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4th of July Budget

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 11:58 am
by Guest
I noticed that Cori handed the budget for the 4th to the Council members last night. Did members of the audience also receive copies? If so, would like to see it posted. Also, it does not sound like those $1,000 sponsorships are pouring in... Big surprise!

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:15 pm
by Linda
I realise that I might have this wrong by budget do we mean the amount of money we have to spend or is it the income?


Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 9:54 pm
by guest
Budget is income and expense (how much you will earn and how much you will spend) Hopefully, after all is said and done they at least equal each other...

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2005 10:52 pm
by Linda
Thanks for clearing that up, I was looking at the word budget as 'to allot funds, time etc.' Once again thanks.

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:12 am
by neo94503
they really should nock that price down a couple of bucks its just to darn high for small buisneses

AC 4th of July Cori Badatcher

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 6:37 am
by mindingcitybiz
Ok let me get this right. The 4th of July has had the last 11 months and they just now put a budget together? The budget should have been done 11 months ago so they would know how much money would needed to be raised. According to Cori's budget not many businesses have just walked up and dropped the big checks in her pocket. hmmm! Can you blame them.

Many people who have businesses in this community also have children in this community and after all the broken promises to kids at AMCAM middle school I am sure Cori has left a bad taste in peoples mouth. (She was supposed to get T-Shirts for the kids to go to Washington and never produced them. She was also supposed to coordinate the 8th grade graduation and party. Three weeks before the event Cori hadn't done a damn thing and the PTO was forced to resign her as president.

So if Cori can't be trusted with the small things how can she be trusted with such a large event as the 4th of July committee. The woman makes way too many promises she can't keep and exactly what are her qualifications. This 4th 0f July event she is representing our city! It is just inconceivable that anyone who is looking for donations would trash a contribrutor publicly just for asking about the budget.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:02 am
by neo94503
yes i agree and i pray she will get her act togethor [-o [-o

Simple Math

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 8:33 am
by Guest
According to a quote from Cori today in the Vallejo Times Herald the 4th of July budget is short by $7,000. I thought she told Cindy Coffey when asked that question at the last council meeting that she was short approx. $3,600. Did we lose sponsors or do we just not know how to add and subtract?

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:07 pm
by neo94503
so if we are short what will they be cutting. :?

No Signs for the Fourth of July

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:12 pm
by mindingcitybiz
I can't believe the 4th of july is a week away and we still haven't seen any signs. No promotions. Are we still having a 4th of july??? I know we will have the fireworks because they have already been paid for by the city, but what about everything else??

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:14 pm
by Melissa
Gee, wern't they in the budget?.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:41 pm
by Linda
American Canyon 4th of July Celebration

Come enjoy a day of fun for the entire family at the City of American Canyon’s annual 4th of July Parade and Celebration. The parade will begin at 11 a.m. at the corner of Kimberly and Elliott Drive and travels north to the eastern entrance of Community Park on Donaldson Way. The parade officially ends at Joan Drive. Festivities at Community Park I, located at the end of Rio Grande near Rio Del Mar, will begin at 12 noon with opening ceremonies. There will be live entertainment, a variety of food and other booths, as well as games and activities for children. There will be a fantastic fireworks display after dusk at approximately 9:30 p.m. Special thanks to the 4th of July Committee for their work on this year’s celebration.

Found this on the city web site thought you might like to see it.

Paul are you happy with advertising?

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:03 pm
by Guest
Paul...for $500 were you under the impression that you would have more prior advertising or are you ok with what you are getting?


Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:56 am
by napaseller
Come celebrate the Friends of the American Canyon Library's 3rd Birthday at the Community Park Festivities. Signs at Safeway, the Community Center and the A. C. Library. We will be having our membership drive, giving away gifts and selling paperbacks. Look for our booth to find out more.

4th of July

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:36 am
by ProudtobeAmerican
Thank you Linda for the Info. It would be nice if the group would put signs up around town and at businesses. Typically you would have them up a month before the event. So people can plan their day.

Fouth of July

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:54 am
by guest
I think Linda is on the fourth of july committee. You could ask her the cost.


Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:34 am
by Guest
Next year Linda should consider taking over the 4th of July festivities. She seems to be the one running with this event. Her so called leader is once again in hiding when the execution of the plans come forth. You go girl, hip hip hooray for Linda!

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:28 pm
by Linda
The 4th July committee has at least two Lindas' that I know of and I am one but I do not attend all the meetings because I work so I am not the best person to up-date anyone. I do know that when I have attended the meetings there has been as many as 14 or more people from all different organisations throughout the city all with different jobs to do within the committee. These people are from all walks of life both private and business all with valid ideas and suggestions
It has always been productive meetings when I have attended and over the months I have seen pieces of a jigsaw come together.
I have been unable to attend the last 2 meetings so I can not tell you about advertising etc.
I am sure that on the day no-one will be disappointed and I certainly intend to enjoy the day!

