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ANOTHER BIG WRECk on 29 at Donaldson

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:00 pm
by guest
Severe accident tonight on 29/Donaldson: 3 cars involved, with bad injuries. Why?
The city has not done anything about this misaligned, dangerous intersection in years.Thus, new leadership is needed, before more people are hurt.

Now, who are we going to put in there?

Let see:

The Mayor, Luporini: 8 years/still the same/not a voice for change
Brenda Knight: Transplant from Oakland, don't need those problems here
Ray Marcus: Not Viable, lost big last time
Bill Russell: How well did he do in business living in a mobile home park?
Joan Bennett: Possible, served on the first council, but she is old school 2
Sam Reyes: nice guy, but not viable either
Pastor Curry: Said he came to a council meeting in his pj's/really he did!

That eliminates 7/10 right there.

Who does that leave us with:

Cindy Coffey: Rebel with a cause. Motivated, vocal, big following, almost won last time. She should get something changed. Viable and strong anti Wal Mart message. Signs everywhere. Controversial.

Paul Maguire: Got mail from him, and a phone call. Good message; wants slower growth, and has new ideas for the city, wants to improve traffic, sounds good on TV and looks good too. :) Big signs all over town too. On message with city needs.

Some else who's name I cannot remember? Bad sign. Not viable either.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 11:06 pm
by guest
That would be Don Callison, our lovely Chair of the Planning Commission, a commission that pushed through the napa junction project: Like you said, NOT VIABLE

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:07 am
by Guest

That famous intersection !

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:16 am
by youknowwho
Well why hasn't anything been done about 29 and Donaldson??? Let's see, a few year back there was another crash, major one, legs lost and all that. The involved party got his lawyer and the pre trial stuff came.... Now if my memory serves me right, the city and the council at the time wanted to do something about the intersection, but of course since it is a State Route, CAL TRANS has to be involved... That's where the hold up started. Seems like the responsibility for this intersection is shared. The city said they had the money for their half of the light, but the state didn't. The city expressed their concerns about the intersection and the state didn't see the need for putting another light on an already busy, backed up highway. So who is to blame??? Try your state legislators. They are the ones who have continually stopped the city from trying to improve the Highway 29 corridor. The city can only do so much when it comes to changing a State Route… Just look at the problem we had getting one sign up saying welcome…… So if you want change, look in the right direction, the city is trying, it’s the state that doesn’t think your safety is of enough concern to have another light put in along a stretch of highway that has only gotten more congested over the years, and has no relief in sight…….

Oh Yeah

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:19 am
by youknowwho
And the fire department was against the suggestion of making it a right turn only from Donaldson onto 29 like you were going to Vallejo, with no crossing traffic or left turn onto Donaldson from the north side, they need a way to get across highway 29 in case of a fire......

excuses, excuses, excuses

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:18 pm
by guest
So what you are saying is that it came down to money. The city would not put up the whole thing to put in the light, because the state would not pay thier half. Great. The city should just put up the light and pay for it,
and they should start right away on it.

I watched the planning commission meeting, and this guy Les says he has been trying to get the city for many many months to figure out what they need of his property to align the street at Donaldson and 29, and no one can tell him. His tenant, who owns american canyon pizza was on too. So instead of fixing the road, like lining it up, the city pushes through a 200 unit apartment building with 6 days notice. Meanwhile, people are getting seriously injured by this misaligned street. The priorties of this city are totally screwed up!

AND If the fire chief lost one of his relatives or families legs, there would be a light there today.

Excuses, excuses, excuses

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:50 pm
by Guest
I guess you missed something in reading my posting about the light...

The city and the light is being stopped by CAL TRANS.....

call your legislator and let them know to come on board with the city and put in a light....

Donaldson light

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:16 pm
by pumpkin
Sorry but you all have selective reading and hearing when it comes to the council meetings and reading anything. Do you not understand that it is CALTRANS not the city. WAKE UP!