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Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:26 am
by Guest
It appears that there has been an increase in graffiti throughout American Canyon. Now the back of Safeway seems to be a new message board. I hope Safeway is not going to allow this graffiti to remain on it's establishment but will remove the tagging within a reasonable time. I would hope that the City Code Enforcement Dept is looking into ways they can help the citizens or businesses with removal of this unsightly graffiti. With the new apts and business on the eastside of Hwy 29 I'm sure these buildings will be experiencing some tagging in the future. I would think there is nothing more distracting than graffiti to keep prospective home buyers from purchasing in our area. Maybe someone knows how other city's have curtailed this problem. Any suggestions?


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:09 pm
by guest
Public floggings

Proposed Solution

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:42 pm
by Guest01
check out what the Mayor of Reno, NV is suggesting... ... index.html

I'll Volunteer!

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:59 pm
by mattbb61
I like the Mayor's of Reno's idea.

I'd not only offer the use of my nice sharp axe "cart blanch", and offer to build the stocks as well, but would also gleefully carry out the sentence.

Then again, with our juvenile delinquent friendly ACLU, this would never get off the ground.

Response to Mathewbb61

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:02 am
by Guest
Do you wear a hat?


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:06 am
by Guest
I would like to suggest that the Chamber of Commerce put pressure on their members in the business community to remove graffiti from their locations. Also, if the numerous realtors in AC came together under their association and offered their assistance to home owners who become targets of tagging, it may pay-off for them in the long run. Last, the City might consider negotiating graffiti removal with PGE, Comcast or whoever else may have utility or service boxes in town. American Canyon could become a "zero tolerance" city that took positive steps toward combating such unsightly destruction of property. Just a few ideas!


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:05 pm
by guest01
Putting pressure on the business owners doesn't solve the graffiti problem. The problem is identifying the people and going after them to punish them to the fullest extent of the law including restitution to the business owners.
Creating an organization to help victims may be a "feel good" solution-does nothing to solve the problem either.

If the lawbreakers are identified- they should be responsible for the clean up they caused-then thrown in jail. If they are minors-their parents need to be held responsible. ACCOUNTABILITY matters.


Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:22 pm
by The Guest
I'm all for "accountability" however, what happens to the graffiti that remains after no one is found "accountable" for spray painting? We let it sit on buildings and fences until when? For years, (on a personal residence on Donaldson Way) a message reads: "Eric this way"! If Eric hasn't found his way by now, he's not coming!!! Behind Safeway, CRIPS...just more territory for other groups to post...Rio del Mar... "BPM" what does that mean? "Accountability"? Great if you can catch them..."Responsibility"? Who will step-up?


Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:44 am
by Rick Thein
BPM stands for "Brown Power Mexican" a local street gang that the police are well aware of. I know this because I have this carved deeply into one of my three Alder trees located along the side of my house. Along with this carved into my trees are XII and XIII, also gang identifiers. Along with the initials in the hearts and names of children (including my own) that one can expect on trees, someone has carved "Swamp" and other such tags. The Police have come out and photographed the damage, but I can't paint over the trees. They have become infested with bark beetles, And I'm afraid that next spring I will have to take them down. People have been tagging for centuries and the problem has always been there. I guess you catch them when you can, try to eliminate the opportunities for tagging and clean it up when you need to. I keep a can of silver spray paint handy to paint our mail box when it gets tagged.


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 3:09 pm
by wired911
Ahhhh...I just had to write something when I saw the word "Graffiti" oh the memories. I've feel like I've been battling Graffiti for the past 10 years...back at my home in Miami, my recent house in Hayward before moving to AC.
It's a very frustrating and difficult problem to deal with because the perpetrators act so quickly it make it very hard to catch them. I used to engineer camera systems for retail stores to help stop this type of crime, and I have watched it happen and in the blink of an eye they jump out of nowhere spray paint for a couple of seconds then there gone…just like that. Back in Hayward I used to sit on the board of directors for our home owner association. To help out our neighbors we put together an anti-graffiti kit which consisted of a 5 gallon bucket with 2 bottles of graffiti remover, rubber gloves, brush, goggles, and a roll of paper towels. This really worked out better than I would have ever thought. I hop e no one was reading this post thinking I would be offering up a solution, just struck a nerve.

Village People Machismo

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:04 pm
by mattbb61
How about you muy macho children showing us all just how tough you really are; put your tag of choice on a placard and stand in a prominent place so we can see both YOU and your TAG.


Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:13 pm
by VicRiv
The police department should get together with the Napa and Vallejo gang task forces to identify who the taggers are and go after them. This destructive behavior has no place ANYWHERE.

To all members of BPM, as a Mexican I am emberrassed for you, If you want to impress me bring home a report card with "ALL A's" or make the honor roll. Better yet write story or poem and I will personally hand you a check for $250 and publish it in my column. Be constructive.

American Canyon offers so many ways for a resident to show their creativity and civic pride-that graffiti is such a waste of a creative mind.

I am very disappointed and saddened by such destructive behavior. All this does is to cheapen our town costs our local homeowners and businesspeople a fortune to maintain the property they work so hard to own. Sad, sad reflection of society.


Wired 911

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 8:10 pm
by Guest
I think that Wired 911 may have the key to helping citizens clean up graffiti in our city. Regardless, that you feel it isn't a is constructive! And thank you for sharing your previous experience...Maybe each housing area does need CC&R's or at least a group that would take enough interest in their "housing track" to keep their neighborhoods free of such destructive behavior.


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:07 am
by Guest
This morning I noticed that another tagger has struck with the initials "GCP" all along West Carolyn. The worst being in front of 116 W. Carolyn with about 3 ft lettering. The sidewalks have been sprayed with green paint. Who's responsibility is this for clean up? The city or resident? Any information appreciated...Also, anyone know what GCP stands for?


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:35 pm
by mattbb61
I spoke to the manager of Safeway this afternoon about the idiot tag on the green transformer in back of the store. She was surprised to hear about it, and even more so when i told her it had been there for almost a week or so. Geesh, how many employees drive by there each day, let alone customers, and apparently NO ONE said anything until I did. I figured i would hear that she already knew about it, but not so. She was going to contact the property management agency who apparently cleans this type of valdalism up. As for me, if it is still there on Sunday, I'll remove it myself.

Reply to Matthew...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:39 pm
by Guest
Thanks Matthew for talking to Safeway Rep...Do you think if they don't need your service on Sunday, I could direct you to other areas in need?
I know your not the "City" but if you are willing to clean the graffiti up...Rancho is lookin like a "Ghetto" lately...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:37 am
by guest
You know it's kids, you know that it's a game for them. There was this kid who did tagging, he got better and better at the graffiti he did. He got busted by the police(classis case of opportunity for the police) he was sent to juvenile hall and then made to do community service for a year cleaning off, yep, graffiti. The parents had lost all control of him, divorced family, father got custody, mother unstable, he rebelled against the hole system and the tagging was attention(as well as trying to start things on fire and pot smoking). This is typical yet others are dared into it, etc. There is a criminal defiance they learn young. No parent suppervision yet the community and police have only opportunity. It is for all of us to call when you see them hanging out and alert the police of suspicious behavior. The chief is always looking for people to help keep up with the graffiti so that they can keep after other crimes and calls to help. Just wanted to let you know a little background because you can't stop the reaction without helping with the cause.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:01 am
by mattbb61
Sure, I AM willing to do what is best, and within my financial means, so long as it doesn’t let the residents in the Rancho Area from helping themselves out of this city-wide mess. It does, after all, take all of us who wish to be rid of those delinquent spawned spewings.

So, shoot; what do you have in mind?


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:31 am
by Guest

Thanks for the offer...I do believe that the Rancho residents don't care in the sense that graffiti remains on private property for months without being removed by the home owner. I would like to get your feedback on what I consider to be such an eyesore...Take a ride from 7-11 on Rio del Mar to Carolyn/West Carolyn. Look along the fences and bus stop for creative writings... Glance left (at the "Glow in the Dark" Green house) but turn right...
Check out the field on the corner that I have picked up trash from for many years...Check out the sidewalk in front of the 1st house on your right...Sprayed on concrete...GCP, retaining wall across the street...GCP...several other taggings all along West Carolyn...
Continue to cruise the area...tell me if "Ghetto" is too strong of a word...
I am embarassed to invite my family for the holidays because of the lack of pride that the homeowners have for removal of trash or graffiti.
I don't expect you to clean it up but would love to hear your review after a trip through the Rancho area.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:12 pm
by mattbb61
I took a drive down the specified street; it appears to have been either cleaned up for the most part, or else I missed it completely; I didnt see anything on the sidewalks either. Hopefully some good citizen did their part?