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:17 am
by Guest
Suggestion for next year -

C H I L I C O O K O F F ! ! !

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:19 pm
by Guest
I checked the cost of the boothes today and they are $100.00 to 125.00 depending if you want a food booth or just a regular booth. You can get your applications at aquatic center.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:25 pm
by Guest
The parade starts at 11:00 am and it will end at the park with dancers and singers all day. with the ending of fireworks starting at 9:00pm

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:11 pm
by neo94503
i really do think that this year will be great as long as we have no fountan fire works hehehe kidding. :)

4th of july

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:22 am
by EyeonYou
It seems that all the blame for advertisement should fall on the head of the chamber of commerce according to Cori. Well the people are only as good as their leader.

Blame Game

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:28 am
by Chamber Member
I was really upset with Cori blaming the chamber for the lack of advertising last night. Cori's flippant comment about "delegating" responsibilities assuming it automatically relieves her from the task shows her lack of experience. Advertising is the most critical element of any successful event and should be the first item for consideration on planning.

Dale & Kathleen Osmond do a tremendous amount of fundraising and other things just to keep the Chamber going. I am sure they did not sign up to manage the advertising for such an important event especially with Dale's poor health.

Knowing the two of them, they probably took the press releases and sent them out, but that was it. Booth press releases do not constitute advertising for an event. Telling people where, when, why, where to park, and event times does.

Following through after delegation is what a true leader does and in this task she falls short.

While I commend the donated time to plan event by all those who are there, it is important to remember that you only get one opportunity to impress your public and an event that is planned poorly is not worth anybody's time.


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:57 am
by guest
I agree, Dale and Kathleen are great! Shame on Cory for shifting the blame-- she did that with the middle school too you know!

You brag about 18 members on your committee and you give the most important item to the oldest members? That's crap.

4th of July

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:57 am
by guest
I was very disappointed with the 4th this year. All of the 15 booths or so were either soliciting me to join a church or a realtor. There was no continuity in the plan.

The stage was very mismanaged and I heard several people were not happy with the entertainment. Whoever handled the entertainment apparently did so with a self serving interest.

I was shocked not to see more from the city of american canyon, like organizations and clubs or real businesses.

The childrens area was a disaster. No advertising. The dunk tank was really far away. I saw several people come and go. Nobody really stayed and most of the booths packed up by 4pm. You know there is a problem when booths leave early.

I was even told by some people that they had no plans to even get a booth but were asked on Sunday to do so to help out.

This committee was definitely not equipped to manage, create, or direct such an important event. Obviously the chairperson is not qualified. I support a complete change for next year, or the event will continue to be awful.

And where exactly did they spend money? On the tents for the vendors? Did those vendors pay more for those tents? Why did they have so many vacancies? Why was the stage so expensive? I didn't see any security that was paid for either. Who is paying to clean up the field? Was that in the budget?

where were the programs? The supposed 2,000.00 worth of programs. Why were some of the sponsors not mentioned in the opening remarks? Why were some applications not responded to after repeated phone calls? these are questions that need to be answered.

this money was raised in the name of the city, where is it? The council needs to ask where is it? The city manager needs to ask where is it? If you don't ask where it is, then good luck with sponsorships next year.
At least the event will create a whole new committee with fresh ideas along with a new leader. Key word leader.


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:02 am
by 4th Watcher
I agree with you about the park gig. I had a problem with the parade. I live just off of Elliot and I kept going home thinking the parade was done because there was such large intervals.

The police need to baracade off the Elliot street and redirect traffic at James so the parade can run smoothly.

Also why didn't the people throw candy all parades throw candy. My kids were pretty mad about that. We could have gone to another parade at my sisters house just as easily.

Who planned the parade? Why didn't they let people know how long it was. Every time we saw a big space we aasked the people if they were last and they said yes, that is why we went home.

Can you do a better job next year? Thank you.

Fresh ViewPoint

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:07 am
by New to A/C
We just moved here and our neighbor's daughter was in the parade so to show support we stayed here instead of returning back to our former area. I must say I found the parade to be very amateurish and boring.

The animals were nice, but overall really needs work. Some jurying needs to be done too.

As for the day in the park, initially my husband and I thought it was a cultural festival because of the Philippino booths, but quickly realized they just had 5 booths.

I found the selection somewhat lacking, the entertainment less than ordinary, and the whole affair a complete waste of time. It is probably just as well it wasn't advertised I would hate to see others foregoing plans to attend such a dismal event.

Let me know when the group reforms, I will certainly contribute my time and knowledge. I will not simply complain without assisting and donating my time to improvement.


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:10 am
by guest
The day in the park was pitiful. Need I say more?


Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:20 am
by CouncilMemberCoffey
Roderick and Randy did a great job with what they had. Each year the parade gets bigger and better. Eventually they will have the 76 trombones that we all long for.

For me it was fun. Although I must admit I would have enjoyed myself more riding in the new ladder truck or better yet on the ladder.... now how fun would that be?!

I was also a bit frustrated that we couldn't throw candy, but fear existed that a small child could get run over. So better safe than sorry.

I was going to bring Paris La Rue, but I feared she would not behave like a lady during the ride, maybe next year.

Claudia Shamet joined me in the back seat helping wave to all of the wonderful people who lined the streets in the back seat of the firetruck. Claudia just had major surgery on both of her legs and is learning to walk again. Riding in the firetruck was one of the 5 year-old's goals for the summer and I, along with Chief Caldwell were happy to oblige.

Thanks for a great time and remember to tune in to channel 28 and learn about what is happening in your city.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 8:11 am
by Mel
My husband was speaking to a member of one of the bands ( was a former neighbor of ours) and they swore they would never be a part of this event again. They were SO angry. I didn't go into what the actual problem was but have a feeling it was a line up issue. (Funny how we heard all about this at the last City Council meeting). The bands FROM American Canyon should ALWAYS have a choice when to play. They should be our #1 priority. This is a community event.
My daughter was in the parade and so we had family and friends who came to see her. They left to go home after the Parks & Rec dancers because there was a huge lapse in the parade.
I have to say I agree about being solicited to join one thing or another. I just felt that the committee could have done a better job. It shouldn't matter if the tents match. Usually the venders will bring a tent or if the City supplies one there should be an extra charge for them.
I think that they could have had local restaurants having a booth, local stores having a booth, instead if going for these high prices sponsors.
I would be very happy to help out next year.
I am very good at hanging informative signs too...

All in All, I had a good day. I got to see some old friends and that is what made it great.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:59 am
by Guest
Inside the park, I was shocked. The tents looked nice, but there wasnt much in them. It felt too commercial. Who cares about a Vintage Ranch sign when you walk in. No home town feel there. I think it has been alot better when the Lions Club ran the show. So it got too big for them? I think they should try again, with help of City funds for the fireworks. Definately a Chili Cookoff would be fun and bring spectators. I think the stage area looked better than the old flatbed truck they used to have. And the Mexican dancers and outfits looked nice.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 1:07 pm
by Guest
I saw candy being thrown. I also agree that better organization is needed but I did not expect the parade or the day in the park to be huge as AmCan is a small city. We are up and coming and a few growing pains are to be expected. Let's not get down on the organizers. This is not slamming anybody so don't take this the wrong way but maybe the people doing the complaining can get involved next year by going to meetings for the event or volunteering time or services. On a positive note-I think the fireworks were great!!

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:45 pm
by Guest
The fireworks are awesome every year. This years finale wasnt as big as last years, but still a great show. Backyard BBQ with friends and family, watch fireworks from your house and avoid the mess at the park.

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 3:48 pm
by Guest
Hey for next year, how about a chili-cookoff, pie eating contest (the kind you bake), and a three-legged sack race. And if there is still time, maybe a tooth counting contest!!

The 4th of July disaster

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:48 pm
by park neighbor
What a complete disaster. Poor turnout because the event was poorly promoted and advertised. We all knew fireworks were illegal in AC because the police department put up signs on the highway. No signs for the 4th of July event.

Growing pains? This is not growing pains, this is terrible planning and execution.

Just another example of a dimwitted chairperson who hasn't a clue on promoting or public relations. She blasted Paul McGuire in the paper who donated, she never produced a budget, no one knows where the money went that was donated, apparently couldn't sell any booth space, brought in the helicopter around classic cars which had to be moved, and put herself in the absolute best location to promote herself.

Wake up AC- this woman is a self promoting individual, using city events and clubs in order to try to get leads for real estate. Thats all it is.
Have you seen her ads in the paper? Member of Lions, Soroptomists, Chamber, blah blah blah.

This will be her last year as chairman of this committe I am sure.

The fireworks the city paid for were the highlight. Perhaps we should just do that till we get someone with a clue to run the rest of it.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:41 am
by Issa
I was in San Diego this year so didnt get a chance to check out the parade or event. I was there last year though. I have been to about every one during my life in AmCan. I have noticed that a lot of the family oriented booths have dwindled down each year. I blame it on it becoming a commercial event rather than a community event. Businesses have been the ones getting first bids on everything while residents are left with the leftovers, and the advertisement of the event has been geared to "promote your business!" not "get involved with the community, have a chili cook off!". It feels like an event for businesses to advertise their products now rather than the old community feel it used too. I personally loved to go to the event, it was so fun, I had to beg my mother to let me walk down there alone, I went two or three times back and forth because I ran out of money, but every year I found myself less interested. I hope some revival can be made.

