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Negative Free Zone

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:45 pm
by Guest
There is a movement in town called the "negative free zone" in American Canyon. The brain child of some residents tired of the negativity and decivisive things in town. I understand there are buttons coming soon!!

Your Positive contribution:
List THE POSITIVE things occuring here in American Canyon....

Roddrick Sweeney's efforts in getting a spanking, brand new Football Team called the AmCan PATRIOTS! This will keep kids in an environment where their energy are for a positive goal...representing AmCan in the NoCal region, since they will be a traveling football team.

Feel free to add on!!

Positive happinings

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:57 pm
by Guest
Kathleen Shamet and family moving!

Weasles at work

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 7:08 pm
by Paul Maguire
Kathleen Shamet was willing to stand up for what she thought was right, and put her name on it.

Weasles like you (the post above) take shots at people and hide behind the computer. Have you even met her family? I have, and for you to say such a thing shows you don't know anything about them. You are cruel, miserable, and a social magget.

Whats positive about American Canyon is some of us are willing to put our name on what we have to say- Some of us actually do want things to improve here, but certainly all of us don't agree on the best way that should be done.

I can think of a few neg balls that are active I would like to see leave, but Kathleen and her family are not one of them.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:04 pm
by Mel
I second Paul's remarks about Kathleen. She is a wonderful woman and has spent a huge amount of time in various organizations in Am Can. She's vocal in making sure the kids are taken care of, be it PTA/PTO Little League whatever.
I for one, will miss her and her family.
And as for putting her name out there, no matter what the feedback, it's more than you will ever do. This woman deserves respect.

No Negative Zone

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 7:22 am
by Guest
For every positive there is a negative. It sounds more like a group in AC have decided their opinion is right and no one should object to how they want things. It will be interesting to see how this new group is able to play by their own rules. It didn't last but one post on this forum. "Brainstorm?" I don't think so..."Childish" is more like it. Oh, that was a negative wasn't it. I bet that means I don't get a button.

Neg free zone

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:47 am
by guest
Something positive?

The new school opened.

Ground breaking of Cabernet Village which will provide office space and jobs.

I am surprised and disappointed this got negative so rapidly.
It doesn't have to be us vs them or new vs old.
We are all in this together.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:33 am
by Paul Maguire
Plenty of positive posts here- see Good News in American Canyon and surrounding areas started by me in April of this year- very little positive posts by others, went negative by little league dad criticisms of me-died shortly thereafter.

The criticism of Kathleen Shamat and "her family" was inappropriate and cruel, undeserved, and unfair. Hitting back at such posters is a positive.


Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 12:55 pm
by guest
Coming to the offense of Shamet is admirable.
However, you could have taken the high road and not started with the name calling.
This is exactly what the negative free zone is NOT about.
It's about:
Real issues,viable solutions without any personal attacks. and definitely no name calling.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:09 pm
by Linda
Kathleen Shamet and I do not agree about Wal-Mart, we do agree on schools, little league and if we have a long conversation we would probably agree on a number of other things regarding AmCan. I do believe that she did what she believed was the right thing to do and that is all that you can ask of anyone.

I believe she has helped the people of AmCan in many ways, mostly by bringing people together in whatever their beliefs may be.

I still can't agree with her on Wal-Mart but wish her and her family all the luck in their move.

Positive things happening

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 3:21 pm
by Kathleen S.
Community of American Canyon,

Thanks in advance for all the support to my family. There are so many positive things going on in this town. Little League, Patriots football, socceer, awesome elementary schools and my favorite the Middle School! The City staff is very fair to work with, the Callison family, the Schmidts, Shipman family, Bockmans and countless others, parks and rec, the Starbucks (must have one every day). The open space and wetlands the culture and acceptance of diversity (thanks for accepting us Kansas folks). The churches in the community are great for youth programs, senior issues and worship. Musn't forget Koford and his staff, and definitely the Fire Chief and staff who so politely saved my life back in June. I could go on and on......................

I know the posting about the Shamet family was to be offensive but I've taken it in a positive way. We will be going back home to help our older parents and families. So it is a positive thing! Remember friends it's all in the way we accept change. The cup is either half empty or mighty full.


Oh I forgot to mention Rodderick and his staff!

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 8:38 am
by Guest
Is it true that the city your moving back to has a Super Walmart?

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:18 am
by guest u r
Soooo antagonistic.

kansas move

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:03 am
by guest
Isn't there always? Maybe that is why the real estate is so cheap you can write a check for a really really big house. Especially since there aren't any downtowns left to frequent.


Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 2:29 pm
by Kathl;een S
Shawnee is a beautiful small community, like AC. Yes it does have a SuperWalmart and quite a few folks shop there. They also have a Target, Lowes and Home Depot along with other retail. Shawnee also has a very quaint downtown, redevelopment I think, awesome schools and nice people too. Just as AC has and/or getting. As I mentioned we are going back to be will ailing folks. Best of wishes to alll.....................

Be nice the rewards are endless.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 7:22 pm
by Guest
I was just wondering if it was true. I didnt mean to be antagonistic. Sorry, if i affended. I hope you report back to us, and let us know how the store is and what the residents think and the affect it has on the city your moving to. Good luck, and ya'll come back!

negative free zone

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:28 pm
This "negative free zone" is the brainchild of Buzz Butler (Wal-Mart developer) and others, I have heard that Cori, B. Knight, m. joseph, L. Garcia. and a few others are all "members" of this club where Morris Curry is the "chosen" spokesperson or mouthpiece if you will.

Created with the express purpose of trying to make certain councilmembers look bad. What a load of crap. People know about what is great in this community. What they don't need is a load of B.S. which is what is coming from various people in this city. Don't be deceptive, don't be untruthful, quit hiding facts. When you realize that "secrets" are not going to be accepted then maybe you won't be getting caught and trying to disguise your guilt behind some button. I mean c'mon when your city manager is buddy/buddy with the developer that the community is not supportive of what does that say about his loyalty to the community?

When a developer entangles himself so much into the local community, politics and chamber to where he is manipulating the public for personal gains then I say we have problems. Especially when this individual doesn't even reside here.

There are many things to be thankful for and positive with such as:
a diverse community
a group that cares about open spaces
a council that no longer rubber stamps issues
clean air and 10degrees lower than up north breezes
a wonderful affordable housing project coming online to support many of our relatives and children who want to own homes.
excellent sports opportunities where our children can play safe except when Vallejo visits
some respectable development projects that don't change after the fact.
great sunsets
one new elementary school

You don't have to be walking around with a yellow smiling face to recognize the good things in this community. And for those of you who must wear a button to know what is good vs what is right have the problem.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:01 am
by guest
You didn't say anything about Lori & Cindy recusing themselves from the previous council meeting due to a conflict with a future development. Sounds the same, doesn't it? One to sell real estate and the other to advertize in paper, ask the question of them, they want mark gone. You know not too many people now know what it was like before Mark, he has done a great job. It is his job to communicate, apparently you see it as a friendship when it is his job to keep up on the city, hence the title"City Manager". i heard that the girls whisper and send notes during the meetings, i'm surprised the attorney hasn't told them that they can be made public at anytime and that it is inappropriete behavior. Cindy can be more than a anti-walmart person, she just needs to stop the witch hunts and focus, i'm sure the new houses have done the new people well, the roads are included in the master plan, the city should not have to look for more money if projections play out till about the 4th year of the plan. Politics ruin a city, good politicians defend the city from harm. It's time Cindy and Stacey Sue see how much their Law suit can hurt us, time is worth a lot. Oh by the way, Does amcan pay their part timers benefits, a good hourly, are they union or is it the same? Just a thought for all to ponder, maybe amcan need not to throw stones till home is taken careof, I heard the part timers are as well off, i know a friends daughter works for the city part time. We need to fix amcan first.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:23 am
by guest
cindy didn't recuse herself due to advertising, she recused herself at the city attorneys asking for the reasons stated above. As for the notes those are also explained. As for Lori recusing herself, she was a party in a real estate transaction too close to the project. I think it is important to point out that cindy removed herself from this committee and Lori replaced her until cindy relocates her office. That is what I gather.

Lori is no longer involved in any real estate transactions and therefore is free from conflict at this time to serve on this committee. I think it should also be known that the city manager had to recuse himself as well as planning commission chair don callison for possible financial gain as their residences are close to the project.

so many changes occurred. whether right or wrong the city attorney asked them to do it. as for expensive advertising what ads are you referring to? I read the post and don't see anything developer related. Not from this town.

I think it is you who is starting the rumors. please read a thread before commenting it saves embarrassment.

Re: what..

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:32 am
by Stacy Su
guest wrote:You didn't say anything about Lori & Cindy recusing themselves from the previous council meeting due to a conflict with a future development. Sounds the same, doesn't it? One to sell real estate and the other to advertize in paper, ask the question of them, they want mark gone. You know not too many people now know what it was like before Mark, he has done a great job. It is his job to communicate, apparently you see it as a friendship when it is his job to keep up on the city, hence the title"City Manager". i heard that the girls whisper and send notes during the meetings, i'm surprised the attorney hasn't told them that they can be made public at anytime and that it is inappropriete behavior. Cindy can be more than a anti-walmart person, she just needs to stop the witch hunts and focus, i'm sure the new houses have done the new people well, the roads are included in the master plan, the city should not have to look for more money if projections play out till about the 4th year of the plan. Politics ruin a city, good politicians defend the city from harm. It's time Cindy and Stacey Sue see how much their Law suit can hurt us, time is worth a lot. Oh by the way, Does amcan pay their part timers benefits, a good hourly, are they union or is it the same? Just a thought for all to ponder, maybe amcan need not to throw stones till home is taken careof, I heard the part timers are as well off, i know a friends daughter works for the city part time. We need to fix amcan first.
Guest I am not sure of what your point is. You seem to ramble on and on about so many different things with no direction in your post. You should take the time to read many other threads regarding city officials and may be you would be able to stay focused.

Every month someone starts a positive post and it seems to me those who say they are positive are always posting negative information. Anytime someone says there is a problem that needs improvement it is considered negitive. No wonder divorce's are so high. Instead of slinging mud why not come up with some ideas for improvement.

Just one woman's opinion.

Reply for Positive Stategist

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:57 am
by Guest
Articulate as your reply was your facts are wrong.

The first time the Positive Free Zone phrase was breathed- was at the first Friday Night Live. A couple of members from a local church mentioned it, because they were tired of hearing the negativite comments, personal attacks and mean-spirited gossip being spread around town.
They were basically tired of Negativity and wanted to promote the positive aspects of the actions and people in American Canyon.
There is no membership and NO spokesperson and no meetings.

As people were made aware of the Negative Free Zone-members of the community were making the Positives of American Canyon known throughout the city.

Buttons were suggested as a reminder that American Canyon is a desirable, safe, family oriented place to live. The Negative Free Zone is a mindset. For every negative there is a positive. For every ying there's a yang.
That's all. In an attempt to make people aware of this 'movement' on this venue-it quickly deteriorated. That's what the Negative Free Zone is attempting to counter.

so positive strategist, don't spend too much time trying to figure it out. It's as easy as turning a frown into a smile. Saying (or posting) something nice and positive instead of something negative.