon's community pool now bears the fallen soldier's name.

West said he feels a lifetime of living in the community and raising children there has helped prepare him for a council position.

"I grew up here and I want to make some contributions back to the city," West said. "I think I have some good ideas and approaches the city needs right now."

J.T. Miller, deputy labor commissioner with the California Department of Industrial Relations, also filed candidacy papers but could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Luporini resigned Feb. 2 following a controversy over her residency status.

Hurt or Help!

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:37 am
by ac94503
I hope that this website will be used by all of the candidates to keep us at home informed of their position on the many issues facing American Canyon... I have a question for 3 of the candidates...

Ms. Bennet - Do you think your affiliation with Impact 94503 will hurt or help your campaign?

Mr. Maguire - Do you think your affiliation with Napa Solano Post will hurt or help your campaign?

Mr. West - do you think your views regarding Iraq will hurt or help your campaign?

Thank you and I will look forward to your response and hopefully others will have questions in the future.

Great question thank you for caring enough to ask

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 10:25 pm
by amcannative
Thank you and I appreciate this forum. As I was quoted earlier in the week, I have been considering running for office for many years now. The timing was never right. Now it is. The war is an issue that is based in deep emotions. For some it is political, for some it is moral and for some it is deeply real. For me and my family it is deeply real. I realize that the war and the death of my son Phillip is/was news. However, my family goes back to the early 60’s in American Canyon. My father was one of many that helped develop play grounds and worked on the old recreation Board and with Little League. I was born and raised here and my wife and I decided to raise our family here. I have 3 kids, one of which happened to decide to serve his country and did so with dignity and honor. I do not believe that a candidate’s position on the war is an issue in this race. However if our constituents do not agree, then by all means they should make their own decisions. There is no doubt in the community where I stand on the war. I have learned that life is short and we should go after what is important. Being elected to the City Council is important to me.


Ed West

affiliation with post question from ac94503

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 11:13 pm
by Paul Maguire
My affiliation with the Napa Solano Post is that I advertise there, and write articles from time to time. I use the Napa Solano Post to advertise as the paper is locally owned and operated, and I support small businesses in my community.

I have tried all the different publications, and found the Napa Solano Post to bring the best results, and have the most consistant delivery, because it is mailed. The other papers are thrown on the driveway and the deliver has been inconsistant.

Otherwise, I have no ownership interest or other affiliation with the post, and do not believe it hurts nor helps my in my campaign for city council.

Thank you for taking the time to ask me.

Positions on following:

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:55 pm
by VicRiv
What are your positions on the following:

traffic and infrastructure
water issues
low income housing
growing drug problem and arrests in town
the increasing number of sex offenders
business development and revenue generation
your involvement in city activities

and lastly

who is your base? Where do you go for feedback on city issues? Idea exchange?

Thank You...

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:35 pm
by ac94503
I would like to thank the candidates that responded to my questions.

Vic Riv...I am sure that all of the candidates will have to respond to your questions regarding roads, infrastructure, crime the local papers or community forums.

However, your last question is (in my view) inappropriate..."Who is your base? "

Maybe you need to answer that question yourself before questioning people who have decided to serve this community by running for office? Or are you the 7th candidate?

My response to more good questions-

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:31 pm
by amcannative
Traffic, infra-structure and water availability are issues that are being wrestled with in many communities. The answer is proper pre-planning. I believe that one good sign for American Canyon is that we are asking the questions as the developments are going in place! Some may consider it a “chicken or the egg” question regarding timing. I believe that the commerce and development needs to precede the infra-structure, slightly. The current system has to be squeezed slightly. The development and commerce supports the infra-structure. Traffic and water is dependant on proper planning. I tend to fall into the theory of “trust but inspect”. Trust City staff and commissioners and then inspect and insure that we are headed the right way. Learn from other city’s mistakes as well as our own and then move on.

Water again requires proper planning. It also requires “out of the box thinking”. Limit water and you will create eye sores and hurt property values and community attractiveness. Waste water and you will suffer the effects of a shortage. Like any other commodity, supply and demand will drive its affordability. Systematic policing by using enticements to conserve are important, but scientific alternatives are something that needs to be explored also. What we can not do is be short sighted and not prepare.

Working for the Napa County Dept of Corrections for the last 12 years I have seen the effects of drugs and I have dealt with sex offenders. I see the entire County as well as American Canyon. Many of the inmates in the Napa County Jail have a background related to drugs, usually methamphetamine. Marijuana and alcohol would be #2. Education is an important point in the cure. Educating young people to the dangers and risks of drug use is vital. I also have to complement our Police Department. American Canyon is a classic “Community Policing” community. I think they are doing a very good job. Sex offenders are and have been a constant threat in many communities. Ours is no different. Again, education and awareness is the answer. Educating our children beyond the class rooms is very important. Talk to our children let them know that if they get propositioned or approached it is Ok to report it. Be aware of your neighborhoods and know who is there and why. Work with the Police and help them. Don’t tolerate that element. Regarding the sexual offender- remember, until recently their presence was hidden. They were not as exposed to the public. Thanks to Megan’s law their presence has been made easier and we are more aware of them. Use the tools available to us. I have included a link to the Megan’s Law state sight. You should search that sight for your neighborhoods, Grandma and Grandpas neighbor hood as well as your child care provider etc. Awareness and education are the answer.

