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Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 10:39 am
I am appalled by the pettiness of some of the posters here. kathleen and curry were able to put their differences together and move forward for some commom good. if you dont want to help then dont.

Sometimes during this very short time on earth we need to take the high road and do things for the better of man.
if coffey and luporini were able to mend their fences and work for the good of american canyon' ..then the rest of us should learn by that and do likewise.

life is simply too short to be gossipy, petty and hold grudges. grow up..

You are missing the point

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:48 pm
by guest
BS. This is not about grudges, this is about choice. Morris Curry is in the top 5 of why American Canyon has the problems is does. His self-promoting and dishonest nature are obvious. The bi-polar disorder of on the one hand wanted to be this kind helpful soul and on the other using the Echo and Eagle to attack personally members of this community shows how he manipulates.

So get over it. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Whatever his "latest" cause is!

This city agreed to work with Abbeville- and instead of doing that, or contributing to that, he decides to do his own thing. Let him do his own thing on his own. Support the community of American Canyon in their efforts to support an entire community.

Curry setting up financial accounts for AC citizens to contribute money that he controls is ridiculous.

just the facts man

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:01 am
by GuestOnFire
People can put differences aside. Unfortunately some cannot. So who really cares. Curry did his own thing, the kids got some clothes from Mervyn's which seemed to be the most important thing on their minds. He showed pictures tonight to prove it tonight. Great, so let's move on.

Two weeks ago the council agreed to support Abbeville. They also agreed to donate 10K to a good cause where it will do the most good that wasn't Red Cross related.

Garcia and his fake attitude about caring for the people of American Canyon and his on call status for the RC makes me ill. Doesn't he read the Register? They don't need nurses anymore. As in traditional Garcia style talk and talk and talk and then offer action a dollar short and a day later so you can say gee I signed up. Do you think he will still go if they want him to scoop crap from the streets? Because that is where the nurses are working. Many are coming back on their own dime to leave the nonsense.

I am glad the money went to a small town that we can help out. Nobody helps us out. Do you ever see Napa, Calistoga, Yountville or St. Helena driving down here to see what we need? Do they go to bat for us when we need them? No darn way. So who can we count on? Ourselves. And that is ok by me. I don't mind helping out when needed but I want to see results and given the right information.

Curry always has an agenda. What I wonder is why doesn't he use that church of his to create a shelter or offer meals for the "poor" people that everybody keeps talking about in this city. Instead of pointing fingers start fixing it.

As for Cori's 22k in property taxes per year statement and some of that money is hers, give me a break. There is development fees, mitigation fees, code violations, permit fees, application fees and parking ticket money not to mention business license fees and water money. I really don't think that is her money, I think we can safely say we didn't use her money this time and she can once again get a good nights sleep.

As for other tidbits I heard....I heard the 4th committee overspent and the city paid for it......hmmmm

My neighbor told me her friend was Cori's dad's nurse at her hospital she worked at. Isn't this the hospital she claims her dad was doing well in? I heard she was his nurse, the girl who took the trailer and helped convince council to do good with the money.....small world. Guess there is a lesson here somewhere.

As for the donation, it was a very good thing. Bad to not support if you are running for re-election, I vote for Anderson. The people are still supporting the effort I try and shop for bargains and closeouts with my extra grocery money and drop a little something off daily. Last time it was a bag of T-shirts that I bought for fifty cents each new. I bought them all.

Last night they said they need underwear, I am checking ebay (you never know)

Curry also stated that 17 families may relocate to the area, but he paper said that was on hold because it is too expensive to get people situated in California. If they come the should be divided up between all cities and the county. And I will donate furniture and whatever for them. Just post it.

My only dissappointment is the Vintage Bank attempting to collect for the Napa Red Cross. I am very upset as I feel they are working against the proposed cause. We have a town and a mission. We also have some evacuees, so what gives? Personal pet peeve......venting here.

