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Step Back In Time

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:30 pm
by ac94503
I remember a discusion when the Water Board was in charge of AC prior to it becoming a City. Should we open up Elliot (at that time it was Donaldson WayI think seeing that we have about 3 Donaldson Way streets) to Vallejo City limits.

I remember when there was only one way in and one way out of Rancho.

I remember when Fran was the only resident that attended meetings.

I have watched the Councils come and go...

I would hope that someone on the current Council will stop the growth. I hope someone will remember what it was like to grow up in a relatively safe community. Take us back to the basics. Stop the nonsense that now exists. Go back in time and appreciate a simpler life. Because truely we have created our own problems.
My opinion,we will never be accepted as part of Napa Valley, regardless of our persuit to be recognized . They just are not going to give us that.
Let's keep AC a secret. Lets step back and be selfish.