Business development and Infra-structure development need to be co-managed. Shopping centers and commerce buildings need to provide for the community in a fashion that will off-set their impact. Remember though, developer fees or impact fees simply get passed to the consumer. The more out of town consumers that we can attract, the more we disperse the local impact of these fees and lessen their impact on our community. I support allowing our regulations, commissions and zoning laws to do their jobs. If a retailer does not provide what you need as a customer, don’t shop there, if they do not provide you with the benefits that you need, do not work there. Most of us had jobs in our lives that we look back at and remember when we realized that we did not want to do them the rest of our lives. Mine was digging ditches for the Arbor Nursery, $10 a day, digging ditches. One of my most memorable was working for the old A&W Drive Inn and a gentleman named Louie Makris. He was a wonderful man. I couldn’t live on either of these jobs, but I did develop qualities at both that have helped me at every stage of my life. Lastly, I was recently perusing American Canyon on-line. I found several listings that stated we need a Barnes and Noble. I started researching Barnes and Noble to see what demographics they look for in placing their stores. Ironically, I found many articles objecting to Barnes and Noble locating in Corte Madera. These objections seem to be based on local opinions and challenges.

My family has been in American Canyon since 1961. My father and mother were known and we were raised here. Since deciding to raise our children here both my wife and I have been active and involved parents. PTA, School events, Little League, Scouts. The basics. As our children grew older the cause turned to A.C.T.S., we helped support the troops. Then we developed the Lance Corporal Phillip West Memorial Fund. After Phillip’s death we received gifts of money and we developed the Memorial fund. We received over $7000 in donations. In 2005 we were able to donate $5000 to the Aquatic Program. This paid for an A.E.D. for heart Attack victims, the “Rock” that kids play on, a training mannequin, parkas and most enjoyably we sponsored the and Water Carnival. 2005 was the first year for this event. The memorial fund’s goal is to provide for this event every year. Balloons, music, food, games, prizes, this year’s carnival is July 22, you will have a ball. In 2005 we also joined with A.C.T.S. and we won first place for the 4th f July float we designed and split the winnings! Then we had a booth at the carnival to provide a source of funding for the Memorial Fund. Besides the wheel of Fortune prizes, 4 lucky winners won bikes, in fact Victor you won the grand prize a West Coast Chopper bike.

I have been considering and have been encouraged for years to run for City Council. A young family or working shifts just got in the way. I am at a point now in my life that I can make the commitment needed. My family is supportive, but beyond that many people in the community have supported me. I listen to groups and talk to groups. I have held “neighborhood chats” with friends and neighbors, in which they introduce their friends and so and so on. I listen more than talk and I take a comprehensive and methodical approach to managing projects and resolving issues.

Thanks for the opportunity, I like questions- please feel free though to send me e-mails> I would rather read than write.

Ed West


Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:14 pm
by VicRiv
Ed it was refreshing to get responses which were well thought out. It shows you are definitely aware of the hot issues which need to be addressed.
Your "focus" groups also is also an open minded approach to getting the appropriate attention and different perspectives from a wide group of people.

Look forward to hearing more from you at the candidate forum. keep up the good work.

For AC94503: Yes I am the 7th candidate and the 6th city council member- as IS EVERY RESIDENT in town. I think the question regarding feedback and idea exchange is vital to getting the pulse of the entire city and various and different opinion. If a person or candidate surrounds themselves with "like thinkers" their thought process tends to be very narrow. Again, my opinion.

Back at you!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:04 pm
by amcannative
I would like to turn the tables a little and toss some questions to the readers of this page. I like listening to people and hearing different perspectives and ideas on issues. I believe that most of us that have issues have ideas on how to fix them. I also believe that all 6 of us running for office have the good interest of the city in mind. No one is trying to get in office to hurt the city. That means this election will boil down to problem solving and inter-personal skills. I need to know what issues are out there beyond the obvious.

• What are you looking for in a candidate?

• How do you see your city services meeting your needs?

• Other than the obvious (traffic, water, High School, tax base etc) what issues do you have and want addressed?

• What issues do you have specific to your neighborhood?

Lastly I would like to make a statement on an issue that I have been hearing about- “The Old area versus the New area”- I have attached something that I have written specific to this issue. Many issues need addressed in the future, but I think this one is very important.

As I have been speaking to people, I have heard the comments about the contention between the “Old City and the “New City”. This issue is dangerous to a young city. I welcome both the Old and the New.
The way I see it, I guess I am from the “Old” area. Having been born and raised here in the Rancho Del Mar section of American Canyon. I grew up in the “pre-recreation” days. No parks, no recreation programs, no pool, nothing but what we could develop ourselves by raiding dad’s garage. Forts, “dirt clod” wars, Go Carts– It wasn’t so bad! Fast forward to today– A beautiful Pool, Parks galore, a well organized Recreation Program and a very nice and well organized Aquatic Program. My wife of 23 years Mimie and I chose to raise our three children here.
The source of unification should be the recognition that both the “old” and the “new” portions of our community compliment and support each other.
Without the “New” areas of American Canyon there would not have been the tax base to develop American Canyon into what it is today. Our kids would not have the parks, pools and recreation system that we have today. We would still be driving out of town to spend our money in another community. Additionally our home values would not have been sky rocketing like they have!
On the opposite end of that argument The “New” areas would not have had a well located and established infra-structure to establish their homes conveniently located to the Bay Area. They would not have a City that offers easy access to the Bay Area without the associated problems of living in the Bay Area. This was only possible thanks to the hard work of many during our founding years. I believe the “Old and the New areas” compliment each other creating ONE CITY!
That is exactly how I promise to approach problems and challenges ahead of us. Free of pre-judgment, fee of special interests, informed and methodically thought out. From there I assure you my decisions and votes will be based on what is best for American Canyon

Victor can I steal that statemnet about the 7th candidate- you put it very well.

