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American Canyon Eyesores- A list of EYESORES that need help

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2005 6:34 pm
by Paul Maguire
This is list intended to make other aware of the eyesores in AC- perhaps as a community, we can all work to point out these eyesores, and work together to get some improvement. I am all for creating a fund that can be tapped by residents who may need help with house painting, yard clean up, and other such things. It could be funded by fines that the city collects from code enforcement and compliance. Well, since I started the topic, let me start the list!

1. The maintenance yard for American Canyon at the end of AC and Edgewater- The city tried to improve it by putting up green screening material along the front, which did help some- but both sides need it too. Wrong location to begin with, but now we have to live with it, lets screen the whole north and south sides, so it is not visible from the street.

My vote...

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:46 am
by merryjester
Well, since Paul started this thread, I suppose it would be poor form to nominate the Card Room ( :wink: )... So I'll go with:

#2. The PG&E substation on the NW corner of AmCyn Rd and 29. This is the obvious choice, as far as I'm concerned. I realize they're busy working on it, making it better, etc., but...well, it's still an eyesore. Not exactly the backdrop for our wonderful "Welcome To AmCan" sign, ya know?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:33 pm
by Guest
I'm a fan of MerryJester now!! One thing the City Council missed the boat on was to have PG&E underground the powerlines at the station and cleanup HW29 by having ALL housing developers contribute to a fund to do the same on the overhead lines that are unsightly, dangerous and maintenance headaches. These fees are perfectly LEGAL and accepted everywhere but American Canyon. They are called impact fees. This vision died when Colcleaser and his gang killed Redevelopment. Maybe its time to rethink the past? BTW I replied to Paul's question on Neighborhood Preservation as a guest not realizing I wasn't signed in.

ac eyesores

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 4:27 pm
by Paul Maguire
I have to agree with u on the substation- what a terrible location. We both would agree that an electrical substation on the main corner of town, and a maintenance yard right on the waters edge are poor choices , I would say, very poor choices to locate these facilities.

These were located there some time ago.

But given what we have, I think the substation can be improved with higher decorative fencing, like the ones that have wood slats though them, similar to the lumbar yard across from seven eleven- I think 10-12 feet would do it, and then some vine type plant growing up the fencing.

My personal view is the city should look to move the maintenance yard long term, to green island or a site that is consistant with that type of use.

Then, our city should work to finish the sidewalk from the north all the way down along the waters edge, so that it can be used to walk and such by residents. Currently, the sidewalk stops, as I guess the Richmond American project put it in, but the other projects did not have too when they built earlier. The walkway could then be maintained by parks and rec-
Eventually, long term too, the old dump site would make a great open grass park area- San Leandro did this with its old dump, part of it was a golf course add on, and the rest was a walk way out by the water-

Continue the walkway all the way out there would make for a great bike trail, walkway, dog run area, handicapp accessible pathway, etc, which could all connect to the wetlands edge- it could be a real nice ammenity in the city. Of course, the land fill would have to be safe, clean, etc, which as I understand it, takes some time once they fill it and cover it.

With the development of Oat Hill, we could condition that to assist with some of these types of projects, which would benefit the entire community.

Well, I guess I got off on a tangent, but that is my vision of what would look great there. Lemonade out of a lemon!

List of Eye Sores?

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 7:55 pm
by Guest
Paul... Your cardroom must be doing very well or you trained those other dealers you recently had advertised...because you are spending an awful lot of time on this web page... I don't remember any of these issues you have mentioned lately being a campaign issue...Are you running again? You certainly talk like a politician...(Long Winded)
Eye Sores: I have to agree your "CARD ROOM". The garbage in the fields, the unkept yards, the RV's on the street, the boats on the street,
NV Garbage bins in front yards during the week, Rio del Mar street improvements, construction vehicles everywhere...
I don't know how many do you want?

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:30 am
by Issa

I wont have people being rude to each other on these forums. Respect what people have to say.

Paul: You have done an excellent job with your posts, they are insightful and are well worth a discussion whether people agree or not.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:08 pm
by Paul Maguire
Dear "guest"-

I dont work at the card room, it is professionally managed. It is doing very well, thank you. The staff are doing an excellent job, and the advertising in the Napa Solano Post has been a big boom for business. Additionally, poker is hotter than ever, with the advent of the World Series of Poker. It is a great card room, and a fun place to play, and socialize with other members of the community. One of my friends who is an engineer I met there, along with several other members of our community. Several players net work and generate business. One of my friends gets about 2 or 3 new clients a month as a real estate broker just playing cards.

You are right, there is a long list of eyesores; and I would love to see our city take a look with fresh eyes at what we can do to improve our streets, our yards, and our city.

If you think seriously think the card room property is an eyesorem, and are not just kidding around, tell me specifically what you think is an eyesore, and I will talk to the owner to and work out a solution. Currently, we have a new hotel being built next door, with construction crews and trucks and asphalt tear out going on so let me know. I have painted the place, and installed landscaping. But the owner has the roofing company and the rentals. I installed the additional lighting for safety. The owner and I have had motor homes and cars towed off the property.

THere is a good number of residential homes that need some help- I know of what with 4 motor homes parked in the front yard area.

If we can identify the properties, then we can work as a community to solving those properties.

As for politics, I may have lost this last one, but it was a great experience and I learned alot. I have not hung up my political hat, but the next election is not for another 18 months. THanks for your contribution. Paul

Apology to Paul Maguire

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:11 pm
by guest
I have read what Issa has posted and I was the guest that I believe the comments were directed to: Mr. Maguire, I apologize for any rude comments that I posted...Probably, no I know I had a bad day and unfortunately you became my target...Please accept my apology and I hope you will continue to bring issues forward that concern the citizens of Am Can...

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:52 pm
by Paul Maguire
well, we all have those- I take vitamin B-1 when I am stressed, about 200mgs, helps ALOT! I didnt even take it as a shot- anyway, cool.

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 6:26 pm
by Melissa
I have a complaint about the eyesore issue. So, someone is calling the police dept about cars that are parked in excess of 72 hours on our street. Our street extends across Elliott. OK, I support this. My car gets red tagged for being parked legally in front of my house. Now mind you, I usually park in my driveway but this particular day the kids were coloring with sidewalk chalk in the driveway so I park in the street. The red tag states that I have had my car parked there unmoved for the last 72 hours. This is impossible due to the fact that I go to the school 3 times a day plus my normal errands and again, I normally park in the driveway.
I call the police dept and they tell me that they just tagged everyone on the street. THIS IS UNFAIR. Who is to say that the next time the police tech drives by I won't be parked there. Besides the fact that I was outside with my kids when she drove by. I saw her tag a few trailers that were parked on the street. AGAIN, drove by my house and literally must have waited for me to go in the house before coming back to my house and issuing the tag.
When you complain about cars being parked on the street, PLEASE be specific on the description.
Now, MY complaint would be 100 Larkspur Street. I believe he runs a mechanic shop and at ANY given time there are 6-10 cars parked out front and ON THE LAWN. How low class can you get other than parking your cars on the lawn.
Thanks for reading.

Melissa's complaints...

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:19 pm
by guest
Sounds like you have some legitimate complaints...If I remember correctly your husband had a problem in the parking area at Am Can exit on 80? I also think I remember complaints about having to drive to Starbucks to find a sheriff on a Saturday nite?
Besides this site what have you tried to work things out with the City and the Am Can police dept... And have you noticed a change from your complaints?