Speaking of which, I purchased a quart of paint and a brush, and took care of the tag behind Safeway, although I hope it dries closer than it looked going on; otherwise, it'll be back to Yardbirds.. There was also a sticker which was a real bear to wrestle off; I had to leave a bit, as I ran out of time for THIS tag removal visit.


Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:03 pm
by Guest
Gee Matt Sunday morning I finally decided to go to the police regarding new tagging on the corner of Rio de Mar and West Carolyn
Saturday nite in orange paint "Norte 14 Riverside" showed up
I have decided that I will no longer consider my housing area to be a victim of this gang mindset
I will contact the Chief and City Council members to address these problems
I really don't know how you missed the graffiti but thanks for your efforts at Safeway

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:23 pm
by mattbb61
Me neither... :shock:

I'll take another look tomorrow.

gang activity

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:00 am
by a/c resident
I believe a tremendous amount of gang activity is migrating here from Vallejo. The boys and girls club admittedly services roughly 80% Vallejo kids. So many that they do not have room for the American Canyon kids. You can expect that with that invited element there are going to be some sort of rivalries.

Also the taggers spotted tagging the bridge in La Vigne were spotted driving up Marine World Parkway and again turning right before the park. They are terrorizing the mobile home parks. It is not uncommon to see kids getting off of busses on the East side and Vallejo parents picking them up.

There are many Vallejo kids at ACMS too but there is no investigating to eliminate them. While obviously you can't blame all gang activity on kids from Vallejo, they do have a large influence.

Neighbors need to watch for kids wearing 'colors" and call the police. The gang bangers usually cruise when kids are walking home or late on Friday and Saturday evenings. Also watch the kids in your neighborhood and who they are hanging out with if you see a suspicious car write down the license plate number and description and forward to the police hot line.

We can take back our community we just need to be aware of the surroundings. Sometimes like another poster stated it can be just young kids wanting to 'start crap" by putting a known gang tag somewhere just to see what happens. It will be unfortunate when somebody does a drive by and a stray bullet hits an innocent bystander my mistake. It happens all of the time.

The Blame Game

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 10:05 am
by Guest
Time to stop blaming Vallejo for an Am Can problem - Heard that excuse for years!
Update: the graffiti at bus stop on Rio del Mar has been removed - Thanks
Now if you could possibly dispatch clean up to 116 W Carolyn!

What are the current code enforcement regulations regarding private property that has been vandalized - Does the citizen get issued any type of letter from the city requesting clean up or assistance

On another note - It is time for the non-profits to submit to the city requests for funds to continue with their efforts in the community!
If 80% of Boys & Girls Club are actually Vallejo children maybe the Council should screen the requests more prudently!
Also - If the middle school has such a high volume of Vallejo students what do you think is going to happen when we get a high school!

"Ah sees da light!"

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:46 am
by mattbb61
Wow, that green house IS really something else to behold! I can only guess that we are viewing either a neighbor to neighbor argument or colorblindness in action; perhaps even a jilted spouse who did it while said hubby was away in Vegas? :wink:

The pavement in front of that first house which had the sidewalk tags was in the process of removal as I drove by; one Am Can city worker was very busy, diligently removing what was there. :D

(Yes, of course, silly us; we should have known better; we should be more kind and compassionate when judging our pure as the wind driven snow berg to the south! Yes, it is NEVER, EVER a Vallejo-spawned problem, IS IT?) :roll:


Blame Vallejo

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 8:56 pm
by Guest
As a City that bumps up to the Vallejo border, of course some of the unwanted problems will infiltrate A.C. However, a continual excuse that it's not our kids that are problems is denial. It wasn't a young adult from Vallejo that ran into the Safeway gas pump...It wasn't a Vallejo kid that was stoned and drunk and possibly caused the death of a Vallejo teen. It wasn't a Vallejo kid that was arrested for a stolen vehicle, loaded gun and drugs at a Vallejo mobile home park recently...They were all kids raised in American Canyon. Every parent hopes they are doing their best to bring up law abiding citizens. It doesn't always work once the teens want their independence and become defiant. A gang is where these kids can find acceptance. Tagging...just letting you know that gangs are active in our community. Just my view!