Please respond to my questions here or at my campaign e-mail address

Thank You

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:37 pm
by Issa
I liked his quote too, and I am glad the citizens are using the site to discuss the election in a meaningful way this time. Thank you to all of you, especially those running for using this site as a medium to communicate.

Same Old...

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:49 pm
by MeadowsGuy
This is almost a verbatim copy of what Don Colcleaser ran his campaign on. You can see the results. We need a Councilmember who really wants to change things. Some outreach my help but you should go to the people who built this City and bring them into the process.

Oat Hill was identified in the "original General Plan" as a "viewshed" area. Not to be developed with "Castles on the Hillside" overlooking the poor surfdom of Rio Del Mar and McKnight. I would like to know why and how the current council (absent of Ms. Coffey) felt they could rewrite the General Plan? Oat Hill may also fall into the Napa Airport sphere or influence as it concerns their airspace. Has anyone looked into that?

Why is the General Plan Update stalled? Is this a political manouver by staff?

And what are you going to do about the damage that has been done by infrastrucure neglect and the poor shape the budget is in by becoming "Napa's Bedroom"... something the original council tried to avoid.

I take issue with the notion that developers need rooftops to do anything. There are many towns in CA that have half our population and have no trouble with services. This is a dialect of POOR Planning and a willingness to bow to developers who want to make a quick buck.

What is your plan for HW29?

And you seem to be supportive of the placement of Wal-Mart... that took a variance in the GP... something not supported by the GP originally, to permit this monstrosity.

I appreciate your willingness to engage us Mr. West. That alone may get you elected but I hope you follow thru if so.

My ideal candidate...

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:51 pm
by merryjester
Here's what I'm looking for in a candidate:

Someone who has a vision for the city, both short-term and long-term, that he/she can illustrate as professionally and succinctly as possible.

Don't care if you're "old area" or "new area".

Don't care if you're pro/anti war.

Not interested in cliche answers to the issues.

Frankly, I need him/her to be intelligent, and to convey that intelligence in his/her manner of communication.

These are verrrrry interesting times in Dear Ol' AmCan... As a community, we need to raise our expectations of who we'll allow to represent us.

Anyway....that's my $0.02.

My web Page

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:19 pm
by amcannative
I have completed my web page- please visit it and weigh in.

Thank You

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 8:00 am
by Mel
I regret I could not attend the Candidates Forum last night. What did you all think? Not much in depth in the papers...

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:56 am
by BlueJay
I attended, and learned a fair amount about each candidate. I thought the forum was very helpful, as I only moved here a year ago. The text below sums up my observations and OPINIONS, which of course are just my own. Hopefully my directness doesn't offend anyone. And I sincerely apologize that I don't remember all the candidate's complete names.

Bill Russell: Spoke about representing the folks in the mobile home parks, and stressed that as a candidate he could be trusted to stand up and say "no" to other council members, and be the voice of reason, or at least not "rubber stamp" decsions before seeing the issues and proposals brought before the council are thoroughly researched. Highlighted that there had been a lot of "yessing" by the current/former council. As much as this is nice to hear that someone has the ability to be the "No" guy, I didn't get the sense that this person would truly have the ability to get very far if elected. Did not get a clear picture of Russell's vision for this city. I'm guessing he isn't likely to play well with the others on the council, as he has some very obvious dissatisfaction with the previous actions of the current council. Seems a bit too mad at them to be able to work with them productively.

Joan Bennett: A very caring resident with a sincere love for American Canyon. BUT - on the first "3-minutes" which was given to each candidate to introduce themselves/state their position, she babbled on WAY beyond the time she was given to do her intro. and ignored the "time-up" beep to ramble on. In fact she did it again while answering other question(s) too. So I don't remember much of what she said, because she displayed such a lack of respect for her fellow candidates and the audience that I tuned her out. Her behavior led me to this conclusion: If this woman can't follow the simple rules of a newspaper-sponsored candidates' forum, how can she be trusted to serve with integrity as a city council person? She can neither follow simple instructions or respect the others - she needs to follow her own rules, not those given to everyone. Her volunteer activities were used as examples of leadership ability, which seemed to indicate that there isn't much leadership experience to speak of. Either she doesn't have any true leadership experiences or she simply gave poor/unconvincing examples.) This candidate also expressed that she is disenchanted w/current city council. How might she stand up for her own position with her colleagues when issues arise? I actually dont think she will - she'll get steamrolled. I can tell she's a nice lady, but she will not get my vote.

Young gentleman, whose name I cannot remember - I'm sorry. This candidate is a young african american guy, and an AmCan resident who attended Vintage High and has experienced life as a modern teen in AmCan. He may have a possible future in local politics, but probably not right now in the capacity of city council person. He emphasized the need for the community to work together, for the city council members to work together, and essentially that united we can accomplish much, but divided and fighting (as we all seem to have been), we're doomed. He had a lot of good points/beliefs, but probably not experienced enough to be elected. One idea he has for teens: Open up a skate park (or rink?) where kids can hang out/get involved/stay out of trouble.