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:42 am
by Issa
PS: I have a video of the filipinos dancing from last year. If you are part of this group or know how I may contact them, let me know. I would love to send them the video, I got some really good footage. I will post it online when I have some time.

council watcher

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:05 am
by guest
Did anybody else fall asleep watching the city council meeting last night? That water project just about did me in. I also had trouble with the sound. I wanted to compliment Luporini. I didn't see a program either.

Why didn't they have them at the gates when you come in? She apparently wasn't impressed by her faces. You gotta love her she says it all with those quirky looks.

Cori was rude to the council as usual. If you run a committee be prepared for critisizm. It comes with the territory. Don't be rude it shows disrespect. She acted like she was doing the city a favor. the fact is I did not see many of her committee members at the event. Why was she running a booth and not supervising the event?

I tried to hear Coffey, but got every other word. Did anybody go? I wanted to know if she stood up for the bands and how the event wasn't that great.

Maybe if people attended other cities they would see it can be so much better. Fran did. I was really impressed by her speech this time. She did a good job.

Sign me up to help. Post a note as to when and where and I will be there to help.

Council Meeting

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:32 am
by Guest
Cindy presented to the Council feedback that she had received from residents regarding the 4th of July. Most of the postings on this topic were mentioned by her to the Council. I think Josh did a good enough job representing the entertainment problems that Cindy did not have to spend a lot of time reiterating his comments. I was stunned there were only 3 food booths. Maybe next year's committee needs to take the price back down on space rental. I really don't think the attendance was the problem, it was there wasn't much really going on to keep people in the park for the day.

The 4th

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 9:25 am
by Guest
You know it's bad when even Fran leaves town for the day...

4th committee

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:21 pm
by guest
I watched the council meetings on reruns is it true that Cori quit the 4th Committee? If so, is she taking her "staff" with her? New blood = new ideas it just gets improved annually. I hope Fran stays, I love Fran! She's my hero. I'll probably help out but not until kids are in school.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:18 pm
by Guest
what channel are the meetings on? Is there one every month, etc. etc.

4th of July

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:28 pm
by Guest
I watched the meeting and didn't see Cori was after the fact...
Maybe I missed something but what I saw was excuses and blame...

Regarding the 4th Committee

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:56 pm
by Paul Maguire
The fourth of July Committee chaired by Cori B was in my view a disorganized, poorly run committee, with little in the way of manners and a chairman that was out of control with her foul mouth.

Comments directed at me specifically were hurtful and intended to harm or disparage me publicly in both the American Canyon Eagle, and the Chamber newsletter.

No acknowledgement was ever recieved from the committee for my donation, the booth promised was never offered later, and the snubbing by the chairman of members of this community was uncalled for and frankly downright rude.

The chairmen should publicly apologize for her lack of tack and resign from the committee for the betterment of the community.

Others have been critical of the event, so I will not belabor the point, except to say that the lack of activities and disorder were evident. But the most evident failing was the lack of direction signs to the event, and signage around town to promote the event. There was NONE!

I would welcome new leadership in this committee, and would support the committee next year as well with new leadership.


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:27 pm
by Guest
I saw/heard Cori resign from this committee at the last Council meeting.

Paul I'm glad to see your still with us. The way you were treated by this committee is horrible. They all owe you a public apology!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 5:28 pm
by Issa
Anonymous wrote:what channel are the meetings on? Is there one every month, etc. etc.
Channel 28. It is live during the meeting and repeated at a later time.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 7:28 pm
by Guest
Why do we need signs and directions to this event? We are one community and very small at that. It shouldnt be a big deal to find the community park if you live here. As for out of towners? I think they should car pool with their friends who already live here. But complaining about not having advertisement or signs is ridiculous. Everyone knows when the fourth of July is here. And anyone standing in front of their house could hear the music from the park. I could hear it in LaVigne. For the last 13 years we have been a city and never needed a sign.


Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 10:36 pm
by Paul Maguire

Well, unfortunately the majority of hte community has not lived here 14 years, and in fact some moved in the week before the 4th of July.

Promotion is about making things known. 2 or 3 well placed signs would assist with a better turn out, and help people find the event.

Your response is Unbelievably naive.


Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:20 pm
by Another Guest
Well, apparently now we have 2 armpits in AC...NV Casino and Rancho!