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Enough West Side Story Already

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:03 pm
by Harmony
Thou shalt not slander: rumors damage lives by Lizzie Pollock

Did you ever hear that rumor going around about Lauryn Hill? The one that said that she would rather her first-born child die than a white person buy one of her albums? Well, guess what? It's not true.

Many rumors just like this one, start on the basis of one person wrongly interpreting something someone else has said and passing it onto the nest person. Unfortunately, besides just being juicy topics of conversation, rumors can hurt and even ruin the reputations of many people — famous singers and typical teenagers alike.

If rumors are so harmful, many wonder why so many people engage in the telling and re-telling of them. Seriously, who hasn't said or even just overheard a sentence like: "Omygod, you won't believe what I just heard..." It's true — teenagers, adults, children, and journalists all want to relay gossip. Although I am a violator of this offense, I have come to realize that gossip and rumors are wrong.

Think of yourself. Have you ever engaged in gossip? Most likely, the answer is yes. Many people have revealed something to which they were sworn secrecy. Or they've told somebody a story that wasn't completely true. Embellishment is easy and often fun. But when it's at the cost of someone else's reputation, it can be almost life shattering.

I can remember that in sixth grade, there was a rumor going around about one of my friends at the time, saying that she was a slut because she had kissed a boy in the girls' bathroom the year before. I knew that it wasn't true, and I felt horrible for my friend, who, at the start of our middle school career, was established as "slutty." That, to me, is the essence of gossip. A kind, sweet, innocent friend of mine was labeled and judged for something that wasn't even accurate.

Not only can you depend on the regular occurrence of gossip, but you can also be sure that if something even remotely interesting happens, within a week, the whole school will know. If a guy cheats on his girlfriend one night, it's pretty likely that the girlfriend, her friends, and her friends' friends will know about it the next day. News travels fast.

Then there's the recent case of the girl who said that she was raped in Newton Center. This girl could count on the fact that if she told one person, the whole city would know about it soon enough. Gossip like that never goes unnoticed, and the whole city took the event very seriously. When the truth about the situation came out, and it was revealed that the story was false, we were appalled at ourselves for believing something based on such minimal evidence.

People can also depend on gossip and rumors as topics of conversation. There's no better way to break an awkward silence than by sharing the most recent gossip about that kid at Newton North who was caught having sex in a stairwell with a campus aid, even if the information is completely fabricated. Sometimes the best conversations are the ones that start with, "You have to promise not tell anyone but..."

However, that's no excuse for the damage gossip can do. There are other things to talk about, and maybe people should be less concerned with other people's business. I'm not saying that I've never gossip, or started a sentence with, "Omygod, you'll never guess what I just heard," because I have. However, the more I think about the consequences of such conversations, the guiltier I feel about them. Putting myself in the position of the person I'm gossiping about, I don't think I'd be very happy.

In the old kids game "Telephone", we would sit in a circle and one person would whisper a sentence in the next person's ear. Then that person would whisper the sentence they heard into the next ear, this continued all around the circle. The last person would announce the sentence he or she heard, and the first person would say what he or she initially said. "Apples are red" could turn into "moldy bread." Now, as teenagers, simple sentences like, "Suzy and Joe went out to dinner last night" can, after being passed on from person to person, turn into "Suzy and Joe had sex last night."

So, I'm not saying that everyone should stop gossiping altogether, because I know that that is virtually impossible. People have been gossiping for hundreds of years and I don't think anyone could stop that. But, the next time you're tempted to reveal a bit of gossip to your friends, think twice. Consider the rap artist who is labeled as a racist, the naive sixth grader who is considered to be a slut, the kid who supposedly had sex with a friend's dog, and the couple on the their first date that really just went out to dinner. After all, you could be the next topic of everyone's
conversation. :oops:

The next Chapter

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:43 pm
by Guest
There is a next chapter in this week's episode of "You've got E-Mail"..

The latest charge against CouncilPerson Coffey is that she opened up her campaign account in a Marin County Washington Mutual Office using Shamet's name, without her knowledge. Now we are looking at Bank Fraud and Campaign Fund Violations.

The City Attorney, City Manager, City Clerk, Napa County Elections and Oversight Committees are investigating the allegations. People, this is getting serious.

At this juncture, I believe we all need Answers from the accused. I am not attempting to draw conclusions, but with all the people looking into this..I would think some answers are needed and needed NOW!!

