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Kimberly Park

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:48 pm
by Guest
I read on another thread Minding City Biz list for Kimberly Park. I decided to start this topic to get some clarification on what the NYSL is expecting from Parks & Rec. I thought the consultant was for the problems with the field. Does it also include: snack shack, lights, audio, bleachers and a playground for each field area? Or is this actually just a wish list?

Kimberly Park

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 7:29 am
by Guest
There is currently 10K allocated to evaluate the fields at Kimberly and Community Park. The report generated from these evaluations, hopefully, will recommend interim and long term measures to improve the fields at these parks. The City should than take measures to improve these fields until the parks can be “re-developed.”

In the next year or two there will be a master plan developed for Kimberly Park which will include development of the 3 undeveloped acres west of the park. Any improvements such as a snack bar, improved parking, and a tot lot would be included in this plan. The new configuration of Kimberly Park will depend on public input and the outcome of the Oat Hill master plan. If a sports complex is included as part of the Oat Hill plan the mix of Park amenities at Kimberly would likely change slightly. The City Council has put this project into the City capital improvement plan. I anticipate that the main obstacles to getting the project completed will be the busy schedules of the Parks Director and the Public Works Department.

mathew plate - P&CS Commission

Kimberely Park

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:21 am
by mindingcitybiz
Mathew, I don't want to wait three years for the developement of kimberely Park. We should have a town hall meeting at the field immediately with some potential architects and get everyones input and have them draw it up. . The perspective architechs have 2 months to get their drawings back to us. We have another town hall meeting we the citizens vote on what design we like the best. Then we could do some old fashion fund raising and grant writing to get the money to get the project up and running. If this was done immediately, by this time next year Kimberely Park would be done.

With over 600 kids participating in soccer I think the monies could be raised in a short period of time. This dawdling and spending money is just a waste of time. Why not delegate some of this parks & recs stuff to the community, allow the citizens to put it together with a P&C commissioner overseeing the project. It definitely will get done a lot faster. So would other projects.

They way I feel is whatever project parks & recs wants to get done, if you include the citizens in the process you will get it done a lot faster, because those who care will be involved and make it happen.

Kimberly Park

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:50 am
by guest
Mathew, I too agree with the above. Or better yet have the Parks Commission do the fundraising. They were asked about doing it during interviews. I know I was.

Also I was told that the sports complex is a "wished" for and just for baseball fields. There are some other common areas tentatively planned but they are not for playing fields. I think the commission needs to get a move on to write the grants, see if you can get the plans donated from a local architect in the county or at least paid for by a local bank as a donation.

The banks seem to always donate up valley but never here. Maybe the commissioners should get in there and get some money. Also you could put in a grant with the Napa Vinters Auction proceeds. Since it is a park for kids it qualifies.

Everybody knows you are the only grant writer, but it is time to delegate and take charge. The kids can't wait nor they should have too.

The commission always claims to be working on the "master plan" well that has been the way for the last five years and every time it comes close it's obsolete. I say forget the master plan. Go over parks planned in residential and demand more and focus on the betterment of the current parks we have for right now.

If the current parks were usable it would alleviate a substantial amount of discord in the community.

Thanks for you doing your job and more.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 12:06 pm
by Guest
If there is a request made to the commission or Council to speed up the planning process for Kimberly Park, I suspect that that could be done. However, I would not optimistic that the City could put together a proposal and hire an architect in a reasonable amount of time. Even if the planning for Kimberly is done by the commission and other volunteers, the City will still have to contract out for Engineering Plans and Construction. I also expect that Kimberly Park will require environmental review because it borders on the creek. Writing the request for proposals for Engineering and Construction require a lot of work from City staff that are already backlogged with other projects. (The Parks Director is working on putting in place and managing contracts for Veterans Park Construction, Bocce Ball Court Design and Construction, and Sports Court Resurfacing. Public Works is involved in many street and infrastructure upgrades.) Based on the pace of other projects I think 3 years is optimistic to have Kimberly completed. FYI, if the plans are not too extravagant there is probably money in the City’s park capital improvement fund (developer in-lieu fees for parks) to cover most of the park cost.

Two years ago the Commission was working on the Parks Capital Improvement Plan which was completed and approved by Council, which is the mechanism by which upgrades to the parks are planned and funded. Based on Public input improvements to Community Park and Kimberly Park are priorities for the City.

The parks master plan was begun last year, my hope is to have it completed this year so that it can be integrated into the general plan and help guide requirements for development.

The commission is currently, under our approved work plan, working in functional areas with La Voie and Pierson working on Park development issues.

I am working with the Friends of Open Space group to help obtain public access to Newell Open Space and to the Napa River, both of which have we have a shot at achieving in the next year or so.

mathew plate

Kimberly Park

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:45 pm
by Guest
Maybe soccer isn't the best use for Kimberly Park...Why not find some higher and dryer land and put new soccer fields in so they will be ready next year. It may cost less than what any consultant will come up with. Maybe the next developer that waltzes into town, we have him build new fields with all the amenities before one house goes up. What about the land on the other side of the road from our new super center. Didn't I hear Buzz Butler has a new venture for this property. Gee, the least he could do is give something back!

Mathew Plate

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 5:21 pm
by mindingcitybiz
Can we use a NMD report like WalMart did? I am sure we can find one some where. Maybe buzz butler can help me find one for cheap.

I also had a question in reguards to the engineering? Isn't that Leon Garcia's specialty? What exactly do you need? If people where to get qualified relatives or citizens of american canyon together to do some of these reports will it help lift the wait off your shoulders?

My brother-in-law works for Davy surveying. He has a degree in engineering. Some people could write their time off as a tax donation.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:14 pm
by Linda
Didn't I hear Buzz Butler has a new venture for this property. Gee, the least he could do is give something back!

I live across from the new centre so part of our property will face onto the new centre and may I suggest before any rumour goes around that you speak to me and/or my husband regarding our property. If Buzz Butler or anyone else for that matter knows what is happening at our house ...we will find that very interesting

for: Mindingcitybiz re: Leon comment

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:47 pm
by my opinion
Why the personal attack on Mr. Garcia. Since elected he has offered a sense of diplomacy which has been lacking in our local leadership.
He doesn't sit in meetings and roll his eyes, when others make comments. He doesn't take sides. He uses level-minded judgement and speaks his mind. What's the problem?

Mr. Garcia has been one of the few council members who makes it a point to attend almost all the city engagements.
If your biggest complaint is that he spends time in Napa? Big fricken deal-You've turned that into a negative. His relations in Napa is bringing us $$ from the Community Foundation of the Napa Valley in the very near future. What a _astard! How dare he!!

Appreciate the fact you have a diplomatic, fair-minded man who is willing to listen to both sides and make an informed decision. All you can do here is put everyone down who doesn't fit into your 'mode'.

New Venture

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:26 pm
by Guest
Linda, I tried to find where I saw the remark about new venture by Buzz Butler, maybe hidden somewhere in the WM thread. Rumor or fact, I don't know...

what comment?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:36 am
by a/c resident
My opinion, I would like to see what negative comment there was about Councilman Garcia? I think you misunderstood the post. The author was suggesting that we use our connections both locally and thru family to get things done in a more efficient way without a financial drain. I don't think there was any nastiness reflected.

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:45 pm
by Guest
I would like to see condos or townhouses go in at Kimberly Park. Now to crazy about apartments, but that would work too. The Kimberly Park Condominiums. Come on Buzz can you build them for us?

My Opinion

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:39 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I wasn't being sarcastic about Leon Garcia. I just had over the last couple of years something about him having a background in Engineering. Maybe he could elaborate, from a professional point of view what is needed for Kimberely Park to fully operational.

Don't take things so personal all the time. This is a forum, complain and think of ways it can be resolved.


Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:00 am
by guest
I think Councilmember Garcia was a nurse at the mental hospital in Napa. Why don't you email him and ask? He is listed on the city's website.

another thing

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:04 am
by Guest
Just for the record:

Luporini- real estate sales, former restaurant owner/manager as well as other things.

Shaver- former Naval architect/ engineer, currently freelancing

Coffey- editor/publisher of newspaper

Anderson- retired Navy and works for the State not sure where.

But you can email any of them for more information.