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Planning commission sucks

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:42 pm
by guest
The planning commission sucks. They pass everything! They are just a rubber stamp committee, with little backbone. This commission is a problem and new leadership is vital to the city for positive change.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:03 am
by Guest
The City has been going in a positive direction since it incorporated 12 years ago. Don't try and fix whats not broken!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 11:47 am
by Guest
I like the commission... they just approved my plans for a topless bar in the new wal mart center !


Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 2:32 pm
by Guest
The planning commission just does what they are told to do by council. They are a meaningless, powerless group of losers. they do as council says or the wicked witch of american canyon/vacaville/Macy's makeup counter threatens to have them removed from the commission. she will continue her reign of terror until she has forced the walmart down everyones throat and then she will move on/be evicted/divorce her husband or do whatever white-trash thing strikes her fancy next. she will take the shiny nickels that were dropped in her lap, or the dollars tucked into her g,(whatever metaphor you prefer) by the developer of Napa Junction and move down the road. she has about as much interest in american canyon as hillary did in new york. at least hillary had the good sense to buy a home in new york and not just pretend that she lived there.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:07 pm
by guest
I did not vote for the mayor. But your comments are personal attacks, and just plain rude. The mayor is not "white trash", but has just brought the city in a direction it does not want to go. Your accusations are strong. Ratch it down a bit. Lets not forget these are people, and lets be civil about it. Argue the issues please.

Why disguise yourself under the name "Guest"?

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 12:20 pm
by Guest
Why do so many people go under the guise of guest. That is the problem with this country today. To many good citizens are afraid to put their names out there and stand up for what they believe in.

It reminds me of WWII and the Nazi's. People were afraid to say anything in public pryor to Hitler getting gaining so much power. Hence the halocost. The same thing happened in China before communism took over. See what happens when you don't stand up for the right things.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:46 am
by Guest
well how do we really know your stacy??? you could be tom, dick, or harry. so what difference does it really make.

Stacy is just that, Stacy.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:53 am
by Melissa
Well, if you have been to ANY City Council or Planning Commission meeting or ANYTHING about the WAlmart, you would know FOR SURE who Stacy is. She is not shy.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:38 am
by NapaDude
Stacy and Melissa could be anyone.

There's only 1 NapaDude.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:53 am
by Guest
Well Napa Dude I will be at the City Council Meeting on Thursday. Please introduce yourself. Stacy

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:53 pm
by NapaDude
I won't get caught up in things I don't really have a say in. As a resident of the City of Napa, I really think that it's your choice to decide Am. Cny.'s fate. I really don't think that you want us outsiders there.I am interested in local issues (County-wide). But I would not presume to tell you what to do with your own community.

I see this as an exciting time for American Canyon, and it's interesting to watch the young city "sort itself out", defining itself.

And I agree with you on the Guest thing. You don't have to put out there in front of the whole internet your vital statistics, but a consistant login goes a long way to show consistancy.

Really, as a denizen of forums around the country, I rarely provide any more than fluff. But I think that sometimes we take ourselves to seriously, and interjecting a little humor helps us to step back a little.

I'm sure we will run into each other eventually. :D

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:07 am
by Guest
Planning Commissions are ONLY AS GOOD as the Planning Director. Ed "Wal-Mart" Halworth was WORTHless. The only one who had a clue was Bill Emlen in the first City Council in 1993. He constructed the original General Plan but left his post when Colcleaser and Luporini (her name was Maples in those days) got elected into office. Colcleaser promoted Mark Joseph to City Manager. Since then we have had NOTHING but "interim" planners and development has have been slowly going into the toilet. Yes we've got new businesses but lost an equal number ... losing Palby's and Golden State Lumber hurt our city revenues. The businesses in Canyon Plaza are just breaking even. The only thing holding Safeway together is the gas station. We need a good planning director AND an independent commission. Colcleaser stacked the current commission to benefit his failed Nursery. It didn't work.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:00 am
by Valentine
Boy Stacy you have been gone awhile and there is another Stacy on this board so not everyone knows who you are. I see that you have been lying low since you are suing the city. What are you going to whine to the council. This will be interesting to watch. What is your friend telling you to do now. You have already stirred enough in this City we don't need anymore but then again you are never staisfied you have to stir more trouble. I know who you are and I will be watching you tomorrow my guess is you are going to start something with the police or the big kids playing when they get off the school bus. You would'nt understand you do not have kids that age but you will someday. Stop picking on the police department and the kids.

Had enough of the lies......

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:40 am
by Guest
Koford and his crew do a great job of both educationg and patrolling the City. We do not need a new police force, or to break away from the sheriffs department. And the complaints about kids "roughing" it up after school. She is correct. I've observed it, it's nothing but teenagers having a little fun. Unfortunately a few people in this town still judge by the color of skin, or the different clothes they may where etc... just because a teenager has on baggy jeans and a "fubu" sorta shirt does not mean they are gang members or packin a pistol.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:20 am
by Melissa
Just to set the record straight, Stacy does have children, 3 of them and one is 15 years old.
Just last week, I had my husband break up a fist fight after the school bus left the stop on Rio Del Mar. We stopped and the boy had a bloody nose. We waited with him till his father came to get him.
He also noted that there was a problem here.
The police can do more.
On a Sat night at 9pm, I have seen at the very least, 5 police cars at Starbucks. They sit out on the patio, so it is hard to miss.
If the police are doing a great job, then why is it they can not stop the idiot down the street from burning donuts in the street in his car while our kids are playing in the front yard. Why is it that when this was happening, it took me getting into my car and going to the police station to GET a police officer. I had been on hold 20 min when I tried to call.
We need a lot fixed in this town.
Again, they can do better.
As far as Stacy is concerned, she doen't judge people because of the color of skin or the clothes they wear. She is married to someone of another race.
So, that's my opinion. Feel free to bash, as there is nothing better to do right?