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 9:13 am
by Melissa
Well, yes, I have noticed a change at the park and ride lot at 80. But that is the CHP not AM CAN police.
I don't want to make it seem that all I do is complain, that is certainly not the case. I just feel that this is the perfect forum to vent what happens and how I feel.
I and a lot of other people have a problem with the Ice Cream man at the school. I brought it up to Cindy, she agreed and she mentioned it at the City Council meeting as most of you saw, and they agreed that something has to be done. So far, NOTHING has been done.
As far as the Sheriff, I haven't needed to contact one lately, but still know where to find them should I need their services...
I have asked the police to maybe drive down our street a little more often. They asked when the most problems occure and I told them what I thought. Still nothing. SO, if you all have any other ideas where We should go, please, I am listening.
I don't complain on a regular basis, I just think WE ALL deserve a little better - safer streets, more patroling, etc. WHen I first moved here years ago, the Police Chief drove around and came into our Court. Stopped his car and got out and spoke with us and our neighbors about what we thought may be going on and our concerns. Never see any of that any more. I know that AC is getting bigger and there is more going on, but comparativly, we still are one of the smaller communities around.
Again, thanks for reading.

AM Can Eyesores

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:28 pm
by Paul Maguire
Well, opinions may vary, but I think the "Ranch Del Mar" sign could use a face lift.

It is looking tired.

"Ranch del Mar" sign

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:19 pm
by guest
I live in Rancho del Mar and drive by that sign everyday. Never noticed that the "O" might be missing. Seasonally, the city replaces those plants.
I would think they could put in a nice sign and plants that would bloom year round (possibly saving money) so they could spend their time in other areas of the city.


Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:02 am
by Guest
What about the citizens of Rancho Del Mar cleaning up the sign, replacing the landscaping and attending to the area. Community incolvement, neighborhood awareness, beautification.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 5:59 pm
by Paul Maguire
I have seen cities put in landscaping on major intersections of the false stone as you see on the homes around here, with a sign, landscaping, and in some cases, low volt lighting. Basically, its a 2-3 foot high block brick wall with decorative rock on it and metal letters-

Each area had its own Ie " Rancho Del Mar Heights" "Vintage Ranch Estates" Etc; It can really dress a city up with minimal expenses


Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:13 am
by Paul Maguire
The trailers on Oat Hill look pretty bad, on the west side of the highway. Fortunately, with the development of Oat Hill coming to AC soon, these should be removed.

It hard to imagine development looking any worse than those trailers up there.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 7:55 pm
by Guest
How about the poker room on Hwy 29. Has anyone seen this? With all of th lattice work it looks like a large restroom at an amusement park.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 8:06 pm
by Paul Maguire
That is the bathroom. And it is an amusement park, for adults.


Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 9:40 pm
by guest
How asthetic...And nice answer...

Palbys is ready for renovation

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:15 pm
by Paul Maguire
This building is in the center of town, and is ripe for a face lift. Frankly, I cant hold the owners accountable on this eyesore, because they have been trying to close a deal on it for months, and the new owners were suppose to be renovating it. The former owner and proprietor passed last year- shortly after retiring and closing the place- in its day, this place did great- it could do great again in my view.

The word is there is a bit of a hold up here and there, but I have hope that this one will turn out well. Someone is trying to renovate the bar and dining area, and add a nightclub- it may be tough going given the price and cost of remodel, which asI heard, includes major costs to bring the building up to code.

I had personally interest in re doing this project, but it has been in and out of contract with something like 4 buyers. Oh well, if there was a deal there, I would love to renovate this building and redo it- it could be made to look fantastic- but it wont be cheap- apparently it is add on after add on over the years, and needs ALOT of work.

Looks like its a wait and see like a few projects here in AC-I would suspect it would be tough to get financing on this asset in its current condition.

Ditto Palby's

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:51 am
by merryjester
Ditto Palby's...although not for its asthetic "eyesore-ness", but rather for the constant reminder it provides of the lack of dining and entertainment options we have here in town. Don't get me wrong...I love Taqueria Rosita and Rancho Grande and Parry's Pizza and all, but when you want to go a little upscale without leaving town...well...there's a limited number of times you can go to La Strada, ya know?

I realize there have to be dozens of personal and political and financial hurdles still to cross before this location can re-establish itself, but I'll be anxiously awaiting the day that it does.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 6:04 pm
by Guest
Palby's is clearly the "biggest" eye-sore in AC. They need to have a big bon-fire and burn it down. alot of people say it is a landmark but the bldg itself is neither neo-classical, craftsman, victorian, etc. just a hodge podge of cardboard buildings that should go. The memories are in your hearts not the building.


Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 6:08 pm
by Guest
The Palby's Restaurant and The Thrift Store. Both look like rat-traps and should go. It's a disgrace to have a Thrift Store looke so shabby. The people that must go there deserve better!

Streamline merchandise at Thrift Shop

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 9:13 pm
by Guest
I have to agree that inside the Thrift Shop it is difficult to find anything because of the overcrowding of merchandise. I think it may be time to cut back on some of the items that have been there for over a year and have not sold. There are other charities available that would gladly pick up some of the old merchandise for their use elsewhere. Also, residents that donate should be thanked, but not for JUNK! We have a transfer station for that stuff just down the road. The Thrift Shop is raising money for a very worthy cause, The Boys and Girls Club of Am Can and maybe they need to be alittle more discriminate about their donations.


Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2005 7:11 am
by Guest
Well, it looks like Palby's won't be reinvented as a restaurant according to the AC Eagle but is now being considered as office space...How exciting is that!

Jolly Green Eyesore

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 3:21 pm
by guest
Palby's needs to be bulldozed!

and of course the biggest eyesore in American Canyon walks around with his self-serving interests and paying off city officials, Buzz Butler needs to be booted out of the city. Thank goodness we are not looking at a SuperCenter Walmart eyesore this summer and hopefully never will. GO HOME BUZZ and take your WALMART and gift-cards with you.........................


Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 4:28 pm
by napaseller
i wouldn't mind helping clean up that area...let me know when you get it arranged.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 12:22 am
by pumpkin
Palby's has been here a lot longer than any of you. I am so tired of everyone bashing this town for everything. If you are not happy living in this town put your house up for sale and move. Those that have lived here a long time remember when Palby was open and you can go in there and eat a good steak or prime rib and my kids loved looking at the birds. I loved going there. Dont bash something that is a eyesore to you maybe someone who looks at it going down the road and remembers how it used to be and to see it know makes one want to cry. There are roots in buildings that are tired looking just to say bulldoze something just because it does'nt look good now can become something great in the future you never know.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 8:11 pm
by Linda
I drive into Rio del Mar everyday and I would like to know who to speak to regarding the sign coming into RdM because we really need to replace the yellow ribbons. I will replace them but I don't want to stand on someone's toes! :oops:

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 7:43 am
by MeadowsGuy
I agree with Pumpkin. Palby's, if the City Council had any sense, should have been given some sort of landmark status. However, I think office buildings are the WRONG USE for this building. Office's are closed at nights and on weekends (another "dead spot" on HW29!), don't generated revenue for the City and don't bring any interest to a blighted area. Your right, Palby's could be GREAT witht he right developer behind it. Unfortunate it doesn't look like thats going to happen.


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:09 am
by guest
Palbys has been a dump for a long time. What I remember is going there to eat and looking at bird droppings all over the place while I was trying to eat. It was disgusting.

The building should be condemned and torn down. It is a public eyesore, and a hodge podge of remodel after remodel.

I doubt it is even safe for occupancy. The building is infested with termites and roaches.

Palbys makes a strong argument FOR redevelopment.

Yellow Ribons

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:35 am
by Guest
Linda.... Contact Sindy from ACTS... American Canyon Troops Support.

ACTS is responsible for the yellow ribbons and other troop support in the city including sending food, and other items to our soldiers overseas...

You may not agree with the battle or why they are there, but they still deserve our support for doing the job they do and do very well, GOD BLESS 'EM....

More than the sign...

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 10:58 am
by Guest
There is more to worry about than the entrance sign to Rancho... I have lived in Rancho for 20 years and everyday wonder why I'm still here...The neighborhood is sickening with the old vehicles and trash. This month is a free dump run at the transfer station, do you think the slobs in Rancho care? They probably can't get that broken down truck on their front lawn started to make a dump run. Without the city enforcing the codes this area is not going to change. We need help...The homes are selling between $450 and $500,000. I can only hope that the residents that trash the neighborhood take the money and their garbage and move on.

City fund to help residents

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 2:26 pm
by Guest
I have reread the original subject in Paul Maguires's post about using funds to help clean up neighborhoods. I would be interested in knowing more of his ideas as to how to accomplish this task.

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:58 pm
by Linda
Dear Guest:

"There is more to worry about than the entrance sign to Rancho... I have lived in Rancho for 20 years and everyday wonder why I'm still here"

I am so sorry that you feel this way, to live in an area and feel this way I can't imagine. I could be cynical and say sell your house and move on but that would be very wrong. I live near Rio del Mar and yes I would like to see it tidied up but as new people move in perhaps that little area will improve. I have to ask the question 'what age group is making the mess?' Is it because people have lived here for a long time that they are elderly and on a fixed income? Please no-one come back on me for the last comment, I know you get very tidy elderly own mother is one of them! I am just looking for a reason, let's face it the better condition the home is in the better the price.
I will let the city sort out cars and wrecks that is what they are there for but equally if you are unhappy surely you would let the city know. If you feel strongly about something you just have to take a stand. We can't change everything in a day and change doesn't happen overnight but I think if we can do little things within our own power and domain that just sometimes makes a difference. Sometimes you just have to work slowly at something to see results.
Now I would like to hear more of Paul's idea about funding a clean-up!

clean up

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:28 pm
by a/c resident
A city wide clean up is very simple. If you have lived in any other big city it's easy. These are some of the ideas that have been implimented in other communities.

1. All trash day. Anything you put on the curb including old appliances the trash will take no questions asked. Usually occurs in April and October.

2. The city gives a credit for hauling off old vehicles, boats, or trailers. Usually the city makes arrangements with the owners. Those that can be donated will and those that need to be junked will be towed at the city's expense and the owners are given a $50.00 check for each item removed.

3. No trailers full of debris stored either on the street or on property for more than 48 hours or will be given a ticket by police.

4. Weeds will be kept mowed or the city will do it and bill you for it.

5. No hazardous materials will be stored such as batteries, oil, paint, etc. If it is, then the city will take that as well on garbage day but put in proper bags or containers for seperation.

6. No vehicles up on jacks for more than 48 hours or a ticket will be charged.

7. Absolutely no vehicle repairs done as a home business.

8. All vehicles of homeowners are to be registered with police department. A numbered sticker will be displayed, these can be issued with a nominal fee to assist with street patroling and other code enforcement costs. It also helps the police identify those vehicles that do and don't belong on the streets.

Cities have become very creative in cleaning up neighborhoods. Some have also created programs for area churches to help elderly folks with minor repairs, painting of homes, and yardwork.

It's all about community cooperation and pride of home ownership.

Vehicles on Jacks

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 3:57 pm
by ACPD Brownlee
In case ya'll wanted to know:

Any vehicle standing/parked on a public street, lacking components or parts to operate safely is subject to immediate removal under section 22669 of the California Vehicle Code, including vehicles on jack stands.....

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 4:05 pm
by NapaDude
Just curious, how do they move a car on jack stands?

Do they put wheels on it, or do they bring in a crane?

Code Enforcement

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 8:52 am
by Guest
I think one of the main problems with AmCan code enforcement is the city waits for the residents to report violations. Or that was my understanding and please correct me if I am wrong. What this does is pit neighbor against neighbor. Or, the condition continues to exist because you do not want to cause problems in your neighborhood. If the city would notify everyone of what the codes and fines are ( let's say in a water bill or one of the newspapers) possible some residents would comply before complaints are filed. Why have the codes if they are not going to be enforced?

Little interest shown by city in cleaning up the area

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 9:47 am
by Paul Maguire
Now matter how excited we all get about the city cleaning itself up, I don't see it happening as the city manager has not made it a priority.

The attitude seems to be live and let live. Whether it is junk cars in driveways, boats, trailers, farm animals in the back yard, unkept yards there is no big push to do much about it.

Unless we get Mark on board with it and he pushes some actions on it, not much will change. I gather it is not a priority vs other issues right now.

As an example, I brought up the portable basketball courts. That was some time ago, and not one thing has changed. They still block sidewalks, most are still sitting where they were 4 or 5 months ago, and there is no action being done about it.

The property at AC road and 29 needs major weed abatement. They dont get to be 6 feet high unless no one is paying attention to it.

In Fairfield, we had to cut them at 2 feet, or the city would do it and lien the property.

How do you clean up a city? You notice owners of violations and give them time to correct them. Failing that, you fine them and lien the property.

This raises revenue for enforcement actions.

I agree with Ac Resident on a voluntary city wide clean up.

At the end of the day these items can happen, if there is a push and leadership to make it happen. Clean up must be a priority.
Doing so will increase values and improve the city.

Code Enforcement

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 7:49 am
by Guest
From the number of messages on the "eyesore" topic it appears this is a very important issue with many residents. We could use a spokesman regarding code enforcement. Paul, what do you say?


Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 12:18 am
by HelloAmCam
I like this topic. Unfortunately they are right about the code enforcement. Recently my friend was out in her front yard washing her car so she parked the other car on the street. The Code enforce came by and waved at her and she waved backed. About 15 minutes later she went in the house to take a break, when she came back out the Code enforcer left a ticket on her car giving her 72 hours to move the vehicle. In the meantime my neighborhood had a broken down bmw for 2 months sitting on the street, 1 neighbor had a vehicle up on jacks for 6 months??? Go figure. Who is doing their job should be the question.

Hello Am Can

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 7:49 am
by ACPD Brownlee
I have worked in Am Can for several years now and have learned one thing - sometimes people use the Police to harass their neighbors - ex's and other people who have for some reason or another ticked them off...

So if your friend was washing her car and received a citation for 72 hours- then it was not a citation on the first offense.... We will leave a red notice on your car letting the owner know they have 72 hours - that’s from the date and time we put the note on the car - to move the vehicle. If we come back by 72 hours later and the vehicle is still there, unmoved, then it will receive a citation and may be towed away.

Now if your friend received a citation that same day - it may have been sitting there for longer than you know... As for other vehicles on your street - did you call our office to let us know about them? We may drive down your street several times a day, but we do not know every car on every street in the city... You do... you live there and should know who drives what and how often... If something needs attention, call us... If you call us and we do nothing - then you have a basis for a legitimate gripe - otherwise we may have never known about the broken down Beemer and it could sit there for another month before we notice it…………………….

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 4:41 pm
by Lori L
I remember American Canyon when we had only Rancho area, McKnight acres, Napa Square, Victoria Faire and such. The corporation yard was out in the middle of now where. Not one of us imagined that homes would be across the street and at the price they are. My children had no place to play but in that big field that we call the Preserve. They used to build their forts and such down there. We had no gyms, no pool, and just a couple of parks. I moved into the "new" homes on Elliott and was reminded that we were the "new kids" in town and that they used to ride horses where I now live. I never resented this from the "old" residents, but listened to the stories that these families had to share. I appreciated the history of American Canyon and the struggles that they went through. I got involved to give the little community what they had always wanted. A place for the kids and a place to shop. Not everything has come to fruition as we had all planned, but here we are and still going to create our town for all of us. Highway 29 is an eye sore. We all know this. I believe that each property owner should clean up the front of each piece and the planning commission should create a standard for each piece to all match. The same trees, sidewalks, curb and gutter, etc. The city staff is the one who hires all the consultants to look at the "plan". Waste of time and money, I think. Palby's has a history, and we should improve that spot with the history. Look at Lena's old is 6 feet high in weeds and garbage since closing and the owners won't sell or improve. No one says anything about this piece. How about Adobe Lumber? The landscaping isn/t there. How is it they get away with this? What about General Plumbing supply and all the gargbage and no landscaping? We go after cars parked to long, and let all this go?
As a council member, we need your help. I am only one. I am embarrased by the look of us out on highway 29. We are much more than we appear on Highway 29. We can all get together and do this. It will take all of us.
Thanks for letting me "sound off". :?:

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 9:25 pm
by Linda
I appreciate your sounding off, after all you are just putting into words what people are thinking. We need leadership and good decision making and we need to be told where to start! I believe if the people of AmCan saw the city making good decisions with regards to the clean-up of Hwy 29 and other areas in the city and with a good project plan in place I sure the city fathers (and mothers) would have the full support of the residents.
The debris that is left behind on the Hwy when people take rubbish to Devlin Rd Transfer Station is awful. Is there anyway that there could be an instant fine paid at the office if someone arrives with an uncovered load?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2005 10:36 pm
by MeadowsGuy

I'd like to know why you are addressing this now? You've been in office 8 + years and the place is still a dump. Economic Development has failed miserably!! Buy I guess Colcleaser got his 30 pieces of silver. Do we have to wait 4 more years? I question your leadership and your intentions. Opinions are one thing. Actions are another... we've had enough opinions. And by the way, the 1996 planning comission was on the way to defining cleanup and presentation standards before your fired all of them!!

Need to rethink just what we want here

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 1:23 am
by Paul Maguire
The fact is that redevelopment is the fastest and most direct way to institute change with direction quickly. There is not ever going to be the consistancy and fluency in planning and development without it at this point in the game.

Although it was killed and some got into office over it, redevelopment is probably the best way for our city to go to get the look and development we want. Whether it is a full scale deal, or a limited , redevelopment can and does work well.

This spot zoning and changes all about town( ie rezoning highway 29/ACRoad from Commercial to High density residental . the rezoning on Theresa lane for hte 35 lots now for sale) just leaves a hodgepodge of stuff.

One good thing about the Oat Hill Master Plan and Letter of Understanding is that at least everyone is getting together to put what is needed and wanted where it is needed and wanted.

Vintage Ranch will have a great flow, as did La Vigne, Montevino, and the other newer areas. But this was raw land mostly. Now what about the existing junk on the highway.

There are a number of properties that are not at their highest and best use.

To clean up the city, there needs to be some vision as to what it looks like. Obviously, mine does not include portable basketball courts blocking sidewalks, with blocks on top of them, sitting there month after month. But moreso, north of Green Island Road is ripe for redevelopment. On the one side is a number of farms and such, on the other, a hodgepodge of industrial and a junk yards.

If redevelopment were voted on today in Am Can, I think most residents would support some level of redevelopment actions.

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 6:55 am
by Guest
Redevelopment was ahead of its time...

Redevelopment failed in the 96 elections for three very big reasons...
1) People didn't know what it was and the City Manager and the Mayor did a horrifically bad job explaining it. Colcleaser was the only one shouting it down.
2) There was no "backdrop" on which it (redevelopment) was founded. The "blighted" corridor of HW29 was in fact not blighted but used in a manner inconsistent with the General Plan. The citizens wanted, and rightfully so, to give the corridor a chance to develop naturally. The backdrop is now Wal-Mart.
3) The City Manager (and the one before him) had problems with an Admin Asst who poisoned the City Offices. That vote was more a vote against the City Manager than against redevelopment.

The landowner of the Town Center told us (fallen on deaf ears) that he needs help with the roads, access and services. If Redevelopment had passed in 1996, we would NOW be meeting in the new City Council Chambers in the NEW Town Center instead of the rec hall on Elliott... and shopping in the stores which would have naturally developed there instead of facing a Wal-Mart.

What a waste of 8 years!!

Who's fault is it really?

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:12 am
by Long time Resident
I wish basketball hoops were my biggest neighborhood eyesore. Paul, you also seem obsessed with the rezoning of Hwy29/AC Rd. back to commercial. Is there a commercial venture we should know about ?
Lori L, you have been in office how many years? I remember the clean-up of Hwy 29 was an issue several years ago. Some merchants took it to heart (very few I might add) while unless it was a new merchant, the city allowed the conditions to exist. Who really is to blame for the blithe that is present throughout the city of AC?