Mr. West: Sorry, forgot his first name. This candidate shared his strong values and and philosophies. He is an AmCan native and has seen and experienced AmCan at its many stages - He is aware of WHAT the problems are. But we didn't hear any specifics on his solutions, suggestions or evidence that he has a clear understanding of what can be done to improve or address any of them. Just didn't really have anything to say, aside from showing that he's of strong moral character, and a good family man. As important as character is for public service, that's not enough for me. I wanted to know specifically what each of these candidates would do, accomplish, attempt, if elected. The audience got no understanding or explanation of any of that from this candidate. He's a good guy for darned sure, but he didn't show that he's ready/experienced enough for a seat on the city council (in my opinion.) He also continued speaking after his time was up, which is an indicator of other weakness not fitting for a council member.

Paul Maguire: This candidate is my choice out of this group for the council seat. Why? He has researched the issues, is well informed, has a position on each of them. Stressed that we need to have the city determine its development and not let AmCan's development determine our city (which has been the case.) Stressed that the plans and answers need to come from the people who live here. Believes that we need to acquire more land for American Canyon in order to support our economic and other growth. Maguire seems to be the only candidate who has the skill set, business-acumen and perspective to be able to get stuff done and to keep the city's interests paramount. Appears to be a man of action, not flowery language, and is committed to progress and effective communications. After all, the person in this position will need to collaborate with several other council-members. If this person isn't an effective communicator, negotiator and team player with integrity, he/she will not make a difference. And we NEED someone who is effective here. PM was the only candidate who could illustrate his ability to get anything done, and knows how he will approach the job. P.S. - he was the first of all the candidates to refrain from pointing fingers and passing judgement against the current council without having the appropriate information to do so objectively.


***Interesting tidbit: Each candidate (or maybe all except one) indicated that they were personally opposed to having WalMart in American Canyon.

What else did people think/observe last night?


Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 2:23 pm
by Guest
I was there also. I must add that I was a bit confused by the format of the event. Usually at a candidate forum you allow each candidate an opportunity to go first, essentially putting all of them on the spot to be first thus challenging them.

I too found Joan Bennet to be past her prime. I did some research and found that she was very ineffective on her first go round. In light of her performance not much has changed. If she is effective on the College Board then she should stay there and provide representation for the city. If not then she should retire, as I believe her to be in her late 60's and spend time with her family.

Ed West was ok. He convinced me he loved his family. However, no offense I am not a big fan of a police officer serving on council especially after watching how it worked with Canzianni (sp). Complete disaster. Also the "cop" mentality is too difficult to deal with when you need to be a team player. Which if my memory is correct he already sent in a letter to the editor saying he would be "his own guy." I am not looking for that.

James Walker the 18 year old is doing one helluva government project running for office. Unfortunately for me he lacks the experience that is needed to govern tax dollars that he has yet to pay.

Bill Russell always looking out for the underdog. Bill would be of better service to the community as an advocate for his beloved mobile home parks. He cannot stop progress to protect a small few. A candidate needs to represent all of the city.

Miller was absent although my research found him to be a Union guy working for the state. Doubt if he has the time as evidenced by not showing up.

If my memory serves me West and Miller are paid by state or county. So if they had to take off to attend the required meetings wouldn't that be a gross misuse of public funds? Since they should be working?

Maguire was in my opinion the only candidate with the facts. He had examples, solutions, and suggestions. I also like the fact that he didn't blame the council. After all didn't the City Manager resign? Under what circumstances can only be echoed by Mr. Maguire's response of "we don't have all of the facts."

In my opinion by three of the candidates pointing fingers at the council claiming the City Manager was fired shows me they have a complete lack of respect for the position of city council member and an intent to mislead the public with false information. A character flaw I am not interested in personally having on my city council.

Furthermore, Ed West showed he was paying attention by not joining that bandwagon and echoing Maguire's response about not having the facts on the former city managers employment. (That guy can't possibly want his job back can he? It sure seems that way. Good Grief!)

Two years ago I did not support any of the three running again. Why? Because they were clueless on the issues important to me. Now we have six candidates. Two who are still clueless, three who haven't taken the time to participate or learn the issues and Maguire who obviously listened to the voters.

He learned the issues.
Attended council meetings fairly regularily.
Contributed in a positive way with suggestions and alternatives.
Helped out local organizations.
Provided jobs and training.
And finally for those who were really uptight about his casino ownership he decided that serving the public was more important and sold it. I wonder what the papers will write about now?

So for me, my property taxes, and in my opinion Paul Maguire has it all for the young, old, mobilehome-living, apartment dwellers, soon to be condos (so I heard) and homeowners all represented in this wonderful city.

Great Job Mr. Maguire!!



Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:36 pm
by merryjester
I agree with the last two posts. Four of the five came across as nice, intelligent, caring folks. Problem is, I don't necessarily see "nice" as a virtue in selecting leaders. I would trust Maguire (who I'm not saying isn't nice) not to make waves just for the heck of it, but not bend over backwards to accomodate the rest of the council/local interests, etc.

One more thing....I want to underscore how cool it is to see James Walker up there on stage. Talk about huevos! Sure, his answers were a bit cliche and sure he needs more life experience to really offer meaningful solutions to the issues, but for gods sake THE MAN IS EIGHTEEN!!! Big kudos to him for having the confidence and interest in community it takes to throw his hat into this turbulent ring. Someone buy that guy a drink (in three years)!

