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Seth Hudson

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 1:06 pm
by Guest
What a surprise to read in the Napa Register this morning that Seth Hudson has resigned his new position with the NVEDC. He is taking a job in Portland. It'll be interesting to see the outrage on this. As you all might remember both Mr. Joseph and Mr. Butler got up at the council meetings and bragged about all this guy could do for AmCan. (Just a reminder that we've been getting ripped off for the lat 10 years by this organization). Kudo's to Luporini for her NO vote on this one, too bad the rest of the council did not give a big NO to approving more funds. The headlines should read: AMCAN/SOUTH COUNTY (that's how the NVEDC refers to us) Council ripped off by the NVEDC for the 11th Straight year.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 7:40 pm
by Valentine
Once again they should have listened to Lori and the rest of the audience that night. I knew that was going to be bad again. Give him a chance and here we are with his chance and he runs out of town. This is the thanks American Canyon gets for giving him one more chance. The way I see it as there should be NO MORE CHANCES with this organization. off

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:40 am
by Guest
We need to get our money back from this organization before they spend it on recruiting for a replacement for Seth Hudson.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:04 am
by Guest
Whats wrong with this area being referred to as South County. We are after all in the southern tip. Calistoga residents are referred to as Up Valley. Do they gripe? No. I do not think South County is anymore demeaning then Up Valley. And I think neither of the two are meant to be. As a person of this community for over 30 years, I refer to this area as South County when not solely speaking of American Canyon. The LA area is referred to as the Southland, and San Jose is in the South Bay.


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:24 pm
by Guest
I agree in a certain way with the last comment, on the other hand as Former MAyor Luporini reminded us, we paid good money to be listed in a brochure as American Canyon and we're refered to as South County, and in the same brochure Up Valley was listed as Calistoga, St. Helena as St. Helena and Napa as Napa, so on and so forth only AmCan was left out and called South County. It would be as if I always called somebody "Hey you" instead of by their formal name....all the time.Frankly I believe the citizens of American, young and old, rich or poor, all cultures, old residents and new are tired of taking Napa's crap. They are refusing to take it lying down anymore and I don't blame them.


Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 2:50 am
by Guest
Yes we should get our money back, and yes we should cancel our contract. But let's not forget who encouraged the city to do this? Who bragged they sat on the board? Who told the city council that this is a "good investment", and who vouched at how great this program and guy is.......why it's our very own Buzzman.

Hmmm another poopy situation.....that's got a really ripe oder....



Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:42 am
by Guest
Do you think that we could get Buzz Butler and Mr. Joseph to speak on behalf of the NVEDC at this Thursdays council meeting.......of course to explain all of this to the taxpaying citizens of AmCan.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 7:27 am
by Guest
Luporini had more to do with this than you think. She "rode" into office being against redevelopment and in favor of this organization. They have had eight years to get it right and what to we get....? Walmart. Time for a change. Garcia and Shaffer are part of this meltdown also. Its a bloody mess.


Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:09 pm
by homeboy
If you will check the past voting records for NVEDC you will find that Luporini voted "NO" for the past three years. Colcleaser also voted "NO" and the rest of the council went against them. Ben has been on the council from day one, and always supported this so called, organization.
Colcleaser voted yes this time for whatever reason. It is odd, that the input is mostly on the computer and not at the council meetings. You say they don't can they hear you on the computer? :?:

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:35 pm
by Guest
I was at all Council metings for the first year they were in office (1997) and wasn't heard. Colcleaser and Roger Cypher made Amcan a joke. Luporini and Colcleaser have been playing good-cop bad-cop for years and getting away with it. Don's last vote on NVEDC proves this. They never will be trusted again. If NVEDC is bagged, that would be a start. You have to be smarter than just looking at the record. :wink: