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Paul Maguire, please run for City Council again

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:55 pm
by Guest
I wasn't a resident here when the last CC election took place, but I sure wish I was. I'd have voted for you in a heart-beat, and I will this year if given the chance.

I think you'll have plenty of other supporters, too. Mainly because a lot more people like me have moved into this town since the last election. I think many of them, like my husband and I, are business professionals with the common sense to know that we need some people of action and conviction on our council in order to make this town a great place to live. These current council members can't get out of their own way. It's similar to your public statement about wal-mart and the residents in this town who are trying to prevent it: If you start selling real-estate at sophisticated Bay Area prices, your residents will demand sophisticated Bay Area management. That simple. I think you represent the needs/wants of this newer demographic to AmCan. We are an action-oriented bunch.

Additionally, you have something special that the current council members don't: You actually use proper grammar. On that note alone, you're already a winner in my book!

But seriously, your ideas are well-thought out, you have the ability to clearly and concisely communicate them, you've run (or are running?) at least one successful business, and you seem to be a man of action. Oh, and by the way, you have a whole lot of common sense.

I sincerely hope you run. I guarantee you that my household is not the only one in this new neighborhood/area that will support you 150% by coming out and voting for you.

Please keep us all apprised of your plans!

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:20 am
by guest
hmmm, smells like salmon to me but with no mayo....LOL

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 9:49 pm
by Guest (again, from above)
So I don't understand what Salmon w/no mayo means, but my husband says you think my post wasn't authentic because my username is "Guest."

Sorry 'bout that - I haven't registered on this site with a name. This time I posted as "guest." Last time I posted, I was "Newish resiedent," looking for the healthclub. Another time, I posted about Pizza....

Anyway, I live in La Vigne and obviously need to register with a name so you all can know that I'm not a plant, a spy or a sandwich of any kind. (Not salmon, no baloney.) Just a new homeowner who wants to support what I think is best in this town to make it a place we'll want to stay in for a long time.

I'll get back to ya once I figure out how to get myself a username, here...

Thanks for listening. (And I really do like Paul McGuire!)

here i am

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 10:01 pm
by BlueJay
...with my own personal AmCan online ID. (No longer a "Guest.")

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:19 pm
by Guest
Bluejay welcome

guest/ bluejay

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:32 pm
by mindingcitybiz
Welcome to the online forums.

The posting above about salmon was inside joke. No offense meant.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:08 pm
by mytwocents
If Maguire runs again I would support him. He is level headed and has written thoughtful columns in the paper. I don't see anyone else suggesting ideas to improve this city but him. Since the last election Maguire has been the only candidate who has his name out there. The rest have all but vanished, except Curry, who of course is a nutcase.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:56 pm
by Guest

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:30 am
by Guest
Maybe Cori could be your campaign manager!!

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:28 pm
by Paul Maguire
LOL- now that really IS funny. Thanks for making me smile.

An Apology to Paul Maguire

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 8:36 pm
by Guest
I owe you an apology for being very hard on you when you first started posting on this site. Possibly taking some topics to personal. In re-reading your posts and editorials in the Post and this site, I realize we are not so far apart in our thoughts of what is good and needed in AC. I apologize and if you decide to run for office, the best of luck and I would vote for you with only one condition...No (C & C's) involved in your campaign...
I also would like to see Meadows Guy run...We haven't heard from him in quite a while. Hope everything is ok!

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:56 am
by Guest
What are C & C's


Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:50 am
by Guest
That would be the two self-proclaimed city advocates in town.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:07 pm
by amcanhomeowner
I am an amcan homeowner who has seen my neighborhood decline in appearance over the last 20 years. When redevelopment was being talked about, I was strongly against it. But I must say that having just read Paul Maguires article in the napa post, his idea of revitalization and working with the city to improve the neighborhood would be well received by me. His article has several creative ideas which made sense. If the city could get off its backside ideas like this would improve the look of my neighborhood and I welcome that!

Cant stand government intrusion on property owners; This idea of voluntarily working with the city is new and I for one am open to the idea.

What impresses me about napa post is someone is actually thinking before writing something. The city could get the planning department to develop a plan to work with neighbors and parts of the city.

This is a great idea.

run again

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:02 pm
by another amcanhomeowner
Offer a Casino on every corner.

weak, very weak.

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:33 am
by Paul Maguire
Well, from what I gather, a heck of alot more members come into the card room than go to several of the other businesses around here, with the exception of 7-11 and Safeway, and the gas stations. The Marriott does well, however, most of those are out of town folks.

However, you have probably never been in the card room, and have no idea of the caliber of patrons that go in there. Of course, you would not likely associate with people that actually have their own businesses, have discretionary income, and enjoy other people. Engineers, doctors, lawyers, brokers, attorneys, contractors, and even city staff from time to time.

As for chicken, well, I don't eat chicken.

As for being a chiropractor that I am, proud of it.

Thanks for comments, but if your going to take a shot, try to do a little better than that next time. I mean really, is this the Best you can do?

Work on it some, then try again. Antagonism is such an art, isnt it?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:58 am
by guest
Maguire if you run for council next year you have my vote. The council meetings can use new blood and energy. Ignore the critics. I believe you show good common sense in your articles and in your comments at council meetings. This city can use some common sense!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 9:00 pm
by guest
After all that's going on lately Don't.

2006 Election Outlook

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:14 am
by LaVigneLola
Paul- people in this town like it when somebody stands up and sticks by their opinions. The smaller group who are afraid are those who continue to create problems. Imagine how wonderful our community would be if those people would stop with the trouble-making and be nice.

I am a proud Philipino American whose mother married my dad when he was stationed in Japan. I have lived here all my life and now I am married with children. I would consider us to be successful as my husband is an attorney and I am a CPA. We live comfortably here in American Canyon. We moved here from South San Francisco and welcome the warm sun.

I am not a member of the Phil-Am club. I have found that it isolates our culture from sharing with other members of our community. We live in America and while I am proud of my culture it doesn't define who I am and that is what I have found the Phil-Am club to do.

I am becoming more active in my community. I have joined a local club. I enjoy meeting people at my local park and BBQs with neighbors. I guess what I am trying to say is that I was offended by Mr. Quicho's remarks at a past council meeting "bragging" about the Philipinos moving into the 800k homes but I kept it within my home. Now I read Mr. Rivera's article about his accomplishments and it disturbs me. We as people should not brag about what we have, we as true Catholics do not boast or critisize at the expense of others. I am happy you gave $1,000.00 to the Red Cross. My husband and I gave significantly more, but the amount is not the point. The charity is. It is very important to feel a sense of community especially when raising children, I would respectfully request that you place less value on what you have and more on what you can give.

This is my opinion and not meant to offend anyone. That is why I offer it in this forum.

No offense taken

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:24 pm
by VicRiv
I agree this is an open forum and an exchange of ideas and words is vital to its success. I'm confused about some of the statements you made in your entry.

You mention you are troubled about the article about my accomplishments and the "bragging". You then talk about how as Christians no one should brag. Well, Lola- good Christians don't judge others either, but you seem to be take that liberty in the next subsequent paragraphs. You also weren't a good Christian when you posted the following on June 7th:

Who is a preacher or a doctor. Who is a drinker and who is not. Who actively supports city activities and who impeades it. Some of the most offensive letters to the editor and editorials are from "religious" individuals. I guess so far as to say "I am religious when it suits me and forget when I need to be rude, crude, and critical." is the motto in this city.

These sound like personal attacks and very Un-christianly.
"do as I say and Not as I do" seems to be the modus operandi of many people who post here.

The bottom line is none of us is perfect. We all have things we are passionate about.
Mr. Quicho wasn't bragging- you didn't hear (or chose not to pay attention to) the part about all the positive things the Fil-Am group is doing in town. They co-sponsored the 4th of July festivities, A Friday Night Live, a Community Clean-Up Day.