James Walker

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:42 pm
by ac94503
I would suggest that if James Walker is not elected to the Council...that the Council consider him as a candidate to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. That way he could address the needs of the youth in A. C. and gain experience for a possible future Council seat.


Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:06 am
by Guest
I would agree that James may be an future asset to the community and that this is a great learning experience for him. I would rather like to see the Parks and Recreation Commission get a bit more fine tuned. There are too many things for them to manage and most don't get done.

I would like to see 2 spin off commissions.

Commission on Aging- to deal with Seniors, Meals on Wheels, Shut-In's and activities. This board should be comprised of new and older resident seniors.

Commission on Youth- Here is where James could be a true asset. Creating opportunities for our youth from 3 to 20. Mom and Tot programs, after school programs, anti-gang activities, internships with the city and local businesses.

These are the progressive ideas that will make our city better. That way more things will get done for the growing community. By having these seperate commissions focusing on these issues the Parks and Rec Commission can focus on Park and Public Facility Development which is what they are suppose to do.

Maybe they could finally have the time to finish the Master Park Plan which is still about 5 years overdue. Too Much work for one meeting a month for that commission.

Time to get smart.


Teens in our Government

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:18 am
by 1momfor2
I wish more 18 year olds around here cared about the city they are living in as this young man does. My hat also goes off to him.
I too think we should have a few more comissions. One should consist of teens and have them address youth issues. It sure could not hurt. Maybe they have better answers for they're issues and concerns. :?:
Something to ponder.

Squeeze Play

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 2:15 am
by Guest
Isn't it funny how the tide is turning? Last month this "94503" Curry, Marcus, Badertscher group was supporting Joan Bennett. Now I hear they are not supporting her but they are supporting Ed West. Too bad for Joanie. Even Lorraine LaVoie has publicly given support to West, but that doesn't matter she will forget about it soon enough. Like with the "lease" she signed with Luporini. "No she didn't sign a lease, wait yes she did, no wait she didn't, oh yes this is my signature." That's one endorsement you don't need.

Welcome to the chaos created by a small group that can't even get the right candidate. I predict by the end of May they will be supporting Russell. Definitely not Maguire or Miller both are way too decisive.

At the forum Maguire is the only one who respected time limits, had answers and an understanding of the issues while no one else did. As for West, can the "Code of Conduct" speech. You are a jail guard (law enforcement). Police problems are up according to the newspapers. American Canyon is becoming more and more like a police state and the people have very little recourse. I don't see you helping the problem.

There was a sheriff on before and he was forced out by the public because having a law enforcement individual on the council doesn't work, especially when they have over inflated egos built in to them from training. Your mantra of "being your own person" clearly shows you do not have what is needed to build teamwork on the council. Marching to your own drum not only hurts the community but shows a complete lack of understanding of what government is all about.

You are clearly not ready for the job as are most of the people running. I am not interested in having my hard earned tax dollars blow through the cracks while you are in training. I also don't believe you and most don't have the time I think is necessary to represent our city.

As for Bennett, she had her turn and it wasn't pretty. I think that was the first time the city banned together other than to get incorporated was to keep her out she was smart enough to know not to run again and went to the college board. It is apparent that she is getting up there and has trouble staying awake at the meetings.

My neighbor attended last Thursday and saw her falling asleep then she finally left. As for the rest of you why aren't you at the meetings? I have seen Maguire there, Bennett once but she left, Russell maybe twice in the back but he doesn't speak either.

What I want to know is why isn't Badertscher running? That woman has something to say about everything. Mostly negative unless it is about the 4th of July. Wasn't Curry out this past week too? Obviously he didn't write that letter since he had trouble reading it. Is that to make the 94503 candidates look good? Guess again. Anybody associated with him is definitely not working for the common good of the city.

This will prove to be the most interesting election of all. I will be supporting my candidate to the fullest because I know they have the time, education, and professionalism needed to create a working relationship with existing councilmembers, folks up valley and the county.

Good things are happening for the city with the recent changes. I see them and so do you. Employees are happier, service is better, response time with potholes is better, and the council is taking control of the city something that is long overdue. After watching the last meeting they did a fine job all four of them. I am not sure what the relationship is out of the council chambers but during the meeting they work well together and I see progress. That is why it is so important to elect somebody with professional business experience who knows the value of teamwork.

I don't want another person on council blah, blah, blahing to hear themselves speak and have absolutely nothing to contribute. Wake up American Canyon there is much work to be done and only two candidates have the ability. Maguire and Miller.

Oh and just for the record 4 of the 5 candidates said they support Wal-Mart, Maguire said he didn't during the last election but it doesn't matter since the matter is in the courts. Miller was absent.

After the forum when Maguire was questioned by a friend he stated that he believed a full Environmental Report should have been done like the group asked for to avoid any future charges to the city for damages.

Too late the city will be paying 1 million dollars according to the Mayor to Cal-Trans, part of the required traffic lights, moving the light and inconveniencing property owners and people using Theresa Lane, as well as hiring at least 2 to 3 more officers according to the police chief. So the projected 250k a year will never be realized as a positive to anybody except the county. They get the sales tax increase we get the bills. Way to go!! Thanks city manager and 2004 Council.

So to recap, because Maguire believed Wal-Mart should be required to pay for all of these increased fees instead of the taxpayers he is a bad guy? I think the people who support issues blindly and without fact show a clear indication of how they would be as councilmembers and quite honestly we can't afford them. [-X

Recognition Ball

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:46 pm
by Guest
The City's Recognition Ball this past Saturday was a huge hit, as always.

