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Concerned about lack of Recreation for kids in Am Can!

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:41 pm
by Melissa
You know, I signed my daughter up for the Tiny Tots Sports Camp. I am very dissappointed to find that it has been cancelled. I am so frustrated at the lack of concern that Am Can parents are showing by not supporting these "Camps". There MUST be at least 10 kids that are aged 5-7 that need something to do for a week here and there this Summer.
I am thinking that maybe the Community Service Center didn't do enough to promote these services. American Canyon is growing so quickly that we need some forum to get the word that there are these services that are available to our children this Summer! Does anyone have any ideas on how we can become a more united community and actually get these programs up and running with something CLOSE to full attendance?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:04 pm
by Issa
Thats why the community has this website!

Try contacting the Boys and Girls club of AC, they do a great job, I was very impressed at all their activities.


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 12:06 pm
by MelissaDugdale
I am glad to have found this site! I just wish that the Community Center had maybe had a booth at the Health and Wellness festival. They had soccer signups, they should have had Summer Camp and Swimming activity signups. Even though the Community Center is right next door, sometimes people need anaggressive little push! lol
I know Rodderick is doing a good job, I just think they could do better, ya know!
But anyway, so far I like your website a lot! Good job!

Getting the word out

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:37 am
by 1momfor2
I agree with you and think that is a great idea for the parks and rec's department to have a booth at all city sponsored functions. There are trying to get a database for all service organizations and volunteers we need one for all the activities in the city and who to contact. I'll pass this on to them.