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Drive by egging

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:10 pm
by EggedOn
someone who lives in the Montevino development is continually harassing me and my vehicles by egging them. or attempting to egg them.

as you may or may not know, egg is a very difficult thing to remove from a vehicle's paint once it has a chance to dry. sometimes, the impact from the egg is enought to damage the body of a vehicle. it's even been know for egg innards to distroy the finish on automotive paint (on older vehicles, probably not the newer clear coated cars).

today, 12/15/04, i found fresh egg all around my step-son's yellow 76 Nova. the vehicle has been sitting there for at least a couple of weeks. the reason being, the transmission is out and it cannot go anywhere, so it must sit as he sources out a new transmission for the car. but of course, the egg-stigator doesnt know that.

now, if the egg-ofender had a clue, he/she/they would know that my step-son would beat the living piss out of anyone who tried to harm his property or family me when i say this, i have seen it with my own eyes. and spent the visiting time with him in jail as he paid his debt to society.

so, with that being said, i'm giving the offender a chance. you can either talk to me about how you feel (i have posted a sign on the vehicle with my phone number...that is assuming that you know how to use such a device...a phone), and get it off your primate like chest. or, you can continue to do what you are doing, have me set up some sort of sting video system, inform my thug-like step-son of your wrong doings, and let him have at you. it's up to you.

if i were you, i'd chose the first option.

but again, it's up to you.

and if you have trouble reading this, i would hope you might find someone with half a brain to assist you.


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:45 pm
by guest
I suggest you buy your "thug-like" step-son a tarp for Christmas, it's less expensive than an attorney.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:15 pm
by Guest
WTF? #-o

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:07 pm
by merryjester
Wow...amazing. I hope you all can get this settled before Wal-Mart opens up and the price of a dozen eggs drops. :wink:

Seriously, I'm not meaning to make fun. I agree with you, the chances of this poultry perp being able to navigate the Web are pretty slim. Good luck!

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 12:04 am
by Guest
What makes you so sure that this person/people read all of this? Oh and merryjester! im glad to you have come to deal with the fact that Walmart is coming! And YES the eggs will be cheaper than the Safeway eggs. You know why? I DO! Its Walmart! ALWAYS LOW PRICES!!!

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 9:18 am
by merryjester

I'd like to revise my comment. If folks like AmCan06 can navigate the web, then I suppose anyone can.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 1:26 am
by Guest
suppose=guess...and you can guess whatever the hell you want...Have Fun!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 7:48 am
by Guest
The simple point everyone has missed is that egged on is contributing to a problem that is becoming increassingly obvious in the newer home areas... YARD CARS ! ! ! People park these works in progress everywhere and leave them during the "I'll fix that" phase of a car's life.... This phase can take days, weeks or months, but most of the time, this "Ill fix that phase" turns into the "I need to sell that" phase and then more time passes until the "I need to sell that" phase has turned into a "whose car is that" phase. This is usually answered by the family member saying "you remember so and so dont you, well they left that here until they could find a scrap yard willing to take it.... Do us all a favor, move the unsightly piece of.... well pull it into the driveway or garage and stop making our streets ugly with your works in progress, signs and egg shells.... And tell your thug son in law, violence begat violence, try to talk before resorting to such second grade mentality....

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 11:51 am
by Guest
I second that....well said!

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 2:38 pm
by Guest
The simple point everyone has missed is that egged on is contributing to a problem that is becoming increassingly obvious in the newer home areas... YARD CARS ! ! ! People park these works in progress everywhere and leave them during the "I'll fix that" phase of a car's life.... This phase can take days, weeks or months, but most of the time, this "Ill fix that phase" turns into the "I need to sell that" phase and then more time passes until the "I need to sell that" phase has turned into a "whose car is that" phase. This is usually answered by the family member saying "you remember so and so dont you, well they left that here until they could find a scrap yard willing to take it.... Do us all a favor, move the unsightly piece of.... well pull it into the driveway or garage and stop making our streets ugly with your works in progress, signs and egg shells.... And tell your thug son in law, violence begat violence, try to talk before resorting to such second grade mentality....
Hey Guest,
You speak as if you know this person/people. Why is that? Maybe its not as bad as you think it is. And i do agree with the violence thing. It just makes things worse.


Guest #2...
I second that....well said!
...i think your the same person as guest #1. If it weren't you would think that you would use a different name than the person who posted it. You dont need to be a guest in order to rite a name. And im not just singling you out. I think most people on her repost as someone else and then compliment themselves.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:03 pm
by Guest
well your wrong. i did not post the first one. i just agreed with him. sorry you went through all that trouble.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:29 pm
by Issa
The second guest is not the first guest, I just looked at the logs/ips. Quit arguing between each other and talk about the issues instead.

Although it is interesting to see who is posting what, especially those with the and addresses during the election...

YOur crappy car

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:16 pm
by guest from montevino
Why dont you take that crappy nova to the scrap yard down the highway, and do us all a favor....go buy a new car, we are running out of eggs aka chicken

wow, you are all pieces of work

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:28 am
by EggedOn
you know, i havent checked this posting in a while. just so happens i was
curious right now...

it's very sad when the people in your community are happy or encourage the idea of someone damaging private property because it "makes the street ugly". what is wrong with you people?

i'm happy that i will be moving away from American Canyon soon. sad, but true. it seems most of the residents here resent one another for some reason or another, be it your stand on this rediculous Wal-Mart issue, or the school district boundery, whatever. i have never in my life lived in such a community of whiners and cry babies.

thank you Issa for creating a place where all the whining people in AmCan can come and do what they do best. i will not be checking this post ever again, because once i'm out of AmCan, i'm never looking back.

good bye American Canyon. it was real, and it was fun. but it sure as hell wasnt real fun.

Moving on...

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:13 am
by guest
Your Montevino neighbors must be thrilled!

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 1:23 pm
by Melissa
The simple point everyone has missed is that egged on is contributing to a problem that is becoming increassingly obvious in the newer home areas... YARD CARS ! ! ! People park these works in progress everywhere and leave them during the "I'll fix that" phase of a car's life.... This phase can take days, weeks or months, but most of the time, this "Ill fix that phase" turns into the "I need to sell that" phase and then more time passes until the "I need to sell that" phase has turned into a "whose car is that" phase. This is usually answered by the family member saying "you remember so and so dont you, well they left that here until they could find a scrap yard willing to take it.... Do us all a favor, move the unsightly piece of.... well pull it into the driveway or garage and stop making our streets ugly with your works in progress
Well, I agree with this. I don't live in the new area but there is a problem like this near my home. it's 100 Larkspur st. I swear he runs a mechanic shop out of his garage...
I am not computer savvy so I hope this quote shows properly...

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:34 am
by Guest
The first City Council and Planning Commission of American Canyon enacted the Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance that deals with such things. It had some strict codes concerning junk autos, weeds and trash. YES, It was a problem during the city's incorporation too!!- AmCans legacy from the days it was the county's dumping ground. When that council lost the 96 election, Colsleezer, Cypher and Luporini threw it out.. or at least watered it down since they were appealing to the McKnight acre folks... if you want to see auto repair zones take a look over there! I suggest Cindy Coffee look into this and get it back the way it should be. I don't think Shaver, Garcia, Luporini or Ben give a damn because they can't get votes out of it.