Any other thoughts on this matter?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:53 pm
by Guest
In defense of Cindy... She didn't open this account up by herself... I was in Cindy's office one day when Kathleen whipped out the checkbook and yes, it had both names on it. She was writing a check to a printer for t-shirts.
Where is Kathleen(I know where she is) but what I mean is she can accuse, but not back up anything. She sends letters to Curry, and really doesn't have to back it up? She should prove anything she says happens. She didn't look, sound or act any part of mad when she was writing the checks. I do not buy it.
Come on Kathleen, you have hated the people of AC for a long time. Let it go.


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:15 pm
by ShockedInA/C
I am shocked over this gossip caused by a woman who no longer lives here and a preacher (I use that term cautiously) who has had some issues of his own.

Your vendetta mission is so over. Your use of Ms. Shamet and attempting to give a very troubled woman attention is again so over.

If you would like to start rumors how about how it is illegal to run for office if you are a convicted felon? I wonder about that? Any response to that one? We have all known it for years. But the community knew you would never win the election so why bring it up. Perhaps we need to.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:20 pm
by Guest
So does that mean if I have that notarized it is true? LOL

So what is next with this woman? Coffey slept with her husband......LOL

Curry is losing so much respect from anybody left, he is the laughing stock of this town....what a shame that a man of "God" has a heart filled with so much hate. Don't they say the Devil does his best work in Church?

Re: The next Chapter

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:04 pm
by Mel
Guest wrote:There is a next chapter in this week's episode of "You've got E-Mail"..

The latest charge against CouncilPerson Coffey is that she opened up her campaign account in a Marin County Washington Mutual Office using Shamet's name, without her knowledge. Now we are looking at Bank Fraud and Campaign Fund Violations.

The City Attorney, City Manager, City Clerk, Napa County Elections and Oversight Committees are investigating the allegations. People, this is getting serious.

At this juncture, I believe we all need Answers from the accused. I am not attempting to draw conclusions, but with all the people looking into this..I would think some answers are needed and needed NOW!!

Any other thoughts on this matter?

Yes, I have a thought... Why must you post this? You know how gossip spreads. VR, Please stop. You are compounding this issue.

Kathleen Shamat

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:40 pm
by Really Now?
It has been perplexing the thought of Kathleen Shamat and Morris Curry being such great friends. All of the mean things they said about each other in the news papers. Then I thought how wise Kathleen Shamat is using Morris Curry her arch enemy to do her dirty work because of his hatred of Mrs. Coffey he is gleefully willing fly with Kathleen's word's as though they were gospel.

The problem Kathleen too many people were around when you gleefully said "you were the spokes person for the Anti-Walmart group." Then when Cindy was running for office you were more than happy to tell her that you would be her campaign manager, because no one else could be trusted. When I picked up some items for Cindy's Campaign you were more than happy to write a re-imbursement check and hand it to me.

Yes when the world was revolving around Kathleen you were at the height of your life. Then when things didn't work out the way you planned your whole world crumbled and you went running back to Kansas with your tail between your legs.

So who you trying to kid? Quit hiding behind this holier than thou additude. You are an un-ethical, immoral person who should take more time reading her catholic bible instead of breaking the ten commandments. You and Morris Curry do make quite the pair. You telling people how being a Catholic is important to you. Curry hiding behind the title Pastor when it suits him. Yet at every chance you get you both try to strike people down with untruths. Its people like you two that give religion a bad name. As the apostle Paul said "If you see your brother not acting like a christian when he is calling himself a christian you should be angry with him.

Re: Kathleen Shamat

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:13 pm
by Mel
Really Now? wrote:It has been perplexing the thought of Kathleen Shamat and Morris Curry being such great friends. All of the mean things they said about each other in the news papers. Then I thought how wise Kathleen Shamat is using Morris Curry her arch enemy to do her dirty work because of his hatred of Mrs. Coffey he is gleefully willing fly with Kathleen's word's as though they were gospel.

The problem Kathleen too many people were around when you gleefully said "you were the spokes person for the Anti-Walmart group." Then when Cindy was running for office you were more than happy to tell her that you would be her campaign manager, because no one else could be trusted. When I picked up some items for Cindy's Campaign you were more than happy to write a re-imbursement check and hand it to me.

Yes when the world was revolving around Kathleen you were at the height of your life. Then when things didn't work out the way you planned your whole world crumbled and you went running back to Kansas with your tail between your legs.

So who you trying to kid? Quit hiding behind this holier than thou additude. You are an un-ethical, immoral person who should take more time reading her catholic bible instead of breaking the ten commandments. You and Morris Curry do make quite the pair. You telling people how being a Catholic is important to you. Curry hiding behind the title Pastor when it suits him. Yet at every chance you get you both try to strike people down with untruths. Its people like you two that give religion a bad name. As the apostle Paul said "If you see your brother not acting like a christian when he is calling himself a christian you should be angry with him.

