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Eagle article- Donation and council comments

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:04 pm
by local citizen
In Tuesday's Eagle there was an article which had some troubling comments from council members.
Coucilperson Luporini made a comment about not trusting Red Cross because they didn't help her mother in the past. They also keep donated$ for administrative costs.
If Red Cross uses a reasonable portion of donated fees to cover administrative fees, that's ok. The good they do in the world outweighs fees they have to pay for administrative fees. Secondly, why is she looking for a free operation for her parent. When my parents were ill, my siblings and I shared the costs of their medical expenses.

Councilperson Coffey made a comment about the city finances being so messed up, we might as well spend the money where it will do some good. I am having difficulty understanding that mode of thinking. We aren't responsible or accountable, so let's abuse the general fund because it's a good cause??
In the same breath, she complains when the city manager and city attorney want to ensure there isn't any potential problem with the donation.

The solution is simple. Use taxpayer funds for their purpose. Running American Canyon.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:50 pm
by Paul Maguire
So what are you troubled about exactly?

Councilmember Luporini is not alone in her concerns about the ability of the red cross to delivery in a timely manner, or at all. And for the record, I donated to the red cross. In my mind, the red cross is your secondary help, coming in days or weeks later, as they have to mobilize. The Red Cross is a large organizaion- lots of channels to go through to get things going. They definately do great things. It appears to me she is expressing her personal opinion- so, whats wrong with that? It is fortunate that you were able to pay for medical care, but having worked in health care for years, one thing is very obvious-fewer and fewer folks can pay for health care today.

Councilmember Coffey sarcastic remark is on point. What other city do can you name that knowingly loses 30% of its fresh water it buys for years? It was not until the Napa County Grand Jury got on AC about it that the timeline to fix it was pushed up and the matter taken as serious as it is. You do realize that this means every home in AC is paying up to a 30% premium for water, right. So if your water bill is say 100.00 dollars, you are paying $30.00 more monthly, or 360.00 per year, or over a 3 year period, roughly about $1000.00 depending on your usage.

Donating to American Citizens in their greatest time of need is hardly abusing the general fund. What is abusive is what we saw on TV day after day immediately after the flood- thats abuse.

There is no abuse here. This donation was about doing something for others. I for one am proud we did it.

council remarks

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:46 pm
by guest
Talk around the city's water coolers mention that Maguire/Coffey/Luporini all have business dealings together.

Is that why they are so supportive of each other?
In almost every case, they all support each other and have the see no evil , hear no evil and talk no evil mentality.

It is very apparent the two lady council members are pushing for maguire for council so they can attempt to run the city. Luporini will nominate Coffey for Mayor, Coffey will nominate Luporini for vice mayor. This is why they are so critical of Garcia, the heir apparent for the position.

Once done they will go after Joseph and the city attorney, and continue the finger pointing. Coffey and Luporini have become our the female version of Laurel and Hardy in Local politics. Laughable indeed.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:02 pm
by guest
Wouldn't that be a positive change- someone actually running the city!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:43 pm
by Paul Maguire
Nothing like city water cooler gossip.

Pretty tough to figure out that Coffey and I have business together when I advertise on the back page of her paper, hey?

As for your conspiracy theories- well, he is a bit of history for you.

I had an issue one time before the council some years ago, for my business. on a local issue that was very important to me. The only one on the council that stood up for me was Lori Luporini, the Mayor at the time- The decision of the council created tremendous aggrevation for me, and it was Lori, and Lori alone, who supported me. I have been a fan of her's ever since. When she stated she was not going to run, I applied to run. Although she may not be perfect, in my view, she has a good handle on the history of the city and what is going on around here. It was Lori Luporini who pointed out to the council over 2 years ago the need to address the loss of water in our city, in my presence at a city council meeting as an example.

The thread here was about Luporini's comment, which was not disturbing at all. So the reason I am supportive of her on this and other issues is that I agree with her. When I disagree, I will let you know. Business dealings have nothing to do with it. My business dealings with Lori Luporini- ask her, she will tell you. Nothing out of the ordinary, and certainly absolutely nothing that has anything to do with city business.

The guest claimed the is was "abuse" of hte city funds to help the folks in Abbeville- well, it wasn't in my view, it was an honorable thing to do.

As for Coffey, at times we agree, at others we times we don't. In THIS instance, I did agree with her- there has been some mismanagement of money in our city for sure- but the biggest one for me is the water issue- that is absolutely not acceptable. I do not agree that she has any conflict at all with the Oat Hill Committe by leasing space in RickHess'es building.

Political theories as you may have at the city water cooler, I might suggest you drink more water while standing there to cool off- your way off base.

The bases aren't even loaded!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 10:10 am
by LittleLeagueDad
As you all know I usually just read this once a week to see the current gossip about town. I saw the meeting and once again I can assure you the Eagle is way off base. In fact other than pictures (which don't lie) I really find most of it unfounded.

The columns are fine that talk about the town, but the "hard news reporting" is just an insult to the residents.

I get more factual information on this forum.

My sister and her family actually lived outside of New Orleans. They were hit by Katrina and are now staying with my brother. Our family is not rich and we, like many others in the community tend to live paycheck by paycheck.