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 10:43 am
by mattbb61
Yes, we DO have our own home grown breed of juvinile delinquent. Just don't put this city in the same league as Vallejo (North Richmond). WE dont crank out filthy rappers (E-40), nor a massive plethora of street youth with no sense of worth, nor is OUR school district a bankrupt cess pool of corruption and holy diversity.


Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 10:29 am
by mattbb61
Wired911, thanks for the idea of a graffitti removal kit! (5 gallon bucket with 2 bottles of graffiti remover, rubber gloves, brush, goggles, and a roll of paper towels)

What have you found works best as the liquid medium for the actual removal of said offal?

Thank You

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2005 9:04 pm
by Guest
I think a thank you is owed to the city staff that is responsible for the graffiti clean up in many of the Am Can areas over the last week. The city stepped-up! Thank you for listening...Keep up the good work! Issa, thank you for this venue...This is an example of positive action in this city.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 1:45 pm
by Guest
mattbb61 wrote:Yes, we DO have our own home grown breed of juvinile delinquent. Just don't put this city in the same league as Vallejo (North Richmond). WE dont crank out filthy rappers (E-40), nor a massive plethora of street youth with no sense of worth, nor is OUR school district a bankrupt cess pool of corruption and holy diversity.
Can't you say something positive about our city w/out being negative no correct that-ignorant about other cities and people. Do you know E-40? Why is he filthy? I was raised in Vallejo and moved over to American Canyon only because I wanted a new home in a new community that I could afford and at the time there were no new homes available in Vallejo.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 6:06 pm
by Guest
I do not need to "know" a bad vocal "ar-teest" to judge him. All I need to do is read up on his lyrics, which are those typical of the ghetto rapper. This filth is sold to our kids, who then belt it out on their base blasters while going by yo house, dig?
Chill on his debase lyrics here, yo:

You need more upstanding friends, not peddlers of urban crap.

Yo word. Peace out.

Speak English

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:23 am
by Guest
You know better than to try to be "hip"! I only wish I understood half of what you are trying to say...You would get your point across much better by using "English" and not repeating that radio DJ...


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:14 pm
by mattbb61
I think a thank you is owed to the city staff that is responsible for the graffiti clean up in many of the Am Can areas over the last week. The city stepped-up! Thank you for listening...Keep up the good work! Issa, thank you for this venue...This is an example of positive action in this city.
To the "Guest" who posted the above comment, I concur! The American Canyon Public Works Department would be the ones to get in touch with; I believe that Mr. Robert Weil is currently the Director. A phone call to that office, or an email of thanks would get to the appropriate AmCan City worker(s) who was involved in cleaning up the taggins. =D Thanks guys/gals!

I also understand that it is city policy that has been in effect almost since the 1992 incorporation is to have graffitti either cleaned off or painted over as soon as possible.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:33 pm
by mattbb61
Can't you say something positive about our city w/out being negative no correct that-ignorant about other cities and people. Do you know E-40? Why is he filthy? I was raised in Vallejo and moved over to American Canyon only because I wanted a new home in a new community that I could afford and at the time there were no new homes available in Vallejo

Thanks "Guest" for that link to the hip hop lyrics. I cannot even post most of the lyrics on that lyric web page. Most of it is just plain crap no matter how you try to couch it in politically correct, "can't we all just, get along" verbage. I do not need to know ANY rapper, to form an opinion about them; all I have to do is read what they write. Gee, what makes him filthy... let me see... uh... maybe I READ his lyrics? Hey, want to have some fun? Print some of those lyrics out, and read them proudly to your mother or grandmother and see if she does'nt smack you up side your head!

*sigh* ](*,)

If I did'nt like AmCan, I would'nt be living here; I too moved FROM Vallejo in 1992 - had a real nice house on Bidwell, but it was a rental, and cost buku bucks to heat, as it was a siv for leaks, and I think it had the original insulation, if any.

Vallejo was great until the MINSY closed. Since then, down hill, politically and otherwise. Hey, how about that school system, eh? No, even though I know quite a number of folks, including relatives, who live there, they can have it.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:19 pm
by mattbb61
Here is an interesting and inciteful web site devoted to the removal of graffiti: ... emoval.cfm