Further demonstrating this poor character, is the fact that Mr Rivera WILL NOT APOLOGIZE for his demeaning comments posted publicly on this forum. Rather, he defends them, and they are, indefensable.
Here are those comments again:
(emphasis added)What the heck wtih PAULETTE 'calling" into one of her minions to express her opinions of the discussed items?
Shame on Maryanne Young for letting yourself be a "Sheep" to the voice of someone with a sense of self-imprtance they had to call in their opinion of the debate.
ALL the council members were doing a good job of contributing to the dialogue. This is new terriory for the city and the council
It must be so easy to sit at home on your fat butt eating bon bons and criticize the process.. get real. IF the topic or your opinions are so important..get off the sofa and say them in person..
As a REPRESENTATIVE of the City of American Canyon serving on the Parks and Rec Commission, Mr Riveras demoralizing and demeaning comments directed at public citizens on this public forum should not be tolerated by this city, nor its citizens, AND it will NOT BE!
Mary Ann Young and Paulette Griffen both contribute to this community, and have for years and years. Paulette Griffen personally has volunteered and worked to help rehabilitate those lost on the trail of drugs and alchohol. Where she seeks to help and bring people up, you Mr Rivera, seek to harm and bring people down.
These despicable, evil intentioned, harmful words that you directed so angerly and publicly, to which you have had plenty of opportunity to retract and apologize for, are unacceptable, and not ok. Whatever good you may have done, is outweighed by your lack of character, your lack of compassion for others as demonstrated here, and your inability to self correct, aka, apologize.
The only conclusion is that that you should resign from the Parks and Rec Commission, as you are unfit to serve, and an embarrassment as well as liability to the City of American Canyon.