My question:

Do you think city officials should be 'required' to attend?
Those wanting to 'represent' the city should attend?

It was very noticeable WHO was ABSENT.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 4:57 pm
by Mel
You know, there were A LOT of people who did not attend the BAll, so I don't know how great of a success it REALLY was... I heard it was wonderful and I heard it was not. I don't know. I would tend to lean towards NOT requiring the city officials to attend.
I know this is a wishy washy post, but oh well...

nothing special

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:52 pm
by Guest
I use to go, but my spouse and I think it wasn't anything special. After all a letter is sent out to select groups and organizations. Then everybody and their mother is listed for an "award."

A small group determines the top award and from what I have seen it is usually based on popularity as opposed to actual contributions. One year a non-resident actually won.

I think the whole process needs an overhaul. For example there are plenty of organizations that are not based in American Canyon but provide services, when are they recognized?

In most communities a letter is sent out to all agencies and organizations providing services within the communities. Then the agencies and organizations have a nominating committee in which they nominate a few individuals. Then the group as a whole would elect the one person who actually was the top person of that year.

Those people would be submitted to the city committee that would create a ballot and include it in a monthly newsletter or with us the water bill. Then the city would vote, thus making it fair and making it special.

Currently the whole event in my opinion is just a futile excercise of overinflated egos opting for "a local record of who has the most certificates."

Apparently this year the threat of being nominated for an award simply wasn't enough to get people there. My friend went and commented that there were far less people this year. Until the event holds merit I don't forsee it really being a special evening.

I look forward to the possible improvements.

Response to my2cents

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 9:46 pm
by ac94503
My2cents: Your questions are interesting. However, they are somewhat negative when you mention it was obvious "WHO" was missing?

I did not attend the recent event. And I have no idea who was there. And personally, could care less.

Does a council member need to attend every event that the City or other organizations decide to create? In my

Council members should be able to continue with their personal lives. There may be conflicting plans. (such as: weddings, funerals, family reunions, graduations, birthday celebrations, etc...)

In my opinion, a council member attends when they can and should not have to answer to anyone why they were not in attendance at any event.

Let's remember that family comes first and the community that they serve may have to take a backseat to events that interrupt their presence elsewhere.

Saturday's event

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 9:55 am
by VicRiv
I'm surprised at some of the comments about the event on Saturday. It was designed to be a way for the city to show gratitude to the people who REALLY run the city through their volunteer efforts.

The attendance number was 38 people smaller than last year's event.

The event isn't designed to be a polularity content. That statement demonstrated an unappreciation and contempt for the backbone of AmCan.

Any and every event isn't mandatory by city officials. There are actually few I would expect to be required. This is probably one one of them, in my opinion.

My reason: the people who run almost ALL the city programs are present. This is a way to gather information of what is working, what is lacking and engage with the people are on the front line performing the work. AYSO, B&G Club, 4-H, Little League, Civic and Community Groups, and our local media groups along with schools were all represented.

Someone sitting in a chair once or twice a month, can't get vital feedback to make informed decisions, unless they are in the trenches. Again, MY Opinion. And if you decide not to go-that's your business, but don't get the undies in a wad, if someone notices you are NOT there.

Besides there are few city events where I get to wear my tuxedo and strut my stuff (smile)

Buddy do you have the time?

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 8:21 pm
by Guest
It is interesting to see which businesses are putting whose signs up. I hate to say it, but I will. I see a trend. A trend that people vote "just cause" and without merit.

The residents are becoming more saavy and are paying attention. They will not be interested in candidates who don't have as much to lose as they do with poor decision making capabilities. They will not support candidates who pay less in property taxes than a good meal with friends.

I know I won't and my neighbors won't either. It will be interesting how issues unfold. What scares me most is the candidates throw around a few cliches and they think that's it. I want to know why the sewers are backing up, why the roads are flooding, why junk cars sit on streets for months, why there is tagging on my fence over and over again.

Didn't know about this stuff did you? I make my point. As for the candidates that work full time when will you serve me? How will you attend meetings? I read in the paper about meetings that are at all different times of the day how will you go? Will the taxpayers be paying your salary when you take time off?

How will you attend conferences? I was watching last year and saw the council talk about quite a few conferences are you willing to use your vacation time for the city? I expect that and so does everybody else.

How will your "experience" from the first council fix these problems? They are the ones that created them, so it's obvious you lack the ability.
Maybe that's why the team is splitting with the other good ol boy. He hasn't screwed anything up.....yet.

But does he and all of the others have the time? We are constantly getting the short end of the stick on projects because there isn't enough representation for the city. How can there be with just a few. How will you be an asset? How can you guarantee me that you will attend all of the meetings, conferences, and everything else associated with representing me and my city?

I am sick of watching the "blah blah blah" on this site. (Thanks Issa) Show me the facts, show me solutions, show me suggestions, don't show me lip :-({|= service.

Check one box!

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 11:36 pm
by ac94503
"Even Lorraine LaVoie has publicly given support to West, but that doesn't matter she will forget about it soon enough. Like with the "lease" she signed with Luporini. "No she didn't sign a lease, wait yes she did, no wait she didn't, oh yes this is my signature."

Yesterday on my way to the post office I saw that Ms. LaVoie has 2 signs in her front yard for the upcoming election. One supporting Ed West and the other in support of Joan Bennet. I'm confused...Isn't there only one seat available to fill? I immediately thought of RioRanchoRey's post.