I liked tonights meeting although I was a bit dissappointed by the usual suspects in the audience and the naysaying I find them to be so negative all of the time. They have no respect for the system. You don't get re-uppsies on a topic. You get 3 minutes period. This isn't tag team council meetings. That is the level the same group always takes it. That is rude and inconsiderate of the council. I have limited respect for those who just argue over and over. You are entitiled to your 3 minute opinion and thats it. You are not members of the council and openly debate an issue with them. Go back to council 101.

Thank you to the council for a good decision. Don't make me always move my cars for street cleaning sometimes I forget. I am a fan of a good decision tonight and proud of my city and will remember those next November who failed me.

Yes, Pastor Curry / Cori it's pronounced "Abbeville&quo

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:59 am
by Guest
I also feel that the council made the right decision regarding the support of the Abbeville community. I know I have no problem with my tax dollars being used in this manner. It seemed to be getting ridiculous by the time we got the City Attorney involved as to investigating this poor community. I was getting upset to think this item might possibly get delayed so we could consider what the county was going to suggest. Ben, Lori & Cindy you made the right decision and definitely represented my wishes regarding assistance to the Abbeville community.
About a month ago, I posted a possible fundraising idea under "Support our Troops". Due to mainly time constraints, ACTS decided not to undertake this task. I would like Stacy Su to revisit my suggestion and reconsider this fundraising idea for the Abbeville Relief. I think with further discussion this idea is quite workable. Funds raised could possibly be used to provide this small town a Christmas they would remember for years to come.

Like Rabid animals

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:10 am
by Guest
It always ceases to dissappoint me every meeting, every topic Cori's name is brought up, always negative and mean spirited. Most of the time false rumors or someone is attempting to fill in the blanks. Get real people. Focus on the issues, not people. Drop the fourth of July stuff. I challenge everyone who speaks negative of Cori, Pastor Curry and others to not say or write their name once for 30 days. Subsitute your own for not really getting involved just your own spouting at the mouth. Like rabid dogs.

cori, curry, and causes

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:09 am
by a/c resident
I would be honored to accept that challenge if those named would not show up at council meetings and act like the 6th and 7th councilmembers and embarass our community with stupid remarks.

I too watched and find they take up so much time with bull----. I have no respect for them and quite honestly would not support anything they are affiliated with.

As for Cecil he doesn't support open space recreation why should he support this.

And Leon is always campaigning so does he ever make a decision? He is useless on council. At least Cecil looks over the engineering stuff and keeps the public works guy on his toes.

Hurricane Relief

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:27 am
by Stacy Su
Numerous people who I spoke to are very thankful the City Council voted to help these families in Abbeville. With the donations of food, clothing & furniture we will be donating, along with the cash they will be able to secure homes for these people not shelters for a large number of these people.

This morning I contacted the Abbeville Police Department today to give them good news. Pending an investigation of the City they would be receiving 10K. They were so gracious. They also had said they had hoped we don't have a big earthquake until they things settled down so they could help us in our time of need. Neighborly love.

I will be starting on a Hurricane Katrina Party a big fundraiser. Please watch for updates.

Take care & God Bless.

