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From mathewsbb61

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:08 am
by mattbb61
Another sigh that you KNOW you live in American Canyon is when your city code enforcement employee bureaucrats go out of their way to create hardships on the citizens; Just ONE example being the silly yellow poles on the corner of Danrose and Knightsbridge which HAD to be placed to keep the owners of the corner house from driving over the almighty and holier than thou handicapped access on the corner of Knightsbridge and Danrose. Way to go, waste of my city taxes. Can we fire these roustabouts? Perhaps it is time for a new post group..."

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:23 pm
by Issa
Yea, the code enforcement has been a bunch of jerks lately, telling people to cut their hedges down and stuff. But its the people too. They keep complaining and complaining like they are the only people living there. One neighbor was forced to move their basketball hoop from the street. Another time, they told us we couldnt park frontways against the sidewalk, we had to park sideways (we live in a circle court).

I just found out that my parents house in AC is in violation, as well as some other of my neighbors, because we have over half our front yard paved. According to some regulation, this is illegal because of the flow of rainwater on pavement and we could be fined.

But I will tell you this, if the code enforcement nazis ever think about coming after me or anybody I know, I guartantee that I will use the power of my website to show them who they will be messing with. Nobody will be screwing me over, thats for sure.

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 4:20 pm
by Guest
The city codes are to make the neighborhood nice for everyone!!

:lol: :lol:


Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:25 pm
by mattbb61
I dont suppose you would just sit around and let the local government dictate what you CAN and CANNOT do with your private property now, would you? What I decry is the slow urbanisation of our community to the point where you have to go bow before the planning commission before you can fart. :evil:


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:33 am
by Dariana
I am wondering who is responsible for pulling the weeds in the new homes section of Gadwall Park area? The weeds in the park are terrible. Lots of people pay lots of money for taxes and if you walk on the path there are weeds terribly high. Who is responsible?

weeds and such

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:53 am
by informed guest
Contact Public Works about weeds and other items relating to maintenance.
In the Citizens Echo, the monthly free local paper- there is a "who to call" section in the paper. You can also look at the city's web site.

Public Works tel: (707) 647-4550

trees in neighborhood

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:10 pm
by guest
we were trimming our trees when we get a letter in the mail to trim our trees back. Could'nt they see we were trimming our trees. We trimmed all of our trees and we were the only one to get the letter and the next door neighbor tree it out almost to the street and it hits my vehicle when I go to park my vehicle but you know if they are going to send out letters it would be nice to see all the nieghbors get one to trim there trees not just the few, seems unfair to me. They should get the hosue that are painting very bright colors there is a code for that just make it fair if you are going arounding doing you job you should be doing it for all the codes.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:46 am
by Mel
I agree with the house colors. No one ever looks into the CCR's. We all have them except maybe the older (original homes). I was shocked to see as many homes as I have painted these colors. I am all for being individual and all, but you must know that people do not want to live aside these homes. We painted our house last year. I went around in our area to pick a color. I found one that a few homes had and just changed the tone of it. Still fits in and is much better than the ugly brown that was original.

My biggest gripe ( I have many as you know) are the homes that just dump their unwanted "stuff" on the front porch or front yard. I think and hope that would be a priority than my trailer being on the street for 2 days while I load or unload it.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:35 pm
by Sindy
It seems the Code Enforcement are inconsistent in enforcing the codes....and the codes are forever changing. I understand they only respond via complaints, but you cannot find out who complained. How can you check the validity of the complaints and it's not just a disgruntled neighbor who has nothing else to do? If you drive around town you will see where some homeowners had to cut their hedges down, while others continue to have hedges that still exceed the city's limit....that's just one example. There are many others....just look around. :(

Accident Waiting to Happen...

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 7:25 am
by Guest
Over the weekend I was almost creamed by a truck that flew through a stop sign at American Canyon Rd. and Chaucer. A tree that is on the right hand side of the road heading west obstructs the stop sign until you get right up to it. It seems with all of the city vehicles returning to the corp yard someone would have noticed and taken care of this accident waiting to happen.

Re: Accident Waiting to Happen...

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 8:08 am
by Guest
Guest wrote:Over the weekend I was almost creamed by a truck that flew through a stop sign at American Canyon Rd. and Chaucer. A tree that is on the right hand side of the road heading west obstructs the stop sign until you get right up to it. It seems with all of the city vehicles returning to the corp yard someone would have noticed and taken care of this accident waiting to happen.

Funny, that's the same stop sign that the street sweeping truck ran through...