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Goodbye American Canyon online from Paul Maguire

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:46 am
by Paul Maguire
Goodnight American Canyon. This will be my last post on American Canyon online. I applaud Issa for his efforts, and do believe he has created a great forum for members to share ideas and communicate about issues in American Canyon.

Unfortunately, the site has also become a hornets nests of negative, entheta, angry, covertly hostile, and otherwise antagonistic comments by a number of community members. Since the site does allow posts without registering, one can pick any name on any given day to say whatever the heck they want about anybody factual or not.

And that of course, creates a rumor and gossip mill.

Early on the site was about issues, about opinions and ideas. But more recently, it has been about hate, with antisocial people posting daily, vicious and untrue rumors, inundo, gossip, false accusations, and personal attacks.

You can see just how a small group of rather evil intended people, with evil purposes to destroy others, invalidate others, make others wrong, and so on, can bring to the brink of ruin an entire community, driving that community down the dwindling spiral to what has become today, AC onlines rather negative tone.

I have come to the conclusion that all posts should be by registered users, and until that happens, what has happened here will likely continue.

In my view, the atmosphere created by a small group of very vocal and very negative people poisons this community and discourages anyone from running for office here. Regardless of what any candidate may want for this community, to contribute, to better the place, to help, or to otherwise make a difference, when witnessing on TV or in person the rude, angry, often hateful, and bitter words of some members of this community, one certainly has to question wanting to get involved at all.

This is not good for the community.

So goodnight AC on line, and goodbye. Your purpose has been mostly lost in a sea of reactive minds, feeding off one another, and creating more and more negativity and discouragement. What a shame for us all.

Goodnight and goodbye.

Paul Maguire

Maguire's Departure

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:15 am
by a/c resident
Mr. Maguire you cannot leave this forum for we have come to rely on sound reasoning and quippy advice from you. Yes you are right there are a small (very small) handful of naysayers who seem to plug the forum spewing all sorts of jibberish fueled by unfounded facts. Or as you put it destructive slander and rumor mongering.

I am sure it was not Issa's intent to have his lovely rooms so twisted and manipulated by the evil few. The evil few who represent spouse abusers, convicted felons, poor business people, chronic complainers, braggerts, liars, and seriously mentally ill.

These people have no life and are so filled with hate, anger, and nastiness no amount of church will fix. No matter how you wrap the package it still the same surprise inside. Don't let the hateful few dissuade you from taking an opportunity to participate in the community and do some good, because at the end of the day it is how you feel about yourself and the community.

Good people need to run who have business sense like yourself and how you pointed that out with very good suggestions on this very forum. That is what has apparently happened with this city it wasn't run like a business and for that we will suffer.

Stay on board those will soon leave, they are just a minor few who do not represent the majority of the residents. [-o

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:27 pm
by Issa
I have changed the permissions now. Hopefully this will stop all the negativity that is being posted. Its unfortunate I needed to this but I agree with you Paul. I have let the citizens have full reign on what they can do and they have abused it, which led me with no choice but to pull back the ropes. I hope you will continue to contribute to the forums. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 11:45 am
by mattbb61
Mr. Maguire, since Issa has altered the site in an attempt to weed out the problem issue you have brought up, please reconsider leaving this forum. It was through this medium that I and many others first heard of you and your many ideas, which have inspired much discussion. Don't let the shreeking minority drive you away! "Never give up, Never surrender!"