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Trip to Am Can Library today...

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:58 pm
by Computer Ignorant...HELP!
I thought I would share my day...
To payback a friend for picking up some merchandise at Sears for me I agreed to put a resume together for him...(I needed a truck and didn't have one) Friday night I organized and typed what I felt was a good resume. My problem was I did not have a printer...My first thought was to go to the library and print out a copy.
So...I filled out the application for a card (very simple) and proceeded to a computer. Thinking I knew what I was doing I inserted the disc and went to "Word" to bring up my document...PROBLEM...Could not read my document because I had saved doc on Word 6,7,8,9, etc. I left discusted and decided to come home and save as an internet file.
Back to the library... I have to ask a kid about 12 years old next to me, how to get to the internet on the library computer...I still don't know how she did it ...apparently it was so simple I missed the one key stroke! Yes, ready to print...I buy a card for $1.00 but don't know what to do with it...Excuse me, (to the librarian) She gets it to print and I'm thrilled...I read over the resume and want to make a few changes...Great got that done and go to print...I didn't watch the librarian close enough and had to ask the teen near the printer "do you know how to use this printer?" (I was using my library card and not my printing card...) Felt like an idiot! Print, Great, just what I wanted...Thanks kids, thanks librarian, I'm out of here...
My side of the bargain is complete...
I come home and put all paperwork together to deliver to my friend...
Where's the disc? Oh my god, I think I left it in the computer at the library..I can't go back there again!!!
Back to the library totally embarassed I retrieve my disc...felt like an fool
and realized I need a course in computers...
The point of this story... I'm an older adult, (even though I hate to admit it) that could use the help of the much younger generation...Is there a class offered for computer ignorant adults like me in American Canyon?
Also, I would like to thank the librarian and the kids that helped me today...

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:06 pm
by Issa
Well I think you got an interesting concept. I DO have a degree in Computer Science. 8) What a concept, the guy who runs this site really does have a degree in computers, haha. Anyway, I'm just throwing out ideas, but I'd be happy to help or something. I dont live in AmCan anymore but if I did I think a free computer help class would be an awesome idea and I would've been glad to do it. But I cant, but I think its a good idea if somebody else did it maybe at the Library, or are there ones already? Or...if you can think of someway for me to help online I could do that too, what questions do you have? Why not just pour them out here and lets just make this a "computer help" post or something.

The Gigoid articles in the Napa Solano Post are kinda cool, have you been reading those to keep up on your computer skills?


PS: Please dont ask me what my mom asks me everytime I call her..."Do I need to be on the Internet to use the little E?" Love you mom! :lol:

computer training at library

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:42 pm
by guest
sorry to see this topic die.............