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"IMPACT" An alternative voice has formed

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:54 am
by Guest
In response to the recent resignation of our city manager, a new group of residents concerned about the wellbeing of our city has formed.

The group is called "IMPACT". This group will hold weekly meetings each Monday at 6:30pm at 62 Melvin Road in American Canyon starting January 9th.. (Cross street is Poco Way).

The group encourages and welcomes all residents who are concerned about the actions of our city council. Please feel free to attend and see if this is a fit for you to participate in YOUR community.

Thank you for reading. -Al Donaldson

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:19 am
by Guest
Is this group going to be persue the recall of certain council members? Can people who want to be involved in the City and it's matters be involved even if they are supportive of certain council members or if one should show up will they be harassed ? Because I have joined groups before and Cori and her cronies were members and I felt so out of place ( it was a small group) they made me leave. So if this is a legitimate group I want to be a part of it.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:06 am
by Al Donaldson
This is a newly formed group and I would like to think all are welcome! We formed primarilly out of our concerns with surrounding the resignation of the city manager. Our first meeting was Monday January 2nd. where we discussed preliminary objectives, tried to form a name for the group (IMPACT), started compiling a mission statement and a plan forward. All attendees were very cordial.

I recommend you attend and participate and hopefully become part of a platform that embraces diversity with a view to pursuing what is best for our city and community. All should have an open mind.

I hope this answers you concerns. -Al Donaldson


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:22 pm
by Citizen who cares
All members of this group leave their 'personal issues' at home.

The objective is to correct the direction in which AmCan is heading.

for more info you can email your NAME and PHONE to:

Re: Impact

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:52 pm
by Guest
Citizen who cares wrote:All members of this group leave their 'personal issues' at home.

The objective is to correct the direction in which AmCan is heading.

for more info you can email your NAME and PHONE to:

OBVIOUSLY The members will Not leave their personal matters at home. Your group is on a witch hunt. That was made VERY CLEAR tonight. No thanks. I choose to participate in groups that truly are cordial with each other.


Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:58 pm
by OKAY another group!
Yes mr. donalldson you have formed another group. Whatever happened to the other group that met at larry's truck toppers.

You keep saying this isn't personal, but yet you consistently attacked the city council members with emotions due to your friendship with Mr. Joseph.

I think it is deplorable the way your group attacked Lori Luporini this evening. The woman has worked hard for this community to bring it where it is today. Now her so called friends are stabbing her in the back.

So let me get this straight. When you all wanted Walmart to come to town and the issue came up regarding her residency you all called the opposition names. But now the wind is blowing the other way and it is not business as usual tactics you all accuse her. Tisk! Tisk! Tisk!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:13 am
by Guest
I am shocked at the way the public comment session went at the council meeting this evening. You attacked two council members and asked the "girls" to step down, because, didn't like a decision that was made and you don't really know the reasons why? Why not ask all the council members to step down? How do you know how each one voted? Which council member is not trustworthy? The "cat calling" in the back was rude and proved only how uneducated the croud was. I have known alot of the people in the meeting and I am shocked at their behavior. "Pastor Curry" doesn't surprise me in the least. He is one of the meanest people I know and can turn on you in a minute.
Ms Luporini doesn't deserve to be treated this way, after how hard she has worked. The zip code that we now have is because of her! She threatened the post master and the governor to get the zip code for American Canyon. Then that man holds up his license plate against her!
She brought the middle school, pool, and gym to American Canyon and is now fighting for our post office to be replaced. I hope that she does move to where her family is and they will appreciate her being home. We certainly don't show her we care about what she has done or will do. I for one will support our council and the choices that they must make. Each of the women on the council can stand up on their own and don't need each other. Hang in there "girls" You are making a difference.


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:30 am
by LaVigneLola
I think I will use that name to start a new PBS show. Thanks Al we were wondering what to call it. I for one as well as my neighbors are educated and responsible will not be joining your group. Instead if you even attempt to do a recall you will be hard pressed to get the money to pull it off.

I have made phone calls to all of the powers that be in this city to protect the girls and all of the responsible councilmembers from your personal attacks. Won't you be surprised when all comes out and you have egg on your face.

I would stop here but five people just yelled and gave me thier 3 minutes. I found you to be rude and emotional. If you were smart you would wait until the election and run your "three" candidates to get your "three" votes. But whatever.

Hold on...................what? OK So I just got another 3 minutes thank goodness as I am a very slow typist. And another thing does Mr. Joseph actually think people don't know he is in the community spreading his lies? They all know. Begging for his job back?

Well he sure had the support of that council didn't he, they didn't waste anytime passing a motion to get a new manager. Leon seconded it and Ben voted for it. Just for the record had the real two remaining "Mark" supporters held out because they believed he was still right for the job they could have voted no which would have been a nonaction and kept the door open for Mr. Joseph but they didn't. I suspect after watching you people on the tv tonight that they had just about enough. Gotta Go 3 minutes are up.

P.S. Hey Victor haven't heard from you in awhile how have you been? Thanks for the last words of wisdom so long ago.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 7:52 am
by Guest
Al Donaldson was a Don Colcleaser groupie during the Redevelopment fight. He has an agenda... and he is partly responsible for the sad state this City is in today!

He "helped" start the RAA group so this should be an indication where the NEW RAA group is heading.

Hey AL, McKnight Acres doesn't run American Canyon anymore !!!


Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:07 pm
by Al Donaldson
Good morning to all,

Good news - people are paying attention and display emotion and reaction!

Bad news - People still desire to throw mud and be inflamatory.

I have no desire to participate in personal wars or assert one part of the city Vs another part controls the city!

It is unfortunate that events unfolded as they did at the council meeting last night but apparently inevitable. I have no personal agenda. PERIOD.

I welcome diverse opinions when accompanied by good intent for the city. No one person is right and there is no one absolute solution.

Do not make assumptions about people and comment negatively. If you do, live with it yourself.

For obvious reasons, some, if not all who believe they know some of the background on why this situation has occured recognise that this is an inappropriate platform to display details. I urge anyone who is truly interested in the wellbeing of the city to attend our meetings at 6:30pm on Monday evenings at 62 Melvin Road. If what we believe is wrong, share what you KNOW and let us work together and find common ground to move forward.

I requested the city council make this issue an agenda item as I do not see any progress happening if the public comment is used for an opinion to be expressed without opportunity for dialogue from the council. Equally, it serves no purpose when council members respond with rebuttals without the opportunity to have questions or dialogue. Ideally, all could sit down like responsible people and discuss these issues, resolve differences and move forward together.

Please, Please stop throwing personal attacks and salt in the wounds. This is not an Us Vs Them or Him Vs Her. I truly believe we all want the same thing, a great city with great people demonstrating diversity working together for a great life.

Those who have commented on me personally clearly do not know me. I am not difficult to contact and welcome your contact if you so desire. My mind is open, is yours?

In conclusion, I too have known Lori longer than most of you and she has always been a good friend. That makes this so much more difficult and again I emphasize this is not a personal issue. I recognize and applaud all the good Lori has done. I had a heavy heart with the events of last night. I know Lori knows my heart and I am confident she understands my position.


Al Donaldson

Nice Idea But...

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:01 am
by MeadowsGuy
The last RAA group was simply an attempt to gain control of the Council, fire planning commisioners and impose their OWN VERSION of the General Plan on the public under the "guise" of anti-redevelopment (anti-city manager) sentiment. This is where you have taken us... Walmart and overcrowding and floods and bad streets... bad PLANNING.

Shame on you for what we have today.

Cindy Coffey, Keep up the GREAT WORK you are doing.

Lori, I'm not a FAN of yours but I respect the tough decisions you had to make on MJ.

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:32 am
by Mel
I agree with Meadows Guy. I am looking forward to the direction the City is going, and I believe it is due to Cindy and Lori working together. I am also excited to see new faces coming on board this November. It will be a great time for American Canyon.

Impact 94503

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:16 am
by Guest
There was quite a presentation from this new group (Impact 94503) at last night's City Council meeting.
Any thoughts?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:49 am
by Guest
I felt that they were covering issues that had already been covered at past City Council meetings. Let's face it, Joseph is not going to come back. It takes more than just 2 council members to vote and you all are just blaming 2. Time for a change. I heard someone say McKnight Acres does not run Am Can any more. There are more people here now that will affect the way your little "group" tries to run the City. If you are not happy, Let's see your names on the ballots for City Council.
Sorry, if you don't agree, but that is my take on this group. It's such a drama show to watch the City Council meetings on TV, and it's not the actual City Council Members I am talking about. It's the others. that small group - the SAME group of hecklers that can't keep from making rude remarks when people are speaking. But I guess CB was raised that way.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 2:24 am
by 1momfor2
I agree Mel and Meadows Guy. I too can't wait to see the November ballot.

Good work Cindy and Lori. :lol: :lol: