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Neighborhood Watch

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:41 pm
by Issa
You are invited to sign up for Neighborhood Watch in your neighborhood. Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that enlists the participation of residents in cooperation with law enforcement to reduce crime. A sense of well-being is established by watching out for each other. The Neighborhood Watch Program is a highly successful effort that has been in existence for more than thirty years in cities and counties across America. The National Sheriffs’ Association implemented the program in 1972. How does it work? A resident or two become captain/s and organize, maintain, and distribute a list with contact information to those who participate in their neighborhood watch. Why get Involved in a Neighborhood Watch Group? To get to know your neighbors. To increase safety for yourself, your family, and property. To help reduce crime, and to learn crime reduction skills and prevention tips. To keep informed of crime alerts in your area. To help address neighborhood problems which concern you. To learn how to make reports to your law enforcement agency. To join in a National Night Out gathering once a year in your neighborhood, or attend other neighborhood meetings. Visit ... hood-watch to sign up to act as a captain or a participant.

Police Chief Tracey Stuart, City of American Canyon Police Department