We sent what we could and any extra household items to help them get by. They have not up to the moment of this post been contacted by any major relief agency. I am fully supportive of our city sending a reasonable emergency relief donation to assist other small communties that are devastated.

The fact that people who are on this forum don't ask how they can build on that donation and do more is shameful. I am willing to wash cars to help and my wife can bake or do whatever. I don't have the time to organize but I want to help as do many of my neighbors and friends.

As for Coffey, she is everything she campaigned to be. I remember meeting her and she said she would ask questions and be demanding, at least she hasn't changed like others who campaigned in the past. We all know who they are. Luporini did change and for the better. She is working well with the majority of the council and being far more productive. Although she still gets in a few of her jabs at staff.

As for Mayor next year, I don't beleive anybody is "heir apparent." History of this city shows that the Vice Mayor doesn't always become Mayor nor should he just because. It should go to the person who will have the most control and input at the meetings.

It should also go to somebody who has the time and desire to make American Canyon better and to represent our interest at related county meetings. Not as a stepping stone for a future career move. I am also not supportive of having somebody be Mayor who is running for re-election. Garcia can't make a decision now, how would he be as Mayor? The Mayor position needs to be filled by somebody not seeking re-election who will make choices fairly and responsibly reflecting the community right now and not by how they will vote.

As for the current Mayor and Vice Mayor wasn't it Coffey that nominated both? So much for your conspiracy theory. If you remember Garcia nominated Luporini and that motion failed. I may not be there in person but I am in spirit. But when that isn't possible there is always TIVO.

Thanks to the city for the donation. I know that next year the council will choose who is right for the job and not because somebody is "owed" it. It does take three votes. Remember those three votes answer to us and we all know what we want in our government. It is not what is reflected here with the 50 = or - occasional posters.



Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:42 pm
by guest
Well, here it goes, or rather here it comes, their are towns that will have been devistated by Rita, what will you do & how much will the City give. Is it just who knows who or is it the devistation. Maguire will never win because of what he stands for, almost honestly nothing. He will always be connected to the girls of the Cindy Council, not to mention what he has not done for the city. He ran on a campaign of roads, dropped now, maybe he'll take it up again. Transient Card shop, etc.. Not good for our community. He is probably in favor of the law suit against the city too. This Komocazzi attitude with Stacey Su, to conquer, take all the money she can get from the city, hurt it economically, she'll clame she was used, while the dictator who runs the puppet show will be pleased is a shame.


Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 3:59 pm
by Guest
At least AC gave a donation to a city that opened it's doors to help the victims of Katrina and who now face serious problems due to Rita.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:02 pm
by Paul Maguire
Thanks guest for your enlightening comments. I am definately bad for the community- thats why I ran for office, you know, to get in there and wreck stuff- thats why I donated to causes in the city, you know, to be a detriment to whats going on- thats why I go to council meetings when I can- you know, to figure out what I stand for- thats why I started the dealing school, you know, because I don't want to see people work- and as for writing articles in the paper with positive suggestions for change along with pointing out what needs work- because I could care less about the city in which I live- You got it right, your right, I definately have no positiion on almost anything, and I definately am bad for the community, I admit it, I am just terrible. Thanks for pointing that out. Now everyone knows. Gosh, I sure feel better. What a great community to have such a brilliant critic like you to take personal shots at me. Your right, I will never win because I stand for nothing- almost.

Best wishes to you this holiday season. Dont forget to registar to vote.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:00 pm
by guest
Perfect response Mr. Maguire. You have a growing fan base. The community needs more outspoken members like yourself.

my nickle's worth

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 7:22 pm
by guest1
I think Mr. Maguire is definitely articulate. Some of his postings show his personality. While I have never met the man personally, definitely has some good points.
Lost brownie points with me by thinking it is ok to use tax dollars out of the city. Nothing personal-it's business.

For little league dad: Coffey has a credibility and accountability problem for me. Too much special interest money behind her campaign. She won so it proves elections can be bought and paid for by the anti-Walmart groups and unions. Has some redeeming qualities and potential.

Re: rita

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 11:36 pm
by Stacy Su
guest wrote: This Komocazzi attitude with Stacey Su, to conquer, take all the money she can get from the city, hurt it economically, she'll clame she was used, while the dictator who runs the puppet show will be pleased is a shame.
1st Komocazzi is spelled Kamikaze
2nd my name is spelled Stacy Su
3rd The city donating 10K to help your fellow countrymen is a worthy cause.
4th Please keep your political agenda to yourself
5th Next time you post please don't be a coward and go under guest. Go under your name so everyone can see you for who you really are!!!!

Have a nice life!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:26 am
by guest
You tell em!

Complaints About Helping Evacuees

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:38 am
by stacy su
It has really disturbed me about a few people's reactions to helping other people has turned to into political free for all. As I sat yesterday and reflected on these people reactions. I prayed to the Lord asking for understanding. Here is the scriptures that was revealed to me:

2 Corinithians 9:7-9

7 You must each make up your own mind as to how much you should give. Don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. For God loves the person who gives cheerfully. 8 And God will generously provide all you need. The you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say,

"Godly people give generously to the poor. Their good deed will never be forgotten."

Reflecting upon this scripture gave me peace and I hope it will give everyone who reads it peace too.