Again-no attempt at "getting you" but many of our words and meaning tend to be misconstrued or taken out of context. A little more acceptance and understanding for readers, posters and the numerous guests-could make this venue more productive...

Point Taken

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:05 pm
by LaVigneLola
Point Well Taken we all have our moments myself included. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my concerns. I know one day our paths will cross.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:10 am
by guest
Just who is going to run in the next election? There are 3 seats up for grabs. I have heard that Anderson will not run again because his wife is not well. Are the other two going to run? Does anyone know? Maguire has a good shot at winning this time. He would be a good council member.

who cares?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:39 pm
by guest
With the election 15 months away who really cares? People can change their mind one way or the other. It probably will depend on who is running again. I would personally support a two term limit, that is 8 years. That way we can always get some new blood with new ideas. But that is just me. I am sure Garcia and Shaver will run. Garcia will probably run for supervisor too.

How many of the last group of candidates can run again or at least want to? This next time.... I personally see a group of candidates that will be younger mid-30's to 40's. They are usually more progressive and don't carry the baggage of the older candidates. Time will tell.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:13 am
by guest
Don't run for council, it's not good for the city and if you care about our city, don't run.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:03 pm
by Paul Maguire
Is it bash Maguire night. Your comments are duly noted. BTW, the election is about 1 year away.


Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:55 pm
by guest66
If somebody cares enough to run for council and has the fortitude then I say go for it. As for Mr. Maguire's casino, he is the second owner of one of the oldest businesses in the area. He has spent a small fortune making it attractive and comfortable for all patrons. People who come to play visit from all over the area including Fairfield, Napa and up valley, Vallejo, and Benicia. These folks often order food from local restaurants and oftentimes use the local gas stations.

It also strikes me funny that most churches, organizations and also the local chambers use a "casino night" as a significant fundraising activity. Maybe because people have fun and win stuff or because it is popular. Either way there are many more eyesores in this town that are local businesses that don't contribute or have the history.

You should stop in sometimes and see the whose who of the area playing and having a wonderful recreational time.

If you did even more research you would also know that the laws and standards that a card room have to adhere to are much more strict than those of an Indian Casino, where you do have the corruption and graft that many simply associate any type of recreational gambling to.

As for Mr. Maguire running for council again. More power to him. He is a very successful business person with extended business obligations way beyond the trivial boundries of this community. He is low key with his well deserved and self earned wealth. His knowledge in business is paid for willingly at seminars conducted across the U.S.

After the last election we finally had an opportunity to meet him prior to him moving from our community. He is far more insightful and willing to think outside the box than a good portion of those who ran last time.

The only reason he lost was because nobody knew him. Well now he is making a point to get out and express his views. Don't criticize, embrace the possibilities. Also, you don't have to be so inflamatory with your remarks.

After all didn't you keep a "positive" button for yourself?

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:09 am
by guest
Maguire can run, spend money in town and not win, carry on.

Final tally

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:51 pm
by Guest
The costs of last election was stupendous for some candidates. Some won some lost.

Paul Maguire

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 7:40 pm
by Voter
Guest 66 had some very valid points...For the rest of you that think Mr. Maguire should not run...what country do you live in? I will be surprised to see anyone run with the personal attacks that take place in this town. Yeh... it's entertaining but at who's expense... There isn't a person in this city that does not have a personal interest that will affect their running for office. Get Real!
Whether you have kids in school...(new high school) into sports...(lights at the little league field) or a business on Hwy 29 (expansion). Any one of you have the opportunity to step up and serve this community...It will be interesting to see who feels they have nothing to hide...


Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:00 am
by guest66
Well said!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 10:54 pm
by guest
Well when he runs we won't be bored, it's Mr. Toads wild ride!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:14 am
by guest
What I dont get is how on the one hand people want change, and on the other bitch and moan about the small number of folks who are trying to make change.

The city has real issues that are not being fixed.

We need a council of five that can get the job done and from the looks of it we do not have that today.