I am now curious to see if the Impact 94503 has really thrown their support to Mr. West? Doesn't that group fall into the "clique" catagory?

Agree with JustQ

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 8:41 am
by VicRiv
THANK YOU for reminding posters of the ISSUES.

Do I care who has a sign on Lorraine's lawn? NO
Do I care whoImpact 94503 is endorsing? NO
Do I care which candidate is being endorsed by a candidate? NO
Does For or Against Walmart earn my vote? NO. AmCan is MORE than ONE controversial store.

PEOPLE the future of YOUR town is at stake. This is Serious, not a high school class president election.

American Canyon has serious issues. We need problem solvers.

Does Ed West's background mean AmCan will be a police state? Absolutely the most ridiculous assertion so far.

"Joan should spend her time enjoying retirement. She's past her prime" She got off her duff and is making a difference. It's easy to anonymously post hurtful and negative comments. Take YOUR energy and plan and host an event to find a cure for cancer-as she's doing in the middle of a campaign.

Voting is a privilege. It shouldn't be taken lightly. Who offers the best solutions?

In Tuesday's AC Eagle a letter to the editor asked that each candidate read and understand the general plan, our city charter etc. Excellent idea. Instead some choose to take the low road and discuss friggen lawn signs. P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C.

Thanks for the rant.


Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:50 pm
by Guest
I just happen to agree with the above poster. The people need to elect somebody who has a flexible schedule to be able to attend meetings, conferences and other things.

Somebody who has the professionalism, business sense, and personality to work as a team player with the existing councilmembers whether they like them or not which demonstrates they have the best interest of the city at heart not themselves.

Somebody who pays the really, really high taxes that most of us pay and would feel the hurt if the wrong decisions were made like the majority of the city.

Somebody who as a personal interest in all residents and a proven demonstration of helping people. That doesn't mean how many clubs can I join and not be productive.

Somebody who is unassuming, self assured and knows the issues. That is what we need. Your right anybody can put up a sign but what counts is who they cast that vote for behind the curtain. Until then it's anybodys fair game.

Also in response to the comment of knowing the general plan, I agree since it hasn't been followed from it's inception adopted by the first city council (Joan was a member of). As for the city charter it looks like you need a lesson, there is no city charter. This a general law city not a chartered city. Thanks for demonstrating the tough road ahead for the candidates.

LEARN THE ISSUES THEN TEACH THE ISSUES. The city would be much better off.

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 8:10 pm
by Mel
Helloooo, If those of you who are walking the neighborhoods campaigning, please take a look at the YARD SIGN they have placed on the FRONT LAWN. That clearly means they are endorsing someone! You do NOT need to leave your info on the door, otherwise it will make it into my rabbits cage. Thank you kindly.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:09 pm
by allstar04
Just because you have a sign in your yard supporting one candidate should not mean that you don't want to hear what the other candiatates have to say. I don't like recieveing political information either (in the mail or otherwise). However, this is a big decision for our city. The more information I have, the better the decision I can make as to who I am going to vote for.

Questions for Candidates

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 10:19 pm
by ac94503
Knowing that the election is within a month and a new forum is scheduled this month what question would you like a candidate to address?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 12:03 am
by Guest
Which candidate really knows the issues facing American Canyon?
Which candidate can work with the other council members already on the council?
Which candidate knows the budget for the city and the strengths and weakness's of the budget for this next year?

Which candidate knows if the city is and has used good judgement for the future of the city in regards to money issues?

Posted: Sun May 21, 2006 6:01 pm
by Mel
The answer is: Paul Maguire. He is a successful business man who has developed opportunities for growth and potential for both his own affilitations as well as those who associate with him. His negotiation skills, ability to think outside the box and develop creative solutions to old problems set him far ahead of the competition. I believe he would work well (and get along with)
the current council members.

My Selection Has Been Made

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 2:53 pm
by VicRiv
American Canyon Can Trust Ed West

With the June election a few weeks away, I have closely examined the candidates and I have decided Ed West is the best candidate for American Canyon City Council.

Ed is one of the only candidates who actually followed the procedures for election sign placement. All the candidates received the rules and agreed to follow them. As was brought up at a subsequent city council meeting, many decided not to follow the rules. Sometimes it is the little things that make a big difference.

Ed West also has displayed a sense of purpose for ALL the citizens of American Canyon and the challenges we all face. He has repeatedly demonstrated that his in informed of the issue and offers solutions which are clearly thought out.

Mr. West is one of the few candidates who I feel represents my interests. He is a resident who is involved in the city. Not just during election time, but on a regular basis. He isn’t backed by Vallejo Union money and special interests. His campaign funding has been collected almost entirely by AMERICAN CANYON RESIDENTS.

Ed West is one of the few candidates who has publicly articulated his views and vision for slowing down the city’s growth. I know traffic, infrastructure and water issues are topics of concern for many of my fellow residents.

Most importantly, Ed West is also a straight shooter. An honest man, who addresses issues based on hard facts, in plain English. He is supported by many people who find his approach refreshing. Encouraged by his trust and respect and support his decision to run.

He represents American Canyon’s best interests. On election day I will vote for Ed West. I encourage you to do likewise. For more information


After reading the current edition of the Post, it is very apparent some residents shouldn't vote. Instead should stay home and play with their crayons.