amcan meeting

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:07 pm
by guest
I know Cori, I know that she means no harm to anyone, she trys to help our city. I know her personally and know already about the nurse who took care of her father, they practically killed him and if it wasn't for the grace of god and St. Mary's hospital, they had kissed him off for dead when they had caused most of the wrongs at Kentfield rehabilitation hospital. The nurse was only with him briefly. But more than that she has never wished bad for anyones cause she believes that there are many unfortunate people in this city and perhaps alot of others in the world. The fact that it was from public money, she wanted it known that she contributes to it, that what they were trying to do for the 4th of july was to make it self-sufficient and now the money that was saved is gone, there was know over spending-check it out and use proof, i will urge her to continue her efforts in spite of what is said due to the fact it is for the people of our community. If they didn't have this idea of raising money then you the city would pay for it because that is where it was going. She will work with anyone who volunteers as she has done in the past. I understand that she has even worked with Cindy on some things as they were in groups together, she doesn't believe in suing her own town, because lawsuits are not the mechanism if your opinion is not the vote. She wouldn't sue the city because the gave the 10K from public funds but it's ok to disaggree. She gave money to the abbeville cause because she agreed that it was needed she just didn't believe in the method of getting it. I have known her for 4 years now and have to tell you that she would work well with all of those who have said horrable things about her as she looks to the good for the community. Wish her father well, volunteer for causes, and know that she does not believe that politics is where her heart is but that it is for the community, stop the negative publicity here and realise that she will move on and help where she can and still take care of her ill father and family, she wishes no one ill but for a better tomorrow. Maybe you should volunteer and get to know her, you might think differently.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:18 pm
by Mel
I sure hope that the way you worded your statement you did not mean that THE NURSE had ANYTHING to do with the way Kentfield rehab treated Cori's father. She is a wonderful and very sympathetic nurse. I kind of got that from your post.
She is very passionate and as we have seen, would give the shirt off her back.
I met her the day she moved here as she and her family were looking for the number on the house. I will always call her and her husband my friends.


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:22 pm
by guest
I think that the one thing that we ALL need to realize is that there are aren't that many people willing to help in town. It's the 20/80 rule..20 % of the people are involved 80% of the time.

I think its ridiculous to criticize their efforts because "I don't like them". That's so sixth-grade. What are we a bunch of snot-nosed pre-adolescents? Apparently so.

Whatever you think of anyone personally- don't belittle their efforts UNLESS you get off your complaining ARSE and help out. Constant complaining is the MAIN reason people don't help out. Its also a thankless job- so Shaddup your piehole!

Helping fellow Americans

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 7:17 pm
by AmCanDaddy
It's not about who it goes to it's about helping Americans in need. The Federal and State government have dropped the ball. Larger organizations are plagued with overhead, fees, and paperwork. If you are donating 15 million then eventually some will trickle down into the folks that need it (hopefully).

But when you are giving 25, 100, or even 10k you want it to make a distinctive difference, this can only be achieved with direct responsible donating. We have proof positive verification that our donations went to those who needed it. That works for me.

As for the woman claiming it was part of her 22k dollars worth of tax dollars all I have to say is what the hell do you think FEMA is? Where do you think the 40 Billion congress authorized to send into the affected areas came from? Wal-Mart sales tax?

It's like the guy that goes sometimes and wants the city to denounce the American "invasion" into Iraq. Well not everybody agrees with the purpose or the reason. But the President, our leader, did it and the military responded. Does that mean we ignore and punish the soldiers doing what is expected of them? No, we support our troops.

I remember reading somewhere that American Canyon Troop Support needs about 1500 to 2000 dollars for postage to get the boxes off for Christmas by the end of October. I would support that to be given as well so that more can be spent on what they need.

I agree, if there are poor neighbors living in American Canyon then why aren't they being taken care of? The thrift shop gives anybody in need supplies, organizations give food baskets, firemen collect toys, and there is a food bank.

This is the problem with the "new America" is that everybody is so wrapped up in materialistic issues or cultural issues that nobody knows their neighbors. The sense of community is virtually nonexistent. When the people migrated to America they shared, were compassionate and caring. Help your neighbor or somebody less fortunate.

Pastors and Priests were like your father and guided you through life not politics. You never bragged about what you had so as not to offend those around you. People have lost the way, the government has lost it's way and priorities are skewed. Because for some it's all about getting "mine". Who cares about you.

In the past there have been may divisive issues in this community and many of you remember them....

Newell and the west side proposed dump site.
Curry and the wastewater treatment plant.
Colcleasor and Shaver and redevelopment.
Coffey/Luporini To have or have not Supercenter.

But to get upset over donating money that the city obviously wastes on average daily over water loss, bad decisions, or bad bids and take that much time on something that is so very basic to the core of being an American is the greatest insult of all.

For those few who have doubts as to whether this was the "right" thing to do, if you need to ask then you are the one with the problem.

