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AmCan Patriots Football!

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 2:35 pm
by guest
History was made on Saturday. American Canyon hosted it's first Football game against Vallejo.

Roddrick Sweeney gets my nomination for citizen of the year. His contributions to/for the city are awesome. He just wrapped up the Friday Nights at the Plaza for the last 9 weeks and still had the energy to form several football teams.

Thanks to the AmCan Kiwanis for the donation paying for the goal posts.
Great job to the Parks and Public Works personnel for getting the bleachers to Community Park.

American Canyon will host their next game on Saturday, September 24.. come on down!

Roddick Sweeney

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:41 pm
by Stacy Su
Your right about Roddick, he is a huge blessing to American Canyon. He should be nominated "Volunteer of the Year" Roddick goes above and beyond his job.

I am sorry to have missed Saturday's game, but look forward to the Sept. 24th game. Keep us posted with the time.

Thank you.

Vallejo Raiders

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:10 pm
by Guest
Good thing you were not at the last game of the evening. Patriots vs. Vallejo Raiders. The Vallejo team wanted confrontation and purposely went out and "beat up" Patriot players. Took the helmut off one kid and punched him in the nose, kicked another in the stomach, were calling them very foul names, and had eight incidences of clifting in one minute or less. The game was called off due to violence, the police were called. Two police cruisers helped get the parents and kids to their cars safely. The Vllejo Raiders should be kicked out of Pop Warner and we as the Patriots should refuse any other playing against them. To make things even worse the Vallejo Raider parents in attendance stood cheering this unacceptable beastly behavior.


Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:25 am
by ohmygodddd
I was saddened to read the last post and learn about the cancellation of the game because some parents and their children lack social skills, decorum and proper on-field attitude.
While I am not surprised at the improper actions and attitudes of the opposing team, I am glad our Am Can team took the high road and showed the other team we had class.
Am Can children are raised with the values that matter in society.
At the one game I attended, and even at the basketball games..the Vallejo parents and crowds are borderline anti-social.
"rip their head off" "hit them harder" "take that, you losers" these were some of the shouts I heard from the parents at Saturday's football game.

What ever happened to "play with dignity" "losing (and winning) with pride"..

Hold your heads up high Patriots.

Attitude and pride matter more than what's in the win-lose columns.