Posted: Mon May 22, 2006 5:33 pm
by Guest
"Ed is one of the only candidates who actually followed the procedures for election sign placement. All the candidates received the rules and agreed to follow them. As was brought up at a subsequent city council meeting, many decided not to follow the rules. Sometimes it is the little things that make a big difference. "

In another posting you made, you said that talking about yard sign issues was P A T H E T I C . Yet, here you go. Also big guy, I was down at the corporation yard and Miller and West had the MOST collected signs that were placed in illegal spots... Hmmmmm, oh well, back to my coloring...

shaking my head

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:14 am
by VicRiv
I am typing this very slowly so some posters can actually comprehend my words and their meanings.

The earlier post about yardsigns was made because the topic should have been about solutions and issues.
My last comment about signs was clearly to discuss the topic of following the rules.

The worse offendors for sign violation are Maguire and Miller. Even today- Off Broadway their signs are in Veterans Park, IN the city's landscaping in some subvisions. Planted in the landscaping throughout town. At the council meeting, last Thursday- Mr Weil stated "my staff may have been overly agressive in sign removal and may have removed some signs which were placed properly and with permission"..

Maybe they think the larger the signs-the more support they will receive?

Now back to your coloring, stay in the lines and stay away from sharp objects, too.

Latest Edition of Napa/Solano Post- a Response

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:30 am
by VicRiv
The May/June issue of the Napa-Solano Post was delivered to my house via mail on Saturday, May 20th. I am told it is mailed to all households in American Canyon. Normally I don't read it because of its negativity, distortions of facts and expositions of personal agendas of its editor and columnists. However, I received several phone calls that indicated I should read it. This latest issue (on pages 16 &17) bashes myself and all the other candidates for American Canyon City Council, with the exception of Paul Maquire (Post Editor), who apparently the writers and commentators believe walks on water. Ironically, following on page 24 is a full page ad wherein Maquire touts his "Boy Scout image" and another full page ad on the last page professing his professionalism. Really! Who does he think he is kidding?

Free speech is precious to us all, but it also means that anyone can say any mean spirited thing they want about someone else, no matter how fictitious the statements. This latest diatribe by the so called "random" polling of Byron Salazar, Melissa Dugdale, Laura Robinson, Lori Luporini and Leslie Erickson by staff writer Darrin Burr was strategically placed in this issue so it would come out in the Post's last publication before the June 6th election. Apparently the owner, Editor Maguire and commentators are counting on there being no opportunity for response from the candidates or the public to this kind of irresponsible use of mass media. The citizens of American Canyon deserve better than this.

Probably most disturbing of the "random" people selected to comment on each candidate, was Lori Luporini, whose comments were vicious and non-factual. This latest attempt to discredit reputable people is consistent of her past attempts at "slings and arrows". Sad!

Contrary to what the Post people are hoping, I have faith that thinking, discerning people are not going to succumb to or be taken in by this kind of yellow journalism.

Joan Bennett

American Canyon



Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 11:35 am
by VicRiv
The random selection was so apparently skewed--this will surely backfire.
Does the Post really think the citizens of AmCan are so dense-they can't figure this out for themselves?

And by the way--Lori has come out publicly AGAIN-saying she was not contacted for the 'article"..

Let's see Burr rents a home from Maguire, who is the editor of the paper.
Luporini was also his tenant..I'm glad there isn't any connection.

My first impression was unbelievable--but then I considered the sources and the mindset of "say anything" "Do anything' TRUTH BE DAMNED!!

I agree Joan...we deserve better...

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:47 pm
by Mel
Well, I don't know about Lori not being contacted. I was, I still have the email in my inbox. Nothing I said was in any way mean spirited or a lie. I gave Mr. Burr my opinion ( Sorry you don't like it) and that's it. I do submit letters to the editor to the Post because what I write will not be "rewritten" as done in the Register and the Eagle. I believe in Paul Maguire and feel is a wonderful candidate for City Council. He is who I will vote for on Election Day.

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 9:58 pm
by Guest
I can't believe how petty your respones are at this point. You are down to criticing of where signs are posted and argueing over it? Think about the important issues facing our community.

As for Lori, leave her alone. She put up with enough of your rudeness.
If she feels one way for a candidate over another, is her choice. She deserves the same right to speak as all of you do.

A few years back, Ed West said some horrid things in the newspaper about an issue to involved her family and her business. He later, learned the facts, and apologized. But it was too late. Damage done, Ed. Your letter should have waited for all the facts before you started throwing out accusations.

I know that Lori wants nothing to do with Victor. He was rude to her a several council meetings. Didn't he support Joan Bennett? What happened to that? Flip, flop? Make up your mind.

Now, get back to arguing who put signs in the wrong place and leave the voting to the inteligent people of the community.

Mr Sign Cop

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:13 pm
by wetlands nieghbor
Riveria, your comments are out to lunch. What sign ordinance has Maguire violated? I agree that Miller has put signs all over the public right of ways, but it appears to me Maguire's signs are on private property.

What I really cannot figure out is who cares anyway? This is the issue you find important? Sign placement?

Perhaps you should be the sign cop of American Canyon.

Give me a break.

speak freely

Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:20 pm
by wetlands nieghbor
The opinions expressed on this web site are those of the users, not those of american canyon online, right? The opinions expressed in the Napa-solano post are the same thing. Opinions.

They were favorable to Maguire.

Other papers have been favorable to other candidates. You have an opinion, as do others. It is called freedom of speech and freedom of the press. What is the problem?