Very well said.

Convicted Felon?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 8:52 pm
by Guest
Ouch! I hope this is not just something said in anger...

The latest K Shamet attack of Cindy Coffey

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:03 am
by Paul Maguire
The latest charge against CouncilPerson Coffey is that she opened up her campaign account in a Marin County Washington Mutual Office using Shamet's name, without her knowledge. Now we are looking at Bank Fraud and Campaign Fund Violations.

The City Attorney, City Manager, City Clerk, Napa County Elections and Oversight Committees are investigating the allegations. People, this is getting serious.
Really now. Ok, so what you are saying is that WAMU violated the law, violated the Homeland Security Departments requirements on all banks, and that Coffey somehow used a fake ID(required to open an account) with Shamets name on it and Coffeys picture. Right. This is what you are claiming? You must be, because if you have not opened an account since 9/11, you CANNOT OPEN AN ACCOUNT IN SOMEONE ELSES NAME NOR OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITHOUT TWO VALID FORMS OF ID AND SOCIAL SECURITY CARD.

Hum, highly unlikely, probably impossible without an insider at the bank. Perhaps a conspiracy, hey?

ok Columbo, one more thing- how the heck would you know about any investigation? First of all, you have the wrong parties on the investigative arm, and frankly, you have no idea what you are talking about here, but in fact are just adding fuel to the fire with more allegations. Investigative bodies would include the grand jury(which is secret), the police( which don't advertise ), the district attorneys office( who also dont advertise), Wamu's internal security( who also don't advertise) and perhaps, perhaps, the city attorney, although unlikely.

Once again. more allegations, that even on their face, seem fairly unlikely.

Can I suggest that in the future try thinking this through a bit. The allegations don't make sense.

What makes more sense is that Shamet has a personal agenda against Coffey for some unknown reason, and is dramatizing her anger and bitterness.

You tell them!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:43 pm
by atta boy!!
Right on Paul! It would take an oximoron not to figure that one out. But of course Curry and VR think american canyon residents are oximorons and the wool can be pulled over our eyes at "their" every whim.

Do you think the reason they are so anti-cindy is because they are in bed with WM and Cindy prints the truth in her paper so it may be more difficult for them to do dirty work around the city???????????? hhmmmmmmmm........

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:14 pm
by Lori goes! Yes, council persons do read the comments on this web page. It gives information that we might not get, beside the public comments and the newspapers.

I think that it is a shame that council member Coffey is basically being "creamated" for something that someone said and believes. I too, have been in this situation, being accused and "creamated" for something I did NOT do. The drive-way issue was on the front page of the papers for three weeks and I, nor my husbad did anything wrong. We were made to feel like we were thieves and had no morals. One gentleman said that I should be brought up on charges.

Imagine yourself in the papers being accused every day for weeks. It really makes you hurt and feel like you're trying to do right for the city and you are getting no where. Council meetings are every other week, but council issues are every day. When you run for election, you try to do your best for the city. Why is it that some are always looking for the bad?
Sure....we make some bad choices, but at the time we don't see them as bad, or we wouldn't make them. We can't please everyone all the time.
The election is over.....the voters have spoken. I respect every citizen that got out there and cast the ballot, no matter how they voted.
I also respect differant opionions. Council member Coffey won the election and she is working as a team member. The election politics was not fun......but we move on and work for the common good. Let her continue to work with the city and the council, without all this negative garbage. Believe me, she tries and works hard to be a part of the team and studies all the information from the past and present. Let her do the job you elected her to do.

dead eagles

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:53 pm
by Guest
Solution: councilmembers and the city should stop pandering to the register and eagle. Stop giving them special attention, stop giving private treatment dont talk to them and send them the message if they continue to print false information and put only stories that gets them money that they do not belong here. The eagle isnt news how it became a weekly news article isnt because of sales or a killer staff or anything else its because they push their crap down the citizens and force their views on the people. Nobody reads their crap they put themselves into their high and might we are a real paper position its time to finally tell them they dont speak for this city write them and tell them you dont buy them write them and ask them to stop having their writers spread rumors about city council members because they have personal vendetas and need to improve sales. The bottom line: why do fake magazines in supermarkets make money its because they put fake information to make it sell see through and call it what it is, slander by a bunch of people in a building calling them journalists


Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:34 pm
by guest
So with all of this drama what is the real answer to the question?
WHO SHOT J.R.?????????