Na'leans disaster

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 8:25 pm
by my humble opinion
I think the problem with the slow and inadequate responses are because our NATIONAL guards are in Iraq. National = USA. We are slowly depleting our national resources on a very unpopular war, with very little to show for our efforts except body bags.

Our current admonistration has demonstated inept arrogance and lack of direction time and time again over the last 5 years.

Our governement, according to the president, will commit Billions to the rebuilding efforts for the gulf coast. Our deficit continues to grow. The economy is on the decline. Companies are laying off and the results of Hurricane Katrina will be felt directly in the near future in higher lumber cost, sky rocketing fuel and energy costs as the winter months approach. The fuel costs will also impact what we pay at the cash register for all the goods with additional transportation costs due to higher fuel costs and transportation costs.

WASS= We Are So Screwed!

I really do hope we make our anger and frustration felt at the mid-term elections.

Reply: Guest on Fire

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:04 pm
by tired
to use a golfing term- you are a lost ball in high grass. Your apparent hatred for good is only overshadowed by your ignorance.

The call for assitance to Katrina victims has nothing at all to do with the july 4th budget.

Calling Vice Mayor's response "fake" is a sign your head is far up your rear end, it's amazing. The Red Cross called him because of his training and experience. They will determine where assistance is needed, based on their understanding of the situation. It's not like he signed up to go to Hawaii to help them! According the the papers "I'm not certain where they will be sending me".

Lastly, you have truly demonstrated what a uncaring and petty loser you are by dragging Cori's dying father into your infantile, imbacile tirade, shows your true colors. The rest of us in town can only wish your are neuetered and not breeding the same type moronic offspring who will definitely possess the IQ of a doorknob and the social skills of an untamed, hillbilly, backcountry, sister sexing, animal molesting slug.

and i've been kind in my response


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:05 pm
by Guest
I was wondering if there is a website for the City of Abbeville that would give updates of the relief effort? Also, the couple that made the trip to LA. I would really like to see your pictures. Do you have them posted somewhere for public viewing? By the way, welcome to the community and thank you for representing AC in such a positive light.

Re: Abbeville

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:15 pm
by Mel
Guest wrote:I was wondering if there is a website for the City of Abbeville that would give updates of the relief effort? Also, the couple that made the trip to LA. I would really like to see your pictures. Do you have them posted somewhere for public viewing? By the way, welcome to the community and thank you for representing AC in such a positive light.
I will call Darrin and Valerie and ask them if maybe they can post them on this website... Maybe Issa would do that for us all to see?

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:49 pm
by Issa
Just email me and when I have time I will get to posting whatever anybody wants. I still have pictures from the Veterans Memorial day ceremony I was given, and July 4th of 2004 I still havent put up. I think some other pictures somewhere too. I should really find some good picture code somewhere and just make a page where anybody can upload anything, I'll look into it. BTW: I am still working on code to get a user home page thing and a dating thing on the site. I have a list of stuff, I'll get to it soon I promise! Just that work pays the bills not the site so it gets put on the low priority list a lot!

Also, please keep the topics in the correct place. For example, if you wanna talk about the hurricane and it has nothing to do with AmCan then please post a new topic and talk about it in the Off-Topic section. I have been pretty cool about posts lately, havent complained, just been watching what people are posting to make sure nothing is crazy. People on the board will get on those who go out of line so I dont need to be much of a big brother anyway.

But anyway just shoot me an email if anybody needs anything! Or call me up I dont care.

Response to "Tired"

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:46 pm
by Guest
You state that you are being kind in your tirade of the "guest on fire"?What you said at the end of your post was discusting and not normal. You may want to look into some help for mental health issues.


Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:48 pm
by Stacy Su
It is truly said to see everyone bickering when our fellow countrymen need our help!

If you truly want to help or make a difference take your anger like so many of us are doing and turn it into something positive.

If you would like to help with the Hurricane Katrina Fundraising Efforts please email me at

This is not a time to be divided. The war happened we can't change it, we can only support our troups. The Hurricane happened we can't change that , but what we can do is help about 300 families get back on their feet. No we can't support them a 100% nor would we want to. The old saying giving a man a fish and he eats. Teach a man to fish and he lives.

Okay lets put his in laymans terms. Rent in Abbeville goes for about $300 a month. This means that 16.6 families could have housing for the next 2 months and be out of a shelter. So in these terms 10k is just a dent in the bucket not even a drop considering your talking about 300 families. This community is not a rich either. So how long to you thing people are going to be able to keep the added expense of having another family in their home? Could you afford? Would you even have the heart to do? Abbeville is 120 miles west of New Orleans. Vermillion Perish is very beautiful and these people have big hearts.

It is kind of embarassing to see people bickering about all this stupid stuff. I'm embarassed myself. Because when it comes down to it. These families have gone through a traumatic experience and we are being so petty.

I don't know about you, but God has blessed me with a home, a husband I can kiss off to work and 3 beautiful children to love on. This is what is important, and I am sure that all these people who have suffered such great losses are thankful to be able to hold onto the family members that are still alive.

If you have time in your day maybe you could write a note of encouragement addressed to anyone to be sent with the boxes that will be going to Abbeville next. Why your at it write one for our guys overseas too.

last night spoke volumes

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:51 am
by Paul Maguire
In my view last nights city council meeting, the positions taken, and the vote spoke volumes of the type of people in that room.

There are some sick minds amongst us.

Then there are some council members on the wrong side of that vote.

Thank you Councilmembers Anderson, Luporini, and Coffey. Well done.

need a ride?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:08 am
by guest
I am willing to provide Councilman Garcia a ride to the airport as soon as he gets the call. Kudos to you.

I among others are supporting you in your efforts to leave town and would encourage you to stay as long as they will have you. Best of Luck.


Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:14 am
by Guest
Ok this topic is over let's move on to something new. Let's see how about collecting donations for the town of Abbeville that are not monetary related. I can't afford to give a big donation but I might have something I can part with. New Topic, What can we send and when and how.
See you there!


Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:25 am
by GuestOnFire
I can move on. But first I want to address "Tired." Thank you for the insight. You make our mother proud. <hehe>

all in good fun eh?

I am bored also, let's get busy and put this energy to some good use. See you at the Coastal cleanup tomorrow.


Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:06 pm
by guest
Guest on Fire and Tired..

Vile, verbal abuse-but I think Guest on Fire got the message.

I think both of you hit below the belt-but now that it's out of both your systems...I believe the posting chain started as 'time to move on"

Postscript--are you two related? the posting said "our" mother must be proud :)

(That would actually explain alot)


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:34 pm

What they do matters, how they represent matters too

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 11:25 pm
by Paul Maguire
Well that is a shortside view. It matters about the reputation they have, and it matters that they are in our city as an active club, so it is hopeful they will doing actions and present themselves in a professional manner.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:40 am
by homeboy
Do we all know the election for 2004 is over? Why would Mrs. Shamet leave town on such a nasty note, and then buddy up with Curry, the man she opening said she did not like before her exit? Perhaps she knew that Mr. Curry would "run" with the letter and again stir the "pot"? Is he really out of the country, so that he leaves the dirty job to someone else?
It is so very easy to take "pot shot" at the council members and criticize their every move. These people step up and make decisions that are popular to some and not to others. They listen to both sides of stories and weigh the information that they have. Sometimes they are wrong and sometimes right. It depends on the subject and the information.
If the negative persons want to run for council, then they have 10 months to step up and apply. There are three seats up for bid. Do they want to take the "heat" or simply complain and criticize? We will see, won't we?

blah blah blah

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:01 pm
by guest
I am tired of the whole Kathleen Shamet thing. She was ineffective when she lived here, she called the code enforcement on my family twice for stupid stuff.

She made trouble for some of my other neighbors too. But we kept quiet because it's just gossip and good for nothing. Now we see these letters sent to somebody that she openly despised on numerous occasions at neighborhood gatherings? Go figure!

She has moved, we don't need her drama. Has anybody met the new family that moved into her house yet? Really nice people.

Kathleen needs to move on with her life and let all of the good people here in American Canyon remember the good things she may have done and not aggravate our community that seems to be rocking and doing well.

Somebody told me that has a daughter who is friends with one of her daughters that "she couldn't wait to leave American Canyon behind and everyone with it!" Gosh how ironic that now she is sending these "phantom letters" after moving.

I for one am not interested and think that if the newspapers can't find anything better to publish then they should close their doors. How small minded to focus on such a petty cat fight that is obviously one sided when we have people dying overseas, people struggling in the coastland, and despair in America.

Kathleen loved being the center of attention here and then it dissappeared with the WM decision. Now she is desperate for popularity again at anybody's expense. Who in this community-- is so desperate to perpetuate the nonsense-- is the one we should fear as they are the ones who are indeed desperate and afraid.

Leaving Am Canyon

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 6:12 pm
by Guest
It is thoughtful that you feel that helping is a great thing. I just wish the people of Am Canyon and the City Council would help those that live here. After that is accomplished then go help others.
As for Garcia, I was in a meeting with him last December and things are not resolved yet. The City Council is a joke. They won't put their foot down and back some Organizations even if the city has Codes and Laws that should be adhered to. They don't want to take sides. Seems to me they should be backing up the people that live here not property owners that live elsewhere in CA.
Then there are the City employees. Bills are not sent out when they should be. Contracts from other entities are not overseen to make sure they are being done. And, when they are given specifics of this they overlook it. The City Council knows about this particiular one I am speaking of and they did nothing either.
To the person that did the post and mentioned the way we should treat our neighbors and compete by having more, I give cudos to him/her. I truly wish it was still this way. I am tired of the greed and the rudeness and the people that judge persons for how they feel and how they live/survive.
So, I say to American Canyon "Good Bye" and I'm not looking back.l

Exactly why I'm leaving

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 6:14 pm
by Guest
It is people like you that have made me realize that CA is not the place to be. You are most impopous, greedy, stingy, self-centered, know it all, born with a golden spoon in your mouth person that I don't want to meet. Yet again maybe I should, I sure would like to say a few things to your face in public.
You are probably a man, and you have the impression that you are better than women or a person of another race.
Once again I say that I hope that you loose everything you have. I just wish I could be there when you do.
Good luck to you, but remember pay backs are a b____! You will be paid back one of these days.

For Last Guest

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:01 pm
by Guest01
Geez I, for one, am GLAD if you are leaving the city OR the state.

Your last posting was so deranged and filled with hatred.

"Once again I say that I hope that you loose everything you have. I just wish I could be there when you do"

Don't let the American Canyon or California door hit you on the way OUT! My only question is what third world would welcome you with your backward thinking..

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 4:44 pm
by merryjester

My backward thinking

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 5:17 am
by Guest
    Dear Guest01, There was a message before my last one when I responded to it. Did you read any of the earlier postings :?: You should also go to
    Why doesn't the city help...
    forum. There is alot more info as to why I am leaving.
    Buy the way, Las Casitas Mobilehome Park has won the fight of our Rent Stabilzation Ordinance as being Constitutional after Mr. Popkins, the owner of the Park took the suit all the way to the Appeal Court. Maybe now the people that live in the mobilehomes here can get their lives back together and the Park Owners will accept the Low Income Status of most that live in them.
    As to your response, you need to know that the mobilehome parks were here way before most of the houses were built. We have 5 parks, which make up quite a few voiters. Although the City Council sand City Employees eems to want to push us aside and not get involved when their is an issue, nor do they make sure that contractors do what they were hired for and statements are not sent out in a timely manner. Nor are tasks they say they will do done in an acceptable time line. They seem to want the glory but not the responsiblilties that come with the jobs. Don' get me wrong not all of the City employees are this way, heaven forbid if one of the lower clasified persons did something like they did. :shock: