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Mental health programs and the drugging of children

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 5:41 pm
by Paul Maguire
Recently American Canyon has been talking about "mental health services" in our schools. Unfortunately, and I am not sure if this is the case in American Canyon yet, but unfortunately many of the so called programs are simply ways to put more children on drugs by psychiatrists.

The trick is to use these "mental health screening tests" that ask children such questions as if they "feel they don't fit in, are unhappy with how they look" etc to get patients.

The drastic rise in the prescription of drugs to young children is out of control. Why? Well it seems that the school districts get additional money from the state or county when they have children with "learning disorders" or other mental health "disorders". Hence, children are routinely sent to and recommended to see psychiatrists who they put children on Ritalin, and other HIGHLY ADDICTIVE DRUGS, including Prozac, which is not even recommended for children.

Moreover, the FDA recently put out several warnings about these drugs, including one major side effect- "suicide".

Certainly we cannot control the world, but we can control our world, which is our community, American Canyon. It is an outrage to see the disasterous results of experientation with pyschotrophic drugs on childrens minds.

Reseach by the Citizens Commission on Human Rights has found that a good number of the shocking and horrific crimes committed by youth are committed following the treatment by psychiatrists prescribing powerful mind altering drugs.

Am I saying all psychiatrists are bad- no, but what I am saying is that as a profession they have a terrible reputation for abuse of children by drugging the hell out them with diagnosises that even they cannot agree on.

It is not in the best interest of American Canyon students or our community to put in place programs that are essentially marketing fronts for the psychiatric community to develop a patient base in order to bill for prescriptions and drugs that are highly questionable and per the FDA, addicitive and unsafe in many circumstances.

Ritalin, as an example, is also known as speed. It is classified with Cocaine, methampetamine, crank, and other such drugs in its addictive nature.

Clearly this is a controversial subject, and I am sure I will get personally attacked again for bringing it. Regardless, when the FDA puts a black box warning on drugs that are being routinely prescribed to children in the Napa School district and other school districts, including a suicide warning as a side effect, we definately need to ensure that any mental health services in our community are not simply a train ride to the psychiatrists office and the local pharmacy.

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:10 pm
by Linda
The trick is to use these "mental health screening tests" that ask children such questions as if they "feel they don't fit in, are unhappy with how they look" etc to get patients.
What proof is there that they are out to get patients? I agree with your posting, but I was interested in where this info came from.

I work with children and some of them are indeed on this drug, I find it very disturbing. Although I have not got a medical degree I sometimes think that if the children had a more structured home life and Mom stayed at home this would be beneficial to the children. Not that I was a stay at home Mom but for every action taken my daughter was taught that there was a consequence. This is something that children don't realize but perhaps that is a different subject.
Rather that work at being a parent and having a family it is much easier to put a label on a child and feed him the drugs. Please before anyone jumps down my throat I realise that some children need medical attention.
There must be a better way to look after these children.

response to Lindas question

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:36 pm
by Paul Maguire

In response to your question about references of these questionaires being used see the following link, page 21 of 36, along with the references cited on page 34 of 36.

Also, a good friend of mine in Rocklin CA found out about these questions in the form of a test, and his children advised him that he school told the children that the parents would not be notified about it, that it was between the child and their teacher and school. He found that very disturbing- in fact, unbelievable. His oldest in 9 years old.

Another friend advised me that in Marin they are using these in the school district, with similar questions, and that in one school, because they get more money apparently by labling kids "learning disabled" , which inevitably leads to the kids getting drugs, the number of learning disabled has shot through the roof.

You will read that the FDA found that 40% of these children simply had not learned how to read yet, but were being labeled and drugged- its in there.

I know Napa is famous for its one State pyschiatric hospital, but it too has had some problems over the years. I do not believe that parents in American Canyon want their children being given "mental health tests" nor do I believe they want these being done without their approval orconsent. Moreover, I personally strongly object and find outrageous that my property tax dollars are being used to not educated, but to MEDICATE local children at such an alarming rate which is just unbelievably insane.

To find statistics like school children on medication up 9000% in a decade, or to see 30X increases in meds given to children, or to learn that the FDA considers a side effect of some of these drugs suicide, well, that is just insane! Anyway, here is the link. And I guess I did give you something to write about.

Here is the link


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 11:46 pm
by Guest
Is NVUSD using these tests? If so, I am very disturbed that parents are not signing a consent form before their child would be allowed to participate.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 4:10 pm
by guest
This is disturbing. Here is some information I found when I googled "mental health screening of school children". This is apparently a national effort that is being kept hush hush.

This link tells what is going on, and kids are being screened without their parents consent right now.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:40 pm
by Anonymouse
Paul says "Recently American Canyon has been talking about "mental health services" in our schools. Unfortunately, and I am not sure if this is the case in American Canyon yet, but unfortunately many of the so called programs are simply ways to put more children on drugs by psychiatrists.
Who has been talking about this and where? Who makes these decisions and can the public have input?

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:06 am
by guest
There was an article about it in the paper a few weeks ago.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:14 pm
by allstar04
Can you please give me the date the article was in the paper?