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Mr. Gorbachaf(sp) tear this wall down

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 12:39 pm
by Tired
This forum is dangerous, mean spirited and is constant wihinning. Like the Berlin Walll is separating our community. American Canyon tear this web site down!

Response to Tired

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 7:26 am
by Guest
I do not agree with you on your description of this website.

Dangerous? I consider this site to be very informative on many issues.

Mean spirited? I think a better word might be posters are "frustrated" with change or no change whichever the case may be.

Constant Whinning? Due to the so-called whinning, things are changing. Potholes have been filled on AC Road. A code enforcement workshop has been scheduled by the City. Complaints regarding the ACPD have created a forum for citizens to ask questions to the Sheriff's office directly.

Amid many of the negative comments this site has also educated many of the residents as to the current developments in our community.

Tear this wall down? I think the site will only grow as more people become aware of it and get involved in many projects that lie ahead for American Canyon.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 1:33 pm
by Linda
I think this is an excellent site, sometimes I am frustrated by what I read but that is because someone is not agreeing with my ideas of what is right and wrong.
Having lived in Germany when the wall was up and I went to school in Minden during the British occupation(1958/60) and the Germans believed they were being occupied, living in American Canyon is paradise.
It is sad that this guest feels this way, where would he/she like to do their whinning if not on this site?

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:34 am
by Issa
Dear Tired (AKA Kat, Little League Coach, Montevino Resident, KM). Wait, you've posted 46 times on these forums, things like:

"Recall Leon Garcia.........................
Recall Cecil Shaver........................
Retire Ben....................................
Investigate Luporini......................
Prosecute Colsleazer....................."

And YOU'RE the one complaining about the negativity on the forums? Then a few days later you are posting on the forums again after you wanted it taken down?

I've read through all your posts, you've written some good things over the months so I am not sure why the complaint now. If you have any issues send me an email with your suggestions. Thank you.

no wall

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 5:37 pm
by guest
I think the intent of this site is good. It's been used negatively, but overall the content has been a great venue to exchange ideas and offer suggestions.
I don't know if this site can actually claim the feedback was the reason potholes are getting fixed, but I have seen the topic discussed.

Anyhoo-- I think more emphasis needs to be placed on solutions, action items and constructive feedback for the city. That would be more valuable and beneficial to all the participants in this forum and the city.

'I'm Soooo TIRED... (Old Beatles tune)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:20 pm
by mattbb61
BUSTED! :shock:

Heh heh! :lol:

Good one Issa.

So just who said the functioning of our fourms was supposed to be as smooth